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Fantasy A Wicked kind of Beautiful CS (No longer accepting red characters.)

RI.a RI.a I'mma real quick point out that I meant Supreme Guard, but wrote the wrong thing since I don't bother to double check things. If you wanna change it, I'd greatly appreciate it. If not, well, sucks to be me I guess.
You posted first, so it's only fair that you have it. Then, Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee what other roles are there?
RI.a RI.a
I love the concept, but not even Lilith can do all that! Since Luciel is technically stronger than 80% of hell, save the rankings, she'd be able to control everyone except 15 people. Tone it down a little, and we'll be good! The other abilites, since they have a drawback, are fine.
Ack I'm sorry is this just the persuasion thing? I'll limit this to one person? Let me know if there's anything else. Sorry it was really late when I did the CS.
Hskandkkanddjka not without her creator by her side! ;)
- forsaken -

= ...Iesu, Rex admirabilis... =
"The tales are highly exaggerated."
Name: Yeshu-a of Naz

Age: 2018, 37 at death

Sexuality: has come to fancy the company of males

Partner/Mate: hasn't had the time, but could be swayed to the whims of a fallen angel in the future

Lance of Longinus

Unyielding Will: the ability to defy the will of others(negates mind, body, and soul controlling powers)
Transmutation: the ability to change the composition of certain elements and materials at will.
Sacred Fire: pyrokinetic control of the Holy Flame
Ressurection: the ability to revive fallen team members from certain doom. not use-able on self.

Tier 3+ Virtue

Rank: Supreme Guard

Biography: If anything, the whole Jesus thing is an overstatement. A contingency plan of sorts. See, Samael was a being of pure perfection, the closest thing God made to something on his level. And, with the fall, the power that lie in the Accuser's grace had to be re-purposed somehow. The Creator gave it brief thought before recycling the energy into a "Miracle". Though the world recognized it as eons later, it's God was quick to make a more submissive version of his son and brand him as the Savior.

That couldn't be more of a mistake that required massive cover-ups and complete silencing of bloodlines.

Yeshu-a was a warrior, not a peaceful individual. And, though he prayed and devoted every kill, every conquest, everything to his Creator he was still left to die for a cause that didn't even believe in him. All God wanted was more adoration. The abomination made of human flesh and angel's grace was easy to forsake. However, the man didn't just die like he was supposed to. Turns out, a miracle could work against a God as well as in it's favor. Rather than be subjected to the fact that it was wrong, the god did the most executive action: it put it's own "son" in the one place that it did not deserve. It threw Yeshu-a away, just like all the others.

About a few eons too late to rejoin with it's former host, the holy energy sustains Yeshu-a's form, but his allegiance is to Lillith. He'd love to see that tyrant fall down before the might of it's own creations. Serving as her Guard, he realizes that she absorbed the demonic essence of Satan. The equal levels of their powers and his submission to her and her alone should be proof of his belief in her cause. He is her guard dog. And hell hath no fury like an entire dimension scorned.

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Name: Donatello "The Undead" Alfonso

Age: 73


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Partner/Mate: Open

-A sniper rifle that makes use of firing high speed darts containing a highly paralytic serum so that Donatello can take his victims back to his research lab
-An Axe that may seem simple in look but was created out of a sturdy and sharp metal alloy that can even slice stone and even steel if swung with enough force
-A revolver that can contains powerful demonic rounds meant for killing those to strong or too annoying to bring in back for research.

High Speed Regeneration: Donatello possesses a unique body that allows him to recover from even the most fatal of accidents in mere minutes ranging from healing scrapes in seconds and even regenerating limbs in half an hour.

Sickness Manipulation: A two way ability that allows Asher to create and give people diseases and infections through physical touch. With this ability he must be within contact before he can give someone a sickness and its effectiveness depends on how long he holds onto his victim Usually a simple touch will only act up someones alleges or simple give them a slight headache which could clear itself up in a short time span, but if he holds on long enough he could grant something much more potent with the fatality becoming to where someone could die within an hour if medical attention is not immediately called for. With granting sicknesses also comes with curing them as well. Should he wish he can remove any sickness ranging from simple allergies to even cancer. This allows him to become the perfect healer against biological warfare.

Undead physiology: Having superhuman endurance and stamina Donatello can battle for what seems like forever. His immunity to diseases and sickness allows him to be the perfect reconnaissance in highly radiated and other hazardous areas. His sense of smell and hearing is drastically increased allowing him to hear the faintest sound and can tell people apart from scent alone. He also does not experience fear like his kind and, while not emotionless, experiences feelings revolving around hunger and curiosity most of the time.

Tier: 3

Rank: Doctor/Researcher/Miscellaneous Warrior

Biography: Being a former Italian doctor Donatello was a highly respected man for his numerous accomplishments and deeds. He had cured many diseases and even stopped the outburst of an entire plague thanks to his skill and ability to take action at any moments notice. He was seen as gentle and caring, but possessed a dark secret that made itself known to the public after one of his colleagues exposed his underhanded experiments. He had been kidnapping and injecting citizens with many different diseases and plagues in hopes of using their bodies as genie pigs in an attempt to create cures for them. While the thought of creating vaccines for these deadly diseases seemed righteous the number of failed experiments was too high to be looked over. He had killed hundreds in the name of medicine, but even when those looked down on him he remain proud of his work and never lost his bearing even once. Soon he was stripped of his status and sentence to death row for murdering people for his illegal experiments.

After his time in hell he became fascinated with the many different beings that existed there. The undead, demons, and the numerous other races all intrigued him to extrodianry levels. He of course continued his research in his medical studies as nothing in hell could possibly rip him from his passion but became obsessed with not only Hell's history, but also developed a lust for knowledge on its inhabitants. While his abilities and powers surely through him over a simple miscellaneous warrior he remained as a way to study and began expectations for both the sake of medicine, and to learn everything he could about the creatures of hell.

Side: Red
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Vargas Vargas
Hey, welcome to rpnation! Anyways, good job! His abilities are powerful, but since he has to stay in contact with that person (which is hard, so) he IS accepted.
Name: Feruel Chandrian

Age: ?




Sexuality: Hetero

Partner/Mate: Lillith/Lust

Weapons: In his human form, he will either use a staff with a spoke on the end, or conjured weapons he creates. In his demon form, he uses a Vorpal Sword that brings death to mortals. He prefers magic over weapons, but will conjure weapons if he really needs them.

Abilities: He is as powerful as he is ancient, using dark magic from the depths of hell. With a variety of curses and black magic, he destroys his foes relentlessly with powerful destruction forces, mainly using fire and earth. However, he can conjure weaker demons, as well as weapons and armor to fight with. When in his demon form, his magic skyrockets, and his massive strength is a terror on a battlefield. Of course, his vorpal sword, deadly to mortals, is still a great threat to immortals, which he harvests the souls of.

Tier: 3+


Biography: Nobody knows quite how old Feruel is, but he is certainly a powerful being. He doesn't speak much about his old life, but when he does, it is about him taking down civilizations and striking terror into the hearts of everyone who didn't follow him. He would be one of the first known "anti-christs", and made it a personal goal to topple empires. By ways of terrorism, anarchist revolutions, or becoming a warlord, he became doom to civilized people. As evil as he was in life, it was nothing compared for what was to come. When he was brought back as an arch devil in the after life, he made it his goal to destroy anything good in the world, and bring the fires of hell to every conceivable reality. Of course, it would be very difficult to do this, and to meet his goal he began to cultivate allies that would help him in his quest. Along the way, he met Lillith, whom he fell into a zealous love with. He realized that her power, unstoppable as it was, could be the key he needed to burn the world in the fires of hell. However, while trying to seduce her, he lost his own drive, and turned to serving her with a fiery passion. Now, he is an extremist for whatever her will is, and serves her as best he can. In the back of his mind, his goal is always there, but much of his life is devoted to her.

Side: RED
Name: Edwin Cloudfire

Age: ?



Sexuality: Hetero

Partner/Mate: None atm

Weapons: He uses a great 2 handed sword, though he can switch to one handed and use a divine shield. While his sword changes form depending on if he is in human or angel form, he can use powerful holy magic either way to defeat his opponents.

Abilities: With holy power as great as his, he can heal to his will, and uses magic to defeat his opponents with blasts of light. He can also turn demons and undead, as well as resurrect allies (to a degree, he cannot just resurrect waves of people, and depending on their power level he will take a time to recover).

Tier: N/A

Rank: He is a prophet born to defeat the hells and seal them from the plane of mortals forever

Biography: Edwin was born a prince. He is a prince, and can assume the throne at any time. Of course, he would, if his purpose didn't get in the way. When Edwin was born, a great star fell from the sky, and a beam of holy light shot from it. The King and Queen brought the newborn to the star, assuming it was a gift from the Gods. The star let out a burst of light, and it seemed as if the young Edwin absorbed its power. From then on, he was trained by the mightiest men the Kingdom could muster, and with age, came experience, and even more talent. Humans love him, and he has began his quest to rid the hells from the world entirely, a campaign that has been mildly successful. He was the first to show the humans of the world demons can be killed, and he has led a successful attack against them ever since. He has rallied cities, created armies, and brought the empire into an age of might which has strengthened the core of the Kingdom exponentially. However, his quest remains unfinished, and as he edges closer to the hells, he will find out that the true might of hell might not be one so easily wiped out.

Side: Against them DEMONS

Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee
Name: Jeanne D'Arc


Age: physically 24 actually 587

Sexuality: Bisexual

Partner/Mate: Caspar Röist

Luminosité Eternelle


This is the holy battle flag that Jeanne kept by her side all her life. Incidentally, she uses this flag mostly to attack in battle. “There’s a spear-point at the tip, so it’s a divine sign that this flag should be used to strike the enemy
The flag had inspired and uplifted her soldiers who had believed a saint walked amongst them, said to have continually protected her as she ran ahead in battle as the vanguard. There are various theories about the flag’s design, with many popular suggestions featuring angels or flowers (specifically, the iris flower). This flag is the crystallization of the legend of Joan of Arc waving her flag on the battlefield and fighting to the very end with hardly any wounds.

The flag is the catalyst for many of her abilities and as such you could say that perhaps the flag is by its very nature the source of her powers. Perhaps destroying the flag would render Jeanne useless. Give it a try, If you dare.

La Pucelle:

A crystallized conceptional sword that acts as an offensive interpretation of her burning at the stake

1. God Is With Me: By planting Luminosité Eternelle into the ground, tightly grasping it, and activating it as a catalyst, Jeanne creates a field protection against all harm, both physical and spiritual. The protection is initiated by the archangel's blessing, and it is centred around the flag within a range of 10 meters. It brings about a light that completely isolates anyone within it and cuts them off from their surroundings, healing them over a short period of time and protecting them from any harm during it's duration. The ability lasts ten seconds and any damage negated by the flag is instead represented in tearings and scratchings in its fabric. Enough damage negation will destroy the fabric entirely thus rendering the ability unusable in future. Any demon caught within the light will be severely burned.

2. The Crimson Saint: By using this ability, Jeanne loses her own life after the following battle. However, in exchange for her life, she can summon forth great power and the courage needed to unsheath her blade La Pucelle. It is a crystallized conceptional weapon that acts as an offensive interpretation of her burning at the stake and as such using this ability brings forth her true power. The blade will engulf Jeanne in flames and cleanse her of any and all wounds before giving her a dramatic boost to all attributes (speed, strength, etc.). Her power in this form is uncalculable however the supreme God has stated in the past that in this state Jeanne could easily take on the archangel without breaking a sweat. The ability will fully burn away Jeanne once she is either killed or has accomplished killing her foe.

3. Healing Prayer: Jeanne can heal those she comes in contact with, stopping bleeding and closing wounds in very little time.

4. Holy Flag Bearer: Jeanne raises the moral of those around her by simply waving her flag. Those under her influence find themselves more energised and willing to fight. On the other side, any demons within her range find themselves disheartened and sapped of the will to fight. As an active passive her mere pressence in the mortal world brings about peace.

5. Jeanne as a saint has come to possess superhuman attributes making her pretty much angelic in terms of physicality. She can't fly but she sure as hell can pack a punch. Also, don't underestimate her flag techniques. She wields it like a spear.

Tier: 3+

Rank: The Chosen Saint

Jeanne d'Arc was a common farmer's daughter. She claims she had received the command of God to fight. She heard the Lord’s lament that the world changed straight into hell. The Lord wept into sorrow as no one could stop it and people were not even allowed to live simply and were compelled to become either beasts or food. Conflict never ended, and blood continued to rain incessantly and soak the land. She received a revelation from the Lord, the voice contained no glory or victory, no obligation or sense of purpose but only the Lord laments. She caught his small, feeble murmurs that everyone else failed to hear.

She responded by throwing away her life as a simple villager and the joy of loving someone and being loved back. Furthermore, there would be no compensation. She knew she would surely be scorned by the masses of both enemies and allies alike, considering their beliefs in the church's guidelines for proper behaviour in women. It was a terrifying thing to contemplate. It was mad for a mere village girl from the countryside to leap onto the battlefield where people’s killing intent swirled about. She would not turn her back on the Lord's cries. She decided to devote her life to oppose this world’s hell to help stop the Lord’s tears and soothe Him. She clad her armour on her body, hung a sword on her waist and carried the flag.

Having been born to a peasant family, Jeanne never knew the contents of the many books of prayer. She did try hard to learn them, but it seems she was simply born incapable of reading or writing. The most she ever managed was learning how to sign her name. While she worried about this, in the end, she decided that she needed little more in order to pray to the Lord. As she recalled, one of her comrades who rode beside her, Gilles, once laughed and promised her that this was more than enough.

Jeanne was put to death at Place du Vieux-Marché. Scorned by words of damnation as she was led to the pyre and feeling only slightly pained as she endured it, she had already abandoned emotions such as fear, disappointment, and regret from the outset of her battles, so she was able to walk towards her death without faltering in her steps. As she unconsciously reached for the cross that had been at her chest until they took it from her, she felt some sadness as there was nothing to support her heart. Shortly after, she was given a wooden cross fashioned by an Englishman who revered her, thanking him quietly as he knelt and wept. Her hands were tied to a wooden stake behind her, and the priest present completed the recitation of her final judgement before throwing the torch upon the pyre. As they believed that the loss of the flesh was the greatest of fears, it was the cruellest punishment that could be laid upon her.

The flames began to burn her skin, scorching her flesh, and char her bones, all while she spoke the name of the Lord and the Holy Mother against those who denounced her prayers as only a lie. She could only find such thoughts strange, believing that prayers are nothing more than prayers, no matter to who is prayed, that carry no intrinsic truths or falsehoods. Although she wished to tell them of the thought, she was unable to produce any sound. As she burned, she saw visions of her past, her ordinary family in her rustic village and herself, "the fool who ran away and tossed all of that aside." Having known how her journey would end from the start, she felt that she may have certainly been foolish in her actions, that she may have been able to have lived a regular life, gotten married, and lived together with her husband and child.

Had she simply shut away from the voice and abandoned the lamenting soldiers, she could have had that life, but felt that it was not a mistake to have walked her path due to those she had saved. She knew from the moment she chose to take to battle that she would have such an end, and she felt that she would never come to self-derision for her choices. Her past, impossible futures, and the cruel reality before her were meaningless before her prayers, offering herself that even if all other condemn her that she would not betray herself. Rather than continue to look back on her path or crave for another future, she only wished for a silent rest. Within the savagery, she only kept a single prayer within her heart to the very end, one unblemished by regret and filled with sincerity. As she said her final words, "...O Lord, I give myself to You...", her consciousnesses ended and she was released from her suffering. Although the girl's dream ended there, "the dream of La Pucelle was only just beginning."

Side: BLUE​
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Name: William Finley

Age: 25 when he died. Has been in Hell for just half a year


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Partner/Mate: None at the moment

Weapons: While he doesn't believe in limiting oneself to just one, he always carries a machete with him

Abilities: Runic Enchantments: William's entire body, save for the face, is covered in bizarre magical runes. These grant him several abilities and Enhcancements. In order to utilise these, he must expend some of his own energy. The most notable of these are:

-Improved Demon Form: In addition to having the usual benefits of being a Demon, William gains an even greater improvement to strength and Constitution, allowing him to both endure considerable punishment and make attempts to fight him with force... Ill-advised. However, his speed is nothing Impressive, making him rather bad at dodging or fighting fast opponents

Cult Master: Several of his old comrades souls have made it to Hell, and they still serve him. In addition, he has began forming a new gang from lesser demons and lost souls. A cell of his old organization also still exists in the mortal realm.

Transformation: By focusing the energy found within the runes, he can grow in height and bulk, reaching 7"3 in height. His body is also covered with full-plate armor. While the exact design can vary between transformations, it's usually super-heavy, and cannot be worn by a "regular" demon without great difficulty. The process also nets him a weapon(or weapons), usually melee.

Vanguard: He can plant a banner in a location. The banner acts as a sort of beacon, sending a short message to all Demons within a considerable range from it. This is most commonly utilised to alert allies of an attack or to demand reinforcements. It is also considerably easier for demons to move to the banner's location, either by portal or some other means. If left unchecked, the enemy might find himself facing many more demons than originally anticipated. The banner, however, is surprisingly durable.

The Warpath: When maiming or killing an enemy, William regains some of his expended energy. The stronger the opponent, the larger the gain.

Blood Bond William touches an ally and marks them with his sigil(A white skull with spikes forming a ring around it). While he and the marked target are within a short distance from each other, he can: either redirect an attack aimed at the target to him, Or heal the target at the cost of expending a portion of his own health. Only one mark can exist at a time, and the mark's duration must have run out before a new mark can be selected.

The Runes have one notable Side effect: They dissolve any kind of psychic defense the wearer had. This makes William extremely vulnerable to mind control-type attacks and psionic-based attacks.

Tier:3(Thousands have died because of him, and his personal body count reaches upwards of 112 confirmed kills)

Rank: Miscellaneous Warrior. Self-Proclaimed Acting commander.

Biography: William had always been a problem child. Growing up with anger issues, He always had considerable trouble making friends, and an even harder time keeping them. His parents, a couple of Delusional, Backwards Christians, who thought that his psyche was damaged due to his lack of faith. So, obviously, as he got older, the problems got larger. The pressure of the real world He began hating the cruel, miserable world that he had found himself in, and, much to his surprise, many seemed to agree with him. And so, they banded together and created The Outcasts, a terrorist group Bent on changing the corrupt system that had caused them all to flip. Thousands were killed, but in the end, the police managed to corner and kill him.

However, Unlike he initially thought, Death was Far from the end: In fact, Hell was the only place in which he felt he finally belonged. A place where his talents could finally be realized. Now, eager to expand his powers, He thirsts for more Blood. Perhaps, one day, he will return to the mortal realm, to finally achieve his aspirations.

Side: RED
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All characters after this point that are red will not be approved.
Thank you, from the staff of A Wicked Kind of Beautiful
Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee
Gravitational Force Gravitational Force

- perfection -

Her Exellency

Her Grace

-G O D-



Sexuality: Omniromantic Asexual

Partner/Mate: Lucifer


Word of God: lest it be said, it does not exist.
Hand of God: lest she touch it, it does not exist
Eyes of God: lest she see it, it does not exist
Wrath of God: be it Her will, calamity with rend existence
Salvation: be it Her will, her chosen followers will live in Her glory eternal
Despair: be it Her will, her enemies will suffer eternal

Tier 3, S-Class


Why ruin the greatest story ever untold?


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Sigismund Leutfrid




Celestial Arming Sword

Common arming sword given out to heaven's soldiers. Made and blessed by angels, the sword is not forged of mere mortal metals, but of those in heaven, and is exceptionally suited for fighting demons and other such creatures of darkness.

Celestial Chain
Forged from the same ores of his sword and by the same means, it is far stronger then the chainmail of his mortal life and is exceptionally suited for defending against magic and demonic, or other such creature, weaponry.

Celestial Bulwark
A heater shield... just.. just take what I said for the other two for here.

  • Defiance: Sigismund has an incredible, almost scarily so, resilience and regeneration. Even when, by all rights, he should be cosigned to oblivion, he crawls away, still drawing breath. Also, Sigismund has natural resistance to magical attacks and abilities. He does not ignore them, but they are harder to cast upon him and he will take 'less' damage from them then someone else hit by it.
  • Hatred: Unlike what many believe, this is not an aggressive ability. For Sigismund hates himself, as such, he can 'absorb' the wounds of others onto himself as his body is, often, better suited at dealing with the wounds.
  • Valor: Sigismund is naturally brave and valorous despite his claims to the contrary, he is very resistant to mind control, mind altering abilities and any that attempt to take or corrupt his soul must defeat his will something that is not easily done.


Foot Soldier

Mortal Life

Sigismund was the second son of a small noble in the Holy Roman Empire, particularly, the kingdom of germany. He was trained to be a knight and carry on his families legacy on the battlefield, and if he was lucky, perhaps attract the attention of some noble's daughter and, so, possibly get land someday. But that was unlikely as Sigismund was not handsome in the ways a courtly lady would find suiting. He was always a little 'too' big, a little 'too' rough, it was an adapt way to describe him, 'a little too much' in some area that always kept painted him as an unattractive prospect... but it didn't matter, for when he was twenty it happened. The Crusade, to the Holy Lands, where fame, glory, land all awaited him. It wasn't hard to pledge himself to the forces of Godfrey of Bouillon. The journey was long and ardous, the heat of the sands blistering, but it didn't quell the young mans spirits for he was here, finally, his destiny lay ahead and only the Arabs and their false god stood in his path.

Starvation, blood, death, pain.. all small prices to pay for his future. But... there were times that he, and others, did things they otherwise never would have and it began to wear on him. How many people would he kill? How many of these Arabs would have to die before he got what he wanted? How many of his brothers would die? How far was he willingly to go? Even at the Antioch, they had triumphed and while there were some cases of men forcing themselves onto women of the city, it went better then expected, all things considered. That changed at Jerusalem. When the city fell, when they stormed the streets, something happened. Some infernal corruption spread throughout the men, throughout Sigismund. A red haze descended over his eyes and, like his fellow soldiers, he butchered. Blood ran like rivers in the streets, the bodies of men, women and even children piled as high as his thigh. They painted the city of god red, and when the haze cleared, when Sigismund found himself standing in a ruined home with a small child crying over the body of her mother, his sword still fresh with her blood, he screamed.

What had he done? What had they done? Many of his fellow knights mere shook it off, it was God's Will. It had to be done. They were just Arabs. Just Arabs... But they were people. Human beings and Sigismund had helped butcher them like animals and had even.. enjoyed it. He was not a man. A man did not do these things, and he would live the rest of his life atoning for his sin, and despite all of this, he never stopped praying. Not for forgiveness, no, there was no forgiveness for what he had done, no peace or rest for a man like him, he merely needed someone, anyone, to talk to and who better then God? Sure, it was a one-sided conversation, but praying served as an outlet, a way for him to face himself and his actions.. He eventually joined the Knight Hospitaller dedicating his life to protecting the Pilgrims to the Holy Lands and abandoned his dreams of land and family. He had lost the right to claim those lands and a butcher of men did not deserve a family. He served the Hospitaller for nearly a decade but finally met his end in an empty desert where he held the banner of his order and guarded the rear of his retreating brethren. He died there, killed by a Arab soldier, little more then a boy with terrified eyes and trembling hands, but he did not let the banner fall. Bracing it with his failing body, determined not to fail in his last task...

Service in Heaven

But his fight wasn't done. For whatever reason, God had decided to 'save' him. To make him part of his host. Why? Because he never stopped praying? Because he dedicated his life to protecting others?.. But not all. Only those of similar belief as he. How did any of that atone for the amount of killing he had done? He had helped drown the Holy City in blood and yet he was saved? He didn't deserve it. It was almost a cosmic joke. Promising Salvation to a man that earned only Damnation... But he had already dedicated his life to fighting for God, what did it matter if he dedicated his soul to the same end? So he did. And he fought.. and fought... and fought, and bleed for Heaven. Sigismund is not the greatest warrior of heaven, he is not even mentioned among those people, but Sigismund is one of the longest serving members of the First Tier... most First Tier.. do not live long. They are there to pad out the numbers, to make up the bulk, and die gloriously while the Second and Third Tier act like heroes from a golden age... but Not Sigismund. Sigismund has survived with a tenacity and will that has earned him some level of recognition... But a part of Sigismund.. is tired of it. He is tired of fighting and killing, tired of helping drown the universe in blood.. it doesn't matter that it is demon blood, he is tired of being a killer. That is all he has ever known, all he ever was and all, it seems, he ever will be. But it is a fitting punishment, and perhaps, just perhaps, that was the point of his entrance into heaven.

Name: Corinne La Fontaine

Age: 25 at death, 229 years since death

Appearance: Pale and thin, almost sickly. Long brown hair, usually pinned up to her head in a braid, and light green eyes. Freckles. Likes to wear whatever is in fashion for the "nobility" of the time period, though she's always about thirty years behind the fashion trends. Currently wears one of those suit jacket things with a pencil skirt (gray) and black high heels. Has small brown and white wings that always are overly expressive of her mood. Fairly cute, but not classically pretty.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Partner/Mate: N/A

Weapons: Whatever she finds really cool at the moment. For about twenty years, it's been slightly magical chakrams (sharper than mundane, wounds created don't like to heal very quickly), though it's about due for a change.

Abilities: Overall, extremely heavily defensive, with little to no offense.
- Forcefield-like shield. Can stop most things, mundane or not, apart from ridiculously hard hitting stuff that shatters it, but if you get a solid hit in then it takes a second to charge up again, during which she is very squishy.
- Minor danger sense. Usually has to actively focus on it, but anything big will basically hit her over the head like a sack of bricks. Does not tell her what the danger is.
- Does not walk, but instead levitates slightly off the ground. Can't actually fly, but with concentration and effort can make some fairly impressive jumps and glides.
- Very fast and agile, due to light weight and power, but as a tradeoff has issues hitting hard. Has to do "death of a thousand cuts" if she wants to fight.
- Fairly standard increased healing speed. Nothing too impressive, but wounds taken visibly close slowly if you watch.
- Has one major power: if she stands still and is able to concentrate solely on this power, she can enter a meditation-like state in which she essentially buffs all her allies and debuffs her enemies. All friendlies including herself gain a resistance to damage and magical effects, as well as a noticeable increase in speed and reaction time. All hostiles feel like they're moving through something viscous, as their speed and general precision is shot, and suffer a mental clouding effect that makes it harder to us abilities. If someone manages to interrupt her while channeling this (possible but not that easy), the backlash means she can't do it again for a day or so, and the shock means she can't attack or coordinate very effectively.
- Looks adorable and harmless so most people with some vestige of a conscience will probably hesitate before smacking her with an oversized sword?

Tier: 2. Lived her life well and piously as was theoretically the norm, but was too sheltered in life to be a saint.

Rank: random footsoldier (would probably be higher if not for personality, since she's not bad at fighting)

Biography: Corinne La Fontaine was the second child and only daughter of a minor noble in France during the French Revolution. Her life was sheltered, extremely so, especially as discontent toward the ruling classes intensified. At twenty, she caught the wasting sickness, and struggled with it off and on until her death. Her parents were guillotined shortly before her own death, which was not in fact due to the same, but from a combination of her sickness, lack of food, and psychological factors due to her treatment by the general public.

Has spent her time ever since doing an impression of an over-eager puppy. She is fairly competent if she puts her mind to it, but is prone to mistakes due to her personality. She is generally liked among the people who know her, which is more than usual thanks to several... incidents.

Personality: Hyper-aware and sensitive about how other people think about her. Easily excitable and distractable, often gets caught up in things she thinks are interesting. Little to no social awareness of less-than-friendly situations, as she's ironically bad at reading cues of aggression. Usually comes across as overly cheery and naive, though she isn't actually very naive anymore, and just keeps it up because she isn't sure she wants to be jaded. Tries her best most of the time, though it typically doesn't end very well. Slightly to moderately not right in the head.

Side: Blue

Lemme know if this is okay.
Ryoko's Characters!
Name: ⛥Lilith Azazel Ragnarok

Age: Old as time

Appearance:⇩Shown below

Sexuality: Pansexual

Partner/Mate: She has yet to find one who she deems worthy. Also, most are afraid to pursue her.
However, two have stepped up, Ganymede Apathy Ganymede Apathy and Inheritance Inheritance . She enjoys both of their company.

Weapons: ☠A flaming whip, assortment of guns, and several knives.☠

Abilities: Manipulation, Shapeshifting, and Power absorption. She can summon her beasts at will, as well as her children. She doesn't like to use this power on her kids, though. They'll come on their own.

Tier: 3+

Rank: ♛Supreme Mistress♛

Biography: Believe it or not, Lilith is one of God's creations. She was originally made as a wife for Adam in the Garden of Eden. However, unlike God would later make Eve, he made Lilith the same way as adam, not fashioned from his rib. This symbolized them being equals in everyway... And this caused a lot of trouble in the garden. They bickered constantly, Lilith refusing to bow down and Adam refusing to be lead instead of followed. All of this built up until one day, during fornication, she began to attack him for mounting her in such a demeaning manner. After pummeling Adam with her fists and everything else she could fine, Lilith left.
Angels were sent to recover Adam's lost wife, to bring her home, once and for all. However, once coming upon her they realized Lilith had mated with demons and created powerful offspring. Twice more they tried to bring her home, and she sent her beastly children out to destroy those angels.
God decided then she was too much trouble- might as well make a new, better wife for Adam. One who would submit, who was the perfect fit; and he designed Eve. Lilith heard of this disgrace, this upstart woman who claimed to be better, who god favored because she obeyed. She was enraged that He would deem her worthy. So, Lilith sat down by the rocks of a river, thinking. Death was far too merciful. So, she came up with a better plan. Lilith tempted Eve, and made her fall. No more could she enter Eden, she and her husband would be plagued by illness, pain, and work for the rest of their lives. Childbirth would be painful. They'd have to sweat beneath the heat of the sun, being hunted by animals and dying an eventual slow, painful death after all their hardships.
After this, Lilith began to build her kingdom down below. Her children gave birth to more children, built her palaces from diamond, obsidian, and gold. The grounds were paved by rivers of lava, and you could hear the clamors of souls as they poured into the underworld. She reigned here, and nobody else.
Eventually, Satan fell from heaven. Lilith welcomed him with open arms, knowing he'd be useful. Whatever God threw away and deemed unimportant, she would care for. They'd be her children, and she'd never turn on them.
However, with time, Satan began to attempt to overthrow Lilith. Suddenly, Satan was given the credit for the entire underworld. And Lilith couldn't have that.
But she also valued Satan's powers of manipulation and ability to shape shift. So, she did the most natural thing. The Supreme Mistress seduced him so she could have his powerful children, and then she absorbed his hell energy. She acquired all of his powers in the process, and so did her children.
Now, billions of years later, Lilith had enough. She was done with watching her children be cursed, of having them murdered, spit on, and hurt. She was done with the disrespect! And so, Lilith is declaring war on God and everyone who takes his side.
Nobody will escape the Wrath of Lilith.
Side: RED or BLUE?
Name: Gabriel

Age: physically 28, but it's been 500 years since he fell.

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Homosexual. He doesn't flaunt it, but he isn't ashamed either.

To be Ganymede Apathy Ganymede Apathy

A flaming sword which he stole from the angels guarding Eden.

"Touch of truth"
If he places his RIGHT hand on a person, he can skim through all of their memories.
"The Devil's advocate"
If Gabriel places his LEFT hand on a subject, he can alter their memories for three hours after the contact.


Gabriel was offered a high ranking from Lilith, but he turned it down. He isn't that interested into politics, so he says, or titles.

Gabriel was an angel, but he fell to earth once he saw a particular demon. He'd been secretly watching over him, which he was supposed to do for humans, but he felt protective of him. Once this was realized they stripped his wings. It didn't bother him much, because he got to be with the demon he had an affinity for.

Side: RED or BLUE?

"Killing is a sin, but the death of a demon is hardly a death. It's a statistic."
"Shall we commence the eradication of genetic mistakes?"
"We're the ones God calls when things go wrong. And for this to be taking so long to wipe out a few demons is very, very wrong. We'll be taking care of the weak forces of god, as well as these piteous demons."

Name: Neveah and Heaven
"The Angel Revival Project"

Age: They stopped aging around 15, but they've been alive since Lilith fell.



They wish to die as maidens, but secretly, they are both a sucker for romance.

Depicted in both images.

"Sister's calling"
When in battle together, their strength and speed is doubled.
"God's Grace"


Arch Angels


To be finished later
Side: RED or BLUE?
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