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Multiple Settings A Spooky Roleplay Search

Raspberry Grenade

New Member
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello, you can call me Raspberry. I’m over 21 and prefer the person I write with to be over 21 as well. I’m literate and write 3-5 paragraphs though I tend to go over that if I’m describing something or including multiple characters. Feel free to ask for a writing sample! I prefer to play a female lead opposite to a male lead and typically also write in lots of side characters of various genders to fill in the world. I love world building, fantasy, action, adventure, conflict, tension, drama, romance, supernatural, etc. Basically everything and anything with elements of fantasy and magic. I’m in the mood for something spooky though due to the season. Oh, and I like using character sheets with pictures of non-real people.

Here are some loose plots and pairings I have in mind. If none of these appeal to you, feel free to send your own ideas! I’m open to most things. I have bolded the role I want to write. If none are bolded, I can do either role. DM me if you’re interested or have any questions!

Demon x Human
Demon appears and Human mistakes her as his guardian angel. Slowly, he realizes she might not be an angel.

Human x Vampire
Human inherited the home that the vampire has been sleeping inside for centuries. Human accidentally awakened Vampire and introduced them to the modern world from there. Vampire could be someone other supernatural beings want to destroy for reasons. Meant to be more on the humorous side; imagine an ancient being interacting with technology and the modern world.

Witch x Demon
It's Halloween, and the Witch’s sorority is celebrating by conducting a ritual to summon a demon. None of them actually believe it will work—and it doesn’t, not as intended anyway. Instead, they are teleported to hell, each ending up in a different location. Normally, nothing significant would have happened, but one of them is unknowingly a descendant of witches. Hell is a battlefield of warring demons, and the presence of a human in the flesh is extremely rare, making her a target as demons fight to capture her.

Meanwhile, Demon is eager to escape hell after a thief stole his weapons—or something else valuable—and fled to Earth. Surviving in hell has become much more difficult without his belongings, so he needs to catch the thief and retrieve what was stolen. To leave hell, he requires a human to open the portal, and he plans to take her there to unlock it and reclaim his weapons. The only problem is they can’t understand each other. They could communicate if they formed a pact, but she has no idea what that is—she doesn’t even know she’s a witch.

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