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Realistic or Modern Abandoned Together


Abandoned Together-


The Story Before.

After an airborne virus was introduced to America, it spread like wildfire. It wasn't a virus that turned you into a zombie, or some mythical creature, it just killed you, wiped you out; destroyed you. It shut down your system within a day or two. Gas masks and warnings to stay in your homes were handed out, but most people couldn't follow the rules; they had to be somewhere, or they thought it was a joke. Boy, were they wrong.

The decision was made to destroy parts where the virus effected most, though the decision was made far too late. Before they could shut down the ports and airports, the virus had been passed on to Europe and Asia, and within a month, 72% of the world's population had been infected and killed.

As far as the CDC were concerned, there was no way that a cure could be found in time to save everyone, so they washed their hands of the situation, and spent time with their families before the inevitable doom came to them.

Once the bombs had destroyed and ruined cities, the Government was no longer in charge. The President had contracted the virus, panic struck, and normality ceased to be.

The Story Now.

But what happened to the few survivors? Well, in the South of Georgia, a woman named
Astrid found a home in an abandoned old mansion. It was dilapidated and broken, but it was safe. A two story haven, with a patch of land outside that grew food exceptionally. Over a few months, small groups of people found Astrid, looking for shelter, and she let them stay as long as they pulled their weight. After a year had passed, Astrid and a few others went out once every week, in their gas masks, looking for others who needed help. Sometimes, they travelled for days, looking for people in the cities.

Astrid didn't know how she did it, luck, destiny or fate, or maybe it was the almighty will of God, but she did it; made a community for herself.

It was soon accepted that the virus had been wiped out, and people became more comfortable in the little old warehouse. People helped to build it back up and grew a variety of crops. Soon, they had a functioning kitchen and even managed to repair the bedrooms, making the furniture look and feel more comfortable.

Every thing seemed to be going fine.

For more information: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/abandoned-together.75955/

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