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Fandom a witchers tale

Bachelor Snakeskin

Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello there.

So, I am looking for someone for the witcher, mainly the games/novel series. I deeply crave a story that takes place post Blood and Wine or in an alternative storyline that regards Blood and Wine.

I am very willing to double for another ship if you are willing to write my ship.

I am a very chill/relaxed writer, and I am mainly looking for a patient response time. I enjoy a lot of OOC, and I love nerding out with partners and finding other hobbies and subjects we can enjoy.

Short and simple, I am looking for someone willing to write a story with Geralt of Rivia and Emiel Regis, possibly Dettlaff. I have a few ideas for both a continued post-game story and also some AU storylines.

Some of my ideas:

  • A role switch between Geralt and Regis, basically Geralt as a higher vampire and Regis as a witcher. Or in which a child Regis grew up in the mountains near Kaer Morhen and could have grown up next to the witchers.
  • A story where Geralt and Regis meet a few hundred years earlier while Regis is still a blood-drinking vampire, and he decides to join Geralt in his earlier years on the path because he is tired of being a monster. It comes with its troubles.
  • An AU where the conjunction of spears took the vampires into our worlds some 200 years ago, and basically, higher vampires took over the world in secret. Regis has been in our world and has settled into it, living his life as a doctor. Another conjunction happens, and Geralt is sent from the continent and into our worlds as well, but he finds that he can keep being a witcher since both conjunctions have also sent monsters into our worlds.
  • A story where instead of meeting in Blood and Wine, Geralt somehow finds Regis and Dettlaff while on the part and decides to aid in the process of getting Regis back to total health before the events that lead to Blood and Wine.
  • A story set a year after Blood and Wine, where Regis left to find Dettlaff after Geralt spared his lift. Regis lost track of Dettlaff, and after a year, he returns to find Geralt settled down as a vineyard owner, but things soon pick up from there.
  • A cursed sort of soul mate AU, basically Regis and Geralt, who fell in love and lived a good while together, only for Geralt to either die to a monster or some other reason. Regis kept living on heart broken for a few hundred years, and the world changed and advanced. One day Regis meets a reincarnation of Geralt, but Geralt can't remember his old life, nor does he know who Regis is, over time he could get his memories back from his old life, or Regis will have to live with this Geralt.

I am mainly looking to write Regis, but I will gladly settle for either role in these plots. I do like some romance, but it is not the main focus of the stories I want to write, so if the romance aspect feels forced, let me know, and we can do this platonic.

I prefer that my partners are 18 or older, as I am reaching my 30th soon, and I am slowly becoming less comfortable with anyone under 18.

Timezone doesn't matter, and I am flexible with my off hours.

Please be mindful that I am a writer who posts once or twice a week, I have a hectic schedule in life, and I cannot make posts multiple times per week. If you want someone who can post more, we will not match as partners.

Please tell me if you are not enjoying yourself. I would be glad to stop the RP at any point and with no hard feelings.

And generally, I hope we can enjoy a shared story about these two old men who deserve better.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them here. Send me a DM if you want writing samples and other details. When contacting me, please leave Geralt or Regis somewhere in your DM so I know you have read my post.

How much longer would he be able to keep it up? Far as facades and roles went, this one had been longstanding and almost human.

Regis had been careless, reckless, and cocky. No, he knew what he was doing. He was hoping that some village would take notice and post a sum of money for the capture. If all of Redenia didn't know his face by now, he would lay waste to small villages overnight as soon as they understood what hunted in the countryside. Regis feared no consequence to the acts he had taken over the last century. Too often, he was drunk on the blood and living on the rush of an unstoppable power that followed. He liked them most when they were young and without care. Any child from age five and below came with an exquisite aftertaste that life's cruel hand took away with age. His clan of youngsters understood this, and they always left the youngest members of a village for him.

It wasn't always that way... As a whelp, he had been the undesirable child of vampire nobility. Growing into a fledgling, it was up to them to figure out life outside the dens. Each of them had been tutored about humans and how to behave; otherwise, they disregarded humans as a whole. It was a costly mistake. Finding it hard enough to fit in with other fledglings, Regis ran into a pack of misfit youngsters who only understood that whoever proved to be most vicious on killing and drinking fit the role of leader. Regis ran with it. Even if his personality never fits in with other vampires, he began to create a character that took courage from the blood intake, and soon the others looked up to him.. he had friends. No, he did not see them as friends. They followed his carnage, unable to truly fathom the rather shy vampire who had been an outcast from day one.

He drank to feed them a whole facade, a lie.

It was tiring, and the main reason for his stays out and further away from the den. His Plasma Crowd, as they called themselves, only understood that Regis was reasonable when he was drunk off his ass on blood. At any other time, they all left him alone.

Leaving the thoughts behind, the vampire was in his element when he played the role of a traveling healer. Unlike other vampires who kept humans around them as blood banks, Regis liked the company of humans. It had a run-in with an older vampire in Oxenfurt that lad him on the part to become a barber-surgeon. A path that took him out on days and sometimes week-long breakaways from the Plasma Crowd. As the lousy influence became less, so did the need to drink. It was only when the relapse came over him that he drank. An unlucky village could vanish on such a night as his nature took over, and he drank from every single individual left alive.

Aeria was a small closed community that welcomed the vampire soon as they learned of his skills as a barber-surgeon. They had offered him housing in the village if he agreed to stay and aid sick for free while earning coin from hair well kept, and Regis agreed. Aeria soon became a place he fled to on nights when he needed breaks from the den. Everyone trusted him until that first body was found. Relapsing this time leads to the killings of men who walk allow from the inn at night. One day on his walk to one of the routine checkups, he saw the notice board and the note on him without mentioning it directly. Locals calling for a witcher or anyone brave enough to face the monster. It would only be a matter of time.

Coming back from his checkup and with a shortcut to the local herbalist, the vampire was back in the house that functioned in part as a living space and a place for treatment. Regis busted himself with the creation of another concoction of mandrake moonshine. Some would call it an odd hobby, but the homebrew had become a fascinating pass time for the vampire, and the pleasant scene of mandrake root often pulled in the locals.

Locals had been the goal again, the footsteps that came from outside the house to hold less noise than an ordinary man would be able to do. Even with supernatural hearing, the vampire had never heard a man who walked in silence.
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