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Multiple Settings A Scientists failure.

Sir Fungus

*Alot of Poses* "Kamen Rider: Black!"
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In The year 4035 AD, a small expedition of Orcs had gone around the worlds they invaded throughout the known universe and collected samples from each species, Mixed all of the blood, and then finally wove together fake muscle and skin, and then merged it together with a skeleton from a fallen orc soldier from the universal war. Making no organs for the thing other than a brain with removed pain receptors, their perfect obedient “Unkillable” Soldier was complete.
They should’ve noticed from the first test, that everything would go terribly wrong. The first test was to test if it could stretch, needless to say, it failed..The second test was a test of durability, the results were inconclusive and caused the things arms’ skin and muscle to be ripped off. A new test began shortly after they replaced the bone tips of its fingers with the strongest of bladed claws as well as removing the things thumbs...they wanted to test its combat capabilities, the results were more than a success. The 3rd test was running, to see how fast it was...the results were rather gruesome. Out of instinct, their new creatures legs began separating from his hips and the lower areas to grow claw like points, and then 2 more legs exactly like the new ones grew in a near instant. The Last test was biting strength..although it lacks a stomach to eat, they decided to use the sharp jagged tooth as a combat advantage.

One of the scientists attempted to feed it a severed wood elven limb, but the creature instead bit the scientist and began shredding him to pieces, causing the lower jaw, eyes and tongue to completely melt away—

This was the last report given before it completely cuts out, the only thing that remains left is a sketch of the creature...perhaps from a previous visitor?
The space station now sits adrift, you look around the room only to find out that the dark blue stains are orc blood..if that thing is now blind then it must still be in the facility, and as if right on que...A shrieking sound can be heard...what will you do?
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