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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

WanderingJester said:
Forget dragons hatching. The moment when magic returns to the world is when Agnes finally lets Rowan join her in the bedroom.
*sigh* Guess we have to live in a world without magic then
Leusis said:
I have 10 dragons on Martyn or Roland bedding her at the wedding before Rowan does.
Wonder what would happen if Roland's hitting on her at the wedding and then Cayden tries to insert himself into the mix mid conversation... (>>)
WanderingJester said:
Wonder what would happen if Roland's hitting on her at the wedding and then Cayden tries to insert himself into the mix mid conversation... (>>)
A very interesting 3 way. How many people can cock hold Rowan before he gets anything is the real question. I'm putting random stable hand A ahead of Rowan but just by a bit
Leusis said:
Cayden might catch a punch to his narrow dornish face if he interrupts.
Did you even read my description I put down xD

And I feel a fist fight between the two would be a lot more even then a sword fight, Caydens an agile mother fucker and their actual physical abilities are not far apart
Not gonna lie I never read that description you made for him and I'll likely forever imagine him as that picture because that's what hes associated with for me now.

I don't see anywhere that it states his size but just that hes a lean but strong man. But yeah, Roland is 6'2 and weighs 200lbs and as a knight there is no way he isn't physically powerful for his size as even your average knight has to be particularly strong and have lots of stamina to simply fight using a longsword and platemail. Cayden on the other hand is a lean man who uses agility in combat and light armor. From their descriptions I'd say Roland wins in the strength department pretty heavily simply because of the difference in their training and fighting styles though Cayden obviously wins the agility department.

I'd say if Cayden can somehow keep the fight standing and has reach on Roland he could try to box with him and win. However if this ended up on the ground or close enough for grapples I'd say Roland would win because hes stronger than Cayden and could just man handle him if they were grappling. Also people like Cayden (people with asthma) don't do too good in fights or wrestling because it is a lot of very taxing work and it can take several dozen punches to bring a man down if not a lot more, unlike how Cayden can win a fight with 1 devastating strike landing. But yeah I'd say the fight would be pretty damn even other than the whole asthma thing which fucks him over in any kind of fight really if it lasts long enough.
Leusis said:
Not gonna lie I never read that description you made for him and I'll likely forever imagine him as that picture because that's what hes associated with for me now.
I don't see anywhere that it states his size but just that hes a lean but strong man. But yeah, Roland is 6'2 and weighs 200lbs and as a knight there is no way he isn't physically powerful for his size as even your average knight has to be particularly strong and have lots of stamina to simply fight using a longsword and platemail. Cayden on the other hand is a lean man who uses agility in combat and light armor. From their descriptions I'd say Roland wins in the strength department pretty heavily simply because of the difference in their training and fighting styles though Cayden obviously wins the agility department.

I'd say if Cayden can somehow keep the fight standing and has reach on Roland he could try to box with him and win. However if this ended up on the ground or close enough for grapples I'd say Roland would win because hes stronger than Cayden and could just man handle him if they were grappling. Also people like Cayden (people with asthma) don't do too good in fights or wrestling because it is a lot of very taxing work and it can take several dozen punches to bring a man down if not a lot more, unlike how Cayden can win a fight with 1 devastating strike landing. But yeah I'd say the fight would be pretty damn even other than the whole asthma thing which fucks him over in any kind of fight really if it lasts long enough.
Yeah though he would try to not let a fight last long at least if they aren't stopped by a horrified Agnes when Cayden fakes a punch at his face and kicks him in the balls
Kicking a man in the balls during a fist fight?

We were all right, damn Dornish can't fight with honor under any situation.
Leusis said:
Kicking a man in the balls during a fist fight?
We were all right, damn Dornish can't fight with honor under any situation.
He was a mercenary in the disputed lands, when it comes to a fist fight he uses legs, elbows, and even his head. Also I have asthma is real life and tend to fight a lot so I have some experience there
Akio said:
He was a mercenary in the disputed lands, when it comes to a fist fight he uses legs, elbows, and even his head. Also I have asthma is real life and tend to fight a lot so I have some experience there
Viserys has spent more time in the Disputed Lands and never would resort to that cowardly tactic.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Viserys has spent more time in the Disputed Lands and never would resort to that cowardly tactic.
Viserys may be a Blackfyre, but at least he's no Dornish. :|
TheAncientCenturion said:
Viserys has spent more time in the Disputed Lands and never would resort to that cowardly tactic.
Well you combine Dornish willingness to use any method for Victory and combine it with mercenary cruel inguniety and brawling as well as his official training and you got Cayden in a fist fighting
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WanderingJester said:
Viserys may be a Blackfyre, but at least he's no Dornish. :|
Please. A Blackfyre is a better Targaryen. A dornishmen is a worse Westerosi.

Akio said:
Well you combine Dornish willingness to use any method for Victory and combine it with mercenary cruel inguniety and brawling as well as his official training and you got Cayden in a fist fighting
Yes. Any method. . . Craven.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Please. A Blackfyre is a better Targaryen. A dornishmen is a worse Westerosi.
Yes. Any method. . . Craven.
"A dragon's a dragon. When it burns you to cinders, it matters not whether it's red or black." *shrug*
TheAncientCenturion said:
Please. A Blackfyre is a better Targaryen. A dornishmen is a worse Westerosi.
Yes. Any method. . . Craven.
What can I say, I rather win and go home then die with honor
Good thing there's only one other dragon in Westeros, and she is going to be raped to death by a man who will get what he wants no matter what.

Bam. One response to two comments.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Good thing there's only one other dragon in Westeros, and she is going to be raped to death by a man who will get what he wants no matter what.
Bam. One response to two comments.
What if he wants her willingly?
TheAncientCenturion said:
Then he'll never have her, and he'll do whatever it takes to get what he truly wants.
Why not? They have a good history, he's moving to try and get his family to support his claim, and her husband is gonna die soon. He's patient enough to wait if he had to
I think there might be only one reason he would rape her and that would be betrayal of the highest degree
TheAncientCenturion said:
Woah. . Is he basically going to guilt her into sex, or hate rape her if she.. Doesn't fall for the guilt sex?
Of course not, that's not the kind of betrayal I'm talking about. Trying to have him assassinated, betraying her deal we the Dorne that their fleshing out with little real perpouse, having the Ibbens slaughter most of the red spear. That would be the kind of full betrayal I'm talking about.

As for guilt her into sex also no, it might be something he suggests in negotiations though for many reasons. After desgan dies dorne is gonna want to counter any foreign influence so if they will let a foreigner rule over then for a time then the next possible thing they want is see someone with dornish blood on the throne. To counter Ibben influence, to pasify Dorne, and win them greater influence if the win the war her hand whether she's pure or not might be (and really maybe still not sure on this) something he seeks anyway for both Dorne and because they get along well.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Woah. . Is he basically going to guilt her into sex, or hate rape her if she.. Doesn't fall for the guilt sex?
Guilting someone into sex is still coercing someone into unwilling sex, which equals rape and


No means no, kids.
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