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Multiple Settings A Search For Like-Minded People - Zariah's Interest Check

Zariah Turner

Queen Of Dragons
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello there! I’m Zariah. I am currently looking for a couple long-term roleplay partners.

About Me:
  • I am a minor. If that bothers you, feel free to not interact
  • I have been roleplaying for around 5 years
  • I write in third-person
  • I’m generally literate / write multiple paragraphs, but I can be flexible with my length. Typically, I mirror the length of my partner's replies, so the longer your replies are, the longer mine will be. I will always provide at least a paragraph.
  • Doubling / having multiple characters per person is fine with me!
  • Post frequency - I try my best, but it’s unpredictable! I will try to reply within a couple of days. Feel free to poke me if I haven’t responded within a week
  • Ghosting - I will not ghost! If I need to step away for a bit, I will let you know
  • I welcome OOC chat, whether it be to discuss the roleplay / our characters or something else entirely

What I’m Looking For In A Partner:
  • Age does not matter. I am fine roleplaying with anyone of any age
  • For post length, I am flexible, but I would prefer if you could write at least a couple paragraphs. Definitely no one-liners.
  • I would love a partner who chats and discusses the roleplay & plot with me
  • I do not care about post frequency - everyone has other things in their life and I respect that
  • However, please do not ghost! If you need to step away / quit, let me know

Roleplay Preferences:
  • I do not have any character or pairing preferences, so I can be flexible
  • Preferred genres are fantasy and sci-fi, but I am open to other genres as well!
  • I do not do only-romance roleplays. I am 100% fine with including romance in the roleplay, but it cannot be the main focus
  • On that note - nothing sexual, even if it is faded-to-black.
  • I am okay with darker roleplays / roleplays with dark themes

Plot Ideas:
  • Below are some plot ideas I have! None of these ideas are entirely set in stone, so if you reach out interested in one of them, feel free to suggest changes and/or additions. I welcome all ideas!
A roleplay in a high-school setting - There's a new kid in town, and when they join the local high school, they quickly get caught up in drama and things they did not expect! This one is less of a plot and more of a vague idea. I'm thinking something with lots of drama, as my brief description suggests, along with each of us playing multiple characters. Romance would also be a big focus.

A fantasy roleplay - In their youth, Muse A prevented a disaster from hitting the kingdom, and was hailed as a hero. Now, decades later, they have separated themselves from society, living as a hermit in the deadly forest that borders the kingdom. Muse B is a member of the kingdom's royal family. One night, at a ball, the palace is attacked / threatened - the disaster Muse A prevented has returned again. Muse B is the only one to escape the palace, and follows vague instructions - given to them by a family member and/or advisor - to find Muse A, in hopes of stopping the disaster before it destroys the kingdom.

For this roleplay, I'm hoping for some more 'typical' fantasy elements. Our characters going on a grand quest, with many hardships - but also some glory on the side. Finding allies, making enemies. Maybe some found family elements as well.

Once upon a time, the princess of the kingdom fell into a magical coma. Now, centuries later, she awakes in the abandoned and ruined castle, with only some of her memories remaining. Lost and confused, the princess makes her way through the vast, ruined kingdom in search of answers with a young adventurer / mercenary / hero / knight as her guide. They seek an answer for what happened to the kingdom, the princess's family, and her memories. What will they find? What might happen when their discoveries are not what they expect?

For this roleplay, I'm wanting something with the same vibes as the song Pompeii by Bastille and the Legend of Zelda game Breath of the Wild. Exploring a vast kingdom where everyone lives in the ruins of what used to be, our characters haunted by the mysteries surrounding the destruction. Slowly discovering piecing together the story of the world, learning its secrets and the truth behind what caused such grand destruction.

Unlike the other two ideas listed, I have a more definitive thought for the direction this roleplay goes in, at least for the beginning. I also would prefer to play the role of the princess. However, there are still many details to be negotiated, and I am always happy to discuss adaptations / changes.
Really craving this one right now!

  • Below is a list of pairings / tropes I’m interested in right now!
  • I generally don’t have specific plot ideas for these, so I’m happy to brainstorm
  • All pairings can be platonic or romantic
  • Bolded = my preferred role in that pairing
  • Crossed out = I’m not interested in this pairing at the moment
  • ! = something I’m in the mood for / craving - the more there are, the more I’m wanting it!

- Enemies to friends and/or lovers
- Arranged marriage !
- Found family !
- Royals and/or political intrigue
- Forbidden love
- Soulmates (with darker twists)
- Dragon shifter x human !!
- Alternatively, dragon shifter x dragon hunter !!
- Hero x villain / morally gray
- Hacker / gamer x hacker / gamer
- Criminal x criminal
- Online friends !
- Troublemaker x responsible !
- Assassin x target
- Spy x spy
- Assassin x assassin
- Witch x human
- Human x fae
- Royal x commoner
- Hero's descent x villain's descent !!

  • Below is a list of all the fandoms I’m interested in roleplaying
  • List is subject to change depending on my interests at the moment!
  • I do not do CC x CC or OC x CC, just OC x OC
  • ! = a fandom I’m in the mood for / craving - the more there are, the more I’m wanting it

- How To Train Your Dragon - books & movies !!
- Avatar: The Last Airbender
- Harry Potter
- Wings of Fire

DM me if any of this interests you!
Last edited:
If its still open i may be interested

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