A Weird Hyena Enthusiast


Raving hyena nerd
Well, hello there! Everyone calls me Sparx. I'm 17 y/o and female. :v I'm not new to roleplaying at all - been doing it since elementary school!

I came to this site because I've been dying to roleplay but have not found success in finding any living ones I'd be interested in. This site looks super fancy and active though, so hopefully it'll be a good home. I have a super cool roleplay idea I've had for quite some time, and it involves lycans (as well as Native American practices)! Hope that sparks some interest. I don't know if it does, I have obscure interests. /sweats

Speaking of interests,

Some of my interests are (shallow interest pool alert):

  • Animals & nature
  • Video games like Okami, Pokemon, Nintendogs, & Smash Bros
  • Very few anime like Hellsing Ultimate & Soul Eater (need to see a lot of the good anime movies)
  • Steven Universe, like the only show I'm into right now
  • Food, especially sweets, but not big on candy
  • Drawing, writing, & of course roleplaying
  • Rainy/cloudy days
  • This emote ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Andddd these emotes :v B^) :3c :T

As you may have guessed, I'm mostly looking for animal-related roleplays. I recently came to the

realization that most things will not interest me if they have nothing to do with animals or at least supernaturals/mythical beings. I really don't know why, lmao, but that's the main cause of my shallow-interest-itis.

Anyway, I hope to make some new friends and finally settle down in a forum for once!
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Let me be the first to say welcome to the site. We have tons of games to tempt you with, because we are the best PbP site on the net. If you ever have any questions, check out the site rules, and if you are still wondering what is going on, don't hesitate to ask. We'll set you straight in no time. ( :) )
@Sparx Love your avatar pic!

Welcome to RPN. I always found the hyenas in the Lion King to be awesome. Never role played one though. Now that would be a challenge!
@Tiny Dancer, thanks! And with the TLK hyenas, I have mixed feelings. They're lovable as they are, but it does get tiring with the bad portrayal of hyenas. </3 They're actually super intelligent!

And pretty much all I've ever roleplayed is animals. There are some tiny communities for it, but they are hard to find and dying, sadly.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I am also into web and game design! I'd love to create several animal MMOs, because those are also severely lacking and I've always wanted to play a good one.

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