Abaddon's Spawn

Sinny The Fool

Boogaloo Anarchist
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

"Tremki Kaguya, Abaddon"



Tremki Kaguya



-'Tremki' is quite literally a nickname in it's own way - however everyone is lead to believe that it's his REAL name. (Will explain in the personality)


- "Abaddon's Spawn" is the alias he gained which refers to a fallen angel of death. 


【Apparent Age】

He looks like a child, around the age of 12-15


【Actual Age】







Not known but he's believed to be a gifted human.


【Birth Date】









【General Personality】

Tremki is a strange, complex yet unpredictable individual. While he may come off with a innocent, almost childish demeanour Tremki is an extremely disturbed child with lack of any empathy, remorse or moral understanding in any form or shape. Many look upon him as the embodiment of a 'demon child'. Tremki is known to have the habit of placing nicknames on certain people he personally finds 'interesting', these nicknames can sometimes also help point out anyone that Tremki may have his deathly gaze upon. (Meaning, he will often nicknames people he plans on killing as well.) Essentially, Tremki is recognized as a psychopathic sadomasochist who suffers from multiple mental illnesses that would declare him clinically insane. (The most notable one being Schizotypal)


OOver the years, Tremki has adapted a very 'childlike' personality in many aspects. Speaking generally in a singing-tone Tremki likes to put emphasis on anything he says last and appears to speak in 'third person' almost constantly, (For example; "Tremki wants candy.."). He is prone to throw a tantrum when he doesn't get something he desires and is very prone to try break the rules set in place before him; sticking to this topic Tremki can have trouble following certain orders simply out of 'not liking the idea' and can essentially make him somewhat of a 'bad team player' as he generally doesn't do well working in groups and will even consider sacrificing one of his own in order to obtain a certain kill.. With his disturbed upbringing, Tremki inherently knows very little and has no educational background what so ever. This means he isn't able to read, write or really even speak properly and will generally show difficulty in anything of the sort. This makes him quite naive about most things as he isn't very knowledgeable in anything else aside from killing. Many also believe this to be the reason why Tremki hasn't risen in the 'chain of command' even despite his combat prowess. Tremki can also be childish in ways of selfishness, most of the time Tremki believes he should always get something out of what he does and while his 'needs' are


~Insatiable bloodlust~

While Tremki may come off as fairly harmless due to his overly childish personality that allows him to see the 'light side' of literally anything he comes across, this is simply nothing more than the product of a broken mind and Tremki is essentially, a blood-craving monster who is willing to go through desperate lengths in order to sate his bloodlust. Tremki kills and hunts down his prey merely for his self-amusement and entertainment. He finds a certain rush from killing other people and will often even go further by creating actual dolls from his victim's flesh. (Sorry to paint that picture for anyone..Yuck..) For Tremki, life's worth living merely for the enjoyment of death. This generally brings him to often talk about the topic of those close to him dying or even talking about his own death which he also shows much excitement towards, and when faced against noticeably strong opponents Tremki is generally the first to attempt any form of attack. You could almost say that he's addicted to spilling the blood of powerful individuals only to torment their lifeless body through a "life-like doll" operation of sorts where he cuts them up decisively only to stitch them back together, ultimately turning them into a doll corpse,




Since there is many things Tremki has yet to learn, he will often find himself becoming fascinated in small, almost meaningless things and while he can easily become frustrated with trying to understand concepts he has no interest in (Such as common morals) if there is something Tremki wants to find out, he doesn't mind going out of his own way to gain some enlightment and will generally show this curious side of him mostly towards other people around him. While he isn't exactly interested in small-talk or really any conversation Tremki can't help but become interested in others - even if he plans on one day killing that person.


Essentially, Tremki has a desire to learn more about the world and often finds it very easy to become interested in something; especially if he has never heard of the said thing before. Although he can't read anymore, Tremki also enjoys books as well - especially fantasy based stories of a valiant knight gaining enough bravery to destroy a 'big bad monster'; of course Tremki never thought of himself being that monster. If he get's the chance, he will either try read a book himself (Often getting confused and moving on to the second thing) or ask somebody else to read it for him, which within the nature of his upbringing in the underground area's of Hell City wasn't a common thing to come by.



One of Tremki’s most governing traits, in pretty much any situation Tremki often comes off with a childish demeanour who finds something to be happy about even in the most horrific of places. He doesn't shy away from complimenting or 'insulting' on some level by pointing out flaws or things he might find 'funny' about someone; needless to say he often says whatever comes to mind without thinking it through. Tremki is often prone to also act quite quirky as well most of the time with odd phrases (That have will generally have no meaning most of the time). Essentially, this childish attitude of his often misleads others into thinking that Tremki is harmless; especially those who have never met him before. In a strange way, Tremki seemingly manipulates those around him unconsciously with his personality - however in reality it is something that has just implemented into him over the year. He shows little respect from authority most of the time, while he will generally listen if he feels like having a say on the subject - he will. Making any emotional interaction rather uncomfortable for the other person, Tremki is most likely to create a joke out of another's misfortune rather than show any signs of empathy which most people just take as naiveness.


Tremki speaks in third person which is mostly lead for others to believe that he simply doesn’t know how to use personal pronouns and has therefore made a game of making up specific nicknames for people he either is marking for ‘death’ later down the line, or simply because he’s grown fond of the individual. (Really it’s 50/50) Even during chaotic situations Tremki still doesn’t seem to really show any signs of worry, fear or shock - simply curiosity..It is also safe to say that every once in awhile Tremki will also play an elaborate prank on somebody, just for the hell of it. He also loves a good joke, taking very kindly to pretty much any humor. (Dark humor being his favorite of course.)


~Unpredictable/Loathes rules & Guidelines~

Because of his rather childish naivete combined with having a disturbing past with ‘authority’ type figures Tremki has grown to be rather ignorant in terms of rules being set down before him & will generally pretend to not take any notice. He likes to have things his way, and since he looks at everything his does as either ‘play-time’ or some game Tremki doesn’t take kindly to somebody else ruining that fun for him. He only accepts certain help from certain people & cannot go on a mission without at least killing somebody even if the task requires for a silent, get in & get out approach. Strict guidelines or rules also don’t sit nicely with Tremki, despising the idea of being restricted to what he ‘can’ & ‘can’t’ do and believing he can do anything he wants to. This will generally make Tremki a bad partner on most missions, especially knowing that he generally prefers to ‘play’ alone for a reason - like an animal he doesn’t take kindly to someone else taking his prey. He’s already killed three partners of his in the past because of this very reason, or simply because he didn’t find them interesting or at least..Amusing.

Tremki is an extremely hard individual to read, having an almost constant childish attitude with a speech impairment many will often come to wonder exactly what is going on in Tremki’s head. With his numerous beliefs and sadomasochistic tendencies many find will find themselves constantly watching their backs in the presence in Tremki - or risk being stabbed in the back unexpectedly and without warning, since he likes to also spice things up with his tasks as it is all just a game for him. Tremki will often take a different approach to everything, meaning that no one will know what to expect from him in any situation.



To those who have met Tremki even once, there is no question that the chaotic teenager suffers from multiple deep psychological issues which generally connects everything about him together (Especially when it comes to being unpredictable). His mind is complex & completely filled with concepts so abstract that even if he tried putting it into words he wouldn’t know how or where to start. Therefore, he shows this in the form of art...The art of death.


Tremki has numerous strange habits & quirks, one of these things would be Tremki cannot fall asleep in normal beds. Instead, he will either take to sleeping on the floor in a curled ball or finding numerous types of people (Genetically Enhanced/Cybernetic/Gifted/Human etc.) to tear apart limb by limb and form a bed of corpse..Yes, Tremki can only get a good rest if he sleeps among a bundle of different limbs from either female or males. Some generally claim this being an isolation issue, since he doesn’t understand the concept of love or what it’s like to know such a thing - many people will find that Tremki is about as cold & apathetic as it comes with emotional situations. Either becoming puzzled, annoyed or simply amused to the point of laughing or making a dark joke from the situation.



~”The Philosophy of Tremki”~

While this technically ties in with the ‘disturbed’ section, I feel like it deserved it’s own special place in the personality section so I can expand on the actual concept/idea of Tremki.


As very little other people know, ‘Tremki’ is actually not the real name of this individual and it is infact ‘Kaguya’. Tremki had merely started off as an imaginary friend, something many people have as children and this ones name was ‘Tremki’ (Obviously). However, being born into a violent & sadistic environment, ‘Tremki’ was an imaginary friend with very interesting ideas that generally consisted of breaking the rules set before him or to simply have some fun. The problem progressed into something more, after his so called ‘caretakers’ found out about this imaginary friend they reacted violently, but in the end only lead Kaguya believe that now his friend retreated - and it retreated right into Kaguya. As the years passed right to the point he was to be ‘sacrificed’, the imaginary friend developed into something Kaguya felt was real - a voice in the back of his head, telling him to do whatever he pleases. It just so happened Kaguya really enjoyed to kill, just like Tremki and from there began to feel at ‘one’ with this being. It has developed to the point he now often speaks the name of Tremki in every sentence & will often revolve many of his quotes/phrases towards the ideal of ‘Tremki’.

You could say that in a way, the ‘sacrifice’ worked. However just not how they expected, perhaps Abaddon was real - but it was unlikely. However Tremki is surely a demon, a demon that has now rooted deep inside of Kaguya’s mind. His own little religion, with Tremki as his ‘god. That is how he was raised at least,


【General History】

Despite the average gifted human life being rather pleasant for most, wielding such power within themselves and being capable of breaking a man's bones with ease just by the use of their bare hands most gifted humans generally start their lives with the "upper hand" however unfortunately in Tremki's case; his starting in life was filled with nothing but violence & despair, but to explain this poor individuals history we must first turn towards the life of his parents - and how in the end, no matter how hard anyone may try get by in Hell City in the end there is nothing to stop the insatiable hunger for power that the people have.  


Like every love story, this one starts with your not so average woman & man helplessly falling in love with each other. Dallas (The father) was a minor upcoming gang leader who was born in the US, selling illegal substances for profit while also having occasional odd jobs such as hiests and other large-scaled robberies (And minor) with occasionally beating down on rival gangs of which were both weak & strong all in the name of 'something to do'. Dallas was a well respected man on many accounts and was well loved by his allies while both feared & hated by his enemies. Some would say Dallas had everything a man could ever want; but there was something he always felt that he was missing in his life, and while his gang member's who he considered 'close friends' didn't see it in him; Dallas longed not only for more power within the social status but he wanted to make a legacy. Dallas' parents had been nothing special, neither were any others before him as they all lived the quiet and most peaceful life they could however Dallas always had much more ambitious views for his future. But like most dreams, Dallas' didn't come true - or at least in the way he imagined it. After failing to make it anywhere in life, he heard of the uprising 'criminal city' and saw an opprtunity to carve his way to the top in another way - thus landing in the midst of what was soon to become 'Hell City'


~Part 1 - "Dangerous Love"~

As years went by, Dallas grew older and the more he longed to fulfill his deepest wishes of continuing on his legacy in the 'high life'. His gang was now not some petty gang, but a full blown organization which operated from their own means - drugs & firearms were what kept their money flowing and Kasai was able to get himself a large building that he would come to use as not only his house, but the main 'base' for the company he had established. Everything was going smooth, they had been able to keep all suspicion off their back & gain a healthy list of allies which occupied the outer territories of the gangs primary location. While his closest members 'Sasuke & Mataoshi' weren't fond of the idea of working with people they considered food, Dallas was able to make a pretty convincing point and ever since his 'right & left' men weren't let down by his promises and were also living in a similar luxury as Dallas . However, despite the past few good months they had - to even make their way to this position was tough and only a year prior did a fierce gang war between Dallas' crew and another by a man who called himself ‘Dracula’ that ended in both sides losing many people but in the end, Dallas ended up standing up top and ending the ‘Dracula’ male gifted human by killing him and from it Dallas found himself quickly attaining not only notoriety to those who he found important but also finding himself rising within the social ranks - he had achieved one of his life goals, and now he had now sought something else, somebody to love..Which Kasai didn't think would take much, he became quite a wealthy guy and owned a few Nightclubs which he got from Dracula after shoving his own hand down the man's throat.

Dallas had plans for a part, his two best men also didn't have a problem thinking that it would be good for their 'guys' to get a good night off.


Two weeks went by, and it was the 'big night' and Dallas was excited - not just because he had a feeling he could meet somebody nice but he was always the party type, it was the only time his crew could actually get along with humans without being tempted to rip them apart..Dallas actually didn't settle down in Hell City until a month after he killed the gifted human known as 'Dracula'. Business was much smoother in Hell City, and the population of the citizens left often worked together with the gangs to keep themselves alive, as by this time Hell City was a well known haven for criminals. The night went on and the rest was mostly a blur for Dallas - however when he awoke in a familiar place; Home. He also woke beside somebody, and when revealing a woman with Turquoise hair lay sleeping Dallas almost freaked out and tumbled right off his bed with wide eyes and jaw dropped..Dallas was literally the equivalent of a 'man-child', especially for a criminal, but those who knew Dallas would also remind you how different he was from your average Hell City resident. After quickly getting his clothes back on, he literally woke the woman up to find her in the same situation of confusement and astonishment - they both didn't remember exactly what happened and a sudden wave of awkwardness filled the room as they just stared blankly at each other. "Oh god, what did I do?" the woman muttered quietly to herself, but Dallas was still able to hear but instead of being insulted; he was wondering the same thing, almost. "Uh..Who are you?" Dallas asked, his tone matching the awkward situation and the woman looked back at him with sharp eyes "Well you jerk..I want to ask the same thing." she looked around, the blankets tightly wrapped around her as she took in her surroundings and returned Dallas' question with her own "Where am I?".


"My house..Now, who are you!?" 

"I'm..My name is Asuna, your name?"

"Dallas..I'm pretty new to Hell City."

"I can tell...Wait, are you saying you're Dallas the Ripper?"

"That's what they call me..?"

"You ripped Dracula's throat." 

"You know him?"

"Everyone in Hell City knows him..Especially my hus-"


Silence filled the room and it became much more awkward than before, Asuna had her hand over her mouth as if she only just realized what she had actually done; As if waking up without any clothes wasn't enough. She quickly got up, found her clothes and after getting changed almost in the speed of light she fled the house without a single word and Dallas couldn't help but feel something was very  wrong.

"Well bye...Asuna." 


Although he wasn't exactly sure what happened but he couldn't help but feel like wanting to know the girl more. Afterall, Dallas hadn't gotten to know a woman properly for years. He was at the age of twenty-six  and he felt time was wasting, but the girl had left and once Dallas thought about it - there was very little chance they would ever meet again. Dallas continued on with his life, and as a year went by he progressed his business becoming quite reputable within Hell City itself; that was when he decided to purchase a section (In the omega sector) of the extensive city for himself to look after - he wanted to create a small society where criminals and normal people could get along without having to shove eachother around by keeping the economy there high, and planned on making this the life he always pictured himself; even if it were in the midst of a criminal war. He found himself in peace for quite some time, and felt that his plan would actually pull off for at least long enough to get his family far away from danger safely. However as Hell City is known for there was a quick and unexpected turn of events - proving how little his efforts meant all starting by a simple phonecall.


"Sasuke? What are you calling me for..Aren't you looking out for the main base?"

"You aren't going to believe it..Someone is here, he's looking for you..He..He.."

"He what? Sasuke, stop shitting me this crap ain't funny"

"No, you don't know..He ripped Mataoshi in half, and now he's tearing the whole place up."

"What do you mean ripped him in half?"

"This guy...He's the most powerful guy I've ever seen.."


It ended shortly, after screams from Sasuke emerged - Dallas was able to hear that Sasuke didn't go down without a proper fight and taking out a butchers knife from his coat to strike whatever was attacking. Even after all these years, after hearing about this strange man he couldn't help but think back to that night with the woman who ran out shortly after mentioning..'Mentioning what..' he thought to himself, he felt it impossible to remember back to that night and conversation. It had been little over a year since it happened and so much had happened even in that amount of time. However, he felt the best way to find real answers was to go meet the man himself..Whoever it was, they had managed to cross a very, very dangerous man. At least that is how Dallas felt, and to some degree he was - especially when enraged..


~Part 2 - "The Demons of Revenge"~

It didn't take long for Dallas to find who he wanted. By tipping the local police, they swept the old main headquarters for evidence and with plenty of bodies piled up they found enough evidence to see who the attacker was. However - Dallas would later come to find that getting humans into this was a mistake, and would later bring a storm that would destroy him & everything he cared for. After finding details of the attacker, he learned the man's name which he went by 'Daichi Misato' which the police believed was mostly an alias but it was enough to for Dallas, he knew he was looking for. After that, he gave the police more money to cover everything up and while they accepted it Dallas was still foolish to believe they would go through with their promises after all but being mostly disbanded or corrupted by the ongoing criminal influence and only smelt money and a good kick for stabbing someone stupid in the back. 


After visiting a few 'special' connections around Hell City, and beating the living shit out of them. Dallas was able to gather enough information to find who he wanted, however Dallas was being hunted at the same time. After making it halfway across the ward he was in, a black car pulled up by a dark alleyway he was entering and five men stood out of the car and clearing way for the last man who stood tall & proud in black leather clothing with a certain taste of gothic fashion; the type that Dallas generally liked to make fun of, but he could tell that this individual wasn't the particular type you would do that to. Their eyes flickered a glowing amber, showing a sign of being all genetically enhanced and illuminated the dark with a slight glow emitting from them and as the group parted aside, allowing the individual in a long leather coat who was obviously the leader of the group began talking "I heard you've been looking for me Dallas boy..It just so happens I was looking for you, not so smart to make your group public - very silly." the guy was an obvious wack job but Dallas was content to keep hearing him out before attempting to smash his skull against the brick wall. "I've infact been looking for you, for quite some time actually..You've been sticking your you know what in places you shouldn't have..I don't take kindly to that, I once had respect for you..Dracula was a nuisance to my line of business but now." The figure smiled, his long black hair mostly covering his sickening eyes.

"I realise you are even MORE of a nuisance than he was, so now Dallas boy. You are going to reap make up for the mistakes you have made." Dallas was still confused and went on to question "What do you mean?" he asked with a general tone of confusion. To which the strange man replied with a sadistic smile creeping on each side of his face "Do you recall the name Asuna? Of course you do, she was my lady..Don't worry - after I finish you off I will be dealing with her as well. She has lost her value to me." he said, taking out a personalized knife that Dallas had never seen before; a fact which the strange man both noticed and didn't seem surprised "You wondering what this is aren't you? Well it's quite the marvel, you see..It is created from a special material coming from a gifted human himself. Want to know where I got it? I'm afraid it's not worth knowing.." and with that, the man didn't hesitate to send his men to their deaths with a gesture of 'attack'. The four men came running towards Dallas with their weapons, baseball bats and curved knives were being slung all over the place and Dallas barely managed to escape them all whilst taking out his handgun and firing one round, sending off a flurry of rounds and impaling numerous goons that had charged at him but as one goon came swinging behind Dallas with a baseball bat and ramming it in the back of his head Dallas was sent forward and semi-dazed only to find himself almost falling into a fatal blow with Daichi driving his knife towards Dallas' chest which only missed by an inch as Dallas quickly reacted with palming Daichi's hand away, only causing a clean cut on Dallas' inner forearm. Flinching back, Dallas was astonished that a knife was able to do that "I've never encountered any knife like that before" he muttered to himself while taking a short step back, and shooting down the remaining goons which had previously surrounded him and put his gifted human abilities to use; which was being able to generate metal from thin air and meld it into whatever shape he wanted, which in the case he melded it into a shield which blocked a second incoming attack by Daichi, this time placing much more strength into the attack. However Daichi continued to attack relentlessly, and even managed to begin shattering the metal with pure strength; thud, thud, thud was the only sound echoing in Dallas' ears as he tried to think of a way to get out of his current situation. "Crap, crap, crap, crap...What is this guy!" he shouted to himself, and going onto shouting as he pushed forward to force Daichi back towards the wall. Taking Daichi off balance, the large metal plated shield melded down in size to become lighter & thinner in shape while keeping it's well-rounded appearance and brining it down in an attempt to crush Daichi's throat only to find his strength completely countered by the knife Daichi carried, which was capable of blocking the shield from moving, and instead slicing right through it like butter. It was at this point Daichi realized that this man done his homework, and felt his metal-melding quickly becoming futile. Leaping back he split the metal shield-like object apart into two, those two pieces melding themselves together around Dallas' fist Daichi had gotten up and already pounced back towards Dallas full speed, which was much greater than what Dallas was capable of.

After a few more blows were exchanged between the two, it became more and more clear over the span of the fight that Dallas' was well outmatched, or at least outplayed in the current circumstances. While Daichi was battered and bruised after several blows he was consistent in staying on the offense and threw Dallas off his guard, stumbling to the ground and watching Daichi come on top, the rest could only be remembered through agonizing pain as well as watching a weakened Daichi be sent off Dallas and across the alleyway in a strange blur of speed.

The rest fading into black......


~Part 3 - "Some Dreams Do Come True"~

Dallas woke up somewhere...Strange, he was in a small room with concrete walls. Around him was medical 'crap' that Dallas couldn't name even if he wanted to and thin clear tubes were in his skin. While he looked alright, Dallas could still feel a lingering internal pain still residing within - proving that the night before wasn't just some surreal dream and he suddenly came to question 'Why am I alive..?' he took a quick look around the room as he sat up. He found a bunch of bloody rags along with a few bags filled of medical supplies. It seemed that despite Dallas' regeneration capabilities he was beaten down pretty well. However, along with some help from his gifted human body and the strangers taking care of him Dallas survived an encounter that he possibly thought would be the true end of his life. Suddenly painful memories flashed through his head 'Sasuke...Mataoshi..Shit, shit, shit..I'm sorry.' he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt, naturally like any other human Dallas mostly took on the blame for his two best men - and good friends. He wasn't even able to bury their bodies, Daichi must have ate at least Sasuke as only half of Mataoshi was found.


Despite mourning, Dallas was fairly quick to get up and make his way out of the room, taking out the tubes running into his body. Walking out he found himself facing a complex building of multiple claustrophobic hallways with no people. It was eerily silent and the only thing to accompany Dallas' ears were the sound of his feet lightly tapping on the floor and the thumping of his heart. Although judging that he was still alive whoever bring him here was mostly likely friendly, Dallas was not willing to take any chances. Walking in a seemingly random direction, a sound came from behind - a voice that seemed faintly familiar and when he turned around to the warm-voice Dallas was surprised to see the woman from so long ago. 'I should have expected..' he thought to himself. Asuna looked concerned, but not in the way of 'Oh Dallas you shouldn't overwork yourself' no; she gave off more of a vibe that was like 'what the hell are you doing out of bed?' it actually reminded Dallas of his mother for a moment.

"You're awake, I shouldn't be surprised your body heals itself quicker than anything I've seen." Asuna asked, making it clear that it was her doing that Dallas was still alive and he replied with "It's you.." his eyes looking off to the ground as if memories were flashing by. "What are you doing helping a man you tried killing?" he continued accusing Asuna, and it worked. Asuna looked with guilty eyes, but unlike what he expected he could see that she felt truly bad about what happened.


"I never tried to...Look, you don't know him like me."

"A sadistic bastard you mean.." 

"Not just that.."


Although he wanted to ask about exactly how Daichi even found out. The look within Asuna's eyes seemed drifted off back to that time, and the sorrow within drew Dallas away from asking anything. The important thing was Dallas made an enemy, a very powerful enemy that he wasn't exactly sure he could face. After their last encounter, Dallas felt almost completely outmatched however after images placed himself back together from then - he remembered the flaw within Daichi's fighting style and had an idea to counter it. He let out a heavy sigh and, finally brang up the question which still laid heavy on his mind.


"So..How did, how did I make it?"

"I..There was somebody who drew Daichi away..You injured him pretty well..But.."

"But what?"

"Your...Your body was a mess, he almost tore you apart..It was one of the most awful things I'd seen from him."

"Ever think about if your 'husband' is a complete psycho?"


Asuna went quiet, wanting to say something but being unable to find the words to use and thus they went into a small pause of silence glaring at each other blankly. It was then that another doctor came by and interrupted the conversation with a muse, Dallas didn't really take much notice and couldn't keep his eyes off Asuna. To Dallas, the more he looked at her the more beautiful she seemed; which was strange considering their situation. Some time passed, Dallas made himself comfortable in the place he woke up in and found out it was an elaborate underground bunker Daichi once used to keep 'off the radar' whenever being in trouble. Although Dallas' first worry was Daichi finding them, however Asuna was quite assured that they were fine and even explained the security system to make Dallas feel a little more at ease. As the weeks went passed, Asuna & Dallas both worked with each other against Daichi was still alive and somewhere plotting his revenge. The battle wasn't yet finished and Dallas couldn't rest with the mind of his un-avenged brothers scream within his dreams. However over time, not only did the two work well together to take down Daichi's support and isolate him they also grew more fond of each other in general and it wasn't long until Dallas could no longer deny his feelings for Asuna.


One night, they all had a party within the bunker for the workers who had been cooped up there for long periods of time. It was a rare occasion but a perfect opportunity for Dallas. He got cosy with Asuna during the period, and after hours of well lit conversation, chants of drunk cheers it all boiled down a point where Dallas took his chance and leaned in to kiss Asuna, Asuna returning the kiss the rest of night is left to the imagination..The morning after, very alike to all that time ago Dallas woke up to see the turquoise hair of Asuna. He smiled and got up, going back to the general duties of the day. On that day it was also made official that they were in a relationship, and while they still worked together quite well many co-workers became worried on what could come of it..However, Dallas was happy and so was Asuna.


Two weeks go by, Asuna woke up with morning sickness and once she went to the doctor; found out she was falling pregnant with a child. Despite being quite afraid of how Dallas might take having a child, Asuna spoke of the news with him as soon as she could and on the contrary to what she thought. Dallas exploded into joy and excitement.


"Don't kid me round' here love!"

"Why would I joke about having a child?"

"Holy shit...You aren't kidding?"

Asuna shook her head with a slightly confused expression.

"Hehe..Hahahaha!! YES!! I'm going to be a father, it took twenty-nine years but I made it!" 


Dallas went on with the whole 'I'm a father' thing for quite some time. Being almost overly excited about the child, however Asuna loved that Dallas wasn't displeased - you see..Asuna had already gone through pregnancy once, with her now ex-husband Daichi. However when Daichi found out, he felt threatened and took up a knife and...The rest was too horrible for Asuna to remember and she caressed her stomach that still seemed normal. However, the dreams of Dallas continuing his legacy had now all but come true - and for once in his life Dallas truly felt as if he belonged somewhere.


~Part 4 - "The Start of a Tragic Story"~

Seven months down the track, everything was going well as both Asuna & Dallas had almost everything prepared for their child that was due in the coming few months. And on one morning that seemed like your everyday normal day, a terrifying thing happened once they turned on the news only to find the topic being something about an uproar in Hell City. The Mafia had began to fall apart, the last thing keeping some 'criminal order' within the City despite what he was known for. But not even the manipulitive devil could control this; especially without knowing how it all truly kicked off. It was at this point when the news reporter continued on with the topic a man swooped by and sticking a long curved knife in the side of the woman's throat and screaming at the camera "AND YOU'RE NEXT HAHAHA!!" in which the camera man had been struck and the camera stopped rolling, the only thing being heard were the desperate screams of a defenseless man.

"It's happening...We need to leave."

"You know that isn't possibl-"


If the word of everyone in Hell City going completely crazy against the control of the Mafia wasn't bad enough - a strange figure burst into the room and as it came to light Dallas was left in a moment of shock 'It's...It's...Sasuke..' he thought it was impossible..No it was impossible. However before he could do anything he noticed the sadistic and crooked smile of Sasuke "You piece of shit!! Leaving me there to die with that monster, after everything we did..And you just ran - and you planned to keep running didn't you ya piece of shit! I'm going to tear you apart but don't worry, your wife will go last!!". Dallas had almost no clue what to say to Sasuke, still being in a moment of shock to even see that he was alive after witnessing the devastation that was made and also knew exactly the kind of guy Sasuke was and what he does to people he considers unworthy.


There was no time to think about it though, Sasuke took out a simple hand-gun recklessly; shooting point black into the stomach at the chest of Dallas, if it weren't for him being a gifted human the shots would have been enough to kill him, but after being knocked back he forced himself to go forward again and launching himself over the couch in an attempt to tackle Sasuke into the wall and not risk his soon to be mother of his child. More shots went off all over the place, but Asuna was able to take cover and make her way up on the second floor to barracade herself - it was the only thing she could do in her situation, that and pray Dallas made it out alright.



"GAHAHAHA!!! COME ON! AFTER YOU BLUE HAIR BITCH, I'M GONNA CHEW ON YOU AND YOUR -" Sasuke was intervened as Dallas came flying through taking Sasuke from side and proceeding to spear tackle him violently to the ground and proceeding to use his weight to stay on top of Sasuke and punching him over and over 'Left, right, left, left, right, left, right, right, left, right, left' his last strike came with a combination of both hands as he brang them down like a sledge-hammer on top of Sasuke's chest which squirmed squirmed and was bloodied all over. Asuna kept to the walls and kept a cautious eye, she felt that Dallas had this now but before she could say anything Sasuke was able take out his gun from earlier under his pants and shoot Dallas point blank in his left shoulder another time "AAH!" Dallas screeched holding his shoulder with his spare arm. Sasuke taking this chance to turn the tide and allow himself to get a short breather - but before going into complete cover he shot once more into Dallas' right shoulder and ran back towards Dallas kicking him in the stomach sending him up through the second floor of their house.((Sasuke is a gited human as well))


Asuna's eye went wide in shock, she caressed her stomach and winced for a moment before lashing out and zipping right towards Sasuke and landing a violent blow almost as soon as Sasuke managed to get up on the lower torso. While she was pregnant , she was still very nimble and as fast as ever however Dallas was half unconscious and bleeding violently as the bullets were still ludged into both of his shoulders..


They exchanged numerous blows, Asuna avoided anything to her stomach and made precautions to keep her unborn child protected while giving Dallas time to gain his bearings and heal. Dallas was slowly getting up but struggling with both arms being practically made useless with the bullets still lodged inside. "Gragh!!" Dallas' struggled but was able to let out a taunt in an attempt to get Sasuke to focus his attention back on him "Hey, since when were you the piece of shit that done this!? If you are pissed, fight me you prick!." Sasuke looked back with a twisted grin that Dallas had never seen for but he soon realized. Dallas was never good at making his point, only at making his situation even worse.


"You've always been weak Dallas', you think I didn't know you were gonna go soft on us?" 


Asuna tried catching Sasuke off-guard, but she was getting tired and her speed was slowing down and Sasuke caught her by the throat with his hand and lifting her in the air as he continued to talk. "Ever since you murdered Dracula because of what? Killing a few 'innocents'? We're criminals, not saints you dumb ass." Dallas' eyes widened in shock, it was a secret he thought had been kept to himself all this time, but Sasuke was always the type to notice things most wouldn't. 

"I've been planning to take over for a while, I was just waiting for you to get rich enough that someone finally killed you..I thought Daichi would do the job after I talked him out of killing me. I was the one who lead him to you, I knew you would look for him after thinking I was dead - did you really think I was that easy to kill?" 


Dallas felt stupid, it was true. If there was anyone who could survive even worse than Dallas it was Sasuke and right now he was showing off his real strength as he proceeded to stomp all over Dallas other limbs as well, causing his bones to crack and snap in all different places "Since Daichi can't do it right, I'm going to Dallas. I'm going to kill you, but since you have been such a good friend I'll grant you your wish." he said with a genuine smile that Dallas didn't trust at all, but what choice did he have? He was in no position to fight anymore and either way Asuna, in fact by now she was struggling to breath at all and Dallas was desperate. "Yeah, just let me wife and child live.." to which Sasuke's smile grew in reply.


"Of course...Afterall what's yours is mine now, I was only kidding about killing your wife. I'm gonna put her in much better use than that - same goes for your child." dropping Asuna to the ground and allowing her to land on her knees. Sasuke proceeded to kick her right in the temple and send her flying against the wall unconscious and Dallas struggled to no avail and furthering the injuries he already had. "You don't want Asuna to see this one Dallas old friend..Don't worry, it will be quick - I believe there will be plenty of other sicko's flooing this place soon, I made sure of that." Sasuke spoke with utmost pride in himself, as he felt he had everything in the bag..And he did.


After that, Sasuke approached Dallas who held a stone cold face and looked deep into Sasuke's eyes filled with bloodlust. Taking up his gun to shoot Dallas all over his body again, he watched as Dallas screamed helplessly in both pain and desperity to get to Asuna who could no longer do anything to defend herself. However Daichi wasn't yet satisfied with the position Dallas was in and decided to continue kicking him, before taking out a knife and muttering the last words Dallas' would ever hear.


"You should consider yourself lucky, you deserve much less than to die this way." He said with a grin, before proceeding to stick the end of his pocket knife directly into Dallas' head where he continued to repeatedly stab Dallas until his body become nothing more than a lifeless slab of meat lying numb on the ground. Blood squirted, and splattered almost everywhere and by the time Sasuke was finished, the skin on his face could hardly be noticed behind the thick layers of blood covering it.


Looking back to Asuna, Sasuke took her and fled the scene..There was no chance that Sasuke would stick around much longer, and if there was any way Dallas had just survived that - he'd get ripped apart anyway.


~Part 5 - "A Sin is Born"~

A few months after the fight between Sasuke & Dallas. Sasuke was crouching behind wall pavements behind Asuna with something caressed in her arms within a pitch-black room of an abandoned house. They were hiding as footsteps of humans could be heard from outside; it was a group of common thugs. These types of crimes had gotten worse all  Hell City only a few days after Sasuke 'dealt' with Dallas. He also caught wind of being followed by a group tracking down criminals in an attempt to stop the current uproar, and were catching onto Sasuke & Asuna's trail quickly. No gang in Hell City was to be messed with, after already having a close encounter with a group he overheard the news of Daichi not only been captured but killed as well - despite the guy being one of the most insanely powerful individual he had ever met he was slaughtered like a dog. He also heard more talk about the Mafia 'Going down in flames' and a war that is going to wage all over the city. Although he escaped the encounter of the group after being caught from tipping over a glass bottle they chased Sasuke & Asuna all the way down to this abandoned house they now used as a temporary hideout. Sasuke was annoyed that he had to hide, he even thought about using Asuna as bait but something kept holding him back every time he saw the small child she carried. He didn't know why, the child had the same weird hair color as Asuna however just a little lighter and almost no hair yet what so ever; the birth was a nightmare in itself, Asuna had almost died from the experience but was able to pull through in the end; she was tougher than she looked. The child was always quiet, while it made a few noises it never complained, cried or scream like most babies Sasuke knew of. Overall he couldn't help but feel like it perhaps had something to do with seeing a purpose in the child; he saw a chance to mold something of his own.


After the noises faded and it sounded like the investigators had given up, both Sasuke and Asuna gave a relieved sigh before looking to each other so they could get back to business. They couldn't stay in this house forever and Sasuke had places he wanted to be - Sasuke was never the loner type and after almost being ripped apart by Daichi alone, he didn't see himself standing much chance against the group alone or with Asuna; he almost had a breakdown at the thought of it after already planning to use Daichi as his key to take over Dallas' whole crew. But now, the only thing that mattered to Sasuke was his life.


"Asuna, we have to get to the other side of the City. Now."

"Why don't we ever drive a car like normal people?"


Asuna had gotten use to her situation, this hadn't been the first time she was forced to be with someone she hated and although she had tried numerous times to take Sasuke out even during his sleep - each time ended the same way with Asuna being powerless against him. She had been surprised at how tolerant he could be but she also knew that no good would come from that kind of sympathy, and this was before she gave birth to the child she continued to name 'Kaguya'. 


"Haven't you been listening woman? The whole place is going in shambles, the criminals are turning against criminals and no one is being put in their place anymore."

"That sounds farfetched to me."

"Are you a fool? Just listen to the guys outside, we have to leave as soon as we can. Hell City is a place for nobody now."


Asuna wasn't able to disagree with Sasuke, although she wanted to Sasuke had a point that she could not deny. They had no idea of what their enemy was capable of aside from taking down one of the most destructive individuals (Daichi) she had ever met in her lifetime, the thought made her shudder. Looking back to Sasuke she nodded "You're right..Lead the way, sir." she said with slight sarcasm, however ever since the death of Dallas she seemed to have lost any emotion in her voice making her attempt for sarcasm weak. Sasuke ignored it and lead the way, creeping slowly out the door and checking his surroundings for any signs of moving - the way was clear..


After making their way across the ward through the middle of the night and making their way throughout the numerous dark alleyways on foot by the time they had finally reached their destination the sky was beginning to slowly brighten - showing that it was very early in the morning and was showing heavy signs of being close to her limit. While Sasuke was use to late nights, Asuna was a fairly normal person and had a normal body clock that was currently screaming at her to go to sleep. However after forcing herself to continue they entered into the large building that was currently having a huge party; most likely for Daichi's life & death. Sasuke walked in as if he meant business and left Asuna lost within a crowd of people for the night - struggling to find her way out she ended up barricading herself in a room that she could fall asleep in and as dreams drifted her away from reality, she never knew this would be the last time she would ever get to sleep. Throughout the night, Sasuke wasn't able to find Asuna everywhere and despite searching desperately once the party was finished and everyone had left it become all the more clear someone left and taken Asuna along with them.


~ Part 6 - Some Demons Do Exist ~

Out of all the people Asuna had to deal with in the past, Daichi a man who she felt was the core of evil & Sasuke - the backstabbing sociopath who she could only guess had something bad in store for her as well. However after waking up in a room that looked similar to the old underground bunker however with blood stains & a foul smell covering the room and being chained to the wall by both hands & feet. If that wasn't bad enough for Asuna, her child was nowhere to be seen...Kaguya was nowhere to be seen. She began to fear the worst, and before she was able to think through anything she began screaming, crying and struggling to escape from her chains at the thought of her child being somewhere other than in its mother's arms. It also got the attention of whoever was outside, and although Asuna knew this was a bad move her motherly instincts ordered for the protection of her child and by the time a bald, red cloaked man with his face covered entered. The only thing that was visible was the chaotic grin he gave off as Asuna got into a battle ready position.


The red-cloaked figure cackled in amusement "Pretty lady, pretty lady~ You shouldn't tire yourself out like that." his laughter grew darker and more cynical by the second as he crept closer & closer. 


"Where is my baby? Where is Kaguya you freak!" 


"Oh the pretty lady's child, I understand. Well don't worry your child is very safe - in fact we have grown very fond of him."

"We?" Asuna's eyes widened in both shock & horror at the thought of an entire group of creeps.


"Oh yes, your child has been chosen! Chosen I say! Our lord shall take him as sacrifice and grace us with his presence, you know little~ Little, little, little I say! The lord is what created us, do you know our lord?" 

"Lord? What?"

"Hehehe, see! see! You know nothing, nothing my pretty lady! Zilch! Ha!"


Asuna could tell this guy was a sack filled of crazy, he mumbled to himself something not of any human language and finally spat out the rest of what he was saying. "Abaddon! Abaddon! Oh you have so much to learn, your child is chosen~ Chosen I say! Chosen! And Abaddon shall see us soon!" with that he made his final step closer and was within hands reach of Asuna who was now backing as far back into the wall as she could. "Little, you know little.." his bloody mouthed grin outstretched and he unvealed his bald head by taking off his hood and crept in closer Asuna tried getting away only finding herself stopping short despite her speed by the man's arm which was placed on the wall beside her and his other hand holding a bloodied machete from there things fade to black followed by the screams of desperate woman. 


((To those wondering what happened to Sasuke...He was..Eaten, and yes I'm going with the cult being cannibalistic so I don't have to make too many drastic changes to the original bio.))



Elsewhere, the child of Asuna..Kaguya had been resting silently on a table surrounded by numerous men in the same red cloaks that concealed all of their identities. They had been discussing the child for some time and we're now debating what to do, being a fairly even debate with one side preaching the child being some kind of prophet and the other, believing that the child was nothing and is better used as fish bait.


"The Lord has given many of us word of this, we should be faithful in him. He has promised the world to us gifted human's after all - and we have been awaiting a child such as this one!" Others backed him up with either a cheer or nodding their heads in agreement. "What if this is what we have been waiting for? A powerful giftedchild." the man sitting at the head was silent and overheard the debate and not showing that he was any side of the debate, yet.

"There have been other gifted human babies just like him no? We should not assume what Abaddon is looking for."

"Hah! You are just an in denial fool." the table broke out in argumentation, shouting and insults being thrown across almost awaking Kaguya from his sleep in the middle.


"Enough." The figure-head said and the room fell to silence, keeping his glance on the child. As everything went into eerie silence for a moment, it was broken as the figurehead continued "I have made my own decision. Both of your cases are plausible, however.." he glanced over to those who were siding to rid of the child before it became a nuisance. "With all the gangs in the city waging war and poking about, it is only a matter of time before they find out about us and this place. We have no more time to wait - even if this isn't the 'prophet' child Abaddon was seeking, the child will have to do and we shall pray that Abaddon will understand." now everyone was in the stage of thought, they considered the threat the war waging above their hideout and all knew the dangers it would bring if they had been exposed to the public eye and mind. They all started to reconsider their options.


"The child isn't ready yet, too young too frail - pretty lady's child is not ready yet, not ready yet I say!" The bald man entered seeming to only have just got changed back into his red cloak and covered his face with the hood so that only his twisted smile could be seen. The figurehead rose up and bowed respectfully "Just come back from pleasuring yourself to the child's mother? How daring of you my right hand." he said with amused tone in his voice.

"Oh yes, oh yes~ Just like all, just like all the pretty lady must embrace - embrace the love of Abaddon..My Abaddon." the man made it sound as if it were some kind of sick ritual. The other cackled to themselves with delight, the figurehead did not but didn't seem to take much mind to the man "You are truly crude, Soku. However I'm not Abaddon would take it as lightly as I will." he said with a warning tone within his voice. "Okay, well it looks like we have lots of work to do. I will leave the child with you Soku and everyone else is going to be focusing on making sure that nobody finds this underground bunker; if they do we have no way out and we still know very little about them."


The decision of the cults council had been decided and everyone had gone their separate ways to complete their tasks..


~ Part 7 - The Cannibalistic Cult & Their Beliefs ~

(Just a notice, this part is going to be fairly short and mostly explain what the whole cult thing actually is so everybody understands what kind of people they were.)


The Cult with no name, for years it had made themselves at home within an underground bunker in Hell City. Mostly living detached from society with the exception of hunting or if their 'god' says so, however what makes this cult different from your average demonic cult. Is not only that it is entirely made up of gifted humans - but they also believe to know how gifted humans truly came about. 'Abaddon' is their god, of which is often explained to be a large being of mass size and the strength to destroy fortresses of many sizes with ease and is often believed to be the first ever ghoul. Who after defying the word of a higher god passed down his gift upon the world - and thus creating the ghoul species, destined to rule the world. Those who join this cult, must first be chosen by a member of the council and tested through various means chosen by the council. After that, they are to completely shave their head bald and be branded from the forehead all the way to the spine in numerous - strange and demonic symbols that often differ between person with different meanings.


There is also a book which scriptures everything down - almost like a bible for their own little religion. The only difference is that it teaches human slavery & gifted human dominance rather than equality of any sort. The council itself consists of only five members, six when including the 'Figurehead' at the time who makes the final decision in everything after a debate and suggestions are made. They are generally the most powerful of the group & will have both a 'left' and 'right' hand to use at their disposal; And of course are generally among the most powerful in the group.


In this case, the figurehead currently goes by the name 'Black Crow' which also became his alias for the same reason it became his name. He was a gifted human capable of turning himself into a large and ferocious crow, and was feared not only within the cult but even in Hell City at recent. His right hand man was Soku, the man who defiled Asuna and is clinically insane as well as obsessed with Abaddon and commonly feared even more than the Black Crow for his general behaviour. Essentially being the torturer or executioner, while his abilities weren't known he was an exceptionally good fighter even without the use of his abilities and often favored using knives on others or detaching the limbs of people when being ordered to do an execution. The left hand man is named 'Maotu' and monitors the cult itself, his job consists of catching out any conspiracy or betrayal within the group and stops any arguments or ill will among the cult - he also deals with most of the paperwork to keep everybody alive and make sure everything's running smoothly as well as keeping everyone fed at the same time. While he isn't as strong as Soku he was a gifted human that was very capable of handling himself in battle.


The Cults rituals consisted of numerous sadistic methods that would kill any average human within a matter of days. However from time to time they choose a gifted human to 'sacrifice' to Abaddon, in the hopes that one day he will speak to them and give them wisdom of what to do - and one day Soku had said that happened along with two other 'witnesses' that could have been either too scared to disagree or were telling the truth and Soku spoke of 'a child with unique features and a chimera birth who would be groomed to be sacrificed for the embodiment of Abaddon' mostly in his exact words. It just so happened that a few months later that very child arrived to their doorstep after a drunk man had taken the woman mostly for his personal pleasure - how disappointed he was to find he would never be able to lay a hand on the woman, now she was Soku's to toy with.


~ Part 8 - A Prophet's Childhood ~

Years had gone by since the decision had been made about the small baby named 'Kaguya'. Soku had done as he was expected and played the 'fatherly' figure of sorts for the child. Nursing him, teaching him what he could however unlike your regular child/son relationship. Soku treated Kaguya like a personal pet, often keeping the child on a steel brace color with a wire leash attached to it so that Soku could lead him. Despite many efforts however, ever since the early procedures the infant child was put through by injecting odd liquids in him; this was only a stage to prepare him however. Right now, Kaguya was only four years old and with scars covering his body being proof of his 'wrong doings' in the eyes of his cult 'family'. Everyone often referred to him as 'The prophet', and despite Soku's calm nature he was truly sadistic to Kaguya but was doing a good job in the eyes of the Black Crow in molding the child perfectly. A week prior, Kaguya had learned how to point out and take advantage of vital points on the human body - and was given a live test subject, another gifted human to practice fighting against other gifted humans and on how to expose their weaknesses.


They went to an area of the underground hideout that Kaguya had never been before. However the corridors were very familiar to Soku & he had a very hard time holding back a sadistic laughter that had been built up inside him. They went around a sharp corner and into the room on their right - where a woman chained up by all limbs with scars, bruises & torn clothing that barely covered anything up from her body, the woman who to Kaguya felt some odd connection with was skinny and was also deprived of much food and her skin looked to be rotting away with pure white hair stretching down passed her spine. The woman was the remaining pieces of Kaguya's mother, Asuna - who for four years had endured a similar treatment, perhaps even worse in some aspects that involved defiling her body by Soku. However her mind by now was broken, she could no longer recognize the child she ultimately thought was lost forever and the sight of Soku made her tremble in fear to the point she could barely breath. Backing herself against the wall as much as she could it almost seemed as if she hoped to push herself through, away from the 'demon' she saw in her eyes. She tried to scream but her vocals had been severely damaged beyond even medical/gifted human repair & the only thing she could do was rip out her hair desperately clinging to the wall.


Kaguya looked at the woman with curious eyes - he was already desensitised to these things, but it was different this time; He couldn't understand but he felt strange and then looked back up to Soku and tugging on his red cloak "Da..Da. Who is the old woman?" although Asuna wasn't even that old, after four years of pure torture not only did her mind break but so had her body & Soku lost interest in the woman every since she started to rip her out and had the 'perfect' way to be rid of her; Make it apart of the child prophets preparation for the 'big day'. So he replied "This old woman..Was your mother - kill her for Dada prophet, and Abaddon will love you for it." his tone was genuine and casual-like, and after a few blinks from Kaguya he nodded slowly and let go of his cloak walking forward. Kaguya had already learned what happened if he said no..


~A flashback~

"STUPID CHILD, STUPID CHILD I SAY & YOU ARE TO BE THE PROPHET OF ABADDON, ABADDON I SAY!!, YOU WILL NOT SAY SUCH THINGS LIVE IN YOUR MIND; ONLY ABADDON WILL LIVE IN YOUR MIND, ABADDON, ABADDON I SAY!" Kaguya quieted down and looked to the floor as if he were guilty of something but managed to shake his head and argue his point "No Dada, you don't understand..I D-didn't steal candy, I didn't! Tremki did! Please Dada you have to believe me Tremki did it..." Soku wasn't convinced and even more slapped Kaguya across the face leaving him on the ground - he was only two at the time and only just learned how to work and after that he tried to plead his part only to find that Soku was enraged even more after all he never had time for something he said was just 'his imagination' however to Kaguya it felt all so real, cutting him off and the rest of the night was much too painful to remember..

(In other words, I didn't want to make two separate spoilers because of what he's about to do xD)


Snapping back to reality, Soku was looking at him with a raised eyebrow - not a good sign at all. "Sorry Dada, I was..Sorry Dada." he looked back and Soku didn't seem to pay much mind, placing his hands behind his back clasped together. He was going to enjoy watching the pig die, and from her own child's hands as well; Soku thought it was all just too ironic and had to hold himself back from going into a twisted fit of laughter that would most surely throw the child prophet off the task. Soku couldn't have that, he vouched for the child and had high hopes for the usefulness of the child in the near future. Kaguya was right in front of the woman who, beyond his knowledge was the very individual who gave life to him. He tilted his head to the side, the woman didn't look at him and he spoke up "Lady..Lady.." his soft voice seemed to shed a light somewhere in Asuna's mind as her eyes sparked open in shock and she took a proper look at the child. Her memory was scrambled but the words seemed to roll from her mouth when looking at her child for the first time in years "K-K-Kaguya.." she began moving closer however Kaguya was standing only an inch too far for her to reach which sent tears down her eyes "You're alive.." Kaguya didn't understand her and even more, she had confused him with her reaction and quickly lashed out before allowing her to say anything more.


He first ripped the chains which had now be rusting right from the wall - something Asuna would have been too weak to do and although Soku was worried about what the child was doing. Kaguya had pounced onto Asuna like an animal and digging his hands into her shoulders using his sharp and hardened fingernails to slowly tear away at the skin and impale the woman to the ground as he growled in anger "Not yours, Not yours! Dada is over there" he wrenched his hands deeper into her shoulders before ripping them back out and forcing her to look back at Soku and everything began to piece itself back together in Asuna's head. Her child wasn't her child anymore, it was a monster - Soku was turning their child into a monster...

Asuna didn't resist what happened, she accepted this defeat and felt no more reason to live on any longer; her child was truly gone and the lose words that uttered from her mouth were "You are right..You, are now Kaguya..You are not my child." with tears running down her face those were the last words she ever got to speak, as Kaguya was now having a small but deadly tantrum as he began clawing at several area's on his skin until they drew blood which from their, his ability being revealed blades of crimson red emerged from the numerous places on his body drawing blood - seeming to have no control of their shapes his back jerked before shooting out spikes of hardened blood at all angles of the room; even impaling Soku but by no means anything life threatening for him as he kept watching. Kaguya's gifted human ability of controlling blood as a deadly offensive weapon or defensive through hardening the cells within his blood, practically making it as capable as any blade of slicing and dicing, swirled in odd curved shapes from his shoulder blades as the other area's of his body that were drawing blood began to heal themselves,  shaping itself into long curved blades which reached out a foot or two in front of him, ready to strike. rose up into the air, the spikes of it's tail-like appearance frizzing and wiggling at random intervals and rising well above Kaguya and he whispered to himself so Soku would not hear but his expression never changed from it's cold expression "Tremki likes it..Tremki really likes it a lot.." then *SPLAT*. Kaguya  wrenched his the 'blood blades' right through Asuna before continuing, to dig them further before wrenching Asuna's body apart ripping her flesh apart before finally splitting her right in half - a sound that seemed on 'mute' over the screams of his mother; Asuna met her end, but was thankful for all the pain & agony of living to finally come to an end.


Soku was pleased, and after ripping out some of the spikes of blood that had managed to impale Soku he clapped slowly. "Very good..Very good I say~ You made Dada very proud prophet, in a few years..You will be ready to see your real father" Soku said in an illusive way, that generally meant he was being subtle about what he spoke of - Kaguya was young but he always noticed these things but refrained from speaking up and just nodded looking at his bloodied hands. "Was that lady really Mama?" he asked Soku, looking right into his eyes as Soku chuckled to himself "No, no, of course not she was just a crazy old woman. Now go study up prophet, we still have much, much more work, much more work I say!" he said patting Kaguya's back and leading him towards the door directing him to leave at once. Kaguya had no say in the matter, so he did as Soku said and left the room. After inspecting the body, Soku rubbed his chin before cracking a wide & sadistic smile "He is coming along much better than I expected, perhaps he really is prophet after all. Good, it would be a shame to spend so much time only to kill the child for no reason.." he muttered to himself before straightening up and leaving the room. However instead of checking back in with Kaguya he walked down a different corridor which lead down to Black Crow's 'office' and entering. He had much to say to the figurehead of the cult. The large man was reading a book with both of his feet up on his desk and flicking through a page, he didn't look up since he already knew who was there.


"What is it you want, Soku? I am reading as you can see."
 "I have good news, good news, good neewwws~"

"Oh?? And what might that be?"

"The prophet, prophet I say! is starting to learn, I have finally gotten through to him, right through! - I think he will soon understand our ways, no I know he will! Know it I say!"

"This is good news?" 

"Of course, can't you see, Abaddon, Abaddon is blessing us. It has been four years & the other gangsstill haven't found us despite the Mafia having almost no control over this City anymore, it is a sign I say, a sign!"

"You are probably right, but I don't think the sign has anything to do with Abaddon."

"Have you lost faith, I sense a loss in faith - We can't have that, no, no, no, you know what happens don't you?"

"I'm not saying that - I am saying I have a feeling this isn't the doing of our beloved Abaddon."

"I see, bad time, bad time, bad time to talk I shall go back to work then, goodbye, goodbye I say!" 


Soku was already off and waving happily to Black Crow, it was unspoken but Soku was the one running this place; Black Crow was nothing but a scary man to make everyone listened - it was Soku who had the real power and even started the cult in the first place, all his idea and if he wanted Soku could slit the Crow's throat at any time he wanted to...


~Five years later~

It had been five, long years and Kaguya had yet to see surface - he had learned a lot about those sort of things and was given very good education on Hell City's landscape especially; they wanted him to know the city like the back of his hand before he even set foot inside the city and had used numerous normal & sadistic methods to assure that these things were permanently imprinted in his mind. They had placed him through combat training as well, after teaching him basic things such as human weaknesses & torture methods that often considered 'hands on' teaching with Kaguya being the volunteer to act as the toad to learn about the weaknesses of gifted humans the hard way; they were all performed on him daily, they called it the 'Procedure 80' mostly because it included 80 different methods. He was taught many things, however everything he was taught only taught him to kill - or hunt for killing, anything outside of that wasn't very important & every time he would even think or talk of such things (or be suspected of it) Soku would beat him. Punishments had become worse for him as he began to grow up, so much that he had already started developing multiple mental problems that were looked passed by Soku & everyone else who saw him as only one thing - a sacrifice, but they would soon learn.


One such thing, was the once 'imaginary friend' that Kaguya had as a small child to blame on his mischief behaviour had developed into something so much more, he now felt as if it lived inside him. 'Got too scared of Dada-chan..Don't blame Tremki, don't blame him..' he thought to himself pitying Tremki, but now this 'friend' of Kaguya's lived inside his head and talked to him..Oh how it talked to him, so much all the time, it told him to do many things, many, many things that Kaguya was starting to consider very seriously but would never dare speak or show such things in his actions & emotions. Kaguya learned much from his 'family' no matter what they had done to him, besides it was the only thing Kaguya knew of; but his friend was pushing him to do something else, something that would be considered unholy to Soku..


The Black Crow was pleased with how Kaguya was coming through, and after a recent conversation with his right hand man Soku about how far Kaguya was coming through. Not only did Kaguya almost finish his 'preparation' for Abaddon by becoming a living weapon. He was also pitted against a new recruit to the cult who was an average gifted human but with high psychotic tendencies. Kaguya had slaughtered him, ripped the ghoul limb from limb as if he were some animal taking apart his prey. While it didn't make Kaguya anything 'prodigy' like but it was most certainly an impressive feat for a nine year old child.


It was impressive enough in fact, that the Black Crow had a grand plan to put their prophet to work - make the child feel as if he were apart of something. He couldn't have guessed the way Soku treated him for all these years especially after what he had done to his mother, but the Crow didn't want to make the mistake of trying to defy the free will of others; he needed to make the boy 'willing' to succumb. So that his god may walk the earth and grant them their prize - A world ruled by the power of ghouls & humans as cattle. They would not settle with what they had, even if they had gained the world the Crow often wondered if his lust for power & domination would ever be satisfied.

However, the problem at hand plus a 'prophet' child in need of real combat experience the figurehead of the cult along with the council had once again got together for a small & quick discussion. It was a 'make or break', some of the council members still disagreed with the presence of Kaguya and once the idea of Kaguya being sent to infiltrate a hideout of the Mafia which was discovered not far from the underground base the cult made themselves home in. There was no arguments with the decision and everyone agreed, either in blind faith that the child was truly a prophet of their god 'Abaddon' or because they sought to rid of the child & saw him as an unnecessary burden that could one day become very dangerous. At first, Soku voted against it as he didn't want to risk being exposed by the Mafia however after the overwhelming amount of people agreeing his decision did not matter and he respectfully agreed by the end of the meeting.


Kaguya was informed of what was happening the night before, unlike most children he was actually excited for a various amount of reasons. He would finally be able to see what it looked up at the surface, to breath real air (Which he heard was better than the air underground) and meet new people that he could 'play' with..All without any real knowledge of how the world actually worked, something which even to the present day he cannot understand. The next day, Kaguya was given two weapons that he was told were called 'Wakazashi swords' but every time Kaguya tried repeating the word it would come out all weird & messed up. 


He wasn't sent alone, he had another member apart of the cult with him who dressed up in casual clothes just how Kaguya was for once. The cloth felt very comfortable, he was so use to wearing dirty rags that smelled of nothing but dead corpse as well as being mostly red from the numerous killings he committed there during his 'preparations '. They walked up a corridor, a place where he was never allowed to go close to before today and as they went up a flight of stairs they reached a door which lead into a large building that almost seemed like a factory. The guy with him looked back with a stern expression, gesturing for Kaguya to go first "Hurry up, I want to get this done fast so don't weigh me down alright?". Although Kaguya struggled to understand he nodded and moved. As they made their way out of the factory, they found themselves walking right into the city itself. The cult's 'hideout' wasn't much of a hideout at all but just a room inside an abandoned factory that no one ever seemed to check out and it barely took them five minutes to make it on the busy streets where people flooded every corner going about their day. Kaguya was instantly able to know the place although he was never there before, and he realized they were in the 11th ward. He also learned that this place was heavily impacted by the s presence & was known to be an active 'ghoul zone' that they kept constant partrol on, making this job even harder for the two. 


They made their way across a few blocks before turning off into a dark alleyway, the ghoul Kaguya had been following the whole time was keeping a quick pace up & Kaguya was struggling but still managing to keep up. The ghoul turned back for a moment to Kaguya "Alright, we just have to walk this alleyway and -"

All of the sudden, Kaguya saw the man stand there wide eyed. Glaring deep into Kaguya's eyes, it was strange for him and Kaguya didn't understand what was going on until the ghoul's head began leaning to one side and 'falling' off with a clean & deep cut on his neck as his body flopped to the floor his head followed by rolling towards Kaguya's feet to which he could only blink a few times before looking up again..Only to see one man in a white suit, a grim smirk across his face with black hair and a strange looking weapon in the form of a whip. "It is about time you guys finally came out of your little hole, I knew you guys would take the bait sooner or later" The strange man said as he approached with some sense of grace about him "My name is Yorvic, I am a member of the Mafia..Or a 'bird' as your cult have started calling us. I've never met a child before you, well kid - mind telling me where your brothers home is? Or do you want to end up like him?" The investigator's smirk widened slightly as he spoke to the child, obviously feeling superior to Kaguya who only gave him an expressionless stare with both hands by his side..


Voices lingered in Kaguya's ears, muffling the investigators voice to something else telling him something.

 'Kill him..Rip out his eyes..Claw out his chest...Chew on his heart, his nose - Kaguya..Let's not just be friends anymore..Let's be together, let's...Let's be Tremki...BE TREMKI!'


However, before Kaguya was able to search deeper in his mind to understand what this voice was saying he was struck hard by something. Something that stung, it stung a lot and was wrapping around him. He snapped back into reality and Kaguya found himself facing the investigator who wrapped his whip quinque around Kaguya and was using some button on the handle that proceeded to slowly squeeze the life out of him. "Well, come on either spit it out or show that you have some brains in there and lead me!" Kaguya still didn't say anything in fact he made no sounds at all. He felt his bones slowly getting crushed, his bones cracking before snapping in all the wrong places which began to pierce his organs. It was this that made the voice louder, so loud in fact that Kaguya had said it out loud for the first time.


"TREMKI..!!! REAAAAALLLLYYYY DOESN'T LIKE YOU!!!" Kaguya cutting himself open again to allow blades of blood to come sprouting out, giving him enough leeway to escape the whips grip around him to strike. Swooping forward, Kaguya used his abilities and pounced on top of Yorvic as he proceeded to continuosly stab him across his chest merely to cause the man to suffer as well as die. Yorvic screamed but it was to no avail, there was no one around that would arrive fast enough. Once it was done, he left the mafia member in a mess and saw a van arrive; opening their doors and letting out a squad of soldiers which took fire with their firearms causing bullets to go flying everywhere..Kaguya ran without hesitation, however those voices in the back of his mind still lingered for some reason. He couldn't understand that he simply did not feel satisfied with the kill, he needed more..


~ Part 9 - A Rising Of Abaddon...GONE WRONG! ~

Kaguya was now just entering his teenage years. He was thirteen and was now much more experienced, although his mental issues proceeded to grow without any treatment at all. He slowly began feeling almost 'in place' with the people around him who now gave him some general token of respect, but for reasons Kaguya had yet to know about. After the last hunt that went wrong, Kaguya was punished for failing but ended up going out again, twice. All with success and without the interruption of any investigators but Kaguya knew that it would only be a matter of time before the place had finally been raided by the rival gang figured to look in this place. Only a matter of time before the Cult was finally exposed. The Mafia was finally no more, and were all but fading away by this point.


Kaguya became much more dangerous over the years, so dangerous in fact he began to started to make a small name for himself among a few other criminal organizations in Hell City. However, he was still looked down upon as a child, and to Soku and the other cult members a pawn for their use. Kaguya was self-aware about all of these things, he grew to truly understand what his position was - but for some the problem for Kaguya was he didn't know any better. He grew to like how he was treated, even more he became almost just as sadistic as Soku and grew a deep enjoyment for torturing people and hearing screams of pain & agony. For a few months, Soku had also began giving him a unique type of candy that were made exclusively for cannibals looking for easy, hidden ways to indulge in their dark desires; something that quickly turned into an addiction that he would not be able to resist. Soku would often use these 'treats' to get Kaguya to do everything for him, now that the prophet child was no longer a child and was clearly growing stronger by the day. His time of being specially attended to by Soku to undergo strange rituals were over - now he simply served as an errand boy for the council or executor if things didn't go the way 'Crow-Man' liked it. (Crow man is what Kaguya called him)


'Tremki' had also come out of it's shell which didn't help at all with Kaguya's sadistic tendencies. Kaguya would often find himself being helplessly persuaded to do many things not just to himself but other members of the cult as well..A week earlier, Kaguya had been beaten and dismembered limb from limb aside from his head as punishment for kidnapping one of the recruit cult members over night and dragging them to the torture chamber so that he could have his 'play' time. Soku didn't take kindly to Kaguya playing when he wanted, and it was something that over time began to get on Kaguya's nerves. You see, he no longer saw Soku as anything but his current caretaker - he served his purpose..Now Kaguya was following somebody, or something else. Something that would prove to be much worse than even the cult he was raised by...

'Tremki...Don't want to be Kaguya anymore, don't want to be prophet..Don't want to be pet..' 

'Why be like them? Kaguya never liked them, you want to kill them, remember? Slaughter them all, rip them apart and feast on their hearts!' a voice replied, echoing in the back of Kaguya's mind that he chose to keep closely to himself.




A few hours later, when darkness set Kaguya had set his way back 'home' with garbage bags filled of perfectly dismembered limbs stacked neatly with each other and skipped back. However, back to the Cult's hideout before Kaguya arrived, other things had been prepared. The 'hunt' trip was merely a distraction the cult made up, in reality they were making preparations for the final ritual. Although it was a year earlier than they originally planned, everyone agreed Kaguya was ready for the final ritual none the less and with the cults rival gang that took the mantle of an 'underground' government getting very close to finding out the location of the Cults whereabouts they had no choice but to rush. As everything was prepared other members of the cult awaited the entrance to lead Kaguya who arrived just on time for everything to be set & ready. However Kaguya knew nothing of this and when he approached the main hall of the cult's hideout he was also greeted by four cult members who had their hoods up to cast shadows on the majority of their faces - Kaguya was already getting a feeling of where this was leading but didn't resist, at least not yet.


"Welcome back prophet, you have been requested by your father."

"Not Crow-Man? Aww.."

"Don't worry, he will be there too prophet, leave the bags there and follow us."


Kaguya simply nodded and dropped the bags on the spot as he followed the cloaked figure's lead. Two positioned themselves behind Kaguya as the the other two were in front leading the way down the corridors into the ritual room that became all too familiar to Kaguya by this point. As they entered the large chamber room, a strange table had been set in the middle and the whole cult was present and occupying the circular outskirts of the room. They had all been mumbling in perfect sync to a chant that Kaguya could only guess had something to do with 'Abaddon', the popular god among his 'family' he was raised in. However Kaguya had a different outlook on this, Tremki was god. Tremki was everything...And right now, Tremki was shouting to lash out, utterly slaughter everyone & thing in this room. The people who led him into the room had now left his side and joined the outskirts as Soku appeared from seemingly nowhere with his arm outstretched - his palm waiting to be taken up by his child, his son. Without thinking, Kaguya's arm made its way and Soku gripped his hand and leading him to the table with a pole sticking out of the middle in the shape of a strange cross. 'Crow-man' was standing a few feet away from the ritual bench but Kaguya was still able to see him clearly, however it didn't change the man from making a slight grin for the first time ever since he first met the child as a baby infant. "W-what if Kaguya doesn't want to.." he said weakly, doing his best to plead his case & for the first time ever since he was so young...He had not only questioned Soku but practically refused. Kaguya shook his head, tears filling his eyes for the first time and he cried out "Don't want to, don't want to! Kaguya will be good, but Abaddon doesn't wan-" he was interrupted and his jaw went wonky after Soku punched him across the jaw & breaking it from it's location for just enough time to get Kaguya to shut up so he could lift him onto the cross where they would proceed with the ritual.


Kaguya was in shock and found himself unable to move for a few moments, which was enough time for him to be helplessly lifted onto the cross and binding both hands & feet with a strange but very thin wire. His head hung low with eyes stretched out wide at what was happening - he began feeling sharp pains all over his body all of the sudden before realizing it was 'Crow-man' releasing his kakuja of a black crow and hailing pain down on Kaguya that sent him into fits of screaming. The chanting grew ever-so-louder and Soku took up a knife when the figurehead stopped hailing down deadly feather shaped projectiles onto Kaguya. Soku took up the knife, stepping up to the 'prophets' level and quietly spoke only so Kaguya could hear. "It would be easier not to resist my son, remember Dada loves you. This is your last test, make your Dada proud won't you?" and like always, Kaguya turned up towards Soku's fake loving gaze and nodded slowly as he lifted his head high & closed his eyes. Soku placed the knife on Kaguya's throat and just like that, he dug the knife deep in Kaguya's throat wrenching it from right to left in quick succession. But to his own surprise, while Kaguya should have been dead - his neck began repairing almost instantly after the slice & the boy's eyes widened in shock again. "Im-impossible"


Kaguya had no way out of his position, it would only have been a matter of time before they killed Kaguya and completed the ritual however before the second attempt could be made a loud explosion came from the entrance of the hideout and within a matter of mere moments the whole chamber became flooded with soldiers from their rivals that came along with numerous 'investigators' who raided the place and stood proud with achievement filled in each of their expressions. Kaguya would never forget that moment, things went to hell and the ritual turned into a chaotic riot between two forces. Cult members had jumped from everywhere & the vibrant glow of numerous gifted humans abilities were seen all over the place as the place quickly became soaked in blood from both sides. However the rival organization were winning by a mile thus far, even 'Crow-Man' was having trouble and Kaguya found himself already shot with numerous bullets on his body that also took out some of the wire. Allowing him to get himself free one limb at a time. Escaping and something in him snapped

'Now, there is no Kaguya...There is Tremki...Tremki is all that is need..'


His gaze set on his so called 'father' Soku. Darting forward he appeared behind Soku in the middle of the chaos and placed both hands on his shoulders leaning into his ear as he whispered with a deranged demeanour. "Tremki...Has grown bored of Dada now..Time to go night-night." Soku's eyes widened in fear before Tremki savagely dug his fingers into the man's shoulders and using the chaos to drag him back across the floor to the other side of the chamber that no one was paying attention on and jumping onto Soku's chest with both feet pressing down hard against the man's chest and he squatted down so his face could reach Soku's.


"Now...Tremki is going to rip Dada-chan apart." Tremki's childish face turned into a deranged child with a twisted smirk that highly resembled Soku's own smile. He now knew that he was facing his end and felt suddenly felt cold as Tremki began clawing away at Soku's chest with his bare nails. Slowly ripping away at the flesh of his upper-torso and watching his desperate expression try scream only to find his voice engulfed from all the other noise happening. The only thing he could do was try push Tremki off but it was no use, it was there he realized.

"Abaddon...Lives in you..Already." he could barely say the words, but he could let out enough for Tremki to understand, only to ignore it after a moment and finish the job by shoving his hands into the healing torso of Soku. Spreading his hands apart and slowly - Soku's body had a gaping hole in it and Tremki shoved his head in the opening before savagely ripping away at his insides with his teeth. 


Tremki didn't finish until after he reached Soku's heart which he ripped out with his teeth. His face & body now being completely covered in Soku's blood as he lifted Soku's heart in the air with one arm and using his other arm to forcefully wrench open Soku's mouth and shoving it inside multiple times. Literally bashing the heart into Soku's mouth repeatedly until he eventually turned the man's head into chunks of meat on the floor. 


However, unfortunately for Tremki that was all he could do. Since after he was finally satisfied with what he had done, he completely forgot about the organization's investigators which took him off guard and overpowered him 10 to 1. In the end Tremki was the only one to survive in his cult, even 'Crow-man' was taken down by the mysterious organization in the chaos that erupted during the ritual that would have surely ended Tremki's life. He was then sent off to a ghoul detention facility, where he remained for another two years where he grew a more curious nature and learned more of other organizations/gangs as well as make a few friends that would later help in down the track..


~ Part 10 - "Escaping Hell City Prison, Abaddon's Spawn Is Reborn" ~


Despite the recent 'war' which made the final blow to the Mafia was made and half the city was torn apart there had still been a secret organization operating in the now abandoned part of Hell City, using an old prison to house numerous criminals as well as using it as their own base of operations from what Tremki was able to gather. Tremki was now at the age of fifteen by this point, inside the 'special' detention facility he was placed on the 'third floor' where he found himself being surrounded by mean and large looking gifted humans also palced on that particular floor ((Note this floor was made for gifted human prisoners.)) that had a looks in their eyes that were all too familiar - but those looks suddenly turned into confusion, some had pity or sympathy and others simply blinked as if they were surprised to see him. Tremki wasn't able to understand that it wasn't every day a small child-like individual like him ended up in a place like Hell City Prison, let alone the third floor were where the highest and worst of criminals were placed. The reason Tremki was amongst these people came down to the fact he was the last living individual to survive the organizations invasion to the 'Abaddon Cult'despite it being from mere luck that he wasn't interested in aiding in the fight from the mysterious organization operating in the remains of the and that they just decided to take him in captured instead, for whatever purpose Tremki would have yet to find out. While he did begin at the second floor where average people were, Tremki had beaten a hardened cybernetic criminal's head against the wall until to smithereens so he was taken from there and moved to the third floor - where gifted humans and other prisoners of special notice reside and the security being tighter than ever in this section also.


But despite everything, Tremki felt happy to be free of that place where is constantly stank of rotten flesh & food as well as the feces spread around the place. Although this place didn't smell much butter, the aroma was much more satisfying than the other place - however he wouldn't exactly know where this aroma came from, since it seemed to be all around him just like all the people who circled around him after the guards left them be. Tremki was about to find out, that this place isn't that different from his home what so ever.


"Hehe, lil' kid on the third floor? HA! The guys operating what's left of this place really are terrified little pussies aren't they?"

"Haha you got it Kiza! This kid won't last very long, might as well put him out of his misery!"




The men all crowded around him, even those who were taken to their cells were trying their best to ram their bodies against the doors - everyone here wanted a piece of him. However, being as naive as he was Tremki didn't really see this coming until he felt a blunt pain to his back which had to be someone's foot that sent him forward into another mans fist into his stomach and lifting him in the air effortlessly and dropping him into a vicious knee strike and double hammer fist to Tremki's back. There was at least a dozen inmates on him almost instantly doing their best to beat him to a pulp but never bringing out their gifted human abilities - that would cause the organization to think they were trying to escape but they didn't care about a few beaten up gifted human's from their own kind; it was just less freaks to watch all day. However in amongst all the fighting going on to tear the ‘new guy’ apart, Tremki managed to use his small body and risking breaking his bones to slip his way and make his way out - leaving the men fighting amongst themselves to get to him without knowing he was already carrying on with his day, not shedding much care for his own injuries. (Which weren't many by the end)


Before he was able to slip away, he looked back to find one staring at him and smiling with a smug grin across his face - Tremki did not like that look at all, in fact he was considering whether or not he really should leave; it was a perfect chance to ‘play’ after all but he wasn’t going to risk going through any more broken bones like the ones that were healing as they spoke.


“Heh, so you can heal your injuries pretty fast eh?”

“Hey boys! This guy is gonna be a fun rag dol-”


His talking was cut off at the realization as he was talking to all of his buddies that were now paying close attention Tremki’s arm had closed in around his neck and a scratch appeared on the man's forearm and cheek, a mere scare tactic of Tremki’s. The man went from thinking he ruled the world to shitting himself very quick when he realized that he was just bested by a child, although he didn’t have much fear in the kid - he was fearful of what could come from his ‘crew’ that were staring at him & Tremki in awe.  Tremki's legs were wrapped tight around the mans torso mostly due to the size comparison between the two but the man in Tremki's grip could feel his ribs being slowly crushed. Tremki grinned widely, his smirk stretching across each side of his face widely showing his jagged & sharp teeth that appeared to be forcefully carved into sharper fangs of sorts as he leaned close to the man's ear and whispered in his ears with a slight singing tone to his voice that cracked at times before leaning down to lick the blood from his wound.


"Mary Mary quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells
And pretty maids all in a row"



The man was officially creeped out by this strange kid and struggled to get him off but all he done was make it harder on himself and Tremki didn't hesitate to take a bite right from the mans neck where the blood pulsed the most. "Tremki hasn't had candy for a while, will shaggy-dog get some candy? Or shall Tremki have shaggy-dog instead?" he glared towards the man who stared back with frightened eyes, as he could only see hunger & bloodlust within Tremki's. The other guys began scoffing and were now coming forward, suddenly Tremki let go of his grip from his legs, moving them onto the man's back to both push himself back as well as send the man he had in his arms flying forward into the group. "Tremki thinks it was very nice to meet people like Shaggy dog, Tremki will think of more names later but Tremki is very, very tired so it's sleep time! Besides.." he looked back to the other guy he just took a chunk from who was now bleeding everywhere from his neck with a piercing glare - it was clear that he wasn't expecting that but Tremki knew he would survive. "Tremki is full for now~" [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]he than tootled off out of sight, placing his arms out in the air like an airplane gliding through the air as he ran from side to side across the corridors. He remembered the guard telling him that his cell number was '203' and from the order of numbers he found himself running up a long circular path that slowly lead further up. He passed numerous cells meaning A LOT of people saw him pass by, each of them knowing what he looked like and because of how vulnerable he appeared to be Tremki would find himself at odds with many people on this floor - no one here likes the idea of being compared to a mere child. After he finally made his way to his cell, he found himself with another inmate. He remembered his last roomate, he was the reason Tremki was moved to the third floor - Tremki thought he talked to much and decided to rip out his tongue before bashing his head against the wall. He giggled to himself aloud, reminicing himself in those moments as he strided forward and ramming both of his hands onto the bars and the ringing sound echoed throughout the whole metal underground prison. There were no guards in this sector, instead mechanical drones managed & maintained everything happening inside the different floors; all while being monitered by those operating the prison behind the safety of numerous blast doors seperating them from the prisoners inside, which outnumbered the guards five to one.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The inmate inside snapped his attention towards the 'child' with cautious eyes and tilted his head[/SIZE] "You stupid? Get inside before they end you. You want to get out of this shit hole one day right?"[SIZE=13.333333333333332px] the man was oddly straight forward yet at the same time, was very cautious despite his appearance. He had dark skin and was very built, and quite large in size overall however held an overall strange presence about him.[/SIZE]



- Candy

- Giving individuals of interest a nickname


- Killing & Dead things in general

- Talking to Henry Gospel (His leader)

- Strong opponents


- Being told 'no'

- Getting held back

- Working with people he doesn't like (Which is almost everyone)

- Other children



That one day...All the candy on earth will be eaten by somebody else besides Tremki.


【Eye Color】

Aqua Blue (Although in a lot of pictures it's golden..Oh welp)





【Hair Color & Style】

Tremki has turqoise hair that can come off either green or blue depending on the current lighting, that curves upwards, giving it an impression of feathers. The tips of his hair are black.





【Clothing Style】

Tremki has a long, white coat adorned with numerous black swirl pattens on it with the zipper constantly zipped from his neck to above his navel which he wears with his knee-length white pants.



【Distinguishing Marks】

- Tremki has numerous scars on his body, the most noticeable one being above his left eyebrow. However he has many more to account for on his wrists, ankles, back & torso.

- Golden Eyes


【General Appearance】

Tremki is a rather skinny boy with a pale complexion and various notable scars on his body - but despite his rather small height and body-frame Tremki has proven to be quite physically strong in his own right on several occasions. Many often describe his physical appearance as quite innocent.



Nothing, he does whatever he pleases



More or less anyone who gives him enough candy



As it isn't common knowledge exactly what Tremki's gifted ability is (Or if he really is a gifted human) I felt that I'd keep this in a spoiler for now and just go over his gifted human ability..

~"The Abaddon Ritual"~

Deriving from the teachings of his 'family' Tremki's gifted abilities have molded into the ability to control the flow of his blood, and use it in a variety of ways to aid his fighting style..

Blood Weaving - Starting with the basics, for Tremki to even make his gifted ability useful he must first draw blood from somewhere on his body. Once doing this by either using an injury he took to draw out blood or inflicting harm on himself. After this first step, Tremki is then able to control and mold his blood in a variety of shapes but most off by also hardening it to major extents to make it sharper & sturdier than most things made today. (But is breakable.)

Blood Thief (And Regeneration) - As it sounds, this essentially allows Tremki to steal the blood of another person and insert it back into his own stream which simutaniously has regenerative capabilities to heal over minor wounds and major wounds depending on the circumstances; essentially being able to make small wounds worse while making his somewhat better (However the regenerative capabilities are at a lesser extent). However, to do this not only does Tremki have to infilct a wound or two on the person he wishes to commit this upon, but he must also take a sample of their blood beforehand. (Meaning, he has to find some way of inserting a small bit of their blood beforehand.)

Blood Rush - Through the use of controlling the flow of the blood streaming inside his body, Tremki is capable of literally pushing over his own limits freely and basically put his body into 'hyperdrive' giving himself a massive adrenaline rush taking his bodies to higher extents in multiple ways. Increasing both his speed and strength almost tenfold for a tempoary amount of time. While this is normally potentially fatal for normal humans, because of his gifted human body he is able to handle this for a period of time, and with the help of his regenerative capabilities he is able to fix any damage made from the aftermath of using this. 



- Agile & flexible

- Could have some sort of regeneration capabilities (This will be explained from his gifted human ability)

- While he isn't the strongest gifted human out there by any means, he is very capable of ripping the limbs of a person with his bare hands

- He can move almost at bullet-fast speeds when he really tries

- He has high pain tolerance despite his body not being very durable at all

- He has quite extensive knowledge on how the human body works from the inside and exactly how to exploit natural weaknesses to his advantage.



- He is extremely small and easy to throw

- Tremki is extremely reckless and will run right into attacks without any thought

- He underestimates everybody, even his superiors - He's mentally disturbed, so he lacks a lot of common sense & conscious when it comes to decision making & fighting

- Easily influenced by candy

- Although Tremki does have high pain tolerance (Because he's just gotten use to it) his body is actually not very durable even for gifted human standards.

- He is gullible like a child as much as he is naive..Making him fairly easy to fool or manipulate (At least until he gets a sense that something is wrong or decides to do something drastic anyway)

- Becomes edgy if he hasn't killed something that may lead him to periodic violent outbursts

- He quite literally loves pain, and doesn't mind placing him in situations where he could could himself (Although this does tie in with recklessness, I am just emphasizing the point..)


【Fighting Style Description】

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Tremki has earned somewhat of a name for being a vicious fighter even on gifted human standards. Showing to have precision, skill & even a good amount of knowledge which he has attained over his childhood. He knows where to strike & how rip humans and others (Gifted/Cybernetic/Genetically Enhanced etc.) apart effectively or get the jump on them. Having a set of useful stealth skills, being quite small Tremki is naturally light on his feet and very nimble - even being able to climb the walls of buildings with nothing more than the tip of his fingers and lifting himself up progressively until reaching the top; Tremki has a fair amount of skill with free-running, parkour and other dangerous stunts that some may even find unsettling in the stomach. What makes Tremki feared however, is his lack of self limitations. He could resort to using anything, and generally acts as if all hostile encounters are some kind of game and calls it 'play time'. He has a fair amount of skill using blades but nothing masterful and often relies on speed rather than brawn. For some odd reason, Tremki will almost never show his gifted human abilities and will generally fight with his bare hands & feet - actually preferring to fight without the use of his gifted human abilities (Hence why no one knows what it is), only a handful of people have ever seen Tremki's abilities..And even fewer who still live to tell the tale; this essentially makes Tremki's gifted human abilities capabilities are unknown to many, even the mysterious organization that looked so deeply into his past were able to uncover his gifted human abilities and have thus been long since dissembled after his escape from the last standing thing left of the Omega sector, the Hell City Prison 'Gates of Hell'.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]While the child has never shown any sort of fighting style which would lead one to believe he's learned any form of martial arts in his lifetime. This hasn't made any Tremki any less of an efficient fighter, and has proven to many extents that he is extremely capable of hand to hand combat in his own right, using a flurry of unpredictable attacks with random movements around his opponent Tremki will often pick away at his opponent as if they are some kind of toy whilst teasing them with stupid remarks or childish expressions (eg; poking his tongue) but despite that Tremki will not hesitate to kill - in fact many believe that Tremki's strength comes from his powerful bond to his inner bloodlust that gives him an edge even over other people who will generally hold themselves back. Tremki is rather the complete opposite and will often not give his opponent any room to react as he runs through his target with numerous savage maneuvers that will generally overwhelm even experienced fighter's. Even without the use of his gifted human abilities, Tremki has been known as a dangerous individual with will & means to utterly destroy what he wants. Whether that be with good-ole fashion kamikaze explosion or prying their limbs piece by piece Tremki will go to whatever lengths or means to achieve his inner desires and impulses. If his opponent isn't ready to put everything on the line to survive, they will find themselves standing no chance against Satan's believed child.[/SIZE]



- Analytical Problem Solving

- Emotional support or understanding morals/empathy

- Technical work of any kind

- Blending in with normal society

- Speech (He can talk, but has a lot of trouble with words)



- Stalking

- Keen senses

- Killing


【Trivia/Other Information】

- At one point in his life, he was truly believed to be either the reincarnation of Satan (Which has been proven false) or the son of Satan, hence his epithet "Abaddon's Spawn"

- The FC used for this CS is 'Toto Sakigami' from deadman wonderland (I highly suggest reading the manga or watching the anime, although the anime was cancelled or something and sorta ends at an awkward moment.)

- Tremki's actual mental conditions are the following; ASPD, Schizotypal, Bipolar (Manic episodes), Binge Eating disorder, Attachment disorder & Social pragmatic communication disorder and last off the occasional cannibalism.

- The name 'Tremki' itself actually derives from an imaginary friend he has which generally acts as his conscious (Basically, everything he does is coming from his imaginary friend), the reason he is generally called Tremki is from the common mistake made by the way he essentially talks. "Tremki's" real name is actually 'Kaguya' and his real surname isn't known.


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Holy geebes! His history! How long did that took you? It's basically a story!

Hahaha yeah I tried going all out with his history in the end, it's currently around 14-15,000 words long however I still have to finish it off and since I'm moving him into this RP I'll be needing to edit all the Tokyo ghoul stuff into something else which fits Hell City. 
Hahaha yeah I tried going all out with his history in the end, it's currently around 14-15,000 words long however I still have to finish it off and since I'm moving him into this RP I'll be needing to edit all the Tokyo ghoul stuff into something else which fits Hell City. 

Good luck with that! Gonna abuse that Ctl+F to find all the words to replace eh?
Good luck with that! Gonna abuse that Ctl+F to find all the words to replace eh?

It's going to take more than that, I'll have to rewrite a lot of sections too since some of it won't make sense without the whole kagune fight stuff going on so it may take me a bit.
It's going to take more than that, I'll have to rewrite a lot of sections too since some of it won't make sense without the whole kagune fight stuff going on so it may take me a bit.

Hhm yeah. Why are you doing this to yourself?!?! U gonna faint by the end of it and not to memtion the Devil's cs. 
Hhm yeah. Why are you doing this to yourself?!?! U gonna faint by the end of it and not to memtion the Devil's cs. 

....Good question and I don't even knoowwww. It's going to take me a really long time...I was considering trying to rewrite his bio but I didn't want to go rewrite the same thing in a different way since the history he already has took me easily a month (It was probs longer I can't really remember.)

I really like using the OC (And he has personal nostalgia value as well) and I felt like it was just going to waste in my workshop since I never use it...I also just figured to myself that since Hell City is really the only Rp I'm active in right now it's something I can do, although if it's possible and okay with @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball I'll probably do a bunch of editing to his bio on the side but still introduce him into the Rp. 
....Good question and I don't even knoowwww. It's going to take me a really long time...I was considering trying to rewrite his bio but I didn't want to go rewrite the same thing in a different way since the history he already has took me easily a month (It was probs longer I can't really remember.)

I really like using the OC (And he has personal nostalgia value as well) and I felt like it was just going to waste in my workshop since I never use it...I also just figured to myself that since Hell City is really the only Rp I'm active in right now it's something I can do, although if it's possible and okay with @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball I'll probably do a bunch of editing to his bio on the side but still introduce him into the Rp. 

Fine by me tbh. You know I'm chill xD  
Tbh...what has Tremki ever done in the hell city rp? Like productive to plot wise? I just can't think of anything, and i bring this up because I kind  feel it would be a waste to bring him in again if your not going to use him for something important. Especially since its going to take you forever just to edit his cs.
Tbh...what has Tremki ever done in the hell city rp? Like productive to plot wise? I just can't think of anything, and i bring this up because I kind  feel it would be a waste to bring him in again if your not going to use him for something important. Especially since its going to take you forever just to edit his cs.

True but to be fair, I've hardly used him in Hell City either but in saying that I never made him for a purpose in Hell City - I made him for the sake of my own self entertainment. As for it being a waste, I would think otherwise considering he wasn't being used in anything else anyway so I didn't really mind doing the heavy editing...And I don't think I always need to make plot-orientated characters and it's nice to make a background or side-type character. 

I mean, I've already got Amir & Lucifer for that sort of thing.
True but to be fair, I've hardly used him in Hell City either but in saying that I never made him for a purpose in Hell City - I made him for the sake of my own self entertainment. As for it being a waste, I would think otherwise considering he wasn't being used in anything else anyway so I didn't really mind doing the heavy editing...And I don't think I always need to make plot-orientated characters and it's nice to make a background or side-type character. 

I mean, I've already got Amir & Lucifer for that sort of thing.

Yeah, I suppose he doesn't need to be involved in plot. I just brought that point up as a example. Enjoy you're editing.
Ohhh i understand that nostalgic feeling. Madhu and Emu are two of my oldest characters and it's heck of a lot of fun playing as them again, even if they have no plot influence what-so-ever. Though Emu's a lot monologuing than I remember and less whiny (maybe it's the nature of this rp, ahahah. There're no adults to bother that will on a whim could kill him. His bro doesn't count). Madhu is been used so dam sparingly, but I think I got over my nervousness of having a character with a high position cuz of him in this rp. Can't believe i killed him in the second reboot, hahaha. 

You make a lot of cool characters over the year I've seen, but never have I seen someone, like, "rent" out their characters. Why do you do it, and have people veen closed to what u imagined your characters? Im just curious about that. (I think u rent ur character? I thibk, i was so confused about that when i first joined)
Ohhh i understand that nostalgic feeling. Madhu and Emu are two of my oldest characters and it's heck of a lot of fun playing as them again, even if they have no plot influence what-so-ever. Though Emu's a lot monologuing than I remember and less whiny (maybe it's the nature of this rp, ahahah. There're no adults to bother that will on a whim could kill him. His bro doesn't count). Madhu is been used so dam sparingly, but I think I got over my nervousness of having a character with a high position cuz of him in this rp. Can't believe i killed him in the second reboot, hahaha. 

You make a lot of cool characters over the year I've seen, but never have I seen someone, like, "rent" out their characters. Why do you do it, and have people veen closed to what u imagined your characters? Im just curious about that. (I think u rent ur character? I thibk, i was so confused about that when i first joined)

Mmm playing nostalgia characters are like playing games you loved when you were younger again, well the first Rp I ever joined (Which I was twelve, and I didn't know what RP was I just wanted to do something along the lines of naruto on a roblox game xD) I was given the Akatsuki leader rank so I sorta got a pretty high position role with Rp's right off the bat (Albiet everyone picked on me IC and I got rekt so many times until I learned about what I was actually doing and over time got a lot better..The Rp was more or less like DBZ though with heavy Naruto-influence cause ninja's.)

So when it comes to high positioning characters I don't really get too nervous, if anything I get nervous about living up to others expectations and sometimes my own. And when you say 'rent' out characters are you talking about those I've made to let others use? I don't do it as much anymore but the main reason I done it was because I often had a lot of character idea's in my head that I wanted to place in rp's (Mostly the rp's I make) but in the end don't really have the means of rp'ing them all at the same time. (I done 10 at a time in one of my first Rp's I made on this site and it get's really hard to keep up and play as all the seperate roles at once after a while.) so I saw letting others adopt OC's as a way of still being able to put them into the Rp without me having to really control them and there have been times I've sorta given character ideas to other people, Solemn being one of those people which I've helped or made an OC for him (Which from what I recall, the only time I made a full OC for him was in my bleach Rp.)

As for do people come close to what I imagine the characters to be is..A good but hard question to answer, and I'd have to say no but yes..Apart from LordG who done well at doing my first OC (Which was named Tremki Kaguya and is where I came up with the name) but it was a mix of my OC and his so I don't really count that & there is only certain roles he could pull off - a crazy guy not really being one of them. And a lot of people on this site who has adopted characters that I have made somewhat tend to do things I'd never really do with that character, Solemn done alright with the character I made for him but that was mostly due to molding the OC concept around what I felt Solemn would both like and could pull off (Which was helped by his input). In saying all that though, I think it's more or less down to how people prefer to Rp I don't know I don't like holding it against them too much. 

Soo that's my answer I guess..
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