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A Start of a Beautiful Friendship

Michael wasn't sure what to think of Lucifer. Seren was practically an open book compared to him. They were both pitiful fighters. While extremely intelligent in almost all aspects of technology and science, Lucifer was not as skilled in the art of combat.

"TIME!!!" Michael screamed, stopping both Seren and Lucifer in their tracks.
So...for the past week or so after we rescued Twilight, we've been doing nothing but 'training' with Micheal. Don't get me wrong, Micheal is amazing when it comes to fighting. Whether that be sword to sword, or ranged...or really anything to be perfectly honest. But for whatever reason, he insists on 'training' us from the sidelines. So far, he's refused to actually show us any techniques. Micheal just sits there, and shouts at us to do this or that. Hell, he doesn't even really do that! The only thing he's told us to do is, and I quote, "I don't know...just go pick up that pipe and swing it at her."

I don't know whats worse, the horrible 'teaching', or the fact that I go along with it...

"TIME!!" Micheal yelled, cutting Seren and me off. We were sparring a bit, granted rather poorly.

"Time? We've barely even started!" I replied back, not bothering to hide my frustration with him.
Michael stood up from his perch and sauntered over to where Lucifer and Seren were, both of them breathing heavily.

He turned to Lucifer, "If you manage to land a hit on me, from here going forward I will personally train both of you to be efficient killing machines. However if you can't then I will have to dismiss you from my little gang. Seren this applies to you as well."

Michael of course would never just send them away for not being able to touch him. This was just an experiment so he could find out which fighting style suited who the best and then plan their training accordingly. Plus pressure is a great motivator.

Michael leapt back and summoned 2 steel pipes from his hips.

"You have one hour. Starting now!" Michael yelled coming at them.
Both Lucifer and Seren eyed Michael warily as they had seen him in combat before. It confused them because in battle Michael was an untamed animal, unburdened by things such as pain or blunt trauma. They had seen him get rammed by a truck and shrug it off like it was nothing. They were confused because as soon as Michael ran at them he stopped and started to just stare at them.

"Seren," Lucifer whispered, keeping his eyes on Michael, "I'll distract him and you can sneak around him and get him from the rear."

"Do-do you think that'd work?" She asked uncertain in their ability to fool the swordsman.

"No, not at all." And with that said he rushed at Michael, who merely waited until he was within an arms length away, sidestepped, and tripped lucifer by knocking his legs out from under him with one of his pipes.

Michael turned and faced Lucifer. "That would have worked if you had a more different style of attack. Against someone who's small and agile such as myself."

'Come on Seren I believe in you.' Lucifer was hoping Seren was taking advantage of Michael's back facing her for an attack.

Turns out she was. As Michael was ranting on about how small and agile he was Seren was sprinting towards him rearing back her hand containing the pipe to strike. When she was in swinging distance she swung towards Michael's head. During this time he was smirking at Lucifer, not forgetting that she was behind him. When the pipe was within a foot of his head he brought the pipe in his left hand up with speed that rivaled a bullet fired from a gun. Seren stumbled at this action. Michael took this as an initiative to spin and knock her legs out, sending her sprawling to the floor. He struck her forehead with the pipe in his right hand, bouncing her head off of the floor.

Lucifer became enraged at this point, leaping back to his feet and launching a barrage of blows toward Michael, causing him to backstep. Michael was really surprised that much, he didn't have to land that last strike. But overkill was in michaels nature.

Michael was too deep in thought and blocking Lucifers attacks that he failed to notice that Seren had gotten back up let alone the blood pouring from her head. But Lucifer noticed. This led him to attack even more viciously guiding Michael into one of the corners of the room they were in.

Michael was broken out of his stupor when his back hit a wall.

"Got you now asshole." Lucifer yelled while jabbing directly to Michael's face.

Michael ducked, the attack having hit the wall behind him jarring Lucifer's arm. He banged the inside of Lucifers right knee causing him to stumble forward too close to Michael who kneed Lucifer in the chin. With Lucifer reeling from the sudden strikes, Michael, using the corner to his advantage jumped over him rolling up into a crouch he swept Lucifers legs out from under him.

55 minutes later:

The timer buzzed startling both Seren and Lucifer who were drenched in sweat and blood. Seren dropped to her knees gasping and cradling her head. Michael slid the pipes back into his jacket.

"Seriously Michael what in the hell. I wanted you to train is not beat us bloody and then send us away for not being able to touch you!!" Lucifer got down in Michael's face practically screaming at him. Michael just stared back at Lucifer, almost edging him on it seems, then he turned and started walking away. Lucifer in his rage threw the pipe at Michael's turned form. Hearing the pipe sail through the air he spun and grabbed it out of the air. All the while marching back up to Lucifer. He gazed past him to Seren. Seeing her in pain he pulled out a communicator from a pocket.

"Hey twi, can you come down here, Seren doesn't look to good." Putting the communicator back up he then turned his attention towards Lucifer. "No I'm not dismissing you guys. I like y'all too much to do that. Now the reasons for me doing this. One I wanted to see how much of a beating you guys can take. Second and probably the most important is that I wanted to engage with you guys so that I could get a better feel for your fighting styles and give you a weapon according to it." With that he turned and started walking away from the duo. He passed Twilight who he threw a wink to.

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