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Fantasy A Triple OP Isekai Adventure



Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
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Cool Text - Elincia 468553235899688.png

Ugh... What happened? She thought.

The last thing I remember was being trapped in the elevator, and then... Agh... Why does my head hurt so much?

She turned her head to the left and slowly became aware of the tickling sensation against her cheek. It felt like... grass? No, she couldn't be on grass. She was just in a metal elevator a few moments ago, right? But then, how did she plan to explain the smell? It was unmistakable. The scent of grass. Everyone knew that scent because everyone, at some point in their life, had laid down in a grassy field or out on a grassy lawn.

Slowly, she opened her eyes.

"Yep. That's grass all right. But h-nngh."

She put a hand on her forehead and partially covering her right eye. It felt like she had a cluster headache. And wasn't it just typical that it was on the front right side of her head? That's where it always seemed to be whenever this happened.


She opened her left eye, and what she saw dropped her jaw and hands to the ground.

It was beautiful. Stunningly so. A vast open grassland waving gently in the breeze as far as the eye could see. There were vague hints to some lightly wooded areas here and there. And to what she presumed was North lay a series of mountains. But they didn't look like any she was familiar with. Not that she was a geology expert or anything. But they looked... Different. More jagged and irregular than the usual mountain landscapes she saw in books and on tv.

Shifting her weight and looking South, she spied what looked like a distant series of hills leading towards a darker and dryer landscape of dirt and stone. To the West lay more grasslands. And to the East, more grasslands. But, wait a sec. To the East. Were those... MOUNTAINS IN THE SKY?! She blinked several times and shook her head.

"Yep. Those are mountains all right. But they're floating? How's that even a thing? What happened to gravity?"

She blinked a few more times and rubbed her eyes.

Nope. Still there. Am I dreaming?

She reached up and pinched her cheek, hard.

Well, if I'm dreaming then pain seems to be well replicated. Guess I'd know a thing or two about that though, wouldn't I?

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she then noticed something else.

.......... Am I.......... Taller?

Looking down, she nearly had a heart attack.


She jumped to her feet and felt her chest.

W-w-w-wait a minute! I was a DD cup before, right?! Did they get smaller? And, arguably more importantly... Perkier?

They were definitely higher on her chest than she remembered. And there was no mistaking it. They were a little bit smaller. But there was also another issue.

Oh my shit. What am I wearing?

Looking at herself more thoroughly, her outfit was revealing to say the least. A black collar that arced down to a white top covering a good chunk of her torso. But all of her shoulders and the top of her chest were exposed. It was like one of those fantasy RPG character clothing designs where function and realism played basically no part in the design. Case in point, that top flowed straight down into long flaps which covered the front and rear, but not the sides. Her legs were almost completely exposed to either side all the way down to her ankles. About the only other thing covering her below the waist was a belt and sash with a strap for... Was that a staff? With some kind of orb on the end, no less. But where'd she get this? When did she get this? Also, when did gloves going midway up her biceps become a fashion statement?

As she turned her head she saw strands of white flash in her vision.

"... Dear god, please, no..." She whimpered, taking a handful of her hair and bringing it all the way round to get a good look at it.

"AM I OLD?!"

Immediately she felt her face. No wrinkles. Okay, that was good. But still, she wanted to se-... She pulled out the staff and brought the end with the orb up to her face.

"Oh... My... Shit..."

She was beautiful. Like, actually beautiful. She wasn't half bad looking before. But she wouldn't have gone so far as to call herself beautiful. But now she had clear, flawless skin. A smooth and graceful jawline. A cute button nose. And large expressive eyes with rich golden irises that seemed to emit a very subtle glow. Her ears were long, pointed, and angled slightly downward. And her hair, though a beautiful silvery white, was definitely not normal. But, she couldn't say she disliked it. It was lush, full, soft, and incredibly silky. Like that feeling your hair gets when you're fresh out of the shower and after giving it a thorough wash with shampoo.

"Am I an elf?"

She put the staff back in the strap and looked up and around again. Wherever she was, it wasn't the Earth she knew. But something else finally caught her attention as she scanned the area. There were others. She'd completely missed them before because of the shock of her new environment. But there were three other people around her.

"Well, at least I'm not alone. But seriously, what the hell happened to me?" She muttered to herself.

What was going on? Where was she? Was she dreaming, or conscious? Did she die? And if so, was this heaven or hell? Or something else altogether?

She had no answers. But maybe one of them would?

DracoNightshade DracoNightshade Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT

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