Story A story where two of my OCs meet


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My Interest Check
((So this is just a story I’ve had in my notes for a bit. I wanted to add more with these two bonding and sharing stories about their lives, but since it’s their first meeting. I decided it would be saved for later. Title may be changed, idk.

This story does contain nightmares, and a description of an insane fella for any viewer discretion.

Also I’m extremely tired right now, I am sorry if it isn’t my best work. 😢😢))


From the front of the steam train. Footsteps were heard on the floor, as soon enough, the door swung open in front of him.

Todd screamed in surprise, falling backwards. He quickly fixed his glasses before looking up at the figure at the door of the train.

It was a chubby man.. or was it a puppet? With plastic skin and a gray pointy nose, his beard and mustache was scraggly and long, His pupils were velvet. The puppet’s black hair jutted out into two different directions, littered with gray patches. A conductors hat sat on top of his head. “Hopping aboard?” Todd yelped when the stranger stuck his hand out to him. The puppet raised an eyebrow, surprised by his reaction. “Hey now, I’m only trying to help you up!”

The scientist timidly glanced towards his hand, he had hairy arms. Wore red fingerless gloves, and his fingers had a block like quality to them. “Uh-Uhmm? Yeah? Thanks??” He said, taking his hand, as the puppet pulled him up to standing.

“Not a problem.” The puppet replied, tipping his hat towards the man. “Now, are you hopping aboard, or what?!” He asked, leaning closer.

Todd wavered, reaching into his pocket. He slowly pulled out a ticket for a train. He wasn’t very certain if it was for this exact train.. ah well..

The other scanned the ticket with his eyes, he grabbed a ticket punch, and marked his ticket. “There you go, Welcome aboard.” He said as he moved aside, so that the scientist could board.

The door slowly closed behind him. The interior was painted red and yellow. Seats were across brown tables. People and creatures of all kinds were in the midst of conversing with each other.

“If you need anything, just call for me. The names Toni, Toni Roni.” The puppet told him, Todd snapped out of his thoughts. “Oh- Yes- okay-“ he replied back, with nervousness.

Toni leaned towards the wall, raising an eyebrow as he crossed his arms. “You.. okay there…?” “Yes! I’m quite alright.” “Ooookay, just checking.” Toni replied as he raised up his hands in defense, heading back towards the control panel for the train.

Todd sat down in the chair, the trains whistle piercing through the sky, as he rested his head in his arms.

Hours had passed, the man had still slept. It seemed like work had been too much for him tonight. As Toni called the last stop, the remaining folks had headed off. All except Todd.

Looking back, the puppet walked towards the man worriedly, nudging him slightly. He had to tell him that this was the last stop after all…

“AHHHH!! GET OFF OF ME!!!” Todd had screamed, startling Toni.

The conductor staggered away, his hat jolting off of his head, before landing back down. Todd soon stared at Toni, realizing his mistake.. he had only been woken up from a nightmare..

“No! NO! I-I didn’t mean to… I didn’t mean to..” Todd said meekly, tears beginning to well up in his eyes. Toni awkwardly darted his eyes ‘…Not even an ‘I’m sorry’?’ The puppet thought.

“Why.. are you crying?”


Toni gave a long sigh, a cloud of smoke drifting from his mouth as he closed his eyes.

“Did you.. need to tell me something?” He wiped his eyes. “The trains at the last stop. I gotta get goin’ back to the station.” He pointed a thumb towards the door. Todd screamed, covering his face. “My stop was earlier!! I cannot believe this!! I don’t even know what this place is!!” “It’s Misty Valley.” Toni informed him, as the conductor slid into the other side of the booth. He wasn’t the greatest at comforting others, but he may as well try.

“What did you say yer’ name was?” “I don’t think I told you my name..” “I told you mine, doesn’t that count?” “You’re the conductor, you’re supposed to tell.

“Trying to school me?” Toni said with fake anger, shaking a fist. Todd didn’t get the memo that it was fake. As the scared scientist leaned back into the seat. “No! N-Not at all! I apologize Mr. Roni.”

Toni waved a hand, smirking slightly. “Bah, don’t worry. I was just kidding anyways, you’re good.” Todd sighed with relief. “Okay then..”

An awkward science came over the two. Todd glancing out the window and into the dark sky.

“What was your stop anyhow?” Toni had asked him. “Huh? Oh- Alton Lane.” The puppet nodded. “Yes.. Um.. I work at the theme park-“

Toni’s eyes lit up with childlike wonder. “Wowwww-Wee! How exciting. You operate the rides?” Todd gave a half smile. “Yes.. that’s exactly what I do.” He then paused. “I’m Todd, by the way..”

Toni nodded in reply, noticing something from the others pocket that hit the floor, that the conductor was quick to pick it up.

It was an ID card, it had a yellowed film over it. The picture of who it was clear enough. It was a smiley faced man, wearing a sweater who had yellow skin. His eyes were yellow, with black spirals for pupils. Toni propped up his hat, bringing it closer to observe. All the while Todd was reaching across the table, desperately trying to get it back.

“Who’s Smiler? Your friend?” The puppet inquired.

“Definitely NOT a friend! Now could I please have that back?!-“

“If he ain’t your friend, why didja’ have someone else’s card?” He looked to the other sternly.

“Because. He. Is. A. Danger. To. Everyone.” He said quickly, still trying his hardest to get the card back. “What’re you on about?” He furrowed his bushy eyebrows. “I just NEED it!! I know this person, and he is NOT FRIENDLY!! Please, please just give it back to me, before something bad happens!” Todd pleaded.

‘He’s spewing nonsense!’ Toni gulped. “And what’s so bad about this guy..?” “He wants to hurt people if they aren’t compliant with him.” Todd gave up on grabbing the card, sinking back into the seat in defeat.

There was nothing he could do. His secret was out now anyways…

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