A Wave of Change


2000 IQ Killjoy Detective
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Appearance (Picture preferred):




History (Optional):





Power suggestion:

Read more about this role play... 

Name: Finn Marley

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Height: 5'5

Weight: 130 lbs

Personality: Finn is often seen as timid by his peers, avoiding conversation with other people and being horrible at talking in front of a crowd. However, when he is with a group he trusts, he much more open, being very protective, thoughtful, and fun. He is very intelligent, often being one of the top 3 in his class. Sometimes he can be very emotional, thinking with his heart more than his brain. Another thing about him is that he is terrible at talking to girls casually, barely being able to look at them. He also despises being weak, and wishes he could do more than he currently can. Finn also has a competitive and determined nature, always wanting to do the best he possibly can, and won't let anything stop him from doing so.

History (Optional): Born into a family consisting of a police officer as a father and a doctor as a mother, his parents wanted to keep him safe from everything horrible in the world, sheltering him. Because of this, Finn developed a rather severe form of anxiety, crying at even the slightest hint of something bad happening. This wasn't a problem for most of his life, making a small group of fiends. When he turned 13, he began to be bullied because of his anxiety by a group of girls. His friends quickly abandoned him and joined in on the ridicule. Stressed and frustrated, Finn stopped talking to people and isolated himself. He hated the feeling of not being able to deal with his problems, and at the age of 15 was able to will himself stronger, no longer crying at everything. He made a few friends in an attempt to break out of his shell, and since has been slowly progressing back to being social.

Likes: Reading, movies, learning, games, rational thinkers, tough people.

Dislikes: Being powerless, sweets, overly negative people, insects.

Weaknesses/Fears: He has a strong fear of talking to girls casually, though he can talk to them if it is a form of work. He also can easily be overcome by his emotions, loosing rational thought.

Power suggestion: Electricity manipulation. This allows the user to create their own electrical current, giving them the ability to create electrical shields, drain electricity from other sources, pick up large metal objects, deflect metallic objects such as bullets, and launch electrical bolts. They can also charge themselves, allowing them to stick to metal and infuse their physical attacks with the current. The more electricity they absorb, the stronger they become. However, the user cannot use their power if soaked in water, or else they will fry themselves.

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name: Niki

age: 16

gender: girl

appearance: I attached a picture

height: 5'1"


personality: loud, obnoxious, prankster, yet can be serious when the time is right

history: She is a foster child, but at age 10 was adopted into a family and now has a little brother.

likes: good work ethic, determination, kindness, and optimism

dislikes: whining and complaining

weakness/fears: bugs, and the dark. Is awkward around certain people.

power suggestion: Catches on fire when she becomes scared or angry. The flames do not hurt her, but they do hurt others around her. 

personality: Niki always has something to say, whether the timing is good or bad. She loves to perform and talk in front of others, just to be a total show off, even if what she's doing is really embarrassing. She always has a positive attitude unless someone is complaining. She can get awkward around smarter people because she worries that they might take her jokes offensively.

history: She was born to a single mother who raised her up until age 2, then gave her away to foster care for financial issues. She stayed in an all girls foster home until age 5 when she got to live with her first family, two parents and an older sister. At this point, she was very awkward around others, and broke an antique vase when slipping in the hallway and was sent back to foster care. She went to a different family shortly after, two parents and a younger brother. This family showed her unending kindness and taught her to se her goals high. Niki slowly came out of her shell and grew into pranking and showing off. The family immediately fell in love with this new version of Niki and decided to adopt her as one of there own. She has been happily living with them since. 
meteor! Sorry!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf65584fe_animeredhairgirl.jpg.53aa9673db08ae24d2ee1e24b1660e89.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20006" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf65584fe_animeredhairgirl.jpg.53aa9673db08ae24d2ee1e24b1660e89.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Tonya Honenheim

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture preferred): Somewhat chubby; mixed race. Clear pale green eyes and dark brown, nearly black hair.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6573416_tonyahonenheim.png.d4bf8a89578d6425ddce03a5ff220328.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6573416_tonyahonenheim.png.d4bf8a89578d6425ddce03a5ff220328.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'4

Weight: 151 lbs

Personality: Tonya is quiet and gentle. She is an introvert, and thus spends a lot of time by herself. She's very sweet and somewhat endearing. She's used to being teased by other students, and while she will not be mean towards someone who had bullied her, she will generally try to avoid them or avoid speaking to them. She is very kind, and will attempt to help anyone in need, even at her own expense. She is usually found alone or with one or two friends. Tonya doesn't seem to mind being alone, however, and she admits that this is because she spends a lot of time talking to online friends.

History (Optional): Her father is a sort of private/at-home doctor. He uses a mixture of natural means and modern medicine to heal and soothe people. Tonya often helps her wheelchair-bound father and she has some medical knowledge. Tonya herself was born with a disfigured leg, but from various surgical operations, she has only a slight limp. Her mother passed away soon after giving birth to her.

If she attempts to run too quickly, her leg will begin to hurt her, and walking for too long hurts as well.

When she was a baby, her father was a drunk, which very nearly caused her to be put into foster care. However, her father managed to clean himself up and take care of her properly, even hiring an nanny to help him watch her.

When she was fifteen, her father relapsed in his drinking, but Tonya managed to curb his drinking habits entirely. She still worries that he will start drinking again. She often goes with him when he goes shopping, in order to help him and to make sure he doesn't buy any alcohol.

Likes: the study of medicine, going on the internet, reading or watching TV, drawing, community service, casual swimming

Dislikes: loud noises, slurs, seeing other people in physical or emotional pain

Weaknesses/Fears: Fears thunderstorms, very deep water, and heights.

Other: She and her father took on her mother's last name.

Power suggestion: (I cut it down to three)

-Wings. Each wing would be about 3x the height of the person in order to be able to carry their weight.

-Ability to control one or more elements (Light, fire, water, heat, ect.)s.

-Ability to control sound.

Meteor :3



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Name: Flames (Birth Name: Flenorah)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture preferred):

Weight: 125

Personality: Flames's personality is generated much because of her past. She finds herself with her headphones in constantly, and likes to just listen rather than speak. She's a quiet, observant, easily tempered, and dark individual that cannot trust anyone but herself. It takes awhile for her to trust you, and if you gain her trust, do not break it. Flames gets her Nickname from her temper. Which is sky high when someone makes her mad. She has mild language and tends to go off on those she hates. Hatred runs in her blood, so be careful. She protects herself and the ones she loves.

History (Optional): As a child, her family didn't want her. They were going to cast her off into an orphanage and just leave her there to defend for herself with the rest of the parent-less children. Before they could throw her out, she packed her a backpack (That she carries around everywhere) and walked the streets until she met her best friend, Blade. She and Blade has lived together for five years now. Blade doesn't go to school, but he takes good care of Flames.

Likes: Music, Writing, Singing, Iced Coffee.

Dislikes: Headphones taken out, taking orders.

Weaknesses/Fears: Being alone, the cold.


Power suggestion: Fire.

Meteor Cx<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_n2roe8QxlF1sisg0mo1_500.jpg.2214c06de5eb028f83b0873449e39e5c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20683" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_n2roe8QxlF1sisg0mo1_500.jpg.2214c06de5eb028f83b0873449e39e5c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Can I reserve a male slot, please? I'll put in my app sometime before the end of the day. 


Leonardo Scarrabagio





Appearance (Picture preferred):





150 lbs


Interested in what is going on around him - likes being around others

Feels comfortable in groups of people - likes meeting new people

Has a wide range of friends - knows lots of people

Compares opinions, thoughts, and attitudes with others - adapts well to new situations

Seen as a "people person" - often described as "outgoing."

Loves to make things happen - loves to roll out plans

Sometimes forgets to stop and find clarity before acting - yet, he's normally rational.

Power Suggestions:

1) Supernatural condition - Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior over their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making them immensely stronger, faster, durable and smarter than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can be achieve by any method of training.

2) Aura manipulation - The ability to manipulate the subtle, luminous radiation that surrounds a person or object.

History (Optional):

Explained IC


Parties, alcohol, sports, music.


Being bored, pathological liars, people who aren't loyal.


A pair of nice legs / Vegetables, spiders



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Name: Dean Carver

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance (Picture preferred):


Height: 5'8

Weight: 120lbs


Dean is always curious and is very attentive to his surrounding. He has a good eye for details and even aims to join the police academy in the future, in hopes of becoming a detective. Generally, he is quite funny, outgoing and has no trouble approaching people when he needs to. He has a way with words which he typically use to extract information from people around him. He is also very protective of his friends and will not hesitate to step up when the need arises. Though some may be inclined to expect that he only talks to others to gain information, he, in fact, genuinely likes to interact with others and more often than not, ends up being friends with them. His friendliness however has him friend-zoned for most of his life and the fact that romance is the only topic that gets him nervous doesn't help.

History (Optional):

Will be explored in the IC

Likes: Sports, music, gaming.

Dislikes: Alcoholic beverages (especially the smell of it), being lied to

Weaknesses/Fears: /Spiders and any kind of bodily piercing.


Power suggestion:

- Control of waves (limited to soundwaves and electromagnetic waves)

- Enhanced physical abilities (Stronger, Faster, more agile etc..)


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Jacob Foster

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/anime_guy_by_mikananime-d675vp5.jpg.95b39aec79011ee2a55a5cc03ee807fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20406" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/anime_guy_by_mikananime-d675vp5.jpg.95b39aec79011ee2a55a5cc03ee807fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb

Personality: Quite out there, always trys to be friendly, but always trying to gain something aswell. Pretty average at school.

History (Optional): Unknown

Likes: Power, Money, games, girls

Dislikes: Being powerless, School, Maths

Weaknesses/Fears: Drowning.

Other: Meteor

Power suggestion: Teleportation, Shapeshifting, Telepathy



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Name: Alice

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture preferred):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-14_3-32-38.jpeg.df5fb36bc38709e934103dc3a5382c77.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-14_3-32-38.jpeg.df5fb36bc38709e934103dc3a5382c77.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 140lb

Personality: To her friends she comes off as a talkative, manipulative, cunning, and willing to kill. To her enemies she comes off as shy, innocent, caring, and can't hurt a fly. To complete strangers she comes off as someone you don't want to mess with that has MPD. In reality she is manipulative, cunning, very willing to kill, serious, and very close to emotionless even if she doesn't act like it.

History (Optional): She watched as her mother was raped and killed by her uncle when she was 5. She was then forced to watch her father be killed by a group of scientists that wanted to experiment on her when she was 7. No information can be found on her until 9 years later, when she was 16, and even then it was just a paper trail. Those scientists to this day have been missing official since she reappeared and with her power at the time. No one knows what her goal in live is but some say that she wants to kill off humans.

Likes: She only truly likes causing pain and death but she will never admit it.

Dislikes: Getting hurt

Weaknesses/Fears: Being killed before she can finish her plan. Spiders.

Other: Meteor

Power suggestion: Pyrokenesis- can control fire but can't make or get rid of it.

Iron Skin- Skin is as tough as iron.

Charm- Can make any normal guy, non-super powered, into a mindless drone.



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Name: Hal Dorking

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance (Picture preferred):



Weight: 151lb

Personality: Hal while maintaining a rather confident and sometimes cocky attitude, he is also needy and often looks up to whoever has the most power and tries his hardest to get within the "In" crowd. That's not to say he is a bad person, he tends to wear his emotions on his sleeve, never holding back and often lets a bit of a temper show. While he can be summed up as the scrawny obedient sidekick, he isn't afraid to put his foot down when he is pushed too hard in a direction he doesn't want to go. In love he is a hopeless romantic though often forgets who needs his attention the most and can get in to the habit of being neglecting to both family and friends.

History (Optional): Hal is the youngest out of his siblings, the oldest brother being a workaholic, the second a metal head who spends most of his time locked in his bedroom and lastly his sister who spends most of her time out with the girls. He always viewed himself as rather bland in both appearance and personality causing him to try his hardest to surround himself with the most power and influential of people at school. He succeeded in middle school joining a gang, however after being constantly forced to do things he didn't want to do he chickened out causing him to be hated and bullied by his fellow pupils until his parents made him change schools....

Likes: He likes power, admiration, friends, he has a soft spot for helping people, music,

Dislikes: Being pushed around, being tricked, looked down upon, responsibility

Weaknesses/Fears: Being alone, being hated, heights

Other: Meteor

Power suggestion:

I honestly have no idea
Name: Tristan McKaan

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance (Picture preferred):

Weight: 148 lb

Personality: kind and chivalrous, though kind of a show off.

Likes: Videogames, programming, and Roleplaying games

Dislikes: Going on walks, exercise, and Christians

Weaknesses/Fears: He is bad in social situations, and he is afraid of the dark.

Other: Athiest and Straight

Power suggestion:

- Disquising himself as anyone (not shapeshifting, since he keeps his own strengh and intelligence)

-Short range teleportation

Name: Tony Holmes

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance (Picture preferred):
ignore the wings

Height: 5ft 6

Weight: 95lbs

Personality: Tony is a lone wolf and prefers to keep it that way, staying away from others at any cost. He hates physical contact, as it makes him flinch badly which usually ends up with someone trying to ask him if he's ok. However, he has a strong loyal side, and will risk his life for friends or people who cannot defend themselves

History (Optional): He won't tell you, though the multiple scars and the way he flinches tell their own tale

Likes: Quiet Places, Being Alone, Dragons (He has a tattoo of one on his left shoulder), Books

Dislikes: Loud Noises, Crowds, Physical Contact

Weaknesses/Fears: Tony has a fear of both fire and water

Other: meteor

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