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Realistic or Modern A Wild Vacation


I'd rather be in the jungle. <3
A Wild Vacation


Setting: It is 2019 and it is the beginning of summer in Albany, New York. The city is known for its museums, art communities, and unique shopping districts. Although I have never been to Albany, I have looked up that there are lots of specialty shops, large skyscrapers, plenty of restaurants, and beautiful boulevards.

Plot: Our characters all work downtown, and have known one another for at least a year. They all have vacation privileges at work, and have decided to take a two week vacation together. Where our characters work is up to us, and while I am uncertain of what exact shops are in Albany, I was thinking we could make up businesses or something. We can establish where they will be going ooc, and have them either on their way or just arriving at their vacation destination. Or they can meet at Washington Park to decide. The park features statues, a lake, sports fields, and more. They are to be between the ages of twenty-seven and thirty-four. Are you ready for a wild vacation?

* This is a very casual role play where we decide how our characters spend a vacation together. Anything can happen. ^^ I want no more than five characters, please!
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I will start looking up vacation places after I run some errands. A beach getaway might be fun... ^^

Also, I will make the respective threads if enough interest is shown.
summerwine summerwine weaktea weaktea Mentallynot Mentallynot murphalicious murphalicious

I am so happy that you guys are interested in A Wild Vacation!
I still have to look up some cool vacation spots later today before work. XD I am thinking I can pick out a few for us to choose from, and I will look up some information on each place so we know a little more about them. If you guys want to look up some vacation spots as well, that's totally cool!

Still, I have made the ooc thread and the character sheets thread. They are linked in the original post.

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