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Roleplay Availability
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Hey, folks! It's MinaCarolina, she/her, 20, CET. Fulltime student and job crazy and yet still wanting to write! It has been a while, took a long healthy break but i got into the series Supernatural and just had to see if people wanted to write with me about that!

So, here is some information about what i´m looking for story/wise:

Themes: I love romance, just as much as i love the plot itself. So besides some cute and angsty and slow-burn stuff i would also like to explore themes like horror, drama, gore, adventure, betrayal, character development, supernatural elements, monters, fighting and other funny and cracky stuff!

Further more i think it would be nice if we write in the earlier seasons, like before season 5. I currently am entering only season 7 so to keep it a little spoiler free that would be nice.

For this story i would like oc/cc or oc/cc double-up. I will write a female oc that i'm already giving a little backstory (for FxM) but can write FxF or FxM (either gender) for your own pairing. If we double i would like to write our stories together. Make them interact instead of two different plots. Wouldn't it be really fun if our characters are friends or maybe family of some sort?

I would love it if you could write (with a preference to Dean!) Dean or Sam for me. since i have never written as any of the CC before i'm just gonna try it!

It would be nice to keep some canon stuff in, but hey, it is our story it can go any way!

Title: Bloody Hell
- in process. i don't have nothing yet. but do reach out if you want to yap or have an awesome idea yourself!

Longterm or short: As long as it stays interesting! If we take a break that is fine, if you don't like it just say so. We only write if we both still have fun. Ghosting happens, but I am no fan of it tbh. I also would rather have no weeks between replies from the very start. With plotting i do rather have a few replies in a week as I understand, people are busy and so am I but I also lose interest if we keep delaying unless we keep each other up to date.

My writing style is literate, and I aim for a third-person, two-paragraph base. I like to write and read about details, emotions and engaging actions. The more the better, but i'm very flexible with lengths as i think it needs to fit the scene. I also tend to mirror people's style, which almost happens automatically. When it comes to writing i am most creative if we both keep shooting ideas and alter those ect. I have trouble thinking of things if you don't add anything or just repeat what i say but in different words or don't agree but also don't offer things. So yeah, creativity is appreciated.

Additionally i also love sub-themes like: obsession/dark romance/crack-moments/what-if sub stories/Wattpad finest moments/gore

In addition to roleplaying, I truly love to chat OOC. I enjoy having a general good time - discussing anime, sharing TikToks, swapping playlists, sharing quoting and poetry, and gushing over our favorite pairings and characters.

Ultimately, I'm looking for enthusiastic and collaborative partners who can match my energy. If the responses seem dry, the RP will fall still. (i may quite the story if you don't seem interested at all) I don't know how to engage then/don't want to. I want us both to be fully invested in the story we create!

So, if you're an 18+ writer, with 18+ characters, I'd love to hear from you with a little introduction about you in a direct message! (and some questions you may have! i will not respond any more to intro's like 'wanna rp'/ hi want to write? :). and anything close to that)

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