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Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest


Watermelon King
There is a forest of pinetrees at the edge of town that no one had ever had imagined of going into in fear of them running into the ghost that haunts the castle there.

The legend goes as there is a man in a orange kimono that is stainded with the bloods that enter the castle that had been the home to his daughter and wife.

While drunk he had slaughtered his wife in rage after she had complained of the mess he makes when he comes home from the pub.The daughter thenhad run away and is a witch.

After hearing these rumors so many times you decide to go in.
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-Uhu! Uhu!-

"WAH!...-Oh, god damn it..."

Geez, that owl scared the crap outta him!

Aiden let out a sigh before he rummaged around in his backpack, pulling out his cell phone.

Google maps... Eh. If the coordinates are right, then the castle should be nearby...

The god-forsaken trees aren't making it easier for him.

"Man, what a pain in the ass..."

He thought to himself as he continued to walk through the forest, carrying the bag on his left shoulder.

He looked up at the sky, seeing that it was getting dark. Crap. Has he been in this forest for so long? He has to hurry up and find that cas---

"Huh. Speak of the devil..."

Welp, here it is. The coordinates weren't 100% accurate, but he found it!

Aiden climbed over the fence that surrounded the castle before pulling out his camcorder. He pointed it at himself and smiled at the camera, the castle visible behind him. Cheeeeese!


I sit apon the desk that had rotted too far to use but brings be warmth a writing desk that I had used to written all those stories.Paper that had the words from long ago had yellowed and crumbled.

Hearing a snap from outside I jerk my head up.

So another visitor huh...

I head down the stairs and stand in the main hall.

A breeze heads in from cracked and shattered windows making me worry

This one better not ruin my place and throw rock at the windows alike those rancid "ghost hunters" to get my attention.

I pick up a piece of shattered glass and go hide in the shadows.
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The massive, heavy doors slowly opened, and Aiden peeked around the corner. He looked to his left and right before carefully stepping inside, flicking on his flashlight.

He left the door open. Just in case.

"Woah... This place is huuuuge..." He mumbled to himself as he pointed the cone of light from his flashlight at the ceiling, then down the hall.

Unfortunately, several windows and furniture have been destroyed. Historical artifacts... Ruined. That sucks...

His blue eyes scanned his surroundings, and he was debating with himself which way to go. He worried that he might get lost in a place like this.

Eventually, he decided to just walk through the main hall for now. Look around.

It was time to explore this old place.
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The boy walks down the main hall.

So far no damage...

I walk up to the boy and whisper in his ear,

"To the left"

I quickly run around the corner to the left making myself slightly visible.

Let's see if this one cares enough to not believe the legend.
TheAngelOfMonday said:
"To the left"
Aiden froze, eyes wide open.

...Did someone just... Whisper in his ear...?

Woah now, calm down. There's... An explanation for this, for sure... Maybe his friends knew about this and came here to pull a prank on him.

...But that voice wasn't familiar...

Aiden tightened his grip around the flashlight before quickly looking to his left, frantically scanning the dark areas with the light.





Did he just... See the outlines of a person?

Damn it Aiden, pull yourself together! Some asshole is messing with you right now! Ghosts are bullshit!

He rubbed his eyes, thinking that there must be something wrong with his eyesight.

Or maybe the darkness caused him to hallucinate...

...He stepped back, away from where the voice told him to look at.

...That was... Weird.

...Is it-... Still there?

Aiden decided to shine his light at the same spot again.

...Just to see if he was actually hallucinating...

I see as he rubs his eyes trying to see if I was an illusion.

He flashes his light my way and I'm blinded becoming slightly more visible and trip over my kimono.

Damn that portable candle light is strong is strong when the hell did they get that bright.

I look to the blurry outline and stand up.

"Ever heard of not shining that stuff in people's faces",I whisper.

Ever since Elisia (his daughter) ran away I cried so hard that my voice went permantly hoarse.
Aiden couldn't believe what he was witnessing. This wasn't some kind of hallucination or illusion.

This was real.

TheAngelOfMonday said:
"Ever heard of not shining that stuff in people's faces"

He dropped his flashlight, staring at the man in the orange kimono.

"I- I'm sorry!"

At that moment, I wasn't sure about what exactly i was seeing. It looked like a person, but his clothes looked like something people wore decades ago. He appeared to be slightly transparent, as well. And he kept whispering.

Do ghosts... Actually exist?

But aren't they a little more violent? Do they talk to other people like that?

"...Are you the legend everyone keeps talking about?"

Aiden was a little startled, but he wasn't terrified. However, he didn't dare to make any sudden movements. He didn't trust this person.

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"Yes and first things first.

I did not kill my wife, that was a drunkened jester."

I rub my eyes and walk through him.

"Be careful around these corners.There are sometimes snakes here.I mean we are in the forest after all.Explore if you like.Try and kill me if you like.Finally destroy as much as you like, I can't pick anything up so its no use."
A chill went down his spine as the man in the orange kimono walked through him. In fact, it got so cold that he could see his breath condensating in the air.

So it's true. Ghosts... Exist.

This is incredible! Is he dreaming right now?

"I-I'm not here to wreak havoc. Thank you for the warning..." He stuttered, still not moving a single muscle. "--What's your name?"

He thought he had to walk through the whole castle, but he already found what he was looking for. He didn't think he'd find it, but here he is. The legend of the forest.

And he seems to be friendly!
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"The name is King Aiem Toppagando, and thank goodness you are not going to destroy this place because I really need that. When people see ghosts that are rumored to kill people they ruin this place since it's the only thing I have.There are people that try to ram down the castle and make me go away."

I stop and sigh.

"But really who would blame 'em I really are a drunkard just not violent.There is a wine cellar and I've been taking a few sips each day of " I laugh and walk to the giant rotted chair that had used to be my so called throne.
Outside the castle, the wanderer slowly approaches. As he sees the door open he pauses for a second to ready a hand on his sword hilt. After waiting a few moments, he continued onward to the door, slowly pushing it farther open.

As he entered, he suddenly came in plain view of a boy and what seemed to be a transparent man. The wanderer couldn't really understand what was going on...

Confused, he quietly began to wander around the halls.
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Wow. He's actually talking to a ghost alcoholic who used to be a king a long time ago. And frankly, he was actually starting to feel bad for him. Apparently, he's just misunderstood. "But... If you're dead, then why don't you go to the other side? Are you stuck here?" Aiden didn't know much about ghosts and the paranormal because he never listened to those who talked about it. Now, he was starting to regret doing that.

In the corner of his eye, he spotted someone entering the castle. Someone in strange attire, carrying..... A sword?!

His eyes widened, and he quickly picked up the flashlight he dropped earlier, shining the light at the person and staring at him.

...He's carrying a sword, no doubt...

This had to be the craziest day of his life...

...He should get the hell outta here...

"I am actually stuck here because-wait who do you think you are when you enter thee's domain with a masked face. For I am king and thy kingdoms rules list for there to be identification."

It has been a long time I had used a royal tone to make someone do something.

"So are you here in need to do good"

Marsle, I hope he hasn't heard our conversation before and knows I don't talk like this.
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The wanderer, feeling somebody was directing themselves towards him turned around. Still confused as to why he was invisible, the wanderer stayed quiet.

Instead of speaking he began to examine the room for any valuables before walking up the steps into the darkness.

Once he reached the upper floor he continued to wander around hunched over with a hand on his swords hilt.
Aiden glanced at the mysterious individual, raising an eyebrow as he walked up the stairs after showing no reaction to them. He wondered why Aiem suddenly talked like that. He didn't talk like that when he met him. "...Maybe we should see what he's doing..." Bad idea. Really bad idea. But what if he breaks his stuff? Wait, why does he even care? This guy is a ghost! He's dead! What is he thinking? That person is carrying a freaking sword. What if he's a psycho or something? Aiden won't have a chance with his little switchblade.
" I think we should."

I walk up to the stairs and follow...wait I don't know his name.

Well I'll call him hoodie.I go up the stairs slowly not looking ahead to see if Hoodie has gone ahead.

I pick up a piece of glass that was on the floor after I see that the man had his hand on his sword.

It looks as if the man is looking for something.

Well I think that the only valuable thing here is my wine...
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