A War is Brewing


New Member

Basic Plot

The countries of Huesta and Seren are at war.

Geoffrey, the leader of Seren, is sadistic and cruel. He aims to

take over Huesta in order to expand is kingdom. The king of Huesta, however,

aims to protect his people and return peace.




  • Dragon Mages - Dragon Mages are people who delved into the darker path of magic and along the way learned to connect their minds with dragons. They command them to do their bidding and Geoffrey has managed to ally himself with them by offering them a piece of land.
  • Blood Magic - Blood magic is highly looked down upon but not exactly forbidden. Many people who used Blood Magic in the past has been accused of murder so ones who practice tend to keep it to themselves. (A brief description of blood magic is given in my character's list of abilities.)
  • Giants - Giants are, as the name implies, larger than the average human. They have their own complex language and rarely communicate with humans. They are very territorial and aim to protect their history, language, and anything having to do with them. To do so, they become rather hostile.
  • Dragons - Dragons often remain at the top of tall mountains and some can even be found around an abandoned castle that resigns on a faraway island. For the most part, they leave people alone, seeing no need to involve themselves. Giants are mainly what they eat. Dragon Mages, however, created a link between them and dragons to be able to command them.
  • Etc. (There is more, but those are the basics. ^^ Those are just the ones I can think of at the top of my head.)

The Role-Play

I would love to role-play this plot. My idea is that your character is either sided with Seren or Huesta. If it's Huesta, your character may be convinced to join mine by the king to infiltrate Seren and act as one of their soldiers. If you side with Seren, my character will act as one of Seren's soldiers. We can also work out other things. Either way, they main goal is for either side of the war to win. (Preferably, Huesta. We can work it out though. c:)

If you would like to add things or plot further with me, than please do! I don't want to stifle one's creativity and would very much love if you added stuff in. ^^

Being a Dragon Mage is a no-no as that will be too much power. (Mentioning that just in case.)

PM or comment below if you're interested! I would love to interact with you soon! c: 

((I edited my OC's bio!))

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