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Fandom A Sith Lord seeks to corrupt you, a Jedi, into becoming his new apprentice after you defeated his previous one. Embrace the Dark Side. [M4F]


The 17th
Roleplay Availability
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These are the tools of success and a path to victory. Something that my...previous apprentice failed to comprehend. When I received a message from her that she was going to engage a Jedi, I didn't rush to her aid. This was her fight, her test. A test she failed. Arriving on the scene of a recent battle, a remote, destroyed village on the moon of some mining planet no one's ever heard of, I came upon her, still clinging to life by the barest of threads. Her arm was missing, cauterized by what was clearly a lightsaber slash. I also noticed that her own lightsaber was missing as she was lying on the ground, unable to move.

"M-Master, I...I'm sorry. I was...defeated." she said, her breath heavy with pain and anger, anger that she aimed at herself and her failing body. A weakness.

"Where is the Jedi?" I asked, diverting my eyes from my defeated apprentice to the purple sky above, taking this time to gather my thoughts. I had trained my apprentice well. She might not be my level, but she was a force to be reckoned with in any way, a deliverer of death. The Jedi Master that defeated her must be powerful indeed.


"...is still here." I interrupted my apprentice, feeling a ripple in the force whose center was near...very near. The ripple was strong, as was the Jedi, but whether she knew it or not was not known to me.

"I wounded her in the leg. She couldn't have gotten too far, Master. If you can aid me, together we'll..."

It was not that I enjoyed interrupting my apprentice, but I so detest listening to dead people. I rectified that as my crimson lightsaber was lit up while aimed straight at her heart. I didn't even need to look to know the shocked face she wore in her final moments. She had been a good apprentice, but she had served her purpose by leading me to an even greater prize.

"It is rude not to introduce yourself..." I said out loud, diverting my eyes from the sky towards the hiding spot you had chosen behind some cover on one of the roofs.


With a pull of my hand that was outstretched towards you, you would feel yourself being yanked furiously through the air, crashlanding in the dirt near the corpse of your defeated foe, the now-dead Sith apprentice. The next thing you would feel is a boot pressing into the slashed wound on your thigh, causing awful pain, growing exponentially if I twisted it.

"A padawan...beat my apprentice. Did you know she belonged to me, young one? A theft is not something I take lightly." I said before stepping harder on your wound, really rubbing it in, but not making it last very long. If there was another thing I detested, it was making a beauty suffer. It's another reason I had to end my previous apprentice's suffering. She had been beautiful, desirable, and utterly loyal, something you had ended and something you would have to rectify.

"But I could be convinced to...absolve you of this crime. And don't worry, it won't have anything to do with breaking any of your precious Jedi rules. I see in you strength and fortitude. The order has trained you well. So you'll do what you do best."

Stepping off your thigh, I moved to cross my arms and look down at you as you struggled to get up for a moment. There was no hint of fear in my eyes, only the slightest bit of caution. What was plenty of was supreme confidence, written all across my clean-shaven human face.

"You will accompany me to kill a couple of Sith. I will even allow you to keep their lightsabers to bring back to your order should you wish it. They would acclaim you a hero, I'm sure, and maybe even make you a Master. You've earned it, at least in my eyes. Defeating my apprentice must not have been easy. So...what do you say?"

Extending a hand to a woman with a lightsaber was not a wise move, so I simply awaited your answer, ready to finish you off if you tried something foolish. But then, I sensed something in you...hesitancy. Uncertainty. The beginnings of something truly gorgeous. Doubt. I knew I was on the right path, so I would leave the ball in your court.

"Do think about it, young one. These are the coordinates to my ship. I will leave this moon in an hour. If you wish it not, I will let you go this one time. Consider it a...show of respect."

Inclining my head towards you, an unseen gesture between a Sith and a Jedi, I took a modest bow before turning on my heels and leaving the destroyed village. As I was facing away from you, my emotionless face took on a smirk right as I was pulling up my hood over my head.

I had you.


Sup, my Star Wars fans, and thank you for hopefully enjoying my prompt. I hope it was clear what I'm searching for today. It's someone to play a Jedi Padawan who gets tempted over to the dark side, slowly but steadily. Corruption and temptation. Who wouldn't want to finally be given their freedom after years of serving the damned Jedi with all their rules and restrictions? Do what you want, be who you want, love who you want. Enjoy all that life has to offer, be it places, substances, or something more...

I would be looking for this plot to include romance, a darker or...not so darker side of it, that's up to you. I wouldn't just want myself to be planning out this whole plot. Someone who has ideas of their own is my ideal partner, someone who will contribute and make the story the way they want it, not just being my yes-man/woman. If you have any questions or requests, do write me a message, and let's have some fun on the dark side of the moon.

May the force be with you, young one.

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