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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Archon said:
,I'm not. I was, but now I'm not.

I thought it massively unfair Tiber be allowed all his foce, and not the Reach; but he's been gathering his banners IC, without so much as a peep from anyone beside Helyon.

I still disagree about Dorne, one decisive battle won against them, could remove them from the war. Seriously, the Reach cavalry would roll over the light infanttry of Dorne, spears or not.
Because an entire Reach army did not disappear in the Dornish desert. The point of Dorne is that they don't do offensive.
The Reach thinks it's tough shit eh? Well let's see how they fare when a 40,000 man ibbenese army comes to the aid of the Westerlands!
Rhosvyn said:
This may sound like a stupid question but...
Who are my Mormonts marching to fight against?
Since no one else answered you the Mormonts are heading south at the behest of Tadhg Stark to help fight for King Breaden Baratheon, the contender with the strongest claim to the throne (Since the previous king, Mearyn's children are bastards) and gain revenge for his father Osmund Baratheon who was recently executed. This is because Tadhg Stark, Walder Tully and Osmund Baratheon were pretty much best buddies back in the day and Stark and Tully are honouring Baratheons memory by fighting for his son. The current opposition is House Targaryen and the Crownlannd and House Arryn in the Vale, with the other Houses currently neutral except Greyjoy who have tried unsuccessfully to form their own Kingdom.

Also @Robyn Banks Baelor has been trying to talk to Kuvira for like a week now, I feel like you're ignoring me here :(

You'll have to blame the previous Tyrell leader for the fact he hasn't mustered any forces to try and defend against the Westerlands, can't really call it unfair when the person had every opportunity to do it but just didn't. Now that you're going to be Arren you can attempt to rectify that mistake as best you can with your limited time. But its better than you watching somebody else completely ignore it and get the Reach rekt by a much smaller force.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Typically why the Dornish hold out in passes and their mountain ranges. They go all 300 on invaders.
Move them out of their familiar mountain passes, and desert dunes and throw them in the lush open fields of the Reach, facing off against a cavalry charge from 4,000 heavy mounted units and what do we get? :P

SirDerpingtonIV said:
Because an entire Reach army did not disappear in the Dornish desert. The point of Dorne is that they don't do offensive.
Which is what I said?

Elendithas said:
The Reach thinks it's tough shit eh? Well let's see how they fare when a 40,000 man ibbenese army comes to the aid of the Westerlands!
Oh yeah? You dwarven bastards can see how you fair against 46,000 Iron Legionnaires! I'll throw some Unsullied in, just for the lulz.
Leusis said:
I feel like since Jester controls Tiber and the Tarly's this war is going to end up being like Jester playing chess with himself.
I prefer marbles actually. Much faster pace and victory/defeat's usually more decisive most of the time than chess (also because I suck at chess).

Archon said:
,I'm not. I was, but now I'm not.

I thought it massively unfair Tiber be allowed all his foce, and not the Reach; but he's been gathering his banners IC, without so much as a peep from anyone beside Helyon.

I still disagree about Dorne, one decisive battle won against them, could remove them from the war. Seriously, the Reach cavalry would roll over the light infanttry of Dorne, spears or not.
I agree, but such was the decision from House Tyrell up until now. It's no secret the even before the coronation party that the Westermen were building up an army. I mean the motive was unclear, but people knew early on and didn't react to it *shrug*

Leusis said:
You'll have to blame the previous Tyrell leader for the fact he hasn't mustered any forces to try and defend against the Westerlands, can't really call it unfair when the person had every opportunity to do it but just didn't. Now that you're going to be Arren you can attempt to rectify that mistake as best you can with your limited time. But its better than you watching somebody else completely ignore it and get the Reach rekt by a much smaller force.
I feel like we're not going to come to an agreement here because both sides are too invested in the outcome they're arguing for and at this point it's everyone versus Archon.
I'll do what I can with Arren... I'll probably start my post for him in an hour or so.
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Hypnos said:
Since no one else answered you the Mormonts are heading south at the behest of Tadhg Stark to help fight for King Breaden Baratheon, the contender with the strongest claim to the throne (Since the previous king, Mearyn's children are bastards) and gain revenge for his father Osmund Baratheon who was recently executed. This is because Tadhg Stark, Walder Tully and Osmund Baratheon were pretty much best buddies back in the day and Stark and Tully are honouring Baratheons memory by fighting for his son. The current opposition is House Targaryen and the Crownlannd and House Arryn in the Vale, with the other Houses currently neutral except Greyjoy who have tried unsuccessfully to form their own Kingdom.
Also @Robyn Banks Baelor has been trying to talk to Kuvira for like a week now, I feel like you're ignoring me here :(
Aawww sweetie!! I forgot to reply! I'm sorry!
Archon said:
They aren't a problem; they will utterly eviscerate the light-armored Dornish. If Dorne had some heavy spearmen, I'd be afraid, but it's entirely light cavalry/infantry.
Anyway, I think we can agree this can go either way; the indecision of House Tyrell basically means the Reach is slightly disadvantaged, but still has the overall advantage. It favors the Reach slightly, but it seems the Westerlands have many strong Commanders - and the Reach few.
Why would Dorne have no heavy infintry? Their calvary are light because sand steeds can't bare an armored knight but heavy infintry is not the same problem. I'm not suggesting they contend with the reach all by themselves in an open field but 4000 calvary isn't gonna route 15000 men
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SirDerpingtonIV said:
Targ's only, Blackfyre
Fuck face. I am crashing this party!

Elendithas said:
The Reach thinks it's tough shit eh? Well let's see how they fare when a 40,000 man ibbenese army comes to the aid of the Westerlands!
You are the worst kind of whore. By the time this RP ends, you'll have offered 40,000 people your help!

Archon said:
Move them out of their familiar mountain passes, and desert dunes and throw them in the lush open fields of the Reach, facing off against a cavalry charge from 4,000 heavy mounted units and what do we get? :P
Which is what I said?

Oh yeah? You dwarven bastards can see how you fair against 46,000 Iron Legionnaires! I'll throw some Unsullied in, just for the lulz.
Someone who doesn't know how to command a Dornish Army.
Archon said:
Move them out of their familiar mountain passes, and desert dunes and throw them in the lush open fields of the Reach, facing off against a cavalry charge from 4,000 heavy mounted units and what do we get? :P
Which is what I said?

Oh yeah? You dwarven bastards can see how you fair against 46,000 Iron Legionnaires! I'll throw some Unsullied in, just for the lulz.
Throw the Reach's army at the North. At the Vale. At the Westerlands. At the stormlands. What happens? You lose. Home field advantage. It's because the only time Westeros have been united is under the Targaryens, who had dragons
Hypnos said:
I feel like we're not going to come to an agreement here because both sides are too invested in the outcome they're arguing for and at this point it's everyone versus Archon.
Actually I've agreed a lot with Archon's points, just that I don't agree with the nonsense about the North being able to just power through Golden Tooth with 18000 men. *shrug*
Hypnos said:
I feel like we're not going to come to an agreement here because both sides are too invested in the outcome they're arguing for and at this point it's everyone versus Archon.
I ended up agreeing with Archon that the Reach has a smallish overall advantage in this war, don't see how its everyone vs Archon.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Fuck face. I am crashing this party!
You are the worst kind of whore. By the time this RP ends, you'll have offered 40,000 people your help!

Someone who doesn't know how to command a Dornish Army.
This. If Cayden fights you in an open field branzly hes a moron which he's not. Dorne are known for their "cowardness" so I'm gonna use it
Akio said:
Why would Dorne have no heavy infintry? Their calvary are light because sand steeds can't bare an armored knight but heavy infintry is not the same problem. I'm not suggesting they contend with the reach all by themselves in an open field but 4000 calvary isn't gonna route 15000 men
Doesn't Dorne have horse archers? They are PERFECT for Dornish strategy.

TheAncientCenturion said:
Fuck face. I am crashing this party!
You are the worst kind of whore. By the time this RP ends, you'll have offered 40,000 people your help!

Someone who doesn't know how to command a Dornish Army.
Bring it on, waters.
I also said the reach has the advantage, home field, nice terrain for them, larger army over all
Archon said:
Move them out of their familiar mountain passes, and desert dunes and throw them in the lush open fields of the Reach, facing off against a cavalry charge from 4,000 heavy mounted units and what do we get? :P
Which is what I said?

Oh yeah? You dwarven bastards can see how you fair against 46,000 Iron Legionnaires! I'll throw some Unsullied in, just for the lulz.
At least the Dornish die seeing green for the first time in their lives.

And those dwarven bastards are impossible to deal with. Think you're fighting them in formation? NAH, THEY JUST JUMP OUT OF HOLES IN THE GROUND UNDERNEATH YOUR FORCES!
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Doesn't Dorne have horse archers? They are PERFECT for Dornish strategy.
Bring it on, waters.
They do, a lot of their men can shoot from horseback, they use light harrasment calvary
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Throw the Reach's army at the North. At the Vale. At the Westerlands. At the stormlands. What happens? You lose. Home field advantage. It's because the only time Westeros have been united is under the Targaryens, who had dragons
Which is what I meant, again..? I don't get it; that's twice you've agreed with me, but it's as if you're trying to correct me. :/

Akio said:
Why would Dorne have no heavy infintry? Their calvary are light because sand steeds can't bare an armored knight but heavy infintry is not the same problem. I'm not suggesting they contend with the reach all by themselves in an open field but 4000 calvary isn't gonna route 15000 men
No, but 4,000 heavy cavalry, paired with another 11,000 Reachmen fighting in an open field in their own land will, quite easily I might add.

Dorne specializes in light infantry and cavalry due to the very weather of the place, at most they may have 2,000 heavy infantry - but they probably have less. They don't have many horse archers either, not that they'd be overly helpful; because they aren't anywhere near Dothraki quality; good for raiding maybe, get near a battle and those goat-fuckers are toast.
Archon said:
Which is what I meant, again..? I don't get it; that's twice you've agreed with me, but it's as if you're trying to correct me. :/
No, but 4,000 heavy cavalry, paired with another 11,000 Reachmen fighting in an open field in their own land will, quite easily I might add.

Dorne specializes in light infantry and cavalry due to the very weather of the place, at most they may have 2,000 heavy infantry - but they probably have less. They don't have many horse archers either, not that they'd be overly helpful; because they aren't anywhere near Dothraki quality; good for raiding maybe, get near a battle and those goat-fuckers are toast.
Do you... Know what horse archers are used for?
[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]Ooooooo! Shit just got real! Someone bring out the popcorn.

Oh, don't try and stand by and watch. You're next.

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