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Realistic or Modern A Universe of Chaos - In Character Chat

Oliver: Primum Industria

"Ah... fair... enough" Oliver said, hoping he hadn't offended space-robocop. "Well prepare to be amazed" he smirked, looking directly at Max. Saying this he slowly floated upwards. "Damn right, pretty impressive" he said. He knew this was far from impressive but he hoped the cockiness might distract everyone else...

"So what about you two, my money's on the girl doing something mad" He said, turning to face the others and floating back to the ground. "Also quick comment..." he paused "Isn't there some kind of minimum age here?" he asked, looking at the girl. "Like don't get me wrong but..." he put his hand on her head and then pointed to himself, indicating the height difference. "You're a bit young for a superhero, unless that's your power... appearing super young... although I fail to see how that qualifies you to save the world..." He looked across the room to the person who had initially welcomed him. "Hey buddy, we have a person here who's power is to look really young... I don't know if you're just into some weird stuff but that ain't cool bro..." As he said this he looked back over to the girl.

MaxwellCharlie MaxwellCharlie Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed The DoomyFish The DoomyFish

Location: Primum Industria
Maximus Vis Chackria
Max narrowed his eyes- erm, eye, and looked at the floating man. "Yeah..." he said sarcastically. He extended out a pair of large white wings from under his fur and flapped. He was basically hovering. "Pretty cool..." he said, again in a sarcastic tone. He then refolded his wings and looked at the girl. " He paused, realizing how old she must be. He then said "Right now you are at a place very far from home, but it's a very safe place." He then asked her "Are you able to do anything... special? Like something that nobody else you know can do?" He was trying to sound as friendly as possible with her, as, mentally, she was obviously still very young.
Primum industria

As he appeared in the room full of strange alien creatures and a few people machigai sighed. Sure he should've been surprised but he was to busy being annoyed with chiwen. He dispelled the fusion and turned to his spirit as the introductions were being made. "Never do that again, my body is my own." He said sternly
"But..." Chiwen started
" Never... Again... Say it."

"Fine I'll never do it again."
Relaxing a bit he looked around and was quickly put right back on edge. Bowing politely he cleared his throat loudly.
"Um... Forgive me you may have already answered this question but where are we? And why are we here? I didn't exactly get a chance to read this." Upon standing straight he held out the letter. Granted he was nervous but that wouldn't exactly help him here so he set it aside for the moment.
MaxwellCharlie MaxwellCharlie hitman654 hitman654 Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed

Ohm-nhi Kou-ras
Primum industria

Omni stood in the back corner of the room watching the events unfold. He subtly scanned the minds of the humans so he could learn their language as well and though it took a few minutes he was able to successfully learn what the humans called English.
"Master? Why are such a young species being called here?" He thought to oculus yet his eyes didn't seem to stop shifting between the three strange and fascinating beings that were called humans.​
MaxwellCharlie MaxwellCharlie hitman654 hitman654 Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Primum industria

As he appeared in the room full of strange alien creatures and a few people machigai sighed. Sure he should've been surprised but he was to busy being annoyed with chiwen. He dispelled the fusion and turned to his spirit as the introductions were being made. "Never do that again, my body is my own." He said sternly
"But..." Chiwen started
" Never... Again... Say it."

"Fine I'll never do it again."
Relaxing a bit he looked around and was quickly put right back on edge. Bowing politely he cleared his throat loudly.
"Um... Forgive me you may have already answered this question but where are we? And why are we here? I didn't exactly get a chance to read this." Upon standing straight he held out the letter. Granted he was nervous but that wouldn't exactly help him here so he set it aside for the moment.
MaxwellCharlie MaxwellCharlie hitman654 hitman654 Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed

Ohm-nhi Kou-ras
Primum industria

Omni stood in the back corner of the room watching the events unfold. He subtly scanned the minds of the humans so he could learn their language as well and though it took a few minutes he was able to successfully learn what the humans called English.
"Master? Why are such a young species being called here?" He thought to oculus yet his eyes didn't seem to stop shifting between the three strange and fascinating beings that were called humans.​
MaxwellCharlie MaxwellCharlie hitman654 hitman654 Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed

Location: Primum Industria
Oculus Chackria
Oculus looked at Omni and thought "Well, for such a young species, they are surprisingly advanced. In just 500 years they went from living in thatch roofed buildings to landing on their moon! Estimates show that they would eventually surpass both the Primum Industian, and Litharian kind, technology-wise, but most likely won't, as, unfortunately, their species can be incredibly violent, waging war simply on ones belief system, not to mention calling magic fake. Some individuals, however, are far beyond their time. As for why these three specific individuals are here, I am at a loss." He had no idea what was going on, but then Perograd, the red-scaled litharian approached Tooth and Omni.

Perograd (NPC)
As he watched the idiotic cyborg speaking to the weak-looking humans, he approached Tooth and Omni. "You may be wondering why you have been called here." He started. "Well, there has been a break-out. It wasn't just anyone, however..." he paused. "It was Pandemonium." He shuttered at the thought of Pandemonium being on the lose. "We have called you two here, and have summoned this..." he looked at the humans, "Cannon-fodder... to take care of this issue. Also, Omni, I have something to give you." Omni was one of the few non-Litharians that he actually liked. He was quiet, non-intrusive, and unlike the clumsy Primum Industrian race, ACTUALLY KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING. He walked to the wall of robes and picked up a fairly new-looking robe. It was very simple: A solid light-gray robe. He handed it to Omni and said "Where you folk may be going, you'll need to hide the fact that your not native to those worlds." He then walked back to his seat and sat, thinking. He saw as Oculus went and got his earthy-green robe from the wall and put it on. It had the image of a golden arrow sowed into the hood of it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Astraea: Primum Industria

Astraea tapped her foot a bit, trying to think of the right English word to use to describe what she could do. "I... I, um... Magic and fighting? With magic, I can make myself or another float on the air like flying. It can be fast sometimes, but usually that takes some panic and dire need. And my hands are very strong when I need them to be." She finished with a nod before looking up at the man. "You are Max, correct? What is it that you can do?" That would have sounded like an accusation from most people, but Astraea was pretty perky about it. She seemed to think that whatever it was, be it clapping, a hand stand, or magic, would be very awesome.
MaxwellCharlie MaxwellCharlie The DoomyFish The DoomyFish hitman654 hitman654
Astraea: Primum Industria

Astraea tapped her foot a bit, trying to think of the right English word to use to describe what she could do. "I... I, um... Magic and fighting? With magic, I can make myself or another float on the air like flying. It can be fast sometimes, but usually that takes some panic and dire need. And my hands are very strong when I need them to be." She finished with a nod before looking up at the man. "You are Max, correct? What is it that you can do?" That would have sounded like an accusation from most people, but Astraea was pretty perky about it. She seemed to think that whatever it was, be it clapping, a hand stand, or magic, would be very awesome.
MaxwellCharlie MaxwellCharlie The DoomyFish The DoomyFish hitman654 hitman654

Location: Primum Industria
Maximus Vis Chackria
Max smiled. Simple magic, huh? He looked at Astraea and said "Well, my 'powers' aren't exactly... visual." He paused. "It's all in here, for the most part." Said he, pointing to his head. "But, in a way, I guess it's also these." He said, looking at his mechanical arm, then leg. He already knew what the man in the suit could do, so now he looked to the last person. He again explained to him everything he previously explained, as he seemed very confused. He then asked, "What, per say, would your abilities be?" He needed to know so he could properly pair them with a current G.P.P. member. He already knew that he was going to pair Oliver with his older brother. His older brother might be able to keep Oliver from being too cocky. He thought that he might pair the girl with his younger brother, perhaps. They would be closer to the same age, anyways. He assumed that this final person might be paired with Max himself.
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Machigai Yang Xing
Primum Industria

After being told what was going on Machigai seemed a bit less frustrated. Upon being asked what he could do he was a bit taken aback. He thought for a moment before saying "there isn't really a good way to describe it...perhaps a demonstration is best, Suanni come fourth." He held out his hand and Suanni came into the world of the living. Granted the others couldn't see him but nonetheless Machigai pointed him out.
"I can call friends of mine from the spirit world...then merge with them to attain their power."
He smiled as he said this despite Suanni commenting "Yeah right...Friends. Your just a part of my job runt." Ignoring him Machigai initiated the fusion. A ripple of fire crept across his body as a pair of straight, sharp, and bright red horns erupted from the back of his head. "This is just one of six forms I can take, each has its own power." To add emphasis he turned his body into fire becoming see through and quite hot. Yet he only did so for a few seconds before he cancelled the fusion. Suanni just gave him an annoyed look before heading back to the spirit world.
"I don't know what help I can offer ,but I will do what I can." He bowed as he said this.
MaxwellCharlie MaxwellCharlie Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed hitman654 hitman654

Ohm-nhi kou-ras
Primum Industria

Upon receiving the robe omni inclined his head toward Perograd. "Thank you for the warning, I shall remain inconspicuous then." The robe floated up, opened, and descended over Omni's head. He pulled his tail into the robe wrapping it around his waist granting him a pudgy look but hiding his overall anatomy.
He turned his attention to the boy who had held his hand out as if presenting empty air. Curious he decided to look through the boys eyes via telepathy. In doing so he was able to see Suanni, the seven foot red dragon spirit was truly a sight to behold. He implanted the same image he was seeing into oculus mind so his master could see.​
MaxwellCharlie MaxwellCharlie
Machigai Yang Xing
Primum Industria

After being told what was going on Machigai seemed a bit less frustrated. Upon being asked what he could do he was a bit taken aback. He thought for a moment before saying "there isn't really a good way to describe it...perhaps a demonstration is best, Suanni come fourth." He held out his hand and Suanni came into the world of the living. Granted the others couldn't see him but nonetheless Machigai pointed him out.
"I can call friends of mine from the spirit world...then merge with them to attain their power."
He smiled as he said this despite Suanni commenting "Yeah right...Friends. Your just a part of my job runt." Ignoring him Machigai initiated the fusion. A ripple of fire crept across his body as a pair of straight, sharp, and bright red horns erupted from the back of his head. "This is just one of six forms I can take, each has its own power." To add emphasis he turned his body into fire becoming see through and quite hot. Yet he only did so for a few seconds before he cancelled the fusion. Suanni just gave him an annoyed look before heading back to the spirit world.
"I don't know what help I can offer ,but I will do what I can." He bowed as he said this.
MaxwellCharlie MaxwellCharlie Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed hitman654 hitman654

Ohm-nhi kou-ras
Primum Industria

Upon receiving the robe omni inclined his head toward Perograd. "Thank you for the warning, I shall remain inconspicuous then." The robe floated up, opened, and descended over Omni's head. He pulled his tail into the robe wrapping it around his waist granting him a pudgy look but hiding his overall anatomy.
He turned his attention to the boy who had held his hand out as if presenting empty air. Curious he decided to look through the boys eyes via telepathy. In doing so he was able to see Suanni, the seven foot red dragon spirit was truly a sight to behold. He implanted the same image he was seeing into oculus mind so his master could see.​
MaxwellCharlie MaxwellCharlie

Location: Primum Industria
Oculus Chackria
Oculus looked in awe. "Mine got..." Said he mentally. He was truely amazed by this power. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Perograd promptly faint. After watching for a moment, he saw the power fade. He decided that this would be a good time to show off his abilities. "Max? May I?" Asked he. When he saw Max nod, he said "Max, take a marble and toss it in the air." He handed Max a bag of marbles, and Max tossed one in the air. As soon as it left Max's hand, Tooth had already pulled out a pistol, and had shot it. To further prove his accuracy, he told Max to do it again. This time Tooth pulled out a shortbow, and hit the marble, cleaving it in half. Suddenly, there was a huge boom. Emergency alarms started going off, and emergency window airlocks started closing. "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!" yelled Oculus. A lower ranking G.P.P. member ran up to the door and yelled into the room "THERE HAS BEEN A BOMBING!"

Location: Primum Industria
4 Mysterious People
Outside the G.P.P. HQ, 4 figures lurked. Each of them was holding a small spherical object. As one of them placed one down at the south entrance, a button was pushed and a device was spoken into. "Beta Centauri set." The second figure placed one at the western entrance. "Delta Orion set." Yet another figure set one down at the hanger at the north end. "Polaris set." Finally, the last one set one down at the eastern hall. "Zeta Orion set." All four figures then quickly darted away from their positions. There were four huge booms.

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