Story A Stranger Offline

Chapter 1


A Clumsy Adventurer
Chapter 1

[There are two people on this document]


What is this?

Is it so strange to have a conversation?

Not when it appears on your word document. Who are you?

I suppose you can call me Syndeomai.

I'm sorry I can' do this. It's too much.

What about your name?

Didn't you hear me? It's too muc

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Chapter 3
Chapter 3

[There are two people on this document]

[Word count: 127 890]

How long have you been writing this story?

Are you going to answer me, or will you make me sleep again?

I don't want to sleep.

[There is one person on this document]

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Chapter 5
Chapter 5

[There are two people on this document]



I'm sorry if I pried too much.

No... You didn't. I suppose it's reasonable that you don't trust me. That you're scared.

If you were a random person who texted me, then I might have answered you better. But I still don't know who you are.


That's a name. It doesn't tell me anything.

It is more than a name.

I still don't know what you mean.

Maybe you should find out, then. I won't hand you the answer so easily.

[There is one person on this document.]

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Chapter 6
Chapter 6

[There are two people on this document]

I looked it up, but I couldn't find anything. It just looked up 'syndrome' instead. And syndrome meaning and syndrome definition and syndrome from the Incredibles...


What is that supposed to mean?

Keep looking.

I'm going to write more this week than any other week, aren't I? -_-

Can I help?

Maybe. I don't know. Maybe you could just start by making review notes.

Alright. Leave the document open while you search.

This is so strange.

[There is one person on this document]

[Document is saved as 'Connection to a Mirror, by Jacqueline Moral']
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Chapter 7
Chapter 7

[There are two people on this document]

Syndeomai, your editing is phenominal! [autocorrected to 'phenomenal']

Thank you. It's not that special though. Not like you.

What? Um


Are you flirting with me?

Um no I don't think so maybe

Well, thank you anyway.

Anyone like me could do it. But people like you are so much more capable.

I'm only human. I make so many mistakes. So will you.

I wish that was as true.

[There is one person on this document]

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Hey beigedecore beigedecore sorry to intrude but is this story gonna be something like a series or something like are you gonna update it like every day, every week, ect.? just curious
Probable Update Schedule
Oh no, that's fine. I'm gonna update until I feel like this is done. It's just a style and concept I'm experimenting with, really. I haven't written in this style before, so I want to see how much I can express through this style, to find its flexibility, I guess? I'll probably update on average 1-3 at one time every 1-2 days. And if I have problems with BBcode and forget I can just press preview too many times, I might have some delays while the site approves it manually (because I accidentally spam XD).
Chapter 8
Chapter 8

[There are two people on this document]

You're back!

You're so eager, now. Why?

Well, you're not too bad, I suppose.

You're so strange, sometimes.


All of you.

What does that mean? All of who?

I can't say. I think. I'll give you some space to think about it.

[There is one person on this document]

Oh. But didn't you say you don't want to sleep? Syndeo
Chapter 10
Chapter 10

[There are two people on this document]

Oh, I'm so sorry. Did you not want anyone to know about you? I forgot about you when I let Mark have a look.

It's alright, don't worry. You could say that it was the result of you experimenting with programming.

But Mark knows that I hate programming. He would never believe me if I said that.

I suppose... you can call me a rogue computer virus, then.

Oh, really? Thanks, Syndeomai!

It's fine.

[There is one person on this document]

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