Story A Second Chance~ short story


Cupcake Fairy
i wrote this in about 3 hours, its actually partially based on a true story, that is to say, from the begining is whats happened or is currently happening to me, and the whole thing about the party and my friends and the end o/////o is all false, i just thought this would be a cute story. i completely do not at all expect this to happen, in fact the christmas party will probably take place before our semesters let out, and i may not even see the guy from this story because he will prbably be with his family. anyway, i hope its as fun to read as it was to write, enjoy! tell me what you think :3.

A Second Chance

So lately, I’ve been really lonely, and I’m stuck. Whether it’s my classes or my job, I’ve got nowhere to go and I hardly see my friends anymore. The ones who haven’t left me for university are either at the high school, or their own work and class schedules clash with my own. I’ve made exactly one new friend at the community college, but I only see her between classes twice a week.

So that’s it right? It’s just me and my four walls. Well, that’s what it was, till I started having these weirdly pleasant dreams of hanging out with my friends, more specifically the ones who had left for university and I missed a lot. Then there was that one dream. It was pretty much throwing away all the work I had done to bury some unrequited feelings I had for one of my friends who was 2 hours away at a university in some town I didn’t know. We hung out and had a good time, just like the rest of the dreams, but the he started to pay more attention to me. He was talking to me a lot and seemed to be so gentle, it really broke my heart when I woke up.

So here we were, it was Christmas time and last month had been the one year anniversary of the day he told me we were just friends, and that he didn’t share my feelings. It seemed that no matter how much or how hard I prayed, I couldn’t shake these feelings. The dream had only made things worse and my churches Christmas party was just around the bend. I knew he would be back, and I knew I would see him, but the thing is, I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to let him finish unburying the feelings that had resurfaced within my dreams. It was December 22nd. All the colleges had ended their fall semesters the day before, and all of my friends were back for the holidays. As I entered the warm church building, I looked to see who was around. It was early, and most people had congregated in the kitchen, so I took the opportunity to stick a small, delicately wrapped package into one of the family mailboxes. I’m sure you can guess whose.

Once people started to arrive, I got nervous. I happily greeted each one of my friends, chatting about their university and their own newly found friends. After awhile, the family I had been waiting for, and also dreading finally showed up. He was there with his fraternal twin, his little sister, mother and father.

“Hey! Earth to space cadet! Are you still with us?” another one of my friends waved his hand in front of my face.

“Oh shush! I just noticed everyone is here now” I said, shoving his hand away from my face, and pointing towards the door. He gave me a cheeky smirk, now realizing why I had spaced out, to which I gave him a sharp elbow in the side.

The night drew on; we had fun, laughing and catching up, and just enjoying each other’s company. We ate and exchanged presents, and even made plans to get together again before we shipped off for our spring semesters in college.

As the night started to wind down, and everyone got ready to go home, a stole a peek at the mailboxes and saw my gift was gone. I assumed he had taken it, and left with his family already.

I walked back to my car, needles in my heart. Maybe I had tried to convince myself that the gift was meant to be a form of closure, but I knew better. I knew that I was trying to lie to myself, and all it did was make me wonder how things could get worse. I got my answer as I rounded the corner to the parking lot, because the center of all this grief was standing near my car, his blonde hair sprinkled with snowflakes. In all honesty, I had the most intense urge to turn and run, but I obviously couldn’t go anywhere without my car. As I approached him, and my car, I dug through my pockets, fumbling for my keys.

“Thanks for the present.” He said somewhat awkwardly, holding his own keys with the metal soccer ball keychain I had so carefully wrapped earlier that day. He loved soccer, and I had gone to watch a few of his games during our senior year of high school in the months before he turned me down. He was fit, athletic and well liked, but wasn’t at all like the outrageously popular jerk-jocks at our school.

“You’re welcome.” I said, not looking him in the eye as I toyed with my keys.

“You know, I had a lot of fun tonight. It was nice seeing everyone again.” He was also not making an attempt eye contact.

“Yea, it’s been weird being stuck in our hometown and not seeing you all everyday like I used to.” I replied, finally looked at him as I relaxed a bit. He was my friend after all, and I didn’t want him to feel bad because I knew that he was aware my feelings had not disappeared, at least up until he left for college.

“Things seem so quiet without you. I kinda miss all the times you baked for us and brought us candy. You were always the one making everyone smile.” As he spoke specifically of me, I felt myself flush red in the dimly moon-lit parking lot.

“W-well I can make something for our get together next week I suppose. I might as well since we won’t see each other for awhile after that.” I gave the suggestion, hoping to distract myself from the needles in my chest as I started to tear up.

“Hey, isn’t it a bit too cold for that?” he said, obviously trying to consol me as he saw the tears that threaten to overflow. He was always too nice. He let me down easy; he stayed my friend, and never treated me differently or got awkward because of my feelings.

“Please, just stop.” I pleaded with him, a few tears now rolling down my cheeks, “why do you always do that? You’re nice, and funny and even smart. You treat me like a true friend and you never made things weird just because you knew I liked you, and even now I know that you’ve seen through me. Even though I haven’t seen you for months I can’t get over this feeling, because you always make me laugh and feel like nothing else matters. Now here we are, you tell me that you missed me, but it’s the same as everyone else! You missed us, you miss your friends. But I’m different, I missed seeing them, and I missed the fun we used to have, but most of all, I miss you! Why must you always give me reasons not to just give up all together when I know going on like this is no good?” at this point the tears were streaming from my eyes, warming my cheeks before they chilled and fell the snowy ground.

“Please, I’m sorry, will you at least hear me out?” he said quietly, stepping towards me. Out of reflex, I stepped away, though I gave him a nod as I dabbed at my eyes with the end of my scarf.

“I know what I said, and I know you still like me, and that’s kind of why I waited for you. When you say there is a difference, during the first few weeks of our college semester I probably would have agreed with you. But after awhile I realized just how quiet things felt. You’ve always been a great friend to everyone, even the people you rarely talked to. At first I just thought you were a nice person for what you did, but you were always talking about how much fun things were, looking back on stuff we did as a group and how happy you were when you made others smile with your gifts. I thought about it a lot while I was at university and looking back at some of the photos, I was reminded of that beautiful smile you always flashed when someone thanked you for the sweets you brought. And today, being together with everyone, I saw you glow like never before. You must have been really lonely here. I heard you were so busy you never see any of your others friends who are here in town.”

I gave a meek nod, my heart racing, and hurting at the same time. What was he trying to say? Was this his way of trying to get closure on this? To end it, and my feelings permanently? If it was, it wasn’t working.

“you know, seeing you today and seeing how much everyone means to you, and how much I mean to you, made me regret what happened one year ago September.” My heart seemed to stop for a moment, and he gave a sheepish and guilty expression. He held out a small package, neatly wrapped in simple purple wrapping paper. “Purple is your favorite color, right?” he asked as I took it. All I could do was nod. I opened the package, and tears started to flow again as I gazed at the contents. There was a charm bracelet, containing nearly every part of who I was. There was a paintbrush for my artistic side, a pen for my writing, a cupcake for baking, a moon for my astronomical hobby and a flower for my gardening. He approached me again, taking the bracelet from the box.

“I thought you might like something like this, since you are so sentimental.” He smiled, taking my wrist and putting the bracelet on as I stood there in a mixture of happiness and bewilderment. “I do sincerely regret what I said. Being away for so long has made me realize that things are no fun without you, and you are more than just a great friend.”

“Wait, hold on. It’s been over a year! You- you seriously can’t be doing this to me now.” I wanted so desperately to break away and reject every word I was hearing. I had never dated, so an experience like this was just too overwhelming for my heart, which I was still trying to mend. The tears still flowed, but more slowly.

“I know I shouldn’t be doing this. You know very well that it was never my intention to hurt you. I could never have predicted I would come back and feel this way, and have these regrets. Back then I did like you a lot because you were my friend, but at the time that was it, nothing more. What would have been worse, being friend zoned or being led on?” he wiped my tears with his own sleeve as I tried to mumble an apology.

“It was never your fault. I just don’t know how to act when I’ve felt like this for so long and after I tried so hard to forget, it all floods back in a situation like this.” I realized that I was starting babble, and fell quiet.

He gave an awkward smile, “I know what I said, and right now, even though we are so far apart with our colleges, I want to know if there is any hope. Will you give me a second chance?”

I stared at my feet a moment, and then looked back up, meeting his calm green gaze. His eyes searched mine for an answer. I couldn’t help but smile, my heart beat so loudly it seemed to echo off the now. I nodded, and he smiled that smile I looked forward to every time we were with our friends. We remained silent as he pulled me in and wrapped his arms around me. I returned the hug, burying my face in his shoulder as we stood there.

“Merry Christmas” were the last words that echoed off the white, snow covered hills behind the parking lot. The lonely chill of a silent winter night was gone, and the warmth of the merry holiday that year was something I would never let go of.


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