We Out
Dear tagged friends,
I want to say that so far, it has been an absolute pleasure to be a part of this community, and a part of your roleplay experiences. I really think that every single one of you are absolutely outstanding people. I am so happy to have met you all, and when I return, I hope that we can all become even closer friends.
A week from today, I will be leaving for Africa (Madagascar) to be doing biogeographical research. I am going with some Smithsonian scientists and a National Geographic photographer, and I am really excited. It's a very long journey for me, and I am really excited. But, it means that I cant RP with you guys in the jungle, most likely. The research station has wifi, but I don't know how often the wi-fi will be strong enough. Oh, and time difference is gonna be the suck. +7 hours. So, for those of you in Europe or Asia.... I'm close to you.
I promise I will take any pictures I can for you guys. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't. I really value your patience as well as your friendship .
@Bea @RedLikeRoses @Jack the wolf @Lana Valentine @PotatoeValentine @Talon @NyxNightmare
And probably 6.02 * 10^23 others that I left out. Sorry if I did!
I want to say that so far, it has been an absolute pleasure to be a part of this community, and a part of your roleplay experiences. I really think that every single one of you are absolutely outstanding people. I am so happy to have met you all, and when I return, I hope that we can all become even closer friends.
A week from today, I will be leaving for Africa (Madagascar) to be doing biogeographical research. I am going with some Smithsonian scientists and a National Geographic photographer, and I am really excited. It's a very long journey for me, and I am really excited. But, it means that I cant RP with you guys in the jungle, most likely. The research station has wifi, but I don't know how often the wi-fi will be strong enough. Oh, and time difference is gonna be the suck. +7 hours. So, for those of you in Europe or Asia.... I'm close to you.
I promise I will take any pictures I can for you guys. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't. I really value your patience as well as your friendship .
@Bea @RedLikeRoses @Jack the wolf @Lana Valentine @PotatoeValentine @Talon @NyxNightmare
And probably 6.02 * 10^23 others that I left out. Sorry if I did!
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