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Fantasy ✧A Wicked kind of Beautiful✧ (Sign up) ⇩

*Gets beaten up and thrown around by a demon*

*Archangels show up with massive noise and shout a challenge to probably every demon in a hundred miles*

CaptainMcNoob CaptainMcNoob
The two characters you're facing are disposable, but please don't kill them in your post.
If you write out what your character is trying to do, I'll write out the death effects. Right now I want my character to have his interest in yours piqued.
CaptainMcNoob CaptainMcNoob
The two characters you're facing are disposable, but please don't kill them in your post.
If you write out what your character is trying to do, I'll write out the death effects. Right now I want my character to have his interest in yours piqued.

No problem, I was thinking he gets caught in the blast, his regeneration + magic resistance over comes the hellfire [but not until he has been burnt horribly, healed, then burnt as it slowly overcomes it], then have him use his sword as a 'mirror' to peak around the corner to find the one who shot him.

Have a melee vs sniper kind of fight.
They've got a rocket launcher fueled by Hell itself and they're demons. They'll just keep firing until they're sure he's dead, even if they have to blow up the entire town.
They've got a rocket launcher fueled by Hell itself and they're demons. They'll just keep firing until they're sure he's dead, even if they have to blow up the entire town.

Hence him using the sword to peak around the corner. He will get blasted out of view, they would, rightly so, likely assume he is dead. He will then use the sword to peak and stay out of sight to find the one who shot him.
They're, not stupid, they're not going to stop firing until they see a body. Even if it takes multiple shots they'll edit the footage to make it look like it only took one.
They're Demons after all, collateral damage only matters if it affects them.
They're, not stupid, they're not going to stop firing until they see a body. Even if it takes multiple shots they'll edit the footage to make it look like it only took one.
They're Demons after all, collateral damage only matters if it affects them.

Then they aren't going to hit anything. He is coming out of an alley. He will be flying back into it. So unless they try to shoot through an entire city block, and the amount of time it would do that, while screaming to every other angel around that, 'HEY WE ARE RIGHT HERE!'... But I suppose, Demons, not always the smartest.

Just means instead of doing the more interesting Sniper vs Melee fighter, we are stuck with him taking the long way around to catch guys with happy trigger fingers.
They're Demons with a new toy who have been told by their superior to make it look good.
They'd probably blow up the rest of the town for fun even if they were sure he was dead.

Figured they'd want to impress someone more by trying to kill more people with it. Rather then shooting the same spot someone disappeared to. It works just fine, but way more boring and less tension then it could be.
While they argue over where to fire next he sneaks up on them.

Not really what I meant. So, my idea was:

They fire. They hit him. They think he is dead [or one does and the other argue about it]. While they are doing this, he uses his sword to peak around the corner he was shot from and spots them. He then rushes around the corner trying to close the distance. They see him. Then you have a neat cat and mouse game where he runs from cover to cover and they blow up the cover as he fights to get close enough to engage them.

Or, as you want, they keep firing at the buildings he was blown behind. He sees they are firing in the same spot, shrugs and just goes the other way around the block... and... that's it. Doesn't have to look for them because they are constantly firing and making noise, would be impossible to not find them. With them so concentrated on blowing up that block, he comes in behind and stabby stab.

First one gives the weapon more respect and makes the 'mooks' more threatening.
They fire. They hit him. They think he is did [or one does and the other argue about it]. While they are doing this, he uses his sword to peak around the corner he was shot from and spots them. He then rushes around the corner trying to close the distance. They see him. Then you have a neat cat and mouse game where he runs from cover to cover and they blow up the cover as he fights to get close enough to engage them.
Okay, but keep in mind that the more stuff that gets blown up by the rocket, the more Hellfire it creates.
Okay, but keep in mind that the more stuff that gets blown up by the rocket, the more Hellfire it creates.

Its fine. He will already have been bathed in it.

The way it works on his body is:

The Hellfire burns and creates more.
His body regenerates what was burnt.
The Hellfire slows down making less and less each time due to his magic resistance.
Regeneration overcomes it.

So, it hurts.. and is awful, but won't kill him even if bathed in it. Just take longer to recover from.
While I'm at it, do any of y'all actually speak French, or are you just using google translate? I can speak it to some degree which obviously means i can lord it over you all if you don't, right? :^)
While I'm at it, do any of y'all actually speak French, or are you just using google translate? I can speak it to some degree which obviously means i can lord it over you all if you don't, right? :^)
Can't speak it at all so... translating lol

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