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A Very Gifted High School

"I'll try to but it's not in my nature." She smirked "so thanks...for showing me to my room...umm...see you around?" She asked a little hopeful trying really hard to keep the sound of her desperate need for a friend out of her voice
"That's okay, Anytime. If you need me, I'll be down in the court for the first training session. Catch you later."He winked.

Leo jogged off waving slightly, The smile on his face almost infectious.
Skylar got settled and heard a bell signifying food. She headed to the dinning hall and looked around carefully for Leo after getting her food.
Leo's happy face was replaced with one of frustration. Training had been tough and his body was bruised and it didn't help the school was filled with egotistical maniacs. He had a split lip from training ending up with a fight which meant he'd be taken down another level but he didn't care. The group he was in was filled with vile people.

He grabbed his food before seeing Skylar, he walked over to her.

"So you managed to find your way to food, Maybe you're not gonna need my help."Leo laughed.
Skylar smiled a little "hesus what happened to you?" she said seeing the broken and beat boy "you look like you got put through the blender."
"If I say training is that going to freak you out? This is what happens when a guy like me goes up against a guy who can turn his body into metal."Leo laughed.
Sky's jaw almost dropped a boy who can turn himself into metal? What the hell else could everyone do? She looked around in amazement as her new class mates shape shifted and walked through walls turned invisible to play pranks it was still all so surreal to herself. She didn't feel like she belonged her but something about Leo made it easier, it made her want to be here. "So steer clear of the metal dude. Noted."
Leo laughed and sat down next to her which was accompanied by groans.

"A lesson I wish I had learned earlier."He smiled." Don't worry, You're safe. I'll protect you from the metal dude. Well, I'll attempt too."

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