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Realistic or Modern Abnormal Syndrome (CS)

Agni Blackheart

Small, Smiling Light
Important Links

Here are the ones.
Souls thrown into the game.

Take your time to know them
Friend and enemies alike...

The Actors of the Main Stage

"If life gives you two ways, create a third one. Your, mine... destiny in general is not set for everyone."

Name: Lucent Vermillion
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Class: Abnormal
Faction: Heretic
Personality: Lucent is a kind person who lives to aid others. He believes there is little problem in being altruistic and that even if he's not repaid for what he did, it's the outcome that matters. He has a certain belief on living with the truth, no matter how painful it is instead of taking a perfect living lie as a life.
View of World: Lucent sess the world as an endless horizon with tons of discoveries to be seen. He believes in the definition of freedom and doesn't look at the world as an object something can possess or order around. He does possess a certain disliking of the rate of how technology is surpassing nature, but still thinks that humanity will preserve it so both can live along for many years to come.
Backstory: (TBA)
Powers and Skills: Stardust Manipulation
Lucent has the ability to manipulate stardust. He uses that to create stars and use them as projectiles to attack enemies or even create other things and weapons. His power can also be used to boost his movement speed and jump height. If he's wielding a real-world weapon, he can infuse stardust into it and it slightly gains more power and durability than usual. However, Lucent's power is not strong and depends heavily on the night sky. Because of that, even if he can generate stardust, its amount if far lower if the sky isn't at least clear. On rainy nights, he is rendered vulnerable, because there's a hard chance of stardust reaching the earth.
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"Fate and Fire are alike in many ways. Both are unpredictable, and neither can be controlled."

Allison Rival
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Class: Abnormal
Faction: Chaotico
Personality: Confident | Rational | Adventurous | Short-tempered
Allison Rival is a confident and independent person, one who likes things done rationally, and in her way. She tends to be quite hot-headed and is quick to get into arguments wherever necessary. That being said, she is smart enough to analyze and choose her battles. Allison loves being snarky, sarcastic and having a final say in things. She won't go looking for trouble, but if it comes her way, she'll deal with it without hesitation.

View of World: Allison views the world with little interest. Society is the doom of mankind- rules set by humans to bring other humans down. She finds it ironic that legal systems and laws that were in place were created by people who saw themselves above their own word. If given a chance she would rebel against the revolting lie of democracy. There is no such thing as democracy she would say. Nothing was fair. No longer was the world going by the rule of survival of the fittest. Rather, it was survival of the richest.

Backstory: (TBA)
Powers and Skills: Pyrokinesis
Allison is a master user of fire and it's related attributes. She can create and extinguish flames at will, soft enough to provide warmth and harsh enough to scorch. She can also sense heat given off by objects, living or non. Other skills that Allison possesses is sword wielding, melee combat, stealth and flight- more like using heat to levitate.
Her drawbacks are that Allison has a short fuse. If she gets too angry at once, she can set off on a rampage with no heed to friend or foe. Once she's in that stage, she quickly exhausts her abilities till she eventually isn't able to stand.

Misc: (TBA)

"Fate and Fire are alike in many ways. Both are unpredictable, and neither can be controlled."

Allison Rival
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Class: Abnormal
Faction: Chaotico
Personality: Confident | Rational | Adventurous | Short-tempered
Allison Rival is a confident and independent person, one who likes things done rationally, and in her way. She tends to be quite hot-headed and is quick to get into arguments wherever necessary. That being said, she is smart enough to analyze and choose her battles. Allison loves being snarky, sarcastic and having a final say in things. She won't go looking for trouble, but if it comes her way, she'll deal with it without hesitation.

View of World: Allison views the world with little interest. Society is the doom of mankind- rules set by humans to bring other humans down. She finds it ironic that legal systems and laws that were in place were created by people who saw themselves above their own word. If given a chance she would rebel against the revolting lie of democracy. There is no such thing as democracy she would say. Nothing was fair. No longer was the world going by the rule of survival of the fittest. Rather, it was survival of the richest.

Backstory: (TBA)
Powers and Skills: Pyrokinesis
Allison is a master user of fire and it's related attributes. She can create and extinguish flames at will, soft enough to provide warmth and harsh enough to scorch. She can also sense heat given off by objects, living or non. Other skills that Allison possesses is sword wielding, melee combat, stealth and flight- more like using heat to levitate.
Her drawbacks are that Allison has a short fuse. If she gets too angry at once, she can set off on a rampage with no heed to friend or foe. Once she's in that stage, she quickly exhausts her abilities till she eventually isn't able to stand.

Misc: (TBA)

Wow, good work! Accepted!

Henrietta Alamos
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Class: Abnormal
Faction: Illuminado
Personality: An optimistic young lady with an unwavering faith in science. She's can be kind of a klutz, rather naive and isn't the bravest person around, but even in the darkest hour she'll still find some hope to get back on her feet and fight back. Because she consider herself a person of science she's very skeptical, always trying to find a logical and scientifical explaination behind the supernatural, simply not accepting "It's magic" as an answer, even more so she can hardly believe that the Gods are actual divine beings, but she does reconize them as benign forces while handwaving them as very advanced alien creatures.

View of World: For her everything in the world can be given an explaination, there's no such things as magic or miracles and the world is ruled by laws set in stone or else chaos would ensue. However she's a firm believer that every human is capable of good, even the most despicable of scum can and will have a chance to redeem themselves, sooner or later.

Backstory: She's a brilliant student in applied physics at the local university and the only child of a widowed nuclear scientist. She never met her mother, died in a car accident when she was barelly 3, but her father was a very doting parent, doing his best to raise a daughter alone while working on complex and almost secret projects for the government. Thanks to her father she always had a certain fascination for science and learning about the laws of nature, which came to no surprise when she decided to enroll in the faculty of Physics, giving her the opportunity to follow her father's footsteps. But one fateful evening, when she was having a tour of her father's lab complex, she stumbled into a test involving a new kind of nuclear reactor. The lethal cascade of gamma rays and ionized plasma should had vaporized her on the spot, yet she was still alive, but bearing inside her the power to bend atoms to her will, an energy that was building inside her and ready to explode like a primed nuclear warhead. Then the Gods appeared before her, revealing that her survival and the gaining of her new powers was their doing, but even if her gratefulness was flattering they needed her in their hour of need. She would fight against evil for them. She accepted.

Powers and Skills:
Nuclear Manipulation
Henrietta is basically a walking, breathing and talking nuclear reactor, capable of manipulate the immense power of the atom, either by Fission (thus creating nuclear explosions that range from a firecracker to a several megatons blast) or by Fusion (enabling her to create energy which she then can release it as super-heated plasma or lethal gamma rays). However she's still very inexperienced with her powers and driving her to the limit can be harmful or outright lethal, not to mention that her powers greatly depends from the materials she try to manipulate (for example, she can detonate Oxygen but it will result in a very mild explosion compared to detonating Plutonium and trying to fuse anything heavier than Lithium is a waste of energy)
Misc: (TBA)

Henrietta Alamos
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Class: Abnormal
Faction: Illuminado
Personality: An optimistic young lady with an unwavering faith in science. She's can be kind of a klutz, rather naive and isn't the bravest person around, but even in the darkest hour she'll still find some hope to get back on her feet and fight back. Because she consider herself a person of science she's very skeptical, always trying to find a logical and scientifical explaination behind the supernatural, simply not accepting "It's magic" as an answer, even more so she can hardly believe that the Gods are actual divine beings, but she does reconize them as benign forces while handwaving them as very advanced alien creatures.

View of World: For her everything in the world can be given an explaination, there's no such things as magic or miracles and the world is ruled by laws set in stone or else chaos would ensue. However she's a firm believer that every human is capable of good, even the most despicable of scum can and will have a chance to redeem themselves, sooner or later.

Backstory: She's a brilliant student in applied physics at the local university and the only child of a widowed nuclear scientist. She never met her mother, died in a car accident when she was barelly 3, but her father was a very doting parent, doing his best to raise a daughter alone while working on complex and almost secret projects for the government. Thanks to her father she always had a certain fascination for science and learning about the laws of nature, which came to no surprise when she decided to enroll in the faculty of Physics, giving her the opportunity to follow her father's footsteps. But one fateful evening, when she was having a tour of her father's lab complex, she stumbled into a test involving a new kind of nuclear reactor. The lethal cascade of gamma rays and ionized plasma should had vaporized her on the spot, yet she was still alive, but bearing inside her the power to bend atoms to her will, an energy that was building inside her and ready to explode like a primed nuclear warhead. Then the Gods appeared before her, revealing that her survival and the gaining of her new powers was their doing, but even if her gratefulness was flattering they needed her in their hour of need. She would fight against evil for them. She accepted.

Powers and Skills:
Nuclear Manipulation
Henrietta is basically a walking, breathing and talking nuclear reactor, capable of manipulate the immense power of the atom, either by Fission (thus creating nuclear explosions that range from a firecracker to a several megatons blast) or by Fusion (enabling her to create energy which she then can release it as super-heated plasma or lethal gamma rays). However she's still very inexperienced with her powers and driving her to the limit can be harmful or outright lethal, not to mention that her powers greatly depends from the materials she try to manipulate (for example, she can detonate Oxygen but it will result in a very mild explosion compared to detonating Plutonium and trying to fuse anything heavier than Lithium is a waste of energy)
Misc: (TBA)

Well, I liked the char a lot, but... Nuclear Manipulation seems a little too much. Also, they won't be having the powers before the game begins, so you should fix that little bit on her Backstory where she already had her powers. Other than those points, as I said before, she's in conditions to be accepted.
Well I can easily fix the backstory but I guess I poorly worded the description of her powers (Don't hate me, it's 1 AM xD), she do have the potential to achieve a 20 megaton nuclear blast, but her body is still a fragile human body that would vaporize if she did that. But I guess I can find her a similar but different power if you want.
Well I can easily fix the backstory but I guess I poorly worded the description of her powers (Don't hate me, it's 1 AM xD), she do have the potential to achieve a 20 megaton nuclear blast, but her body is still a fragile human body that would vaporize if she did that. But I guess I can find her a similar but different power if you want.
Don't worry, I know how hard it is to think straight at 1 AM ;)

But yeah, if you can find a somewhat similar power that's kinda more balanced, I will gladly have her.

Henrietta Alamos
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Class: Abnormal
Faction: Illuminado
Personality: An optimistic young lady with an unwavering faith in science. She's can be kind of a klutz, rather naive and isn't the bravest person around, but even in the darkest hour she'll still find some hope to get back on her feet and fight back. Because she consider herself a person of science she's very skeptical, always trying to find a logical and scientifical explaination behind the supernatural, simply not accepting "It's magic" as an answer, even more so she can hardly believe that the Gods are actual divine beings, but she does reconize them as benign forces while handwaving them as very advanced alien creatures.

View of World: For her everything in the world can be given an explaination, there's no such things as magic or miracles and the world is ruled by laws set in stone or else chaos would ensue. However she's a firm believer that every human is capable of good, even the most despicable of scum can and will have a chance to redeem themselves, sooner or later.

Backstory: She's a brilliant student in applied physics at the local university and the only child of a widowed nuclear scientist. She never met her mother, died in a car accident when she was barelly 3, but her father was a very doting parent, doing his best to raise a daughter alone while working on complex and almost secret projects for the government. Thanks to her father she always had a certain fascination for science and learning about the laws of nature, which came to no surprise when she decided to enroll in the faculty of Physics, giving her the opportunity to follow her father's footsteps. Her beloved father proposed her to have a tour at his research complex, a thinly veiled way to tell her about her future workplace if she accepted. She accepted of course, after all, lab experiments creating monsters happen only in comic books!

Powers and Skills:
Plasma Manipulation
Henrietta is able to ionize matter until it turn into a super heated form that she's capable to shape to her will, like creating barriers or shooting projectiles capable of melting solid steel. Plasma is also magnetic, which is a double edged weapon, on one hand she can fry electronics and disrupt electric fields but on the other hand a strong enough magnetic field can make the manipulation of her own plasma dangerous or even backfire. However she's still very inexperienced, having difficulties turning elements heavier than oxygen or mantaining barriers for long stretches of time.


"I can't just let myself be killed, huh?...I got so much to live for..."

Name: Josef Walay
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Faction: Heretic
Personality: A kind and reserved individual who tries to get along with everyone. Josef blindly follows what anyone says, unless he knows it's not going to end well. Yet in some occasions, he learnt to suck it up and do it anyways.

Josef wouldn't dare go against his family's wishes, knowing that they're the ones who cared for him despite the disappointing weakling that he had become; and because of that, he refuses to risk his life in a sick game of fate.

View of World: "
The world in of itself is absolute. No one can control it, no one can stop it except for the gods themselves. Fate dictates us, and I don't see why shouldn't just see what lies ahead of us and go along with it... Although I didn't believe in a true God until now--I shouldn't get myself killed in this game, huh?"
Backstory: (Optional, but interesting to have.)(TBA)
Powers and Skills:
Air Manipulation ~ The ability to manipulate the air around him. Josef could create small tornados, weaponries, bullets, lift himself up, and even push people and objects off him within a 10m radius. However, he must always remain in an open space filled with Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in order for his lungs to survive; if not, then his power would automatically resort to the air in his lungs to generate the air needed...Balance between breathing and manipulating air is encouraged.
"This is my resolve...I won't let myself be killed!"
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Henrietta Alamos
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Class: Abnormal
Faction: Illuminado
Personality: An optimistic young lady with an unwavering faith in science. She's can be kind of a klutz, rather naive and isn't the bravest person around, but even in the darkest hour she'll still find some hope to get back on her feet and fight back. Because she consider herself a person of science she's very skeptical, always trying to find a logical and scientifical explaination behind the supernatural, simply not accepting "It's magic" as an answer, even more so she can hardly believe that the Gods are actual divine beings, but she does reconize them as benign forces while handwaving them as very advanced alien creatures.

View of World: For her everything in the world can be given an explaination, there's no such things as magic or miracles and the world is ruled by laws set in stone or else chaos would ensue. However she's a firm believer that every human is capable of good, even the most despicable of scum can and will have a chance to redeem themselves, sooner or later.

Backstory: She's a brilliant student in applied physics at the local university and the only child of a widowed nuclear scientist. She never met her mother, died in a car accident when she was barelly 3, but her father was a very doting parent, doing his best to raise a daughter alone while working on complex and almost secret projects for the government. Thanks to her father she always had a certain fascination for science and learning about the laws of nature, which came to no surprise when she decided to enroll in the faculty of Physics, giving her the opportunity to follow her father's footsteps. Her beloved father proposed her to have a tour at his research complex, a thinly veiled way to tell her about her future workplace if she accepted. She accepted of course, after all, lab experiments creating monsters happen only in comic books!

Powers and Skills:
Plasma Manipulation
Henrietta is able to ionize matter until it turn into a super heated form that she's capable to shape to her will, like creating barriers or shooting projectiles capable of melting solid steel. Plasma is also magnetic, which is a double edged weapon, on one hand she can fry electronics and disrupt electric fields but on the other hand a strong enough magnetic field can make the manipulation of her own plasma dangerous or even backfire. However she's still very inexperienced, having difficulties turning elements heavier than oxygen or mantaining barriers for long stretches of time.



"I can't just let myself be killed, huh?...I got so much to live for..."

Name: Josef Walay
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Faction: Heretic
Personality: A kind and reserved individual who tries to get along with everyone. Josef blindly follows what anyone says, unless he knows it's not going to end well. Yet in some occasions, he learnt to suck it up and do it anyways.

Josef wouldn't dare go against his family's wishes, knowing that they're the ones who cared for him despite the disappointing weakling that he had become; and because of that, he refuses to risk his life in a sick game of fate.

View of World: "
The world in of itself is absolute. No one can control it, no one can stop it except for the gods themselves. Fate dictates us, and I don't see why shouldn't just see what lies ahead of us and go along with it... Although I didn't believe in a true God until now--I shouldn't get myself killed in this game, huh?"
Backstory: (Optional, but interesting to have.)(TBA)
Powers and Skills:
Air Manipulation ~ The ability to manipulate the air around him. Josef could create small tornados, weaponries, bullets, lift himself up, and even push people and objects off him within a 10m radius. However, he must always remain in an open space filled with Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in order for his lungs to survive; if not, then his power would automatically resort to the air in his lungs to generate the air needed...Balance between breathing and manipulating air is encouraged.
"This is my resolve...I won't let myself be killed!"

Sorry for the late reply, but you're both accepted!
Name: Jerid Smith
Age: 25
Height: 6ft 4in
Class: Abnormal
Faction: Heretic



Jerid is a introverted stone wall that doesn't tend to show any emotion other then annoyance or completely relaxed. He's a kind person who doesn't mind helping other's although he doesn't go out of his way to help (often). Jerid has been described as both "obsessive" and "relentless" often not stopping until want every it is he was doing was done. He also tends to get annoyed easily but never really mad. Although there is one thing he can't stand, is other people being hypocritical, racist, sexist, and having double standers. *note the only time you will always see Jerid smiling is when he's eating bread. :/
View of World: "The world? It's cruel and unforgiving, but that's mostly our fault. There's not much you can do about it, and it's probably the best it can really get. But it doesn't mean you can't try."

Jerid was your simple worker at some tech manufacture. He had a fairly normal life, he was a good student, he graduated college with a degree in engineering, and computer science. Everything was pretty much normal though he didn't really have a mom growing up, she divorced his dad when he was 5. He never found out why she did it, and for a while it nagged at him wondering why, but after 5 years he just didn't care any more. He never really had man friends growing up often keeping to himself. He got bullied a little sometimes from 6th-8th grade though these were often short instances because Jerid was willing to fight back, and he was no push over. Though often he would just leave if the option was available. In the middle of 8th grade Jerid decided to take some boxing lessons because he was getting a little fat and he figured it would be fun. He thought he'd just take it for a year and stop but as he took it it became a hobby and he didn't want to stop. And so he took boxing until 10th grade and stopped because there was to much school work and didn't have time anymore. (And that's it that's pretty much his life, and all I can think of at the moment. :D)

Powers and Skills:
Enhanced physiology - Jerid's body is a lot tougher and a lot stronger then any normal person. *note he does have enhanced healing but not as fast as most healing abilities. It will repair a broken rib in three days and most cuts in like an 30 minutes. But if he looses an arm, yeah he's probably not getting it back any time soon. :/

Works at a tech company and helps design computer parts (hours are 5am-6pm at least until now, he had been working there for 2 years). Really likes bread (will literally just out of had snack on slices of bread). Tends to smoke a lot. Took boxing lessons from 8th-10th grade.
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Name: Jerid Smith
Age: 25
Class: Abnormal
Faction: Heretic



Jerid is a introverted stone wall that doesn't tend to show any emotion other then annoyance or completely relaxed. He's a kind person who doesn't mind helping other's although he doesn't go out of his way to help (often). Jerid has been described as both "obsessive" and "relentless" often not stopping until want every it is he was doing was done. He also tends to get annoyed easily but never really mad. Although there is one thing he can't stand, is other people being hypocritical, racist, sexist, and having double standers. *note the only time you will always see Jerid smiling is when he's eating bread. :/
View of World: "The world? It's cruel and unforgiving, but that's mostly our fault. There's not much you can do about it, and it's probably the best it can really get. But it doesn't mean you can't try."

Jerid was your simple worker at some tech manufacture. He had a fairly normal life, he was a good student, he graduated college with a degree in engineering, and computer science. Everything was pretty much normal though he didn't really have a mom growing up, she divorced his dad when he was 5. He never found out why she did it, and for a while it nagged at him wondering why, but after 5 years he just didn't care any more. He never really had man friends growing up often keeping to himself. He got bullied a little sometimes from 6th-8th grade though these were often short instances because Jerid was willing to fight back, and he was no push over. Though often he would just leave if the option was available. In the middle of 8th grade Jerid decided to take some boxing lessons because he was getting a little fat and he figured it would be fun. He thought he'd just take it for a year and stop but as he took it it became a hobby and he didn't want to stop. And so he took boxing until 10th grade and stopped because there was to much school work and didn't have time anymore. (And that's it that's pretty much his life, and all I can think of at the moment. :D)

Powers and Skills:
Enhanced physiology - Jerid's body is a lot tougher and a lot stronger then any normal person. *note he does have enhanced healing but not as fast as most healing abilities. It will repair a broken rib in three days and most cuts in like an 30 minutes. But if he looses an arm, yeah he's probably not getting it back any time soon. :/

Works at a tech company and helps design computer parts (hours are 5am-6pm at least until now, he had been working there for 2 years). Really likes bread (will literally just out of had snack on slices of bread). Tends to smoke a lot. Took boxing lessons from 8th-10th grade.
Accepted! Welcome on board, Jack in the Box Jack in the Box !
"Life is a game of chess, you make the wrong moves and you lose, but if you make the right ones you keep on winning."
Name: Bobby Saxton
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Class: Abnormal
Faction: illuminado
Personality: Bobby isn't exactly the nicest person in the world, but he is meticulous. He is often vague and vulgar. Rude as he is, he is still extremely loyal, and his bark is considerably worse than his bite when dealing with allies. It's when he is quite and not mocking people that there is a problem.
View of World: Bobby views life as a contest. He always strives to be the best pushing himself to the limits on everything he does.
Backstory: TBR
Powers and Skills:
Cellular manipulation (Self)- Bobby has complete manipulation of his own cells. Using this he can Shift into a variety of objects, animals, and people. In addition he can regenerate his tissues on a cellular level and with incredible speed. This combination allows him to adapt and evolve for any purpose. He is also decently skilled with firearms, and a well versed hand to hand fighter. He is surprisingly skilled with explosives both homemade and more advanced.

Misc: Bobby is pretty new to the good guy thing, but he believes that power should be used for good. That is because he has seen first hand what power in the wrong hands is capable of. Bobby must also be careful not to use his ability too much in one sitting, as each shapechange will damage his DNA, if his DNA takes too much damage it could change his base form... Permanently.

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"Life is a game of chess, you make the wrong moves and you lose, but if you make the right ones you keep on winning."
Name: Bobby Saxton
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Class: Abnormal
Faction: illuminado
Personality: Bobby isn't exactly the nicest person in the world, but he is meticulous. He is often vague and vulgar. Rude as he is, he is still extremely loyal, and his bark is considerably worse than his bite when dealing with allies. It's when he is quite and not mocking people that there is a problem.
View of World: Bobby views life as a contest. He always strives to be the best pushing himself to the limits on everything he does.
Backstory: TBR
Powers and Skills:
Cellular manipulation (Self)- Bobby has complete manipulation of his own cells. Using this he can Shift into a variety of objects, animals, and people. In addition he can regenerate his tissues on a cellular level and with incredible speed. This combination allows him to adapt and evolve for any purpose. He is also decently skilled with firearms, and a well versed hand to hand fighter. He is surprisingly skilled with explosives both homemade and more advanced.

Misc: Bobby is pretty new to the good guy thing, but he believes that power should be used for good. That is because he has seen first hand what power in the wrong hands is capable of.

He's pretty nice, The DoomyFish The DoomyFish ! But you missed on the backfire point of his powers. If you put it up, I'll gladly take him.
Character Sheet
Name: Paine Lynch
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Class: Abnormal
Faction: Chaotico

Personality: Paine can be a sarcastic person who enjoys a bit of dark humor. With a stone, cold heart, she won't hesitate to backstab anyone if her survival is on the line. If you manage to see past her cold, icy exterior and gain her trust and loyalty, she'll go through hell and back for you. Paine typically hides her pain and emotions with sarcasm or an 'I don't give a fuck' act. Either way, it's probably best not to get on her bad side.

View of World: The world is a cruel place- no doubt about that, but the key to survival is using your head rather than brute strength. Paine accepted to be a chaotico for one reason alone: it's most likely to be victorious. Despite the fact that she doesn't want to kill anyone, that doesn't mean she's incapable. Thus, her decision led her to choose chaotico rather than heretic.

Backstory: She never had been the happy-go-lucky child. It was odd, considering that most children were happy and rambunctious; however, she was more introverted. Her father left when she was born, and ever since, her mother hated Paine. She didn't want to hate her own child, but every time she looked at Paine, she was only a bitter reminder of a dead relationship. One day, around the age 9, her mother took her daughter to a lake. It was supposed to be a harmless mother-daughter bonding time, but her mother's dark intentions soon came to light as she tried drowning the girl by pushing her out of the small boat. Her plans didn't go accordingly, and Paine had managed to pull her mother in with her. After struggling with one another to keep the other underneath the water, Paine kicked her mother in the gut to get away. Fortunately for her, Paine made it to the surface only to realize that her mother would never resurface. After that, she was put into foster care since her father couldn't be tracked down. Most of the children around her figured out what had happened to her and considered her to be a murderer. There were others who were frightened of her because they believed she had actually died at the lake too only to come back as a monster- a ghost or zombie perhaps. It was childish, but Paine never denied any of it. Her introverted ways only grew stronger when she realized that no adult would ever want her. When that realization came to her when she turned, she ran away from the foster care system, only to start anew. Eventually when she was old enough to start working rather than thieving to meet ends meet, she got a job as a waitress-- and well, that was all before demons and gods brought her into the wicked game she considers to be purgatory.

Powers and Skills: Cryokinesis- Manipulation of Ice. There are a few perks like being able to heal herself with her own ice, but if she were to do this for anyone else, there is a 75% chance that the person will slowly freeze to death after they are healed. Time varies for each person- it can be hours or days. Another backfire to her power in general is that if she pushes herself too hard or let's her more depressing emotions get the best of her for too long, she could literally freeze herself.
Character Sheet
Name: Paine Lynch
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Class: Abnormal
Faction: Chaotico

Personality: Paine can be a sarcastic person who enjoys a bit of dark humor. With a stone, cold heart, she won't hesitate to backstab anyone if her survival is on the line. If you manage to see past her cold, icy exterior and gain her trust and loyalty, she'll go through hell and back for you. Paine typically hides her pain and emotions with sarcasm or an 'I don't give a fuck' act. Either way, it's probably best not to get on her bad side.

View of World: The world is a cruel place- no doubt about that, but the key to survival is using your head rather than brute strength. Paine accepted to be a chaotico for one reason alone: it's most likely to be victorious. Despite the fact that she doesn't want to kill anyone, that doesn't mean she's incapable. Thus, her decision led her to choose chaotico rather than heretic.

Backstory: She never had been the happy-go-lucky child. It was odd, considering that most children were happy and rambunctious; however, she was more introverted. Her father left when she was born, and ever since, her mother hated Paine. She didn't want to hate her own child, but every time she looked at Paine, she was only a bitter reminder of a dead relationship. One day, around the age 9, her mother took her daughter to a lake. It was supposed to be a harmless mother-daughter bonding time, but her mother's dark intentions soon came to light as she tried drowning the girl by pushing her out of the small boat. Her plans didn't go accordingly, and Paine had managed to pull her mother in with her. After struggling with one another to keep the other underneath the water, Paine kicked her mother in the gut to get away. Fortunately for her, Paine made it to the surface only to realize that her mother would never resurface. After that, she was put into foster care since her father couldn't be tracked down. Most of the children around her figured out what had happened to her and considered her to be a murderer. There were others who were frightened of her because they believed she had actually died at the lake too only to come back as a monster- a ghost or zombie perhaps. It was childish, but Paine never denied any of it. Her introverted ways only grew stronger when she realized that no adult would ever want her. When that realization came to her when she turned, she ran away from the foster care system, only to start anew. Eventually when she was old enough to start working rather than thieving to meet ends meet, she got a job as a waitress-- and well, that was all before demons and gods brought her into the wicked game she considers to be purgatory.

Powers and Skills: Cryokinesis- Manipulation of Ice. There are a few perks like being able to heal herself with her own ice, but if she were to do this for anyone else, there is a 75% chance that the person will slowly freeze to death after they are healed. Time varies for each person- it can be hours or days. Another backfire to her power in general is that if she pushes herself too hard or let's her more depressing emotions get the best of her for too long, she could literally freeze herself.

Hmm... I can say one thing about this... Welcome to Abnormal Syndrome!
“He was a killer, a thing that preyed, living on the things that lived, unaided, alone, by virtue of his own strength and prowess, surviving triumphantly in a hostile environment where only the strong survive.”

Jack London, The Call of the Wild

Name: Vincent ''Little V'' C. Berry-Fair

''Ah, I shall never tell you about the name I was given. It is a secret I shall keep until I pass on,''

Age: 13

''Surprized, my dear? Yes, I am only a young adult, but I am wise upon my years,''

Gender: Trans-Gender (FtM)

''Yes, yes, I know most of you shall call me confused. But, please, do not. I always had the feeling that I never belonged in my current female body. It is just so vexatious!''


''Take one look at me, and tell me I'm not an Abnormal,''

Faction: Heretic

''I am just here to survive, my dear,''

Appearance: https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=25218655

''Just because I look like adorable young boy does not mean I am most likely wiser then you,''


Vincent is just your ordinary teen. Well, used to be. Sure, you can expect random mood swings, ignorance, and other teenage stuff. However, due to the fact that his intelligence has increased, a bit of him has changed.

Most importantly is his vocabulary. Sure, Vincent's word bank was average before his power, but now, it has at least tripled. Due to this, he constantly uses more advanced words, and sometimes uses ''thee'' and ''thou'' in his speeches.

He also has became increasingly stressed, due to the fear of either side wanting to use his newfound ability to their advantage. Seriously, the kid just wants to survive. The only people he can trust are the other Heretics.

View of World:

''The world is a place full of people from all walks of life. They have experienced countless things that I have not even seen! So why should I say that they are all good or bad individuals? To me, the Earth is just a planet that has life that inhabits it,''

Powers and Skills

Increased Intelligence: Vincent's intelligence has been increased to that of a Genius'. In fact, he could be considered one of the smartest people alive.

The only backfire is that with having such great intelligence comes a bucket-load of stress. Constantly worrying that either side could use him for their own good, topped with the fact that depression and dysphoria are added in makes him feel like the world is resting on his shoulders.

Misc: Little V is more or less based off of me.
Agni Blackheart Agni Blackheart
Last edited:
“He was a killer, a thing that preyed, living on the things that lived, unaided, alone, by virtue of his own strength and prowess, surviving triumphantly in a hostile environment where only the strong survive.”

Jack London, The Call of the Wild

Name: Vincent ''Little V'' C. Berry-Fair

''Ah, I shall never tell you about the name I was given. It is a secret I shall keep until I pass on,''

Age: 13

''Surprized, my dear? Yes, I am only a young adult, but I am wise upon my years,''

Gender: Trans-Gender (FtM)

''Yes, yes, I know most of you shall call me confused. But, please, do not. I always had the feeling that I never belonged in my current female body. It is just so vexatious!''


''Take one look at me, and tell me I'm not an Abnormal,''

Faction: Heretic

''I am just here to survive, my dear,''

Appearance: https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=25218655

''Just because I look like adorable young boy does not mean I am most likely wiser then you,''


Vincent is just your ordinary teen. Well, used to be. Sure, you can expect random mood swings, ignorance, and other teenage stuff. However, due to the fact that his intelligence has increased, a bit of him has changed.

Most importantly is his vocabulary. Sure, Vincent's word bank was average before his power, but now, it has at least tripled. Due to this, he constantly uses more advanced words, and sometimes uses ''thee'' and ''thou'' in his speeches.

He also has became increasingly stressed, due to the fear of either side wanting to use his newfound ability to their advantage. Seriously, the kid just wants to survive. The only people he can trust are the other Heretics.

View of World:

''The world is a place full of people from all walks of life. They have experienced countless things that I have not even seen! So why should I say that they are all good or bad individuals? To me, the Earth is just a planet that has life that inhabits it,''

Powers and Skills

Increased Intelligence: Vincent's intelligence has been increased to that of a Genius'. In fact, he could be considered one of the smartest people alive.

The only backfire is that with having such great intelligence comes a bucket-load of stress. Constantly worrying that either side could use him for their own good, topped with the fact that depression and dysphoria are added in makes him feel like the world is resting on his shoulders.

Misc: Little V is more or less based off of me.
Agni Blackheart Agni Blackheart
Whoa, cool character! Accepted! Welcome to Abnormal Syndrome!

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