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Multiple Settings A Wild RPer Appears!


New Member
Hello and thanks for stopping by! I hope you find something here that sparks your interest, but if you don’t, that’s okay. If, after reading this, you don’t see any ideas that interest you but you think you have an idea that we might both be able to enjoy, please don’t be afraid to get in touch!

Oh, also, if you don’t mind, please don’t reply here in the thread so I can keep it relatively tidy. Thanks!

About Me
*I play from my phone
*I write in third person past tense
*I write between one and three paragraphs; I ask for the same length from you- enough to work with, but not so much that I feel like I’m reading a book
*I will try to post at least once a day, but I do get busy sometimes and might not be able to reply for a couple of days; as long as you try to post once a week, I’ll be happy
*I absolutely ADORE fantasy, both modern and medieval, and supernatural plots
*I don’t really like fandom rps
*I really prefer to let our characters’ relationship develop a little before becoming romantic
*All of my characters will be 18+ and I ask that yours are as well. I will play storylines with romance only if my partner is 18+. Sorry for any inconvenience!
*I prefer the majority of what we do to be plot based rather than romantic. I just enjoy building a fun story!
*I play FxM, FxF and MxM.
*I make new characters for each rp so they can be easily tailored to the setting, which means I don’t have character sheets or visual references; if you require these, I’m afraid we aren’t a good match
*Since it has been so long since I played, I don’t have writing samples. I’m sorry! I don’t need one from you
*I’m very forgiving of spelling and grammar mistakes! As long as I can figure out what you’re trying to say, I’ll be happy!

Please No…
*romance for the sake of romance

*MC is handmaiden/companion to the princess/prince. YC leads a band of criminals. YC sends out a group to kidnap the princess/prince while she/he is out for her/his evening ride, hoping to ransom her/him. When the group gets back, it’s discovered they kidnapped MC instead.

*Our characters wake up to find themselves stranded in a fantasy world with no idea as to how they got there or how to get back. They are told by a fairy that they are the ones who will save the world from an evil sorcerer. Now they have to work together and try not to get killed by the sorcerer’s minions while attempting to save the world.

*MC, a werewolf, and YC, a vampire, have been friends since before they were turned. They’ve watched the world change together. Now, their kinds are beginning to war with each other and a law has been passed forbidding fraternization between the species. Determined not to give up their longtime friendship, our characters find themselves on the wrong side of the law.
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