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Name: Aadya Vuković

Age: 29

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 175 lbs
Class: Urban Citizen - Haute Couture Model

Personality: Aadya is keenly in tune with the way things look, taste, sound, feel and smell. She has a strong aesthetic appreciation for art, and as a result is an artist in her own right, creating beautiful jewelry in her spare time. She has a strong set of values, which she strives to consistently meet in her life. She needs to feel as if she is living her life in accordance with what she feels is right, and will rebel against anything which conflicts with that goal. She tends to be quiet and reserved, and difficult to get to know well. Her reserved nature often leads her to hold back her ideas and opinions except from those who she is closest to. While she does have a mean streak in her from time to time, more often than not she is kind, gentle and sensitive in her dealings with others. Aadya is highly interested in contributing to people's sense of well-being and happiness, and will put a great deal of effort and energy into tasks which she believes in. 

Being a bit of a hippie as her family loves to call her, she has a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty. She's a true animal lover, and to has a true appreciation for the beauties of nature. She is original and independent, and needs to have personal space. Her free spirited nature has often led people who don't know her well to see her unique way of life as a sign of carefree light-heartedness, but Aadya actually takes life very seriously, constantly gathering specific information and shifting it through her value system, in search for clarification and underlying meaning. Most of all, she is an action-oriented individual. She learns best in a "hands-on" environment, and consequently may become easily bored with the traditional teaching methods, which emphasize abstract thinking. Aadya does not like impersonal analysis, and is uncomfortable with the idea of making decisions based strictly on logic. Her strong value systems demand that decisions are evaluated against their subjective beliefs, rather than against some objective rules or laws. 

Making it her business to avoid uncomfortable situations with others and to make sure she does not accidentally offend anyone, she has become highly perceptive and aware of others. She constantly gathers specific information about people by observing how they interact in social situations or when they are by themselves, and often seeks to discover what their behavior and actions mean. Such observations has often times allowed her to gain a pretty accurate perception of others. While raised to do unto others as you would have them do unto you, Aadya is naturally are warm and sympathetic individual. She genuinely cares about people, and is strongly service-oriented in her desire to please. She has an unusually deep well of caring for those who are close to her, and is likely to show her love through actions, rather than words. However, this does not mean that she will conform to ones beliefs to make them happy. If it goes against her value system then she won't have any parts of it. 


Description: Skin of sun-kissed peach stretches across her athletic yet curvy frame which when barefoot stands at the height of five feet and nine inches. A river of crimson spills down from her scalp framing almond shaped eyes that are a soul piercing golden - yellow and high cheekbones only to stop at her ankles. More often than not one will find her thick mane free and flowing about her but if she tires of it, she will collect it into a long braid. When traveling across the world, she will always be seen with the latest fashions until it's time for her to walk the runaway in Haute Couture. During these times she is seen more often looking reserved or contemplative, shy even. 

However, when embraced by the solitude of her cabin in the woods she wears hardly anything at all aside from a tank top and boy shorts. Her usual reserved expressions are replace with genuine smiles and reverence for the nature around her. If she must venture out of her home and into town for groceries or little odds and ends, she can be seen wearing skinny jeans or shorts depending on the weather and a tank top or flannel shirt.

Biography: There was nothing extravagant about her life, nor was there anything mediocre about it. The pace of her life was just in the middle with its ups and downs making it quite average. Aadya came from a lower middle class family. While they could afford most things, they couldn’t afford to splurge their money carelessly on material objects. If there was something she and her family needed but didn’t have or couldn’t afford, they made due until they were able to get their hands on whatever it was that was needed. They didn’t live in the lap of luxury, nor did they live in the run down projects but a ghetto is a ghetto and it could be just as rough as the projects on more than one occasion. This is why Aadya kept her nose in the books and worked hard to make the grades she needed that would enable her to get a free pass for college. When the time for college came, she moved to New York to live on campus and attended Julliard, earning her Bachelors of Fine Arts in Drama. The degree took four years to obtain and damn was it a struggle. Being so far from home put her through an emotional struggle but through hard work and determination, she made it through with degree in hand. 

Upon graduation Aadya returned home and landed herself a job though while not in her field she found a nice balance. After a year of working at the hospital,  moved out of her parents place and she landed a place of her own. A year later, just as she became content with how her life was going she was presented with an opportunity of a life time. A simple stroll to the local bistro got her noticed by a talent agent whom approached her with his pitch. It took her by surprise but the more she thought about it, the brighter her financial future started to look. She spent the course of four months building up her repertoire and portfolio but again her efforts and hard work paid off. In no time she was living the dream many girls yearned. Traveling, parties, glamour...though as nice as it was and as well as it paid, she found herself wanting an escape. Debts paid, she bought her self a cabin in the woods of Croatia having fallen in love with the environment during one of her visits and when not traveling the world for her job it is here she stays.

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