Abscondi Grove [Inactive]


Boop the snoot, you get the shoot
The Villain King submitted a new role play:

Abscondi Grove - A group of teens leave their miserable lives behind and escape to an otherworldly paradise.

This is a story about a group of teenagers who want more than anything to leave their lives behind. It is a story of a place between dimensions, a forgotten paradise surrounded by unexplored lands of adventure and beauty. It is a story of overcoming tragedy, enduring hardships, facing your fears, and doing what's right. It is a story of bravery, companionship, and growing up. It is a story of tough goodbyes, and new beginnings.
But most of all, it is a story of youngsters who change the course...
Read more about this role play...
This, as you may have guessed, is a story.

Like all stories, this story has characters. It has a plot. It has antagonists, and side characters, and plot twists, and mysteries that you, the reader, may never find the answers to. But most of all, this story has a lesson. After all, what are stories but a means of both entertaining and educating, cleverly wrapped into one?

This is a story about a group of teenagers who want more than anything to leave their lives behind. It is a story of a place between dimensions, a forgotten paradise surrounded by unexplored lands of adventure and beauty. It is a story of overcoming tragedy, enduring hardships, facing your fears, and doing what's right. It is a story of bravery, companionship, and growing up. It is a story of tough goodbyes, and new beginnings.

But most of all, it is a story of youngsters who change the course of their lives forever.



The late-night rain pattered forcefully against Vex's bedroom window. Why was it always raining? It seemed to mirror the pitiful existence that he had perpetuated for so long. He was simply a fool, in a society of fools, run by a foolish government of a foolish race. Nothing about that would probably ever change.

He whipped the curtains to veil his view from the morose blackness that occupied the city streets.

"At least I'm alone..." Vex scoffed to himself, blowing a lock of dark hair out of his eyes and seating himself in his desk chair. His new track was nearly complete, and the beats were looking to be twice as ill as the last track. These beats were so ill, they were indisputably in need of a doctor, with a master's degree in M.C. These beats were so radical, even Middle-East extremists would find them controversial. Someone should have gotten some preservatives for those jams. Like, seriously.

There was a knock at the door, and Vex's mother entered the room.


"Yeah, Mom?"

"It really worries me to see you alone at home all the time. Don't you have any friends? Aren't you interested in hanging out and socializing at all? All you do is make music and animate videos and blog on your computer every night..."

"Mom, I don't want to 'hang out' with the kids around here. They're all so shallow, all they care about are celebrities and sports and picking up chicks and weightlifting. What benefits could I possibly gain from hanging out with the cast of the Jersey Shore?"

"Vex, I'm sure there has to be someone that shares your interests. Maybe if you got to know them, those kids might not turn out to be so shallow. They are people too, after all."

Vex stood up from his chair and pushed past his mother as he left the room.

"Exactly," he said before going down the stairs and exiting out the front door into the rainy night.
Dahlia folded her pillow around her ears. Her daughter, Rose, had been crying for an hour and she couldn't stand it. She knew she had to help her, but the baby cried all the time! Her mom had been helping her for the first few weeks, but the other night she had told her that she needed to take care of her child by herself.

Dahlia sighed angrily and threw the pillow across the room. She stood and slowly walked to Rose's room. She cradled her in her arms and when she would still not stop crying she checked her diaper to see if she was dirty, but her diaper was clean as a whistle. Dahlia figured that she was hungry so she plodded to the kitchen to get a bottle of formula.

Dahlia rummaged through the fridge before concluding that there was no formula left. She stomped to her room, put on a t-shirt and some yoga pants and a real shirt.

"Mom, I've got to go to the store."

"But it's raining and it's late! Are you sure you don't want me to get it?" her mom called from the bedroom.

"Yes, I'm certain. I'll be back in about half an hour."

Dahlia started her car and headed to the convenience store. She stepped out and stepped into a puddle, getting water all over her pants. Dalia grumbled and headed into the store angrily.
I’m Sorry

Corey would have written more that those two words. She wanted to pour her heart out. About how she felt like a disappointment. How she felt like she didn’t deserve any love, even from her parents. But it hurt too much. It felt like complaining, and she had no right to complain. Even though Anna and Mark weren’t her real parents, they had given her everything. They would find a note later on, when she was already gone, and it would say; “I’m sorry.” That’s all, they wouldn’t understand but at least she’d apologized.

She grabbed her backpack and swung it over her shoulder. She once looked around her home. The moonlight lit her face from the kitchen window.

She felt like she had to say something. After all this had been her shelter for all her life. "Good bye," She whispered, before turning around and closing the door quietly behind her. She started walking and never once looked back again. She had made her decision and now had to stick with it.
All Alice could do was sit and look out the duct taped window of her attic room, papers were strewn all over the floor.

Am I really this incapable of helping others? My brothers downstairs getting hurt, moms asleep and I'm here thinking of running away?!

" I'm sorry to do this Alex but you're old enough to handle this by yourself now, I can't do it anymore" she sighed grabbing her only friend the I-pod that held her precious songs she'd done covers of. She walked over slowly and cautiously to her desk and quickly scribbled a note to her brother,

Dear Alex

I'm gone don't bother looking

Love, Alice

She looked to her window and the tree outside. Good grief does it have to be so windy? She walked over and opened it and climbed out.
"Nadia, turn your head a bit upwards! Someone put the fans on!" A deep voice echoed through the room before a series of footsteps invaded the settling silence. A rather old man with graying hair stood behind the lens, bossing his assistants around so he could get the perfect shot. This picture could either make him or break him as it was for W's new spring collection. It didn't help that the model was not only unable to show him the emotions he wanted but also short in height.

Her smile was innocent, radiating fake happiness while her eyes showed nothing but a growing sadness. It made the gorgeous pink dress seem less lively and more like a funeral gown. Her deep blue black hair fluttered behind her slightly, a try of the photographer to make the scene more enhanced. Dissatisfied, the man uttered words of a five-minute break before retreating to the lobby with the director. The man knew that she was beyond help at this point, he didn't want a dull picture of a beautiful girl but a picture that made people smile; welcoming the coming season.

And so, Nadia pretended not to notice his disappointment; walking over to the snacks table with the rest of the remaining staff. Yet even so, she didn't take an apple or some muffin - no, she simply reached for a water bottle. Disturbed glances was sent her way, mostly from the female staff as they had been on set for hours on end without a break. The whole clothing collection for the spring and summer was to be done by tomorrow evening, allowing the models a mere break for an hour at most before they were to be on set again.

Nadia felt a bit annoyed with the offers of food from the staff, some insisting on her eating a granola bar at least. Another fake smile plastered onto her face as she socialized with them, avoiding their searching gazes. "I'll go on to the bathroom, call me when Sir James comes back?" She replied to one of the hair stylists, not sure if his name was Ronald or Herald. Neither did she care about it as she wandered on outside, taking her coat.

But what Nadia didn't expect was to hear a hysterical yet familiar voice in the hall, her steps slowing down until she stopped right around the corner. "I am not shooting her! I don't care if she is Nadia Haynn! She isn't what we agreed upon; she doesn't even qualify for the cover!" Sir James argued with the director, his voice showing nothing but disgust and fury. "I wanted a girl with at least the height of 179 cm! At least! She's barely 172 cm! But no, I wavered with that requirement because she seemed to be good material but the girl's body disgusts me! Disgusts me, I tell you! She is to young to portray a young lady with an innocent mind and smile nor can she portray a flirty player..."

Nadia didn't wait to hear him bash her name even more as she took flight over the hall, making a small gasp escape the directors lips. His eyes widened to see a rather passive smile on the girl's face as she walked past them, frightening the man. "I suppose I'm not making it to the cover... No reason for sticking around then, right?"

The shouts roared behind her as she ignored them, meeting her agent on the way out. The lady was beyond fury as she stared at Nadia, screaming at her for destroying a chance to reach a new stage in her life but all the young girl could hear was a chatter in her ear.


She was sick of it! Sick of them and their lies, sick of their gazes on her disastrous body and she showed it clearly by destroying yet another mirror in her room. Her eyes blurred with tears as they streamed down her red cheeks and onto the expensive, purple carpet. She could barely see the glistening shattered glass piece but reached for it nonetheless, bent on getting out of this misery when the sound of the front door being opened echoed through the large mansion.

Her eyes snapped to her own door, quickly cleaning the mess she made in hopes that they wouldn't notice her break-down. Whichever one of her parents it was, they would merely give her a glance before returning to the short business they had in the rather empty home. So when she heard her mother's voice, ordering some poor maid around, she felt relief. At least now she wouldn't need to bear with idle talk about the weather, her father's favorite subject.

Nadia had just decided to go to sleep for the day as a soft knock reached her ears, a grumble of an excuse and then the sound of her mother's deadly heels. She didn't waste time sitting up but instead simply lay on her bed, a small hand grasping her arm. "Honey, are you awake?"

She wanted to lie, she wanted to pretend to sleep; they wouldn't notice, they never did but for some odd reason Nadia decided to answer for once. "Yes, Mother. Did you need something?" Her voice was hoarse from her crying and it didn't please Aqua at all as she rolled her eyes at her daughter.

"I was wondering if you'd join me for dinner dear," Her sweet voice was but a decoy which the girl didn't notice, Nadia frowning at the sudden proposal. Maybe her mother finally found some interest in her, maybe she was simply paranoid? And as hopeful thoughts ran through Nadia's mind, a brush of reality destroyed her imagination."Szelebrity Magazine's CEO's son seemed interested in you and I really need them to publish my new collection. They offered me to discuss the arrangement after dinner."

The young lady stood up from the bed, walking over to the door but before she left, she gave Nadia the final pain filled blow. "And dear... Do not get upset if he wants you guys to have fun tonight. After all, you're young and should use the few assets you have."


A few hours after Nadia had taken her large shoulder-bag filled with a bit of clothing, some shoes, necessities and her mother's hidden credit card; she found herself on the streets, her feet taking determined steps as she didn't waver with her decision. This was it, she couldn't handle it no more...
Click. Click. Click.

Green eyes peered with a glimmer of fear at the screen in front of her, the static growing increasingly interesting in her current stand of boredom. Such terrible boredom that the girl had even tried to quench that with escaping the luxurious penthouse home. However, like all times she could only lock herself within the delightfully beautiful confines of her room. Where no one could see her or harm her. She knew, she understood in some twisted way how terrible the society she was raised in was. 'Backstabbers...vulgar, disgusting people...' Was the thought that commonly popped up within her paranoid mind. Then again, she had never realised it was just her.

Samantha heard the faint sounds of the locks being opened, the handles recognizable screech as the door was flung open and the sounds of a woman's intoxicated laughter easily caught her ears. 'That moron is home...he will hurt him, I know it yet he fails to believe me...' Her eyes shifted to the TV once again before a grin slipped upon her lightly painted lips, the gloss giving her lips a slight shine as she could only grin at her current idea.

"They can't get me if I am not within their sight."

Heading towards closet she grasped the black waist coat she normally adorned, slipping her arms through it as she hurried to do up the buttons so that she only had to grasp her boots. Once done she softly brushed it down, smiling still in a way that revealed her teeth, eyes lit up with happiness that she could escape those dark and haunting eyes. She hated them. Even that sentence alone was to weak to present the true emotion of how she felt. She loathed them. Those eyes that promised pain and torture, ones that barely were able to contain the joy at the promises that made. Everyone had those eyes.

Slowly, her mind and heart racing at what she was about to do, she began to do up the laces upon her boots. Once done she sat up, bringing her arms above her head as her fingers one by one clicks, interlocked together as she yawned. Samantha could feel the faint thud in her torso. "Oh, this is delicious!~" She purred, having grasped her phone before she slipped towards the broken door, darts resting within the cracks and web like craters upon its painted purple surface.

Once out of her room she could only stare at the sight before her. There stood two people she could not hate any more. Her father and a woman named Rachel. A twitch came to her brow before she caught the gaze of Rachel who had instantly began to shift away from her father, although it became a different sight in her mind. 'She is whispering lies to him...to get him to finally get rid of me...' After a moment or two she glared harder at the woman, fear in her previously cheery eyes. 'What...if she wants to kill me? She could prey of his sympathy.' And once that occurred to her she bolted from the home.

She had ran away.
The rain beat down upon Vex as he walked down the austere city street, his shoes scuffing against the concrete and his hands buried in his hoodie pockets. He walked past countless store windows, display booths, and alleyways, stepped over (or tripped over) countless puddles, bags of garbage, and scraps of paper. He looked around him as he walked, passing his eyes scornfully over the buildings, chimneys belching smoke into the sky, cars rushing past in a beeline to something that probably wasn't important anyways.

People suck. The world was perfectly fine and content before we got here, and then we screwed everything up. No more natural resources, everyone worrying about war and overpopulation and destruction...and to get their minds off of all of it? They pump their bodies full of alcohol and junk food, and inhale toxic fumes to feel at ease. Our governments are corrupt and don't work, and everyone's "solutions" only present new, different problems. The minds of our race's children are corrupted by exposure to the values of snooty, spoiled high school girls on television, as well as exposure to the laughable joke that is known as "music" these days. No one has any appreciation for anything sacred or takes joy in the little things in life, and we all lie and make excuses to lie around on our asses. And for what? Cheap thrills and some "much needed" R&R.

His laments were cut off by a somewhat sizable crack in the sidewalk, in which Vex's toes were caught and he tripped, face-planting into a puddle of murky city-water.

Grumbling, Vex picked himself up and wiped as much sidewalk grime off his shirt as he could. There was a bar nearby, perhaps he could clean himself off in the bathrooms. He opened the door and walked into the light and music.

Inside, he walked past the counter and past the men and women drinking away their sorrows. He walked past the tables of people gossiping and laughing louder than they should, shaking his head to himself. Vex walked into a small hallway in the back of the bar. Along the right wall, there were the two doors for the men's and women's bathrooms, but he walked past them, drawn inexplicably to the small television sitting on a stool, which sat in the farthest corner of the hallway. A man with an impressive beard sat in a chair near it, snoring peacefully.

Vex approached the television. It was currently playing a documentary of some sort that depicted the natural beauties of the wilderness, majestic mountain ranges and exotic rainforests, and how pollution and foresting had changed the environments and living conditions for the animals living there. Vex felt a pain in his heart. He felt pain for everything that had fallen prey to the evils of humankind, and wished more than ever that this wasn't his life, that he could be somewhere else, a place that didn't have to deal with humankind's knack for destruction.

He reached out towards the television and gently touched the surface of the screen. As soon has his fingers brushed against the smooth glass, the screen lit up with a brilliant, otherworldly light, and the television began to expand upwards and outwards. As the device changed shape, Vex withdrew and began to wonder if his earlier fall had hit his head a bit too hard. When the blinding light finally receded, he could see that the television was no longer there, and in its place was a large doorway that filled up the width of the hallway and almost reached the ceiling. The doorway's doors were either missing, or were pushed all the way open to where Vex couldn't see them, he could not quite tell. The frame appeared to be made out of some form of polished wood that was beautiful, yet also appeared sturdy and durable. Beyond the doorway's frame there was nothing but darkness.

Vex couldn't quite put his hand on it, but there seemed to be a presence inside of his head...a voice almost, soothing and calming him. Slowly, it dawned on him. The doorway, the voice seemed to be saying, was an escape. He knew, at that moment, that he couldn't possibly pass up the opportunity. A chance to say goodbye to his miserable existence as a member of a corrupt race seemed to good to be true.

Stepping forwards, Vex approached the gaping doorway and stepped inside. The only light came from the hallway of the bar behind him, but then the doorway closed by itself, and there was nothing but darkness.

Chapter 1 End
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(Sorry, I was busy at work today. This is a placeholder. I'll combine my first two posts, so it'll be the introductory post, as well as the post where my character enters the doorway. Again, my apologies.)
She hit the pavement running, not stopping until she tripped,falling in a puddle. "Ow" she mumbled getting up. I'm a failure at running too? great hopefully I can find a place to stay. She walked slowly stepping over every crack on the side walk. After a 30 minutes walk she found what she was looking for. She walked into the apartment complex and sighed she shaking the feeling of cold off.

"was this all i was meant to do?" she meandered over to the bathroom mirror. She went to go touch the reflection, when all of a sudden the mirror rippled. "oh?" she slowly put her hand through "weird." the bathroom door slammed shut, she whipped her head around and opened the door, only something was different, she walked through the door being enveloped by the darkness.
Corey threw her bag over the fence of the swimmingpool and started to climb up. Once at the top she jumped down. The moonligt shimmered peacfully over the outside swimmingpool. It was pretty chilly tonight, so the water must be warm. She stood there for a moment, just staring at the water. A grin appeared on her face, thinking of how people will react if they saw her right now. They would probably think she was going to drown herself. If she was going to choose her own death, she would probably choose the swimming pool. The water calmed her, it always had. When she was little she used to be a ball of energy all day, except for when her mother put her in the bathtub. Even now the water seemed suiting. All the lights where out and the water seemed like a dark, never ending portal. Maybe scary to some. She had to admit, there was something mysterious about swimming in the dark. She took of her shoes and socks and sat down at the edge of the pool.

She froze, not because of the coldness of the water. There was something at the bottom. She lifted her glasses, she c couldn't believe her eyes. It seemed like a door, a white one, at the bottom of the pool. Everything around her was surrounded by darkness but this object…she could see it clearly. She stood up and just stared.What are you doing when you see a mysterious door at the bottom of the swimming pool?She thought to herself. “You go through it,” she mumbled. Was she going nuts?! she put her socks over cold and wet feet, and after that her shoes.

She sat down on the edge and let herself slip into the water. The water reached her chin now. She swam towards the door, half expecting it to disappear as soon as she reached it. To her surprise it opened while she neared. Corey could feel the strong suction coming from the opening of the door. It was going to suck her in! She screamed and tried with all her power to get away from the dark doorway. It was no use, she was getting closer and closer. The water washed over her and dragged her down.
Damien sighed and stared out across the skyline from the roof of his uncle's apartment building. The sunset was rather calming. He wished he never had to go back down to that cramped apartment that constantly smelled like booze and cigarretes. It was absolutely disgusting.

Damien looked down at the street below and had some very serious vertigo. He layed back and stared up into the sky, trying to forget about the situation he was in. He wished he could just disappear to somewhere else, somewhere where he could be happy and escape the nightmares.

He stood up and turned around, walking down the stairs to the lobby and heading towards the one place his uncle would never know to search for him. The old park.
Avery watched the rain beat down hard. She was sitting in her room alone, listening to her music, she was doodling in her note she had for school. Avery hummed her song while she switched to a different colored pencil. For some odd reason she wanted to make her apple blue, so she did. She heard a knock on the door as she was outing the inside of the apple with a darker blue.

"Avery!" Her father called from the other side of her while door. "What!" She called back, getting annoyed, she had always hated her dad, There was just pure hatred for him. She open the door and a pair of black orbs stared at her bright green ones. His eyes were a deep, dark, nothing-ness, she cringed every time he touched her or, even looked at her. Avery's father raised his hand, SlAP! He had just back handed her, she griped the side of her face where he slapped her, it was her cheek, close to her eye. She cried out in pain " What the hell did you do that for!" She yelled at him. He just got madder and madder " Don't you ever yell at me again!" Avery rolls her eyes. "What ever.." She thinks in her mind, she did not want to slapped or punched again. " Fine.. "She muttered, "now what do you want? She says as polite as she can. " A Couple of my friends are coming over, and I don't want them to know that you're here.." Avery rolled her eyes, by "friends" he knew his hoes were coming over. She sighed and huffed. " Okay, I'll stay in here and try not to be seen. " She says as he slams the door on her almost hitting her in the face " Thanks, Sweetie.." Avery scrunched up her face in distaste. " DON'T CALL ME THAT!!" She yells and her father turned around and punches her in the face. " I'll call you what ever I want, sweet heart.." Avery wanted to die, She hated her life. She hated every body. She just wishes she wasn't here any more. She feels like she is a waste of space and no one cares about her. the only person who didn't just play her or trick her was her mother, but she died and now she wishes she died with her. Avery ran to her room. She just wanted to break down, so she did. She cried and cried for 5 minutes straight, by that time her father's " friend" was over and she could hear them. " Oh gosh.." She gets up and walks over to the bathroom. She looks at her self in the mirror. " Why are you like this? " She thinks in her mind. She gingerly touches her the bruise on her face. " Great" she mutters " just great. She walks out of the bathroom and walks to the refrigerator. She grabs the coldest thing she could find and put its up to her face. " Ahh..." she says and sits down on the couch.

Avery woke up with two hands grabbing her and slapping her in the face, on the exact same place as before. She looked around in confusion. " What was that for!" She murmurs. She must've fallen asleep on the couch and now he was mad. " I told you not to make your self seen!" He yelled at her. Avery just had enough so she slapped him back, hard too. Rage filled her father's eyes, he grabbed her by the hair and punched her, and kicked her. Avery tired to fight it. It was to much. So she just let him hit her like she was a rag doll, a lifeless rag doll. She hated but there was nothing she could do. He would just over power her. Probably knock her out, Or kill her. She was done she was done with everything, " I can't take it anymore!" She screams in her head. She had to get out, now. While her father was distracted by a phone call, She ran and ran down the stairs and ran down to the front door, but the front door wasn't the front door any more. It was a blue door frame, with a blue door. It slowly swung open, She was reluctant to go in, the only thing inside was black, " That isn't normal.." she mutters. Just she was about to take a step a foot down onto the carpet she heard her father coming down the stairs, she didn't have enough time to think she didn't have enough time to even breath she just ran, Just as she hit the entrance the door slammed shut, closing her in a envelope of darkness. she could hear the frantic pounds of her fathers hands and feet hitting and kicking the door. She smiled she felt like she was home.
They were in the middle dinner when Richard had excused himself. He stood from his seat and walked away from the dinner table. The food on his plate was barely touched and yet no one noticed or mentioned it. Such was the extent of his invisibility. A large table filled with platters of a variety of foods both exotic and common, each one with a distinctly attractive aroma and a delightful taste. Yet they would all taste bland and possessed no aroma when the people you're sharing it with don't really care about you.

Richard returned to his room. It was a mess. Scraps of paper were everywhere, the trash bin was already filled to the brim. On a desk beside his bed, was a computer that was left on with a variety of windows opened as well as some programming software. Beside the desktop computer were a few bottles of energy drinks, most empty and others half empty. His bed was relatively clean but that was because he only ever went to sleep when he couldn't go on, neither could he be bothered to crawl under the sheets when he did go to sleep.

A cold breeze rolled through the open window in his room. He went to close it and sat back down in front of his desktop. A strange message was on the screen. It was a simple message in a bold 72 Arial font.

Do you wish to escape the shadows of your siblings and walk in the light of recognition? Y/N.

A curious question indeed. He scoffed at the thought of some screwed up system message giving him the chance to overshadow his siblings who have spent a decade in building their legacy and arrived where they were now. It was impossible, he was sure of it, yet desperation and possibly cynicism got the better of him and he pressed the "Y" key on his keyboard.

Excellent choice, my dear Richard. Touch the light. Go on.

The message faded from the screen and every window faded from the screen until it was all just white. A line of black appeared on the screen.

Touch it and live your new life.

He did as he was told and touched the screen. He wanted to back out, to rethink his actions but his pride wouldn't let him. His hand traveled toward the screen and when his fingers made contact with the monitor it rippled. It was as though the monitor was made of water rather than glass. The ripples distorted the words and then began creeping along his arm. Panic set in and he tried to get away but it was as though his arm was cemented to it, before long he devoured by the light. The computer screen was still white with another line of black on it.

Impressive, most impressive, my dear Richard. Welcome to your new life.

The line of text lingered for a little while before the computer shut itself down.

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Chapter 1.5

Vex wasn't sure when or how he had managed to fall asleep, but he awoke with a start, rubbing his eyes and looking around at his surroundings. He was no longer in the dark, empty void that he had so eagerly entered through the doorway.

The space was a box-shaped room, about 25 feet in length and width, with a ceiling about ten feet high. The walls, ceiling, and floor appeared to be made out of some sort of mildly luminescent blue material that had the rigidness and durability of glass, or even ice, but it glowed a faint, darkish blue. The space's glowing walls, ceiling and floor were the only source of light, providing enough light to see and recognize simple shapes and objects in the space, but not bright enough to see full detail. It was like sitting in the deepest part of the basement with your friends, with only flashlights under your chins to indicate your presence.

The second thing Vex noticed, after the room itself, was that he was not alone in it. Around him, on the floor, lay human bodies. Judging from what he could see in the dim blue light, Vex could tell that they were all about his age, but he could not tell whether or not they were alive. He leaned down next to one of the bodies. She was a female, and her lips quivered gently as she breathed and whispered gently in her sleep. She had a smallish body, not too small for a teenage girl, but her most interesting feature was her white hair. It was not gray with age, but just...pure white. Vex also noticed that she wore an admittedly stylish scarlet jacket that was an interesting compliment to the girl's white hair.

As soon as he stood up, Vex noticed something new.

"Is this place...moving?" he asked himself. No sooner than he had said that, did he hear a small grunting, sort of a fitful moan, the kind of noise someone made as they got out of bed in the morning. One of the people was waking up.
Richard's eyes opened and he felt his head swimming. That experience was much too surreal to be true, no doubt he's on the floor of room after falling off the bed, he'd wake up and go back to the daily grind of his life, to go back to the that unrewarded and unrecognized life with his family. It was just a dream, there was no way anything could give him a "new life," much less step out of his siblings' shadows. The computer monitor didn't eat him and he simply drank one too many bottles of energy drinks.

His head finally finished it's little skinny dip in god knows where and his surroundings were slowly registering to him. He had expected to see the sty of a room he had and his comfy bed in front of him. Instead he found himself facing a glowing blue wall. It didn't seem like he was in his room, unless it was some new tech his siblings invented overnight to prank him. He sat and stretched to see exactly where he was, his head surveyed the room he was in and found human bodies laying about. The sight was bizarre enough but he continued scanning the environment, the fact that human bodies were on the ground barely registering to him. On the second pass it made itself known to him with the fury of a straight jab to the face.

Richard bit down his rising panic. They all looked his age but he wasn't sure if they were dead or simply unconscious. He stood up as quick as he could before backing up to a wall, then recoiling from it because it felt as though something was touching his back. He shuddered at the feel of it and didn't want to experience it again.

The gravity of the situation was slowly sinking its fangs into him, re-injecting him with a dosage of panic. He didn't know what to do and his composure had cracked. He tried to regain herself before he asked a question to the boy in the room. Clearing his throat with an audible "ahem" to get his attention if he did not notice him.

"Who are you and where is this place, mister uhhh...?"
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It was cold and Samantha was scolding herself mentally for the lack of preparation in this plan. 'Seriously...escape without anything? Am I trying to fail or something?' She shook her head, running a hand through her hair with a groan of annoyance. The chill had already began to brush against her cheeks, staining them a blushing red as she was barely able to keep her eyes open due to the wind. 'Damn nature...' Was her only remaining thought as she frantically pushed the strands from her face, lips curled to a scowl as the seconds passed.

Samantha was growing irritated with herself and the fact nature seemed fully against her current plan and it didn't help that the street was packed with people, chatting away. Some gazes turned to her and it struck fear into her. Looking back she felt her heart race, curious and fearful of why they were looking over at her. "What?" She hissed, beginning to grind her teeth together as narrowed eyes glared back, visible shaking as she took a few steps back before she bolted in the opposite directions.

She felt sweat run down her skin as she stopped, leaning down as she clutched her chest, fingers curled in the crisp white shirt as she tried to force the oxygen into her lungs, the cold air already leaving a painful sting with each breath. 'His eyes...they were so cold...He would have got me! I know it! Why else would you give someone such a fearful look...'. She threaded her hands through her hair, rubbing them against her skull harshly to try and rid herself of those thoughts. "I need to get away..." Was the only remaining thing her mind could come up with.

Running again she slowly began to push people from her path, frantically trying to find a place where she would be safe. Where her heart would not race with fear and concern over her own safety, a place where those eyes could not capture her. The heels of her boots hit the ground with each step, leaving a echoed tap behind before they had shifted to continue the run.

A road.

Lost within her own paranoid thoughts, the fact she could run into a road did not even pass her thoughts, it was completely blocked out to try and settle the current state she was in. So, it eventually led to her hurrying around a corner, only to begin her sprint across the road. Only when the bright flash of the headlights made her squint her eyes closed did she finally come to her sanity long enough to notice the current situation. 'Crap...I'm going to die aren't I?' She questioned herself, having by now stopped to stare blindly at the approaching car. 'At least I wasn't caught...'

Faintly, she noticed her reflection in the cars front, causing her to be curious in her final moments, or so she believed. Noticing how it seemed to sway with an strange and unearthly essence she tried to take more notice, looking past the lights in her attempt. "The hell is th-" The cars horn echoed loudly through the night as cars stopped. Doors were thrown open as people rushed to the front, trying to see the body that was expected to be thrown viciously upon the ground with blood splattered against the either dead or near dead form. There was no one. The ground was not painted with the deep red nor was there a vulgar sight to behold. After all...

She vanished with the reflection she stared so intently at before.
She remembered what had happened. She drowned, or didn’t she? For a moment she stared at the ceiling. A very light blue color. Was she at the hospital? Had someone actually saved her? Slowly she sat up and groaned. Man, it was freezing. Wrapping her arms around her frame she realized that she was soaking wet, of course, and laying on a floor. Quietly and now very conscious she took in her surroundings. Her glasses were laying next to her. She put them on and gasped. She wasn’t at a hospital, however she couldn’t figure out where she was either. There were others around her. Two people seeming just as confused as she was, the others laying on the ground. Her teeth clattered together from the coldness. The girl didn’t seem to trust the guy, but Corey could see he didn’t seem to have a clue either. She remained silent and just watched them.
Alice woke with a start! Where was she! She was happy that she had finally gotten away from her father but she faced a new problem. The Box and the people in it. She wasn't really a people person, per say seeing as she spent most of her time at a hospital or in her room hiding. She got up off the floor and stretched, looking at the people in the box. Hmmmm.. She stood up and looked at a guy who was awake.

"H-hello!" she said shyly. "Do you know where we might be?" She spun around looking at the box.
Vex stepped backwards a bit. Three of the sleeping people had awoken, and by the sounds of their voices, at least two of them were female. The third one didn't speak, just sat quietly at their spot on the floor. He groaned inwardly. He had wished really hard that they wouldn't wake up, and now he would actually have to deal with other people. I'm sure they'll turn out to be great human beings once I get to know them, Vex thought sarcastically to himself.

He turned to the one that had first asked him where they were and who he was. It was hard to tell in the dim light, but she appeared to be wearing glasses, and she had long hair. Betting himself that she would turn out to be a control-freak-slash-intellectual, he decided that he would tell her his name after all.

"My name is...Vex. And I don't have any idea where we are. All I know is that the walls are glowing, I'm surrounded by bodies, and whatever this place is, it seems to be moving."
Dalia bought the formula and walked out onto the grungy streets. Next to her car was a puddle. Dahlia would have ignored it had it not been a peculiar color. It had a rainbow of colors, swirling around the puddle. Dahlia stared at it for a moment before stepping on it to get to her car. Strangely, instead of getting the cool sensation of water on her legs she felt nothing and saw darkness. This was a messed up puddle.

Dahlia awoke seemingly hours later. She was in a blue room with several other people. IT seemed like an illusion of some sort. She touched the floor and it felt warm. There were several ther people in the room, some sleeping some awake.

"So, would anybody care to tell me exactly where I am? This isn't some basement whee a creepy old guy has us captured is it? Not that a basement would be this nice, but I digress. I need information."
"in a box" Alice answered silently, responding to the girls question. " Who are all of you if you don't mind me asking?"
Vex rolled his eyes.

"Already told you my name. Not much else for me to say. But, something that is bugging me...how did we get here?"

He thought back to what happened. He left the house, went for a walk, tripped in a puddle, went into a bar to clean up...and then he encountered the TV with the nature program. Vex remembered how moved he felt, and how ashamed he was to be part of the human race. Then that door appeared, that strange wooden doorway with nothing but darkness inside...

Remaining silent for a moment, then deciding to speak up, he said, "Did anyone else come across a doorway of any kind?"
She knew who he was she didn't want to be rude. She thought back to what happened at the abandoned house, she went to the bathroom to look at herself.

"the mirror rippled and then the door opened and i walked through." She muttered to herself, looking at Vex.
Corey snapped her head at "Vex". She slowly stood up, fear noticeable in her eyes. "Yes...the door at the bottom of the swimming pool.." She said. She clamped bother her hands into her black hair. This was all to convenient. "Oh my...this is all real, isn't it?" she asked, more to herself. What had she gotten herself into? This was all her own stupid fault, she shouldn’t have run away.This is what you get

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