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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

24 miles a day for 2 weeks makes 0 sense considering the journey to Lannisport would be about 500 miles and 24 miles a day for 2 weeks is only 336 miles, so barely over 3/5 of the total length of the journey. That person obviously doesn't do math very well.
Leusis said:
24 miles a day for 2 weeks makes 0 sense considering the journey to Lannisport would be about 500 miles and 24 miles a day for 2 weeks is only 336 miles, so barely over 3/5 of the total length of the journey. That person obviously doesn't do math very well.
Seems not, unless the distance between lannisport and kingslanding is wrong, where did you get that information?

((Also traveling for 2 weeks to cover 500 miles is about 35 miles per day, though he would likely lose days as you said due to the river and mountains
Well the wall is 300 miles long exactly. I'm using that length and pretty much just comparing the length of the wall to the distance between the two cities by using a map. This is why I said around 500 miles because I wouldn't be able to tell how long the distance actually was unless I grabbed a ruler and did the math to see how many inches the wall was on this map and then divide 300 by that amount of inches to get a distance for each inch. Then I'd have to measure the inches between the two cities.
Decided to just say fuck it and do it and it turns out the distance is around 733 miles. The wall was 2.25 inches long so 133 miles per inch and the distance between Lannisport and Kingslanding was about 5.5 inches. So 133x5.5=733
Though luckily the trip across the narrow sea would only be like 4 days so that takes 3 days off the sea voyage. But the added distance on land adds about a week on to the land travel so we're talking probably about 25 days of travel not counting the rivers and mountains being a problem.
Or finding ships, assuming everything in Pentos was either claimed by the city after the battle or simply burned. This of course is assuming battle breaks out, which seems pretty likely at the moment.
Leusis said:
Decided to just say fuck it and do it and it turns out the distance is around 733 miles. The wall was 2.25 inches long so 133 miles per inch and the distance between Lannisport and Kingslanding was about 5.5 inches. So 133x5.5=733
731.5 actually xD

Leusis said:
Though luckily the trip across the narrow sea would only be like 4 days so that takes 3 days off the sea voyage. But the added distance on land adds about a week on to the land travel so we're talking probably about 25 days of travel not counting the rivers and mountains being a problem.
If he could make it a lot would depend on his horse. A knight on a trained charger can go upwards of 50-60 miles a day on good ground. But chargers weren't made to run all day like Sand Steeds can so even then their progress is slower even if speed is greater. It's been remarked several times that a Sand Steep can gallop a day and a half without needing to stop beyond water. And thats a normal sand steed not even taking into account that Cayden's Shadowfire is no ordinary sand steed in itself ((being royalty he likely chose top quality of top quality)) so it might even push up till two days. A average horse can gallop at 30-40 miles per hour. Now its probably not this bad but lets cut it down by 10 miles compared to a chargers maximum so its 30 miles per hour. Then of course even if crossing the Riverlands and Crownlands would be much easier landscape wise with the roads it will likely be slowed, even more so in the west. A horse was never meant to gallop for hours on end but apparently sand steeds can do so. I don't think its impossible for him to make it as long as it doesn't take a long time to cross the narrow sea ((which it might)). If he wanted to make it he would have to likely ride nights in that two days time and then rest on the third even if they only went on at a walk. He's a good enough horseman to he would likely be able to endure the travel.
Woah, a bit high on that average horse speed. Google says average horse gallop is 25-30 MPH without packs, armor in the case of a war horse, or a person on its back. But yeah, Sand Steed would go faster, so 30 with a man and packs does sound reasonable.
I'm saying its not impossible for him to make it, but he would probably have to go by night at times and he would probably have to go alone, even if his own men also have sand steeds they are not his equal in horsemen ship and would probably not be able to ride all day like he would
Elendithas is completely correct.

The fastest breed of horse on the planet (which wasn't even around during medieval ages and has been specifically bred and trained to be nothing but fast has topped out at 55mph. And that was the fastest of its breed ever recorded, without a rider. And these kinds of horses are only meant to carry those weird 80lbs Jokey's who are like 5ft. These are not a breed who could possibly carry a pack and a full grown man on its back for any considerable distance unless you wanted to kill it. Horses during medieval times would likely max out around 40mphs without a rider or pack.
You know this might sound a wee bit sick...

But RPing Tai Fang is super fun because just being a pirate and doing pirate things is super fun.
Leusis said:
Elendithas is completely correct.
The fastest breed of horse on the planet (which wasn't even around during medieval ages and has been specifically bred and trained to be nothing but fast has topped out at 55mph. And that was the fastest of its breed ever recorded, without a rider. And these kinds of horses are only meant to carry those weird 80lbs Jokey's who are like 5ft. These are not a breed who could possibly carry a pack and a full grown man on its back for any considerable distance unless you wanted to kill it. Horses during medieval times would likely max out around 40mphs without a rider or pack.
My mistake then, I'm willing to admit I overestimated on the common horse but can we agree that its possible for a sand steed of Shadowfire's quality to reach about 30?
Leusis said:
You know this might sound a wee bit sick...
But RPing Tai Fang is super fun because just being a pirate and doing pirate things is super fun.
Oh no thats fine, its fun to be an asshole at certain times
"The lamb can never escape the lion"

-Tai Fang

He said as he was beating a child with his bow while his mom was being >_> well you know <_< only a couple feet away.
Leusis said:
"The lamb can never escape the lion"
-Tai Fang

He said as he was beating a child with his bow while his mom was being >_> well you know <_< only a couple feet away.
Jesus, bravo I give you a medal for being an asshole xD
I'm REALLY good at being a sick fuck in RP. I don't know why, but I can think of some messed up things for my characters to do if thats their type of personality.

And since Tai Fang is a crazy warrior monk from Yi Ti who believes killing is the greatest sacrifice to the Lion of Night I think just getting as brutal with it as possible is something he'd do.
Leusis said:
I'm REALLY good at being a sick fuck in RP. I don't know why, but I can think of some messed up things for my characters to do if thats their type of personality.
And since Tai Fang is a crazy warrior monk from Yi Ti who believes killing is the greatest sacrifice to the Lion of Night I think just getting as brutal with it as possible is something he'd do.
Wonder where he'll end up going in the end. I've played some occasional rampant killers myself. But yeah I think Cayden could make it as long as he can cross the narrow sea in a timely manner. But he would have to go ahead alone
@Fezzes Kuvira and Aerea aren't actually Mearyn's bastards but rather the bastards of Mearyn's wife born from an affair with another, or several other men, if it were the other way round it'd be pretty obvious that they're bastards since Mearyn's wife would never be seen pregnant.
Hypnos said:
@Fezzes Kuvira and Aerea aren't actually Mearyn's bastards but rather the bastards of Mearyn's wife born from an affair with another, or several other men, if it were the other way round it'd be pretty obvious that they're bastards since Mearyn's wife would never be seen pregnant.
Well, shit. You're entirely right. I was just going from a family tree I saw at some point which put Maeryn as all their fathers. But I can switch it around and we can retcon that into probably making a little more sense.
Fezzes said:
Well, shit. You're entirely right. I was just going from a family tree I saw at some point which put Maeryn as all their fathers. But I can switch it around and we can retcon that into probably making a little more sense.
How old is William?
Fezzes said:
Forty-one, and he joined the Kingsguard when he was nineteen.
It might be nice to have some Bonifer Hasty shit where Thorne had a thing for the Queen and that's why she up and told him her children are bastards, it would also explain why he was banished yet thinks he did nothing wrong and why he still loves the Targaryens. It would also draw a nice parallel between the previous Queen and her daughter Aerea who also was sleeping with a Thorne from the Kingsguard, a parallel made even better if it turned out William was her father.
Hypnos said:
It might be nice to have some Bonifer Hasty shit where Thorne had a thing for the Queen and that's why she up and told him her children are bastards, it would also explain why he was banished yet thinks he did nothing wrong and why he still loves the Targaryens. It would also draw a nice parallel between the previous Queen and her daughter Aerea who also was sleeping with a Thorne from the Kingsguard, a parallel made even better if it turned out William was her father.
Except you know i believe Aerea is dead, fire hair abd all
Akio said:
Except you know i believe Aerea is dead, fire hair abd all
A dead daughter can do wonders for character development, especially since it was a Thorne who killed her and William wasn't there to defend his daughter. It also works because he would blame Kuvira who sent her to Highgarden (As far as he knows) Think about Osmund Baratheon he died before the begining of the RP but his influence lives on in several story lines.

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