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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

WanderingJester said:
By that he means Aiden will come back as a ghost, give the new Queensguard vague references and guidance to go to a distant swamp where he will train under an short but wise green monster, then come back and realized that the girl he's been crushing on is actually his sister, that Braedon's actually his father, and turn Braedon against Rory by pleading with of the days when Braedon used to be a white knight and not a Stag Lord. Thus fulfilling the prophecy of the chosen one to destroy the Stags once and for all.
Oh, spoilers btw.
Shit I thought this was a Shrek reference.
TheAncientCenturion said:
So, okay...
Aiden's ghost tells Corbis to go to the Reeds. . . He trains under Lord Reed, but comes back to realize he's been crushing on Kuvira. . Who is actually Braedon's daughter, despite being only five years younger than him. .

And Rory is being shafted again?

Yup. Exactly. Don't forget to mention that Braedon's actually a time lord, for maximum spoilage.

TheAncientCenturion said:
Shrek training Luke Skywalker would of been much more interesting.
I imagine there would be a lot more mud belly flops involved with the training had that been the case.
Leusis said:
Well Tiber has Martyn and Roland.
Those two can 1v1 anybody in Daenna's queensguard except for Nagito.
Ya but right now Daennas kingsguard is about is Dom who's pretty skilled considering he was the only guard chosen to guard the princess in Essos, William who was former kingsguard who was good at his job, Nagito who needs no introduction, and possibly Dallen if the kingsguard accepts archers
Elendithas said:
All this talk of the best King's Guard is absurd. Desgran obviously has the best. They're all bears.
Think nagito could kill a lot of pairs. So could Dallen for that matter
I dunno, Nagito might get like three or four before being torn to shreds. Even with his Valyrian steel blades, bears are much stronger, faster, and fierce than just about any human being alive, the strength and speed factors both literally being more than is even possible for a human body. They're about as apex as predators get in the world. Not necessarily in ASoIaF, but in reality I can't really think of any single creature that would be able to fight a bear to the death and live. If I'm correct in assuming Dallen is that NPC that can shoot a bow well, he wouldn't stand a chance. A single archer shooting at a bear even at a distance would likely end with their death. In an arena-like setting the bear would easily close the gap in a few seconds, which is about enough time to get a single shot off, and if that shot hit it square in the head, I'm pretty sure there would be little damage, given a bear's skull can effectively shrug off a shot from a 12-gauge shotgun. And before the shoot it in the eyes point comes up, Dallen would have to be an absurdly good archer who can keep perfect calm in the face of close to a ton of killing machine charging you at fourty or so MPH. As was stated before, pretty sure the only person in this RP that is that good a shot is Tai Fang. Bears are horrible monstrosities of nature, and I love them for that.
Elendithas said:
I dunno, Nagito might get like three or four before being torn to shreds. Even with his Valyrian steel blades, bears are much stronger, faster, and fierce than just about any human being alive, the strength and speed factors both literally being more than is even possible for a human body. They're about as apex as predators get in the world. Not necessarily in ASoIaF, but in reality I can't really think of any single creature that would be able to fight a bear to the death and live. If I'm correct in assuming Dallen is that NPC that can shoot a bow well, he wouldn't stand a chance. A single archer shooting at a bear even at a distance would likely end with their death. In an arena-like setting the bear would easily close the gap in a few seconds, which is about enough time to get a single shot off, and if that shot hit it square in the head, I'm pretty sure there would be little damage, given a bear's skull can effectively shrug off a shot from a 12-gauge shotgun. And before the shoot it in the eyes point comes up, Dallen would have to be an absurdly good archer who can keep perfect calm in the face of close to a ton of killing machine charging you at fourty or so MPH. As was stated before, pretty sure the only person in this RP that is that good a shot is Tai Fang. Bears are horrible monstrosities of nature, and I love them for that.
Dallen is not an NCP Character, but a second character I made who happens to be under Cayden (for now, that may not be a permanent arrangement depending on the war) Dallen's bow is made of Dragonbone which means it has the same power as a crossbow and he is actually an absurdly good archer (or at least that is what is meant to be though hes probably a shade under Tai Fang because he has a command ability Tai Fang doesn't have) so if Tai Fang was tier 5 of archer he would probably be like a 4. And Dallen is always calm, kind of character he is in the fact he rarely loses his cool, even to be happy or excited. If two bear rushed him at once on flat ground he would probably die because he would only have time to shoot one but him and nagito working together could probably work together to kill more then a few with their special weapons and ranged and melee combo
Fair enough. There are five hundred bears however.

Little do they know that under that skin lies.... THE BEAR KING!

Elendithas said:
Fair enough. There are five hundred bears however.
Little do they know that under that skin lies.... THE BEAR KING!

I hope we arent fighting 500 bairs with just a Queenguard xD even the reach mounted knights wouldn't match the bears in one on one combat because thier mounts dont have natural weapons. I would personally just never get close to them and use arrows and spearmen to try and keep them back because to be truthful I don't want to get in a melee with a fucking bear

Also that is majestic.
Well the Dornish may not be liked now but Elia is intending to try and change that and make peace with the other Houses possibly
AnnoDomini said:
Yeah buuuuuuuuuuuut bears are afraid of dogs. Check-mate!
And dogs are allergic to poorly cooked trout so I suppose I win here.

LittleWolfie said:
Well the Dornish may not be liked now but Elia is intending to try and change that and make peace with the other Houses possibly
I think I would rather die than make peace with the Dornish.

Rhosvyn said:
Mormonts approve of this.
So is Rainey going to be the Goats squire, yay or nay? Because he's currently out hunting Daenna and his squire would probably be there.
Hypnos said:
And dogs are allergic to poorly cooked trout so I suppose I win here.
I think I would rather die than make peace with the Dornish.

So is Rainey going to be the Goats squire, yay or nay? Because he's currently out hunting Daenna and his squire would probably be there.
Yes he can be.
Hypnos said:
And dogs are allergic to poorly cooked trout so I suppose I win here.
I think I would rather die than make peace with the Dornish.

So is Rainey going to be the Goats squire, yay or nay? Because he's currently out hunting Daenna and his squire would probably be there.
Ahhh! Trout! My mortal enemy! And uncooked too!
Hypnos said:
And dogs are allergic to poorly cooked trout so I suppose I win here.
I think I would rather die than make peace with the Dornish.

So is Rainey going to be the Goats squire, yay or nay? Because he's currently out hunting Daenna and his squire would probably be there.
Why would you rather die? What is so wrong with us Dornish?
LittleWolfie said:
Why would you rather die? What is so wrong with us Dornish?
Their cowardice, their inability to fight fairly, their ever changing moral compass, the whole claim that they've never been conquered, their use of poison, the whole vengeance thing, just about everything about them is wrong.

Hypnos said:
Their cowardice, their inability to fight fairly, their ever changing moral compass, the whole claim that they've never been conquered, their use of poison, the whole vengeance thing, just about everything about them is wrong.
We refuse to be judged by the stupidity of our AU
LittleWolfie said:
We refuse to be judged by the stupidity of our AU
Oh, don't worry, Cayden's actions have more than made up for anything that came out of the Canon. Besides, Obreyn's actually pretty cool, as many of us agreed.
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AnnoDomini said:
Too bad The Mountain killed him. I would've been happy if the mountain lived, but eh.
I was actually fine with that happening. As cool as Obreyn was, his weakness was his arrogance, which caused his downfall. The only thing I regret about the fight ending like that will always be fanboys claiming that Gregor would beat Obreyn in a fight by citing what happened in canon.

...We all know Obreyn won that fight, it's just the crazy Dornishman would've lived had he not been pompous, busied himself with talking shit with Tywin and went for the coup d'grace. If he just kept his composure and kept stabbing at the Mountain from afar, he would've lived long enough to see vengeance for Ella completed. Then again, that's a Dornishman for ya. *shrug*

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