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Fandom a tentative fandom search ~ UPDATED 3/25/25


< slow replies >
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Off-site
hiya hi, it’s rattie / stray (she/they/it) again, back at ya with a (tentative) fandom search thread!! i’m a 24 year old incredibly-anxious artist with adhd, and i’m in the EST timezone (i’m usually more active later in the day)!! also, i’m a very slow replier both IC and OOC, so please don’t expect rapid fire responses from me - still, i love love love ooc chatter whenever it’s able to be given!! due to my finicky mental health and rp-rustiness, i’m only looking for something laid back (slow reply schedule, shorter replies, etc) for the time being.
anyhoo, please read everything below (especially the rules), and if you decide you maybe wanna give things a shot, please privately message me a brief intro about yourself + what specifically you wanna do!!! pleeeeaase don’t just send me a very vague message / “hi wanna rp”, i honestly find it really hard for me to be interested in the rp / writing with you when that happens, i’m really sorry. basically, the more detail there is to the message, the better!! ;v;

( if we tried to plot before but things didn’t work out for whatever reason, but you still want to try n give things a shot, please do message me again because i’m so so down to try!! i’m sorry if i poofed. >< )


RULES . . .
adult rp partners only (20+ preferred if possible). basically, no minors please!
third person pov, at least a paragraph or more in length. please no first person pov, one-liners, or asterisks. can write with proper capitalization or all lowercase, whichever you prefer!
rapid fire responses aren’t required in the slightest - please take your time! i am not a rapid fire responder myself.
ghost friendly - farewells are always appreciated whenever they can be given, but there’s absolutely no pressure to give one if you feel you can’t!! i sometimes ghost when i get really overwhelmed with irl stuff, so i get it.
romance is a must (though preferably at least somewhat slowburn)!
primarily looking for canon x oc + mxf (with me as the female oc), though i can be convinced to do oc x oc instead for a few of the fandoms! i’d prefer not to double if ultimately possible (so if you just wanna play a canon, that’s perfectly okay), but i might try it out depending on the fandom (see fandom spoilers for specifics) - i probably won’t double for oc x oc rn though. if we double, your side can be any pairing (though if it matters any, i’m significantly more keen to mxf or fxf).
faceclaim type depends on the fandom. PLEASE NO AI!!
discord greatly preferred (i also write on twitter sometimes lol), can probably do in pm’s instead though if you’re okay with me not logging on everyday.
please tell me your triggers at some point before we start! as for me, i don’t really have any triggers atm (that i know of) - i’ll definitely let you know if this ever changes, though. that all being said, i’m fine with darker stuff (NO NSFW THOUGH)!


pairings + doubling: leaning more towards canon x oc, but oc x oc is fine depending on the prompt / pairing we go with! doubling is accepted.
looking for: aizawa, bakugo, dabi, kaminari, kirishima, or maybe an oc (please do describe your oc to me if you wanna play one)!
can play if doubling: ochaco, izuku, toru, mina, kaminari, kirishima, tamaki, mirio, hawks, oboro, a-probably-very-pg midnight, present mic (maybe), shinso (maybe), iida (maybe), shouto (maybe), or maybe even a pro hero rendition of touya / dabi!
status: i left off in the manga right before the final war, but i’ve seen a ton of spoilers! i honestly don’t really remember where i left off in the anime. nonetheless, spoilers are perfectly fine!!


honestly i have SO many different ideas for each canon i’ve requested that i could share in pm’s if this particular idea doesn’t tickle your fancy, but for the time being i’d practically PERISH for a good shoujo-inspired school prompt with literally any of the canons i’ve requested!!! or just a cute slice of life sorta deal overall, not even necessarily in a school setting!!!! also, bonus points if it’s combined with a quirkless au somehow!!!!
pairings + doubling: canon x oc only. i’m rather hesitant to double for this fandom rn due to my lack of knowledge, but i might be willing to depending on the character / idea you request!
looking for: aki, or maybe kishibe!
can play if doubling: denji, kobeni, himeno (maybe), aki (maybe), power (maybe)!
status: still reading the public safety saga & only a few arcs in (i think i’m starting the reze arc?) - please be aware of this when reaching out to me!!! for now, i won’t play any characters in the academy saga because i’m not there just yet. nonetheless, spoilers are perfectly fine with me!!


i don’t really have any concrete ideas for this fandom just yet, but i’d still really like to do something with it!!!! maybe an au of sorts, like a college au, an au where devils never existed / everyone is just an ordinary human, etc?? or or, maybe my character is just an ordinary girl that ends up tied up in the drama of whichever canon character you wish to play?
pairings + doubling: canon x oc or oc x oc is fine! doubling also accepted.
looking for: yato, kazuma, or maybe an oc (please do describe your oc to me if you wanna play one)!
can play if doubling: hiyori, yato, kazuma, kofuku!
status: i never finished the manga, but i did watch both seasons of the anime when they came out! it’s been a while, though.


i don’t really have any concrete ideas for this fandom just yet either, but i’d still really like to do something with it / the canons!!!! i have like three different character concepts i could revamp n possibly use: a new shinki of yato’s, one of bishamon’s many shinki, or a half-spirit like hiyori (love interest would probably be yato)!!! either way though, an au or at least something with some canon divergence is appreciated while i relearn the fandom’s lore n stuff. :]
pairings + doubling: canon x oc only. doubling probably accepted.
looking for: dean winchester!
can play if doubling: dean (if you can still play him for me in a completely separate rp), sam, castiel, charlie!
status: completely up to date, but it’s been a little while!


my first thought is an old fanfic prompt i made years ago where my character is captured by a demon for some reason (maybe she’s not exactly human? or she is human, but has something special about her, like an inhuman ability of sorts, or a special item?), and a year or so later the boys catch wind of the demon causing issues and they go to investigate and end up finding my character instead. they then take her in with the plan of using her as bait to get the demon to show up again so they can get rid of it for good, but eventually come to regret their decision - especially dean. if you’d like, we could make it happen sometime after the boys already know of crowley, and make it so the demon was sent by crowley to get my character for some reason instead. i think that’d be really neat too!

i don’t have a solid plot in mind for this, but i’d love to play an angel character sometime! maybe she’s good friends with cas and meets dean through him at some point? or if you want, we could do an au of sorts where my character takes cas’s place? it’s up to you!

maybe something where my character is a normal girl who doesn’t know the supernatural exists, and dean meets her somehow and they end up getting close, but he desperately tries to hide the fact he hunts / the supernatural is real from her because he’s afraid of her getting hurt somehow?

au-wise, i’d be down for something where the supernatural never existed (maybe mixed with a small town au?), a soulmates au, or maybe even an au where the supernatural still exists, but dean is alive, retired, and trying to live an as-ordinary-as-possible life?
pairings + doubling: slightly leaning more towards oc x oc for this one unless you want to play a canon instead of an oc, then canon x oc is chill! i just don’t really want to double for this particular fandom right now, but i could be convinced to depending on the idea / character you have in mind - ask.
looking for: daryl, glenn, oc (please do describe your oc to me if you wanna play one)!
can play if doubling: glenn, probably-early-seasons rick, connie.
status: watched the entirety of twd, only season 1 of twd: daryl dixon, season 1 of dead city, and the entirety of the ones who live. i also watched like two seasons of ftwd i think.


i don’t really have any concrete ideas for this fandom just yet, only au ideas - a supernatural au, an au where immunity to the zombie virus exists, or an au where the apocalypse never happened (maybe mixed with a small town au)! character-wise i could try playing a gal with selective mutism, an ordinary survivor gal, or maybe an immune survivor gal (if you’re comfortable including immunity n stuff)!!
Last edited:
bump - made a few lil adjustments.
bump - added the walking dead.

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