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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)


Harrenhal is a complete bitch to defend because its just too big to garrison. Also just because you have lots of vassals doesn't mean those vassals respect their new leader in the slightest. Thus why I chose an island where the lands that I own personally and the knights that follow Roland outnumber everybody else on the isle massively. There is no way one of Roland's vassals could ever touch him even if they all worked together. If Roland owned Harranhal his vassals could just band together and kick his ass.
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Archon said:
Are you fucking kidding? I'd take Harrenhal over Fair Isle anyday! Walder would give away one of the strongest castles in the realm, not to mention the vassals sworn to the Lord of Harrenhal are pretty damn numerous, hell, Lord of Harrenhal is the second strongest vassal besides the Freys!
Now I want to make a mercenary who can win Harrenhal.
That's what happens whent the Lords of Harrenhal die out, you find an unlucky knight and you stick them with it until their bloodline dies out, the Lords of Harrenhal tend to not have very strong dynasties and the curse Harrows away at them, those sons of Hoares quickly lose the castle and its towers. So don't get Lothston the fantasy of holding the castle.
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Hypnos said:
That's what happens whent the Lords of Harrenhal die out, you find an unlucky knight and you stick them with it until their bloodline dies out, the Lords of Harrenhal tend to not have very strong dynasties and the curse Harrows away at them, those sons of Hoares quickly lose the castle and its towers. So don't get Lothston the fantasy of holding the castle.
fuck yourself
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Accompanying her five longships, whom bore the Farwynd sigil on their sails, were three rather strange looking vessels. These vessels were made of a lightly colored wood, with a shape that was flat on the top, but began to slope upwards towards the back end of the ship. Each of these vessels had odd, wing-like objects sticking out into the water from the sides of the vessel, one on each side. Additionally, each of these ships bore a perfectly square sail, colored bright yellow or orange, and appearing almost as if it had been folded several times. Additionally, there was a Swan Ship from the Summer Isles, and oddly enough, a fat-bellied ship quite resembling an Ibbenese whaler.
10 total.
Good to know. Thanks for the info. Just edited my post to include this information as well as address where the fleet is in regards to the defending fleet of Lannisport. Lemme know if you need me to fix anything else. :)

Leusis said:
Harrenhal is a complete bitch to defend because its just too big to garrison. Also just because you have lots of vassals doesn't mean those vassals respect their new leader in the slightest. Thus why I chose an island where the lands that I own personally and the knights that follow Roland outnumber everybody else on the isle massively. There is no way one of Roland's vassals could ever touch him even if they all worked together. If Roland owned Harranhal his vassals could just band together and kick his ass.
Leusis said:
Harrenhal is a complete bitch to defend because its just too big to garrison. Also just because you have lots of vassals doesn't mean those vassals respect their new leader in the slightest. Thus why I chose an island the my lands that I own personally and the knights that follow Roland outnumber everybody else on the isle massively. There is no way one of Roland's vassals could ever touch him even if they all worked together. If Roland owned Harranhal his vassals could just band together and kick his ass.
Oh I'm not disputing that, but the vassals have no reason to assault their liege lord provided their liege lord isn't a complete dick. Even if he is an up-jumped mercenary, not to mention he'd be untouchable provided the Tully's still held power. Talking of the coming war is situational, and that would put any new Lord of Harrenhal in the wrong place at the wrong time, but with some stability it'd be a sweet-ass position to hold.

It's also the sort of castle that any invading army would want to avoid, not only because it's still a nightmare to siege. But because of the supposes Harrenhal Curse.

Not to mention the chances of four or five separate vassals all turning on their liege lord together are like 1 in a 100. Someone like Tiber could only promise one of them Harrenhal, and some may have honour; being Riverlords and all. Is Fair Isle better in the short term? Oh yes. Harrenhal is just better in the long-term.
I also think curse the is complete crap. No amount of tin-foil, or logical evidence will convince me of otherwise. Simply because I think it's a silly notion.
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Archon said:
Oh I'm not disputing that, but the vassals have no reason to assault their liege lord provided their liege lord isn't a complete dick. Even if he is an up-jumped mercenary, not to mention he'd be untouchable provided the Tully's still held power. Talking of the coming war is situational, and that would put any new Lord of Harrenhal in the wrong place at the wrong time, but with some stability it'd be a sweet-ass position to hold.
It's also the sort of castle that any invading army would want to avoid, not only because it's still a nightmare to siege. But because of the supposes Harrenhal Curse.

Not to mention the chances of four or five separate vassals all turning on their liege lord together are like 1 in a 100. Someone like Tiber could only promise one of them Harrenhal, and some may have honour; being Riverlords and all. Is Fair Isle better in the short term? Oh yes. Harrenhal is just better in the long-term.
Just give it to one of your loyal men so he'll take the curse and you rule by proxy xD
Harrnehal might be better in the long-term if I continue to let Fair Isle be shit like House Farman did. I have every intention to have House Wilds try to build Fair Isle up into what I will deem "The Little Reach" because I'm going to produce so much food that my island alone can feed a fourth of the Westerlands year round (which is completely possible). If I do this the Westerlands won't have to buy any food from other regions and every other house will buy food from House Wilds at a slightly lower price than they could from the other regions. So essentially I'm gonna try and get Fair Isle a monopoly on the produce industry in the Westerlands.

And with this abundance of food I'll have more men on the island and thus a bigger army and with all the money I'd be getting I'd build a decent sized fleet (probably like 10-15 galleys max). Of course this is a very long term plan so it likely won't come about unless some huge timeskip happens but still, thats the plan.
Im planning to get Cayden sailing towards Westeros today if I can, I want to see if I can make it for a wedding though if my ships get burned it might be a little more difficult. The situation that was cooling down is heating up again slightly.
Leusis said:
Harrnehal might be better in the long-term if I continue to let Fair Isle be shit like House Farman did. I have every intention to have House Wilds try to build Fair Isle up into what I will deem "The Little Reach" because I'm going to produce so much food that my island alone can feed a fourth of the Westerlands year round (which is completely possible). If I do this the Westerlands won't have to buy any food from other regions and every other house will buy food from House Wilds at a slightly lower price than they could from the other regions. So essentially I'm gonna try and get Fair Isle a monopoly on the produce industry in the Westerlands.
And with this abundance of food I'll have more men on the island and thus a bigger army and with all the money I'd be getting I'd build a decent sized fleet (probably like 10-15 galleys max). Of course this is a very long term plan so it likely won't come about unless some huge timeskip happens but still, thats the plan.
But that's possible with most locations provided they have a good ruler. Whose to say an owner of Harrenhal couldn't start rebuilding portions of the fortress using other portions of the fortress? Like deconstructing the outer-walls, and fortifying the inner-walls? A Lord of Harrenhal would be wealthy by virtue of the large number of vassals they hold. They could certainly start trying to improve the castle - honestly I'm shocked nobody did so sooner.

Fuck the curse. Give me 20 Good Men and I'll exorcise the bitch.
Leusis said:
Harrnehal might be better in the long-term if I continue to let Fair Isle be shit like House Farman did. I have every intention to have House Wilds try to build Fair Isle up into what I will deem "The Little Reach" because I'm going to produce so much food that my island alone can feed a fourth of the Westerlands year round (which is completely possible). If I do this the Westerlands won't have to buy any food from other regions and every other house will buy food from House Wilds at a slightly lower price than they could from the other regions. So essentially I'm gonna try and get Fair Isle a monopoly on the produce industry in the Westerlands.
And with this abundance of food I'll have more men on the island and thus a bigger army and with all the money I'd be getting I'd build a decent sized fleet (probably like 10-15 galleys max). Of course this is a very long term plan so it likely won't come about unless some huge timeskip happens but still, thats the plan.

Woot! Little Reach in the hands of one of the most loyal vassal, score! Also, if New Ghis can spend enough time to turn into the New Ghis Empire, I totally expect this to happen by that point in time as well.
See, Tiber made one of the best decisions of his rule by making Roland the lord of Fair Isle because the Westerlands will soon be able to self sustain themselves in terms of food instead of needing to buy it from the Riverland or Reach due to the hilly and mountainous terrain of the Westerlands. Which means the Lannisters and their vassals get to save more money and get even richer!

Akio said:
Im planning to get Cayden sailing towards Westeros today if I can, I want to see if I can make it for a wedding though if my ships get burned it might be a little more difficult. The situation that was cooling down is heating up again slightly.
Really the way I see it, Cayden could, and should, travel by himself to the wedding. It would be far less taxing on the presumably dwindling reserves his company has by going alone, not to mention there will be no exceptions for a mercenary band to be at such an important wedding.
What is Fair Isle like? On the map it is fairly large but I couldn't find anything talking about the geography of it and its biggest source of income is fishing.
Leusis said:
See, Tiber made one of the best decisions of his rule by making Roland the lord of Fair Isle because the Westerlands will soon be able to self sustain themselves in terms of food instead of needing to buy it from the Riverland or Reach due to the hilly and mountainous terrain of the Westerlands. Which means the Lannisters and their vassals get to save more money and get even richer!
Too bad he's a bigoted asshole against everyone. ;-;
Elendithas said:
Really the way I see it, Cayden could, and should, travel by himself to the wedding. It would be far less taxing on the presumably dwindling reserves his company has by going alone, not to mention there will be no exceptions for a mercenary band to be at such an important wedding.
You know, just don't piss off the wrong people (or people in general really). Else his life expectancy can shorten to mere hours depending on who gets a hold of him first (I just don't see Cayden's survivability to, say, Bronn).
Also Fair Isle being an island also supplements the food they could grow even more because they can just catch hella fish too.
WanderingJester said:
You know, just don't piss off the wrong people (or people in general really). Else his life expectancy can shorten to mere hours depending on who gets a hold of him first (I just don't see Cayden's survivability to, say, Bronn).
Cayden might be able to stop being an asshole to everyone if his life depends on it, though his life depends on it in Pentos right now and he doesn't quite seem to care.
Elendithas said:
Really the way I see it, Cayden could, and should, travel by himself to the wedding. It would be far less taxing on the presumably dwindling reserves his company has by going alone, not to mention there will be no exceptions for a mercenary band to be at such an important wedding.
If he does go to the wedding he will be going alone for three reasons. One he is really pressed for time and will likely have to ride through the nights at certain points to get there so he can't afford to take the entire company with him

two he does not want to leave Daenna unguarded, he will likely have Dallen follow her as a teacher while he is not there and Gerrard as a guard no matter which option she choses as long as she can keep his loyalty

three no amount of mercenaries can save him if he pisses of the lannisters in the rock itself
Leusis said:
Also Fair Isle being an island also supplements the food they could grow even more because they can just catch hella fish too.
Wouldn't fair isle be pretty hilly too? Also the land won't be as fertile or as high quality in the Reach and if they tried what you are saying I think they would be the Iron Islands wet dream lol.
Lancelot said:
Wouldn't fair isle be pretty hilly too? Also the land won't be as fertile or as high quality in the Reach and if they tried what you are saying I think they would be the Iron Islands wet dream lol.
Hey, the price of greatness is more or less having people try to kill you or take everything you have. He just has to do a good job keeping it safe.
Elendithas said:
Cayden might be able to stop being an asshole to everyone if his life depends on it, though his life depends on it in Pentos right now and he doesn't quite seem to care.
If he goes to the wedding he goes on Daennas behalf and alone, he can't afford to be an asshole even if he wanted to/ Hes an asshole to the ibbens for the most part because Vance and his magic and to pentos because he knows their prince and doesn't like him.
Elendithas said:
Cayden might be able to stop being an asshole to everyone if his life depends on it, though his life depends on it in Pentos right now and he doesn't quite seem to care.
Akio said:
If he does go to the wedding he will be going alone for three reasons. One he is really pressed for time and will likely have to ride through the nights at certain points to get there so he can't afford to take the entire company with him
two he does not want to leave Daenna unguarded, he will likely have Dallen follow her as a teacher while he is not there and Gerrard as a guard no matter which option she choses as long as she can keep his loyalty

three no amount of mercenaries can save him if he pisses of the lannisters in the rock itself
Yea, well, Pentos' tolerance is like kindergarden compared to the Rock around the wedding. Hell, Leanne might skin him alive herself if he so much as spill ale on a guest, to the point where the Boltons might wonder if they've got a lost daughter somewhere.

Speaking of, was someone making the Boltons or has that idea been scraped?

Lancelot said:
Wouldn't fair isle be pretty hilly too? Also the land won't be as fertile or as high quality in the Reach and if they tried what you are saying I think they would be the Iron Islands wet dream lol.
Its actually not too bad honestly. The soil might not be as rich but that can change with smart and sustainable agricultural techniques. It's not like its rocky like the Iron Islands after all. xD

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