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One x One A unusual love

Name: Ruby Beaumont 

Age: 16 years

Race: Demon 

Extra: Ruby has trouble controlling her powers. Especially when her emotions are running high. 

Bio: Ruby was born in Paris, France. She had a good youth. She went to school and had loving parents and family. Despite the fact that she was a demon, she was sweet innocent and helpful towards others. It were qualities her parent's disliked, but they still loved her. When Ruby was eight years old, her dad was killed by humans. Something snapped in Ruby when she heard the news. She started disliking humans and soon became cold, distant and full of hate. A year after her father's passing, her mother found a new boyfriend. They were going to move to America. Ruby tried protesting but nothing worked. Not even two weeks later, she had left everything behind and was sent to a American school for demons. She felt like an outcast for years. Her relationship with her mother became worse and her new stepdad was the last one she could get along with. At school she had zero friends. Yet she liked being a loner. At the age of 14 she started wondering the streets late at night. Not wanting to return home to face her mom or stepdad. 



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Name: John Nihana

 Age: 15

Race: Human

Extra: John is a very distant person, tends to stay to himself and to avoid others. John has a problem with trust issues due to his past and being abused as a child. At heart, John is very kind and sweet, but on the old side he suppresses his emotions and gives off a cold tone. He wants to be understood, but truly does not know how to show his interest or his kindness towards others and might try to belittle someone. 

Bio: John was born into a very abuse family that had favoritism in it. Seen as an outcast of the household and usually left with bruises on his body to burden, John develop the habit of staying away from others due to his family involvement. As he grows older, he slowly started to lose his faith in humanity. Usually, to escape the madness, he would run away to secret abandon house in the woods. The house had been abandon for decades, but it left treasures behind the humans should never play with. As John grows custom to the home; he spent more time staying at the house and reading the old books. One day well he was at home on his 15th birthday, he received a letter from a school. John had never heard of the school before, and before he would know it, he now stands at the gate of his new destiny.   



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