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Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

Commissar Behrman Grimsley
Logistics Officer

Age: "35."




"I'd say I'm strict but fair, I never order someone to do something that I wouldn't do myself and I lead by example. I avoid fraternizing with the other Blades, if I get close to them I'll let my personal feelings cloud my judgment."


"I was the eldest child out of five children so I always had my hands full raising my younger brothers and sisters. The first two decades of life was spent making sure that my siblings were ready to face the adult world and training to take over the family farm my father was going to leave me. Too bad raiders burnt our entire village down and I was forced to look for other means of employment. Probably would have lived a peaceful life as a farmer if it weren't for that incident."
First Sergeant Throne Riker
Company Sergeant

Age: "52, huh, damn, I'm an old man. What am I still doing here?"



"I really need a retirement plan."


"I wish I could say I'm old and wise, but I'm not, rather I'm old and foolish and now I got myself in a shitstorm that I can't escape from. Ever since that disaster back in Harendare we've become too poor to afford anything! We've spent the last of our money on ships and in maintaining our equipment but we haven't eaten in days! Days! First chance I get I'm finally getting a small hamlet of my own to live in and there I'd live peacefully until I die in a comfortable bed."


"I should have stayed a priest when I had the chance. But no! I just had to become a knight. Fuck, I am screwed."
Severe Work in Progress

Jean Morynth



Jean Morynth





Bear with me, please, reader, for I am far from a writer. Though, still I attempt it.

Jean is, candidly speaking, a man of violence — from his years as an intelligence officer, to his earlier days as a soldier of the king, and even now. Admittedly, he's a man far too dug in confidence, and in one too many of his narrow judgements, perhaps partially aware of his own brashness, yet not so wary. Still, he's extraordinarily competent, and though obsessed with the superiority of his own and burdened by his egocentric needs — his numerous missions, and from which he oft emerged successful, had long been aided by his keen eye, and his systemic paranoia. A trait both deadly and warped, rendered more so by his sharp wits and venomous calm, and even dastardly, so as to thoroughly exclaim each of his conflicts, respectively. A dog-of-a-duellist attempting to be a manipulator, and even succeeding at it, despite the audacity undermining his darker sides. Jean's affinity for ornery flairs has, from time to time, distorted his brutal perception of the pragmatism of life, and which did oft border casual cynicism. It did inject a sliver of idealism into his life, however he wants to see it otherwise, and made him all but a grump. A good sport, though flush with taunts and sneers.

His infamy, though from various sources not exclusive to his actual identity, stems from his ruthless streaks and his cruel nature. Sympathy, as I've seen so myself, comes rarely to him. One of the many incidents that comes to mind, during our earlier years together and within the time span of the nationalist revolutions, he had squashed many hopes and other sorts far too viciously than I would now bother to detail — and some of which, included poisoning wells by the dozens, spreading rumours of pestilence and sorts, and of course, playing with the superstitions of the common people. A dastardly villain, and someone most close to the ideal of Evil that's so rife nowadays.

It would be a shame to lie that he hadn't a fulsome propriety — it was an ever-condescending act, as a man of talent, though subdued, but it was true. It was only surpassed by his, as I said before, brutal ruthlessness. And his uncanny wile. In surety, they were never afraid to inter-mix, and he used them both with bitter efficiency. Though he has come to control it in his later years, even then, he had that weird tendency to settle his eyes on people whom he saw fit to loath, perhaps for a minute flaw in behaviour, or the clashing of opposite personalities. Pardon me, but I must verily be exaggerating, I now realize, though to excuse sucb behaviour — surely, you can understand how he was.

Scarcely predictable, I would say, but violent in numerous ways. Never really creative, and perhaps even rendered sickeningly affable, due to his many attempts at acting honourable, and somewhat absurdly, gentlemanly. Comic, in many ways.

The old fellow possessed a pernicious, gross and bearably self-centered demeanour. And though he did possess them, he had never let such behaviour cloud his goals, not extensively at the very least. These coterie of traits often swerved into an insensitive nature, somewhat of a density of sorts, which never failed to play into his petty oversights. Pardon me, Jean, if you're reading this, but I can't waste anymore paper, to say it bluntly.

As I was saying, his insight wasn't always so clouded by his misery, courtesy of the time he oftentimes allotted to self-reflections.

And though he has many flaws, he has, speaking with verity, a few virtues; by a rabid malice of nature, he's surprisingly loyal to the closest of his friends, me included; he's rather determinant, more so because he's so terribly self-confident; and, last of all, he's extremely, foolishly brave, and of course, courteous to women. A side effect of half-baked chivalry.

All in all, he's a crude man.

- From the journal of Housh Kytiab

I met Jean on the fields of Dhran, where Lord Jerl had set up a recruitment station, to reinforce his army. A parapet among many, stretching by the thousands on the lush green plains, tents and banners swaying with the wind. And perhaps, it would've been more verdant, if not for the overcast that hung limp against the sky, bearing upon the lands a nigh ominous sight. Still, it was a vivid sight, and, many a people did come and visit the recruitment stations, myself being among them.

“Anything with a pair of arms, and a pair of legs,” the captain said. An old, queer man, grizzled by the effects of war, and with grey eyes that did not reduce the clinging menace that his face bore. He seemed, of course, indifferent to my anxieties.

As I heard later, it was to support Lord Jerl's readily battered army, having come beaten from the eastern shores, and eager to join the fray again. Indeed, I did see Jerl, pardon the informality, that day. Draped in crimson garb, with a cloak lined with gold, and silk tunic — he did look more dressed for the summers, than the winters. Of course, the southern parts were warmer lands, and as such, I felt they had went to long lengths to retreat. Eventually, I learnt that they did go a fair bit to reinforce their manpower, as I had seen the tired conditions of their men, and the gloom written on their faces. Such was the nature of war, I supposed.

It continued to happen 'til Jerl's vicious death at the banks of Coqias, an event which I was witness to, and which I will cover in the coming passages.

Jean, I had seen, was a man unencumbered by the reluctance of responsibility, and perhaps even strange in some ways. His skin was tanned by the wear of travellers accustomed to the sun, his eyes sharp as hawks, and his guards put up near constantly. Contrary to his wits, I was but a simpleton. A country bumpkin of sorts, I'm afraid I must admit. And, as it was, I was a local of the city, and nervous too, for I long since aspired to join the glory ranks, and was able to do so freely then.

Jean and I, by odd fortune, became fast friends, more out of my curiosity, and his need for knowledge of the lands which I was able to provide. He had travelled long, with little aim, and had found himself an impasse due to a lack of advance wisdom.

I knew scarce of Jean, and still I know less, except that he was the son of Bardick of Solmbreak and had fled after he was caught having a fling with the Lord of Solm's daughter, so he told me — though I suspect there was significantly more to him, and behind his exceptionally warped behaviour. Of course, I chose not pursue his background, despite being a very inquisitive fellow myself.

- From the journal of Housh Kytiab

Notable effects

A curved, single-edged sword that reaches up to a length of two metres, bending vigilantly as it stretches. The blade itself, the most instrumental component of the sword, is of an argent hue. The metal reaches down and ends with a tang, which is sandwiched between two wooden slabs of thin stature, fixed with rivets and bolts smoothed to fit the hilt's linings. The two-handed hilt extends to a visible crossguard, with a small appendage jutting out from the right side (the edged side), intended to safeguard the wielder's hands. A hat-shaped pommel, that leans forwards towards the striking edge, rests at the bottom of hilt. A markedly noticeable feature of this particular blade is its vibrant burgundy shade, burnished naturally on the woods, clashing against the brass-like flourish of the tang, pommel and the crossguard. The steel is, of course, exceedingly white.

A lithe, dusky stiletto meant, in an outrageously pithy manner, for stabbing. The weapon bears no significant edge, except for its pointy end. The knife had been given a slender, triangular design accentuated on the flat sides with small protrusions — it resembles, loosely, a pyramid or a ziggurat.The blade's narrow cross-section and acimunated tip was designed for maximum lethality — with enough force, it can rightly pierce through full plate. Though, by itself, very bland, it receives its so sinister nature from its dark tincture.
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The Sergeantry
The Officers of the Crimson Blades

1. Sergeant Russell Burgon

Age: "25."


Personality: "Quiet and reserved most of the time, I only rise to speak when I feel that a voice of reason is needed."

Background: "I was the bastard son of a local nobleman that took swordfighting lessons from my father in secret. Guess those lessons would count later on."

2. Sergeant Kesey Hasluck

Age: "I'm only 22! Gods, why does everybody assume that I'm in my 30's?"


Personality: "I'm a bit of a kleptomatic. I steal things even when I don't need it. Makes me take unnecessary risks but at least I'm a little richer than the others."

Background: "I was one of those bandits that ambushed unwary travelers on the roads. Got captured and arrested by the local sheriff and I was sentenced to serve on a penal battalion during a war."

3. Sergeant Alther Bekederemo

Age: "32."


Personality: "I tend to be uncompromising and inflexible but I'm always loyal to a fault."

Background: "Back in the day, I was a former knight in the service of Earl Mansfield until the entire earldom was ruined during the war. I now spend my time as a mercenary sergeant to keep me from starving to death."

4. Sergeant Markham

Age: "37."


Personality: "I love to watch people, they never cease to be a source of entertainment for me. Every person in the world has their own problems and I just love seeing how they deal with. Some confront it directly, some pretend it doesn't exist and some run away from the problem only for it to bite them back in the ass. And this army is no different, I've seen men stand and fight when everything seemed hopeless, I've seen men die for something they loved and I've seen men that died over nothing, I've seen men who died in the dark and I've seen men who somehow managed to catapult themselves into fame and glory. Everybody is different in their own way and I love it. This is why I always stick to this company because I'm always willing to see what happens to the people here."

Background: "Hah, I used to be a hermit, living alone in the mountains until I bumped into a mercenary company called the Crimson Blades."

5. Sergeant Artemus Belloni

Age: "28."


Personality: "I don't show mercy to my enemies and I ain't going to start anytime soon. I'm no softie, things get messy but things get done with me in charge."

Background: "I was a former lawman and executioner that had a reputation for being ruthless."

6. Sergeant Vanbrugh Galuppi

Age: "35."


Personality: "I've got a quick temper and I resort to violence as a first option. Why negotiate when you can just stab someone in the face?"

Background: "I was the city of Grenfell's greatest prize fighter and I would attend tournaments to represent my people. Eventually, some asshole cut my right eye and now I've become half-blind."

7. Sergeant Vikram Burlero

Age: "24."


Personality: "... Er... try to get to know me better."

This man has a chronic backstabbing disorder.

Background: He's a compulsive gambler and conman.

8. Sergeant Rabias Elkanah
Age: "21."


Personality: The local wide-eyed idealist.

Background: A knight-in-shining-armor.

9. Sergeant Arcy Melibeus

Age: "44."


Personality: "Everybody says I'm too relaxed, too calm, too composed in the face of great danger. Indeed, I sometimes drink wine and make bad jokes during a fight but I can't help it. I can't resist the fun. I'm a party animal."

Background: "During my youth I was born into a rich merchant family and I never had to do any work of my own. I always went out to drink with my friends and get cozy with the girls in the... sporting houses. My luck ran out when my hometown was raided and for the first time in my life I actually had to find work."

10. Sergeant Harrower Dewall

Age: "31."


Personality: "I'm the guy who just does what he damn pleases."

Background: "I used to be a robber knight that terrorized the nearby towns until they managed to oust me out of the land."
The Camp Followers
Important Non-combatants accompanying the Crimson Blades

1. Pard (Surgeon)

Age: 34


Personality: He's nice and charming but he'll also be willing to perform experiments on you so you better be careful with him.

Background: Expelled from a university once he was caught dissecting a corpse. He is reviled and hated in his own hometown. Makes his living as a barber-surgeon.

2. Payne (Blacksmith)

Age: 24


Personality: Looks tough and is tough, but he's for the most part reasonable and won't be looking for a fight. But if you provoke him he'll give you one whooping.

Background: Just a simple blacksmith.

3. Wendy (Alcheimst)

Age: 25


Personality: A troublemaker with an attitude.

Background: She makes potions, poisons, herbs and medicines but most people think she's just a witch.

4. Vincent (Clerk)

Age: 19


Personality: Educated, hardworking and determined but a little immature.

Background: The son of a rich merchant that found work as a clerk. His mustache and beard is fake by the way.

5. Coover (Cook)

Age: 27


Personality: One of the kindest members in the entire army.

Background: Yes, believe it or not he's a cook.
Dana Carthian
"Former" Knight of the Brotherhood of Leonis
Age: 20



Dana has a good nature about him, and is most often kind and pleasant toward others. He is at times, however, reluctant to take action (whether helping or fighting) as he has yet to understand himself and his motives. He is torn between wanting to do what is only good for him, and feeling the need to do what is good for others. He has a decent sense of humor.


Dana Carthian is little more than a hedge knight. He has no lands that are his own (what land his family once had has long been lost), is the last living member of the Carthian family, and currently serves no lord. With that, he is his own man, but also a poor man. Some years ago, in his youth (seeking glory as all young knights are apt to do) he found the Brotherhood of Leonis. They spoke of a change in power that would benefit the people of the realm, and grant the knights themselves great glory and reputation. To Dana, it seemed a just cause to fight for - with plenty of benefit to him - and thus pledged himself to the brotherhood.

With the brotherhood Dana raided villages, stole from the weak, and lined his pockets with the gold of others. His fellow knights, his brothers as they were, assured him that it was the way things must be done - and quelled what worries he had. For a time he felt certain he was doing right, doing what was necessary; But, after a few years had passed, his conscience began to weigh upon his heart. And suddenly, just like that, Dana could not bare to continue as he was.

For the last year, Dana has been away from the brotherhood. He is not sure if the brotherhood is looking for him or if they may, perhaps, even want him dead.

Dana is now in EbonBrook, looking for knightly work.​
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Princess Kint
Warrior Princess of the Sothern Isle

Age: 15


Kint is dignified, but hot blooded. Fearless, but young and brash, and prone to biting off more than she can chew. Her words can be cruel, but it is with her words alone that her cruelness - for which there is little - resides. She is beyond her years in actions of war and dignity, but curious like a child.

Kint has arrived in Ebonbrook by ship, from the Southern Isle, as a representative of her kingdom. She is there for two reasons:

1. show her kingdom's interest in building a relationship - by way of a trade agreement - with House Terryn.
2. And as to the more secretive (and currently unknown to any beside herself and the Queen of the Sothern Isle) find possible allies for a future war with the Sovereign Kingdom.


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