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Fantasy A World Undone CS



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
⚠️Pst! With the release of the cs, some new rules have been added! Please check them out when you can! :3⚠️

Reply to this post to copy the code(its just tabs)! Having any issues? Ask me or juju for help!
Cs Skeleton:
(insert Optional quote here)(Insert image here)​

  • Godly Name:
    Mortal Alias: (optional)

  • Godly Name: Mir-Airant Bat-Erdene
    Titles/nicknames: The Lodestar of the Restless Soul, The Tri-Concentric Gaze, The Amaranthine
    Domain: Of Nomads and Seasons
    Pronouns: She/Her
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  • Godly Name: Eior

    Mortal Alias: Riul

    Titles/nicknames: Starfather, Cosmic Painter, Dawnbringer, The Grand Artist

    Domains: Cosmos, Stars, Sun, Art

    Pronouns: He/They


I am the thing under the bed, the creature just barely out of view, every fear you didn't know you had.urnyx.jpg

  • Godly Name: Urnyx
    Titles/nicknames: The Infinite Abyss, The Great Unknown, Liege of the Depths, Tranquility of the Abyss, The God Unseen
    Domains: Unknown, Darkness, The Deep, Fear
    Pronouns: Unknown, meaning you can use whichever you want.
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"That was a rather upsetting time to be in. . ."1725416676953.png

  • Godly Name: Salinos
    Alias: The one who remembers.
    Titles/nicknames: Librarian of the gods. (Official) Record keeper (Official) Certified gossip queen (Unofficial)
    Domains: The realm of stories. The halls of history. And that bar he bought one time to make other gods feed him stories.
    Pronouns: He/Him

"Feed me your stories?"
"How horrible it must be to live in a world of wonder without the awe to witness it."

  • Godly Name: Exarzha

    Titles/Nicknames: The Tapestry of the Soul, the Luminary of Untold Possibility, the Unbound, the One Who Believes in Us

    Domains: Imagination, Emotion, and New Beginnings

    Pronouns: They/Them

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