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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Akio said:
Dornes loyalty was at least in part due to Elia being married in kingslanding and having one of their princes on the Kingsguard, both lacking in this setting but I know one of the Major Tyrell lords support the Queen which why when Arren announces loyalty to the black dragon it will create quite a stir
And thats when Kings Landing gets ravens flooding in declaring for the Crown. Because just as many houses in the Reach are super loyal to the Blackfyres, just as many ar the same for the targs.
Ser Davos Seaworth] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24727-leusis/ said:
@Leusis[/URL] I know that you're easily more busy with all the more important politics right now, but what's happening with Crowl right now? Are you waiting on someone else to progress that storyline before it continues? Just wondering
Currently the large ranging party is just being gathered within Castle Black, they're about to set off with 100-200 people I believe. The ranging party your character is encountering could possibly be one sent out ahead of the larger one since that would probably make a lot of sense, scouts being needed to make sure the path has as few obstacles as possible.
[QUOTE="Ser Davos Seaworth]Meanwhile Torvin is sitting in a tiny camp watching a ranging party of crows walk around a half burnt down free folk village. I would like to see him in a political setting, I feel like it'd be similar to when Tyrion was explaining loans to Bronn, but instead of loans it'd be murder.

Luckily the Thenns will have one many good for politics

Leusis said:
And thats when Kings Landing gets ravens flooding in declaring for the Crown. Because just as many houses in the Reach are super loyal to the Blackfyres, just as many ar the same for the targs.
Yup, the Reach could start tearing itself apart even as the Lannisters invade which will make the reach one Extremely chaotic battlefield
Akio said:
Luckily the Thenns will have one many good for politics
Yup, the Reach could start tearing itself apart even as the Lannisters invade which will make the reach one Extremely chaotic battlefield
Honestly Kuvira wouldn't give a shit if Tiber invades if Arren declares for Viserys. Cause the moment that happens the Lannisters can just march in under the pretense that they're protecting the Crown, meeting up with the Reach loyalists and crush the people who declared for Viserys. And at this point Kuvira would likely have a larger force than even Braedon. 50,000 for the Vale, 69,000 from Westerlands, 20,000 from Crownlands, probably somewhere around 10,000-15,000 from loyal Reach houses. Thats a minimum of 149,000 and thats 14,000 more than Braedon has, and at this point, being outnumbered Tully bannermen would probably start declaring for Kuvira as well since the Riverlands is always ripping itself apart.
Leusis said:
Currently the large ranging party is just being gathered within Castle Black, they're about to set off with 100-200 people I believe. The ranging party your character is encountering could possibly be one sent out ahead of the larger one since that would probably make a lot of sense, scouts being needed to make sure the path has as few obstacles as possible.
Yea I didn't know about your large ranging party earlier so I just put them there so I had something to do, but that makes sense. And are you waiting on centurion to continue that? Still not 100% sure how this works
Leusis said:
Honestly Kuvira wouldn't give a shit if Tiber invades if Arren declares for Viserys. Cause the moment that happens the Lannisters can just march in under the pretense that they're protecting the Crown, meeting up with the Reach loyalists and crush the people who declared for Viserys. And at this point Kuvira would likely have a larger force than even Braedon. 50,000 for the Vale, 69,000 from Westerlands, 20,000 from Crownlands, probably somewhere around 10,000-15,000 from loyal Reach houses. Thats a minimum of 149,000 and thats 14,000 more than Braedon has, and at this point, being outnumbered Tully bannermen would probably start declaring for Kuvira as well since the Riverlands is always ripping itself apart.
The west works for the west and if Brandeon kills Aiden the Riverlands and Starks could make their own trouble. But the West and the Loyal reach houses would tear each other appart, even if they wanted to help Kuriva I'm not sure how many would be left and the Lannisters themselves will also be losing men and theirs a matter of how helpful the Vale will actually be with Fezzes going in break and having Trevir seriously injured in the joust. A lot rides on the eventual battle of kingslanding which will sway some opinions depending on who wins
Well if the war depends on Kings Landing I guess that means that Kuvira is going to win..... I have plans, so many plans.
Leusis said:
Well if the war depends on Kings Landing I guess that means that Kuvira is going to win..... I have plans, so many plans.
Kingslanding won't be the end, but it will likely be a fair tipping point. As long as Brandeon or Rory is alive the Bartheon alliance won't be done and likewise unless Kuriva dies she's not defeated and even if she did arguments could be made of whoever has Aerea stepping forward to make a claim and that's disregarding Viserys, and Daennas own claims
Leusis said:
Yeah, gonna have to wait on @TheAncientCenturion to get the large ranging party past the wall. Until then you could ask @Hypnos or @WanderingJester to RP as the rangers, or if they'll allow me to do it, I'd be willing to do that for you.
It's alright, I was just wondering if we were waiting on them. If you wanted to RP as them I'm sure it'd be fine since they're not all that important but it seems like you have a lot on your plate right now. I may look into making a character in Westeros, just someone minor, so I have more to do.
Akio said:
Kingslanding won't be the end, but it will likely be a fair tipping point. As long as Brandeon or Rory is alive the Bartheon alliance won't be done and likewise unless Kuriva dies she's not defeated and even if she did arguments could be made of whoever has Aerea stepping forward to make a claim and that's disregarding Viserys, and Daennas own claims
I just want to see what Tadhg does when he finds out Braedon murdered his son, completely expecting him to just start fucking up the Riverlands since hes almost to the Neck already. Kuvira will totally just send Tadhg ravens about how she sent his son with an offer of peace and how he was killed in Storms End for the simple fact he honorably served his duty as a member of the queensguard and urge him to take revenge on the people who murdered his son under guest right.
[QUOTE="Ser Davos Seaworth]It's alright, I was just wondering if we were waiting on them. If you wanted to RP as them I'm sure it'd be fine since they're not all that important but it seems like you have a lot on your plate right now. I may look into making a character in Westeros, just someone minor, so I have more to do.

Thats probably a good idea considering there isn't much happening on our beyond the wall at the moment, it'll probably be some time before something does happen as well.

I would also like to suggest that you take charge of one of the houses within Westeros.... I would personally suggest House Belmore from the Vale, they have 3,000 men by themselves and you could use them to rally the banners of the northern vale houses while my Royce character could rally the southern banners of the Vale
Leusis said:
Yeah, gonna have to wait on @TheAncientCenturion to get the large ranging party past the wall. Until then you could ask @Hypnos or @WanderingJester to RP as the rangers, or if they'll allow me to do it, I'd be willing to do that for you.
It really depends on the others. I'm more focused on Westeorsi politics at the moment. :/

Also, lol @ all the speculations for Tiber and the Westerlands xD .
Leusis said:
I just want to see what Tadhg does when he finds out Braedon murdered his son, completely expecting him to just start fucking up the Riverlands since hes almost to the Neck already. Kuvira will totally just send Tadhg ravens about how she sent his son with an offer of peace and how he was killed in Storms End for the simple fact he honorably served his duty as a member of the queensguard and urge him to take revenge on the people who murdered his son under guest right.
That would be one way to make a life long enemy of Cayden, to kill one of his family. Except maybe Randy Martell
Would love to be able to interact with the Tullys, but all my POV characters are at the Rock (with maybe the exception of the captain), and I don't feel like doing another POV for the Lannisters of Lannisport. Ah well. Hope they don't leave too soon that we can't interact a bit later though ^_^
Leusis said:
Even if he goes now Sigfried is just going to screw him over the moment he marches out of the Westerlands and there is a good chance that quite a lot of Reach houses join Kuvira. I mean the mad king from the books had tons of supporters from the Reach/Dorne and he was an absolutely terrible king that everybody hated. Kuvira isn't her father, so by that fact alone she likely has a lot more houses loyal to her in any of the regions really. I wouldn't doubt the only reason some of the houses in the Riverlands and Stormlands are only joining the war against her because their liege is telling them to and they're afraid if they don't they'll get wiped out.
Walder's not really that sort of man unfortunately and I doubt the Riverlands particularly fear his wroth. For the most part Walder keeps the Riverlaords in line through mutual respect and understanding, he's pretty well liked throughout the Riverlands because since he doesn't actually spend that much time dealing with all the governing of the Riverlands, he has more time to devote to actually keeping up relations with his vassal and making sure they're on good terms. When Walder dies however that's when most likely you'll see the Riverlords slowly begin to switch sides and some will probably go back to the crown, though there are still plenty of people who support the black dragon in the Riverlands.

Leusis said:
I just want to see what Tadhg does when he finds out Braedon murdered his son, completely expecting him to just start fucking up the Riverlands since hes almost to the Neck already. Kuvira will totally just send Tadhg ravens about how she sent his son with an offer of peace and how he was killed in Storms End for the simple fact he honorably served his duty as a member of the queensguard and urge him to take revenge on the people who murdered his son under guest right.
I'm still not sure how Walder would react if Braedon just murdered Aiden. Walder's support hinges on the fact that Osmnd Baratheon was like a brother to him, making Braedon and Rory his figurative nephews, if his figurative nephew kills his real nephew then I don't think he'd know what to do. Tadhg is still Walder's friend though, I doubt he'd tear through the Riverlands.

Nobody is as accursed as a kinslayer people said all over Westeros, and there was good reason, they were little better than bastards in Kuvira's eyes.
I'm sure Baelor will be thrilled to know that Kuvira thinks this way.

@Akio I probably wont be able to reply today either, I barely managed one post and I'm still not entirely happy with that post as it is.

Lancelot said:
I imagine it would be hard to get a dead man to spill the beans.
I think you may underestimate the degree of his hatred, the closest parralal I can draw is Robert and the Targaryens. He would spare no resources not only to track the killer down. But his family, friends, employer, and anyone who might have had a part in it.
Akio said:
I think you may underestimate the degree of his hatred, the closest parralal I can draw is Robert and the Targaryens. He would spare no resources not only to track the killer down. But his family, friends, employer, and anyone who might have had a part in it.
Once again.

It would be hard to get a dead man to spill the beans.
Leusis said:
Thats probably a good idea considering there isn't much happening on our beyond the wall at the moment, it'll probably be some time before something does happen as well.
I would also like to suggest that you take charge of one of the houses within Westeros.... I would personally suggest House Belmore from the Vale, they have 3,000 men by themselves and you could use them to rally the banners of the northern vale houses while my Royce character could rally the southern banners of the Vale
Not sure how well that would work out for me seeing how I have no clue who hates who and what's going on at this point.

I kind of had the idea to make a merc that gets thrown into the middle of all of this when he decides to help Aerea (if fordee is okay with that) and maybe see how that plays out. I envision him being like Bronn, smart ass, great fighter but not the best, and a genuinely good guy despite his line of work.
[QUOTE="Ser Davos Seaworth]Not sure how well that would work out for me seeing how I have no clue who hates who and what's going on at this point.
I kind of had the idea to make a merc that gets thrown into the middle of all of this when he decides to help Aerea (if fordee is okay with that) and maybe see how that plays out. I envision him being like Bronn, smart ass, great fighter but not the best, and a genuinely good guy despite his line of work.

Just pretty much assume that everyone hates everyone else and you should be fine.
Hypnos said:
Just pretty much assume that everyone hates everyone else and you should be fine.
Still it'd be good if I knew everything that has happened up until this point, which I don't, and that would leave me not really understanding who's actually on my side. You guys have been building alliances this whole time so me just jumping in out of nowhere would be confusing.
[QUOTE="Ser Davos Seaworth]Still it'd be good if I knew everything that has happened up until this point, which I don't, and that would leave me not really understanding who's actually on my side. You guys have been building alliances this whole time so me just jumping in out of nowhere would be confusing.

I mean we could give you a brief recap of what's happened if you want, I think you're vastly overestimating how much has actually happened.

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