Story A Teiflings Thoughts - Part One {Inspired from a D&D campaign I'm in, this is about my character}


New Member
Leucis knew he wouldn't be getting any sleep that night, even if he tried to force himself to, not after what had happened moments before he shut the bedroom door. He didn't think he made it out of the town those long ten years ago. He truly didn't think he was alive, how could he think the other was alive? Leucis knew Hunter was a strong sorcerer and a strong individual in general but he didn't think he made it out of a village collapsing in on it's self. Then again he didn't exactly see his old lover die so it always was a possibility that he made it out alive.
The Tiefling couldn't even lie down in the bed, he simply sat there, staring down at the dark blue cloak that had been ripped off of the other.
What was Hunter doing? Why was he doing this?
The Hunter he knew wouldn't be included in something like this, the Hunter he knew wouldn't help kid-nap kids
His head felt heavy, he knew he should try to get some sleep, but he couldn't. How could he after what had happened moments before?
Leucis felt tears start to rise to his eyes once again as he thought about it all.
It had been ten years since they separated, they were eighteen, now they were both twenty-eight, maybe Alexi was right, maybe Hunter changed. It had been so long he couldn't even guess what the other male went through after their home-land had went up in flames. Leucis knows that his own life was nothing sort of hell.
No, there was no way Hunter was doing this like the others think he is.
Hunter is everything he couldn't be, Hunters patient, kind, he loves every single living thing around him, he's smart.
Hunter would know better then to do something like this, theres no way he would do this unless it was against his will.
As the tears once again started rolling down his face Leucis brought the cloak up to his face, lightly breathing in, a warm fuzzy feeling washing over him.
It smelled just like Hunter did all those years ago
Leucis couldn't help but hide his face in the piece of clothing, he didn't change much did he?
He felt a lot more heavy then he did just a few seconds ago, he should get some sleep, he needed to after what had happened moments before.
Not bothering to kick off his boots Leucis let himself fall onto the bed, hugging the cloak close to himself.
He didn't get under the blankets as he closed his eyes, thinking about nothing else but his old lover.
Just a short little blurb, probably not the best in terms of grammer but it's 5 in the morning and I haven't went to bed yet

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