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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Akio said:
He might if he thinks the Tyrells are very non receptive to his efforts but after the wedding hes likely to double back to kings landing if it hasn't fallen to the Bartheons to get his own judge on Kuriva. He'll likely meet them at the wedding though if hes in attendance.
Cayden and Velaryon meeting could be a very interesting conversation considering his ambitions and life goals
I don't see Lord Velaryon and Cayden getting along very well, they're very differant people.
Lancelot said:
Nevermind I have been confuse on what it means lol.
The Iron Price is gaining something from taking it from the cold dead hands of your enemy, you paid the Iron Price for a pair of boot by stealing it off a corpse, much like the Gold Price would be just paying for something with gold. It really has nothing to do with cheating and murdering your competition.
Archon said:
5. = Give Kuvira 3 iron Legions
5. = New Ghiscari Empire buys the Golden Company.
Traitor! You will die for going against your queen bring out the guillotine! Someone will be beheaded tonight.

WanderingJester said:
Alright, screw it. Daenna's attitude towards Nagito really ticking me off. The man does his best to be a good bodyguard and his reward is a cold shoulder and a death stare whenever Daeny has free time. He offers his services free of charge, demonstrates his skills to the point where any other warrior would be like "what the fuck" and this is what he gets.
Hey @Robyn Banks, if you want another Queensguard that doesn't speak Westerosi, get yourself a translator and an offer to Pentos. We'll see if we can work something out.

To everyone else, if you got a man who can translate Yi Tish, feel free to drop by Daenna's camp. I'm feeling pretty generous with any possible interpretation of a certain vague prophecy leading one of (if not the) deadliest men alive today. Also, it's "dragon spawn" not "dragon daughter" I'm retconning the tiny detail there as my character right now.
Alright I got chu!

Akio said:
Daenna is one of the most well protected individuals in the seven kingdoms and anywhere. She has 3 personal guards with her right now, as well a around a dozen heavy infantry equal to normal knights and of those 3 not one of them is unskilled. One of them is even probably the strongest fighter in this world at the moment.
That's my girl! Bringing me back an army! Makes me so proud.

TheAncientCenturion said:
Could everyone please start putting POV and Location(s) before their posts? It makes things easier.

The Red Keep

POV: Viserys
Come at me bro!
Hypnos said:
The Iron Price is gaining something from taking it from the cold dead hands of your enemy, you paid the Iron Price for a pair of boot by stealing it off a corpse, much like the Gold Price would be just paying for something with gold. It really has nothing to do with cheating and murdering your competition.
When Theon took Winterfell the Ironborn felt that he was just due to the Iron Price.

Also besides all my talk about this Siegfried wouldn't actually do that, sure he would put himself forward for a king candidate but the would serve under another king willingly as long as he got to fight lol.
Lancelot said:
When Theon took Winterfell the Ironborn felt that he was just due to the Iron Price.
Also besides all my talk about this Siegfried wouldn't actually do that, sure he would put himself forward for a king candidate but the would serve under another king willingly as long as he got to fight lol.
What? Theon paid the Iron Price for Winterfell because he took it by storm and killed the defenders.
Hypnos said:
What? Theon paid the Iron Price for Winterfell because he took it by storm and killed the defenders.
Yes he did...

I am saying now that his won't happen but... if Siegfried took the crown in that fashion how would the view it? He would still be paying the Iron Price no?
Lancelot said:
Yes he did...
I am saying now that his won't happen but... if Siegfried took the crown in that fashion how would the view it? He would still be paying the Iron Price no?
No, that would be cheating and shitting on Ironborn traditions that have been around for centuries, disrespecting the Drowned God who is said to choose the King in a Kingsmoot, if we were going bigger army diplomacy there wouldn't be a moot.
[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]Traitor! You will die for going against your queen bring out the guillotine! Someone will be beheaded tonight.
Alright I got chu!

That's my girl! Bringing me back an army! Makes me so proud.

Come at me bro!

How how long will the army be yours is the question
Hypnos said:
No, that would be cheating and shitting on Ironborn traditions that have been around for centuries, disrespecting the Drowned God who is said to choose the King in a Kingsmoot, if we were going bigger army diplomacy there wouldn't be a moot.
Yeah that is understandable, I was just wondering thanks for clearing that up.
Hypnos said:
Its funny that you think they'll be an more loyal to Daenna.
She is the one getting married and Vance seemed cool with it but yes he doesent know so he rather not involve them in a Westerosi was at all. Her guard for the most part won't just get up and follow Kuriva
I think I'm going to enact the William retcon now that I've gathered up some motivation. So what was it, he was a lover of the Queen, fathered Aerea, and was sent away because Maeryn knew? Or was he still sent away because Maeryn was an insane king? And he sees both Maeryn, who he hates, and the Queen, whatever her name was, who he loves in her? And there's conflict there, plus he kind of tries to be the surrogate father to Daenna that he never could to Aerea because he was a Kingsguard and that'd be obvious, and then because she died?

Am I missing anything?
Fezzes said:
I think I'm going to enact the William retcon now that I've gathered up some motivation. So what was it, he was a lover of the Queen, fathered Aerea, and was sent away because Maeryn knew? Or was he still sent away because Maeryn was an insane king? And he sees both Maeryn, who he hates, and the Queen, whatever her name was, who he loves in her? And there's conflict there, plus he kind of tries to be the surrogate father to Daenna that he never could to Aerea because he was a Kingsguard and that'd be obvious, and then because she died?
Am I missing anything?
I imagine Mearyn wouldn't know that Aerea is Thornes otherwise he would have sent her away but he likely caught Thorne a and the Queen in the act and thought it would be funny to send him to the Wall so he'd be sworn the celibacy twice, you can still play the wrongful imprisonment card because he wouldn't have gone to trial just shipped straight off.
Now we just need to figure out who Kuviras father is. Also it's funny that the two Targaryens that are actually considered mad are the two that aren't actually Targaryens, I think that tells you something about what people think is genetic and what just comes from outside sources.
Hypnos said:
Now we just need to figure out who Kuviras father is. Also it's funny that the two Targaryens that are actually considered mad are the two that aren't actually Targaryens, I think that tells you something about what people think is genetic and what just comes from outside sources.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
You know I don't think he's old enough, though I wouldn't put it past him to bang his own mother...

Actually that begs the question is Corbis a full sibling of Daenna or just half, I think the other full Targs have been retconned out of existence so I'd say half honestly.

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