A wild Hanko Appeared!


New Member
Hello, RPN! You can call me Hanko.

I'm new to the site, but not new to roleplay - I'm looking forward to jumping right in and getting started!
Welcome to RpN Hanko! This is a great place to continue roleplaying, and I am loving the exuberance! We have some awesome Roleplays here, and even better Roleplayers, so I expect you will quickly find some great places to start Roleplaying!

So what kind of Roleplays are you looking for? Any genres you looking out for? When I first got onto the website, I headed straight for Fantasy, but since then I have branched out to a number of roleplays. Speaking of which, who long have you roleplayed?
Hanko, welcome. You've picked the perfect place to begin your roleplaying career! I hope you find something awesome to sink your teeth into immediately! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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