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A search for the past (Lexthor and H8becomesyou)

Lucid Dreamer

The Hand of Doom
It was a sunny middle of the day in Elwynn Forest. The citizens in Goldshire were going on about their daily business, as they did in any other day. Despite the ongoing wars and chaos that were unfolding in Northrend, where soldiers of all races from both Alliance and the Horde fought against the Lich King, here, in Elwynn, time seemed to have stopped in place. The ever so prosper and beautiful city of Stormwind throned oh so glorious over Goldshire, Northshire and all the small settlements in Elwynn and even further. But the peace for the day was about to be broken. A travelling salesman wandering the road from Westfall towards Lakeshire was the first to witness an incoming stranger. A grim figure sitting straight, mounted on a horse that seemed oh so dreadful and broken from the world. The horse seemed to be made out of pure white flames, or flaming ice. Its eyes shone with a strange white glow, so empty, as if it gazed from the very beyond of the living realm. The poor salesman, scared of such a sight, immediately ran his way back on the road, towards Goldshire, and, entering the Lion's Pride Inn, he quickly passed the word of the sight.

As the strange rider was entering the small zone of Goldshire, a little settlement that guarded the entrance of the main road to Stormwind, tens of eyes gazed upon him with fear and wonder. Everyone knew already what they were witnessing. An infamous, feared death knight. A damned soldier, elite trooper of the Lich King's Scourge. The death knights were the front lines to the armies that spread destruction and death wherever they marched. The people pulled out of the way as soon as the deathcharger, the death knight's steed, sped through, riding ever so quick and closing to Stormwind's gates.

"What is that abomination doing here?" The voice of the old innkeeper was heard through the mass of people gathered on the road, watching awestruck as the deathcharger galloped further on, approaching the first soldiers that were posted at the gates of Stormwind, guarding through their shift as they always did. However, the death knight didn't seem bothered by all the attention that was being paid to him, and moreover, nor did the soldiers seem to be stressing out about this former agent of the Scourge. Nonetheless, they kept their eyes upon him as he slowed down reaching the gates, passing through in nothing more but a slow pace, the weird horse's hooves making sounds as they hit the stone of the small bridge that passed through the Valley Of Heroes.

Upon entering the actual city, however, things began to worsen. Voices and fingers rose, accusing, crying out and screaming, everything directed at the death knight who so slowly trodded through Stormwind on his death charger, the skeletal horse made out of icy flames and breathing death through its nostrils. As he passed by the Cathedral of Light, a few priests quickly came out behind him, praying to the Light in silence for this poor, lost wanderer. The guards, despite knowing precisely why the death knight was here, refused to let their guard down, and two of them even did as much as escort the former Scourge agent on the paved streets, leading him to wherever he wished to go.

More and more people gathered in the streets as the knight continued his way through the Dwarven District, some, out of curiosity, some armed with rotten apples and tomatoes which they threw in the way of the Death Knight, being immediately berated by the guards that began forming lines and a safe corridor for the harbinger of death to pass. It wasn't long before he would exit the Dwarven District and would head out directly to the Stormwind Keep, where the throne of the King Varian Wrynn lied. He carried a message for the King, a letter, coming directly from the Highlord, leader of the Ebon Blade, Darion Mograine.
As the bright sun shined down through the trees. Shafts of golden sun, pierced the canopy. Bright formed on the the soft green grass. A lone hunter making her way back to Stormwind City. Her pet by her side, his pulsh soft mane shone bright in sun light. Walking down the long stone path. Noticing that people where out on the street. Unable to make her way through the crowds of people. This would get her no where.

Pulling her cloak around herself. Most of the people around here had gotten used to seeing Darni. But she didn't like the stares that she got from most people. Her pet right in her heels, her bow slung across her back. Bows peeking out over right shoulder. She walks behind the Goldshire Inn. Walking past the small lake, making the walk up to the grand gates of Stormwind.

Her face hidden from view of all. Hearing the humans, dwarfs, nomes and others, all standing around. Rotten fruit and vegetables in hand. Why would they have those? Looking up from under her hood. Spotting the lone Death Knight in his steed. Standing along side some others, "That vile Knight shouldn't be in the city. He will taint all he touches." The man sneered at his words. Her body tenses, how could they say that about the man? He had every right to be here as they did. Keeping her head down and face from view, she spoke evenly. "He is welcome just as others are. The King himself is not making a stand against him. Nor is he killing any in his path. You people should be more forgiving of the lonely Knight." They look upon her. "If you want to side with him. Then you are not with us." Shaking her head, "I side with what is right."

Pushing away from the crowd of people. Maybe they were just scared of him. Not knowing if he could bring others with him. But the people of Stormwind were wrong in there thinking. Walking down the streets of the grand city. Watching the Death Knight, making his way to the keep. The King would make this right, if the King sees him. Then it has to be of great importance.

The great King had accpected her when she came to the city. And she had proven to him that she was loyal. Even sending her out on quests. Seeing the guards make a safe passage for him. This is where she would wait. The bridge crossing the canals. Leaning on the the wide railing, the huge lion laying at her hooves. Crossing her arms, watching the people. When he came out she would talk to him and show the people he was not of harm to them or the king.
The crowd began dispersing as soon as the Death Knight approached the entrance to the Keep. The usual people were not allowed inside unless they were on an audience with the King or any of his men, or, if they needed to look for a book in the Royal Library. The guards at the entrance, however, were more severe than the ones outside, and their eyes locked on the knight as soon as he stopped, mere feet away from the gate. His massive stature, taller than the average human, would move so that it would unstraddle the large deathcharger, the creature letting out a sound resembling what seemed to be a neigh, but a much more terrifying one. Blood curdling, even.

He would leave the deathcharger there, the undead animal seeming to understand precisely the meaning of it, and simply moving aside. The death knight began making his way up the hall to the throne room, under the vigilant eyes of the guards who were ready to draw their swords should things go south. They felt the sharp cold emmited by the knight biting at their skin and at their hearts, and the mere presence of this heart-rotten behemoth was enough to make their blood freeze in their veins and their minds get grim thoughts.

The King seemed to be busy the moment before the frosty presence made its entrance in the throne room. A scroll was opened in his hands as he read it with a slightly concerned expression. But the hairs on his nape stood straight the moment he felt the death knight enter the room. The latter did not seem to be stopping in his way, thus attracting the attention of the guards around the king. The scenario was way too well known, it seemed as if it was a reproduction of the very last moments of King Terenas II of Lordaeron.

The hand of the King raising in the air was, however, a good reason for the guards not to tighten around the throne. Varian knew what and why he was doing. He knew that the death knight, cold as he was, meant no harm. He saw the sealed envelope the latter held in his hand, and, with the same hand that he had put in the air, he motioned for the former Scourge agent to approach, reaching out to receive the envelope which bore the distinctive seal of the Ebon Blade.

"So, the Highlord sent you, has he? I trust you do know what the Alliance means, soldier. Your blade will now be a precious addition to our forces, and you must fight tooth and blade to protect your kingdom and your allies. It is no easy task, but in times like these, there is no other choice. Are you ready to give your all for the glory of the Alliance?"

It would be minutes later that the frost presence of the Death Knight would be sensed and seen once again on the hall descending from the throne room. The words of the King have been heard by the guards, who now were much more relaxed at the sight of the ex-Scourge agent. For he now was a part of the Alliance. The light of the sun and its heat were not doing anything towards melting the frost casing covering his armor as he exitted the Keep, his cold, blue shimmering eyes now searching the length of the street, seemingly for something. He kept it in mind clearly, the voice, the presence out of the whole bunch of people ready to lynch him, the one who tried taking his defense. Where was it?

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