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Multiple Settings A Quiet, Fire-Lit Study [18+, Story-Driven] }Specific prompt 8/1/24!{


Imperishable Fractal
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
A far off dream that's like a scattered memory...
A scattered memory that's like a far off dream...
I want to line the pieces up...
Yours, and mine.


The low hum of many voices greets you through the door.
One man sits in a chair in the center, his gold and silver eyes taking you in as you enter.
"Warm your bones by the fire, trade your tales for wine."

Hello! Thanks for stopping on by, happy to have you. I'm Ryees Kimara, and it's lovely to meet you.

Aside from the obvious interest in writing, I am also an avid musician, a parrot lover, a computer science amateur, and a casual try-hard gamer. I legitimately do not think one month of my entire 31 years has passed without being involved in a creative work, be that writing, GMing tabletop games, or otherwise.
I typically write in a fantasy setting, as it's where I naturally gravitate, but I am happy to write in any genre out there, as long as our story is compelling. Slice-of-life and I do not get along. My plot ideas will be separated out, below! I do have a little suite of characters, but I prefer to craft each character for each story. I am not terribly hyper-focused on playing any particular character, I am much more focused on the overarching plot and the greater scheme.
Time zone, I'm in the central US. I typically work four days weekly day shifts, during which time I will be readily able to reply to messages and such, but less likely to get a post out. Most of my posting will be done at night.
I like to be a post-a-dayer, at least, but if we're both online at the same time and are both free I'm happy to machine gun back and forth and make a night out of writing. Life allowance pending, of course!
You can expect from me 5-7 posts a week at minimum, advanced literacy levels, and entirely too much effort put into small details. I will often draw maps, plot out entire family trees, and convolute all manner of minor details that will have little to no impact on our story, just because I enjoy the process.
My expectations for you are fairly loose. You do need to be able to write well; minor errors are always forgivable but an 8th-grade writing level is probably not. I'm not super strict on viewpoint (first- or third-person), but I'm always going to lock in past-tense because writing in present tense is just so, so awkward.
I only write on-site, but we can chat offsite via Discord if you fancy. I prefer threads but PMs are not a deal breaker for me if they are for you. If you're interested in anything here, please do not reply to this thread and instead send me a message! To this end, I want you to have opinions and thoughts. This is a joint effort. And also to that end, if you're losing interest, tell me! We can adjust, pause, or break off as seen fit.
I mentioned it in passing above, but it gets its own bubble: I am looking for plot-centric writings. The day to day lives of two random folks from a town do not interest me—I want us to play heroes, nobles, drifters, captains, thieves, generals, the main characters of a story around which all the events swirl. Ta'veren, if that reference means anything to you. And if it does, by the way, message me immediately.
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This little section of stories is by far the most often changed, so check back often! You'll get to see brand of absurdity that pops out of my brain that I actually want to share with people. These are going to vary wildly between fantasy, anime, sci-fi, realism... everything, really. Sometimes I just want to run through this idea that's been putzing about my brain, and I need your help to do it!

The Fourth Wall: In stock!
The world had been plunged into war time and time again, until the nations began walling themselves off from each other to prevent attacks. The nation of this story, Inventia, had been sealed off by massive walls for over one hundred years. It has, however, begun to try and break out of its self-created prison, though the walls it had formed are quite formidable. The first three are already dismantled, the work that had gone into them fading as the care that went into them dwindled over the years; but the true work is just ahead. Inventia now needs to break... The Fourth Wall.

The idea behind this game is kinda tricky, but one I find hilarious. Rather than explain it, I've written up something what our posts could look like. Enjoy.
The Fourth Wall said:
"Ahh, Inventia. So much unexplored potential, never to be explored." Perhaps that was true, perhaps it was not, but leaving home was hardly heartbreaking for Alphonse. Studying abroad in the United Kingdoms had accustomed him to this sort of monarchy: the type you never knew existed. Truly, he had spent more time pondering the ethics of dark matter creation than he had spent trying to brainstorm ways to please some pomping prince.

With a final shrug, Alphonse flipped the flap of his rucksack forward and cinched it down, heaving it up and testing its weight before nodding with some satisfaction. He exited his home and did not look back, as the house would no longer exist after the hard rule that transitioned him from his home town to the capital of Inventia, where the throne room awaited him.


With home now far behind him, Alphonse moved through the streets with conviction. The sword at his hip and flintlock across the small of his back drew some attention, but the narrative weight behind his footsteps kept the townsfolk from mentioning it. As one of the protagonists, he did not have to worry about things such as NPC interactions until the characters were named by the voices above.

Alphonse brought a hand up, signaling an aside; the NPCs around him immediately became oblivious to his presence. He had spotted someone in the street that stood out. She was younger than Alphonse by a few years by the look of it, auburn hair tucked back in a tight ponytail and a bored scowl adorning her face. "Speaking of voices above..." Yeah, who's that? Does she have a voice like me in her head? "I do believe she does. It seems we have another protagonist." I guess so. Love interest maybe? Keheheh! "Don't you cackle like that you absurd person thing. I am too dapper for a miscreant such as that."


"Are you listening to me?" What? Oh. Sorry. I couldn't hear you over the horn of my Ship. Don't you roll your eyes at me! "Can we please get back to business you silly imbecile?" Fine, fine.

Alphonse was about to approach the girl when she abruptly came to some sort of agreement with her Narrator, moving forward into the throne room. "Hoi there!" Alphonse called out, jogging to catch up with her. Another hand help up to his mouth blurred the NPCs around him. "If you signal an Aside, like this, the people around you won't know that you have a Narrator. It seems we're on this journey together." A journey of lo- "You shut up."

Fate/Universe: Grail War: In stock!
The Nasuverse is one of the few anime fandoms that I'd be really interested in running a story in. I'd like to have this center around the Fuyuki City war from Fate/Zero, with our player characters replacing whichever Masters we chose and implanting our own into their role. Other than that the other Masters would be canonical, though the events of the story would be our own making due to the missing characters.

Heaven Has Had Enough: Revolt!: Out of stock, check back later!
You always see stories about demons rising up from their underworldly pit to try and take over the realm of the living. But what about the righteous fury of the angels? What about that divine retribution that their sun so wholly expects them to deliver? What happens when Heaven has had enough of the ignorance, hatred, and gluttony humans indulge in? This story would follow the events of Heaven taking earth into a holy war while the demons rise to aid humans, not keen on letting their main hunting grounds get overrun by those snooty winged tarts. Events would revolve around the dichotomy of the male and female characters' starkly opposing lifestyles but similar views on the world. Our characters would be split amongst the factions. One of us would be step into the shoes of one of the celestials, while the other either plays the opposing celestial or, possibly, a human caught in the middle of the conflict!

//.ECHO_report//: In stock!
If you're not familiar with aetherpunk, you fuckin' should be 'cause it's great. This one is based loosely off of One.Seven Design's ghost/ECHO setting, a rules-lite RPG system that I would ultimately like to use for the purposes of this story. A woman would be sent from a faction of treasure hunters to kill off a new kid on the block who's been stirring the pot, a man whose .CALLSIGN had only surfaced recently but been accredited to more .LOOT findings than most hunters have in their life. He's cocky, and he has the skills to back it up, but he has to sleep at some point and that's when the hit would happen, a woman slinking in under dark of night and cutting a throat.

Fortunately for him, his skills are only matched by his paranoia. "It's what keeps me alive," he would say, and now it had come true. Wounded and dying, he kills his assassin back before trying to open an .ECHO, a portal to the //ghost_WORLD. He succeeds, but his assassin falls in after him, and the plasm that he uses to keep himself alive also does the same for her. Wounded, and with hungry .WRAITHS closing in, the two are forced to work together to survive, prey working with predator as he shows her what it really means to be a raider.

Harry Potter and the Wizard With Two Wands: New! In stock!
I'm going to get it out of the way early: I think JKR is a shit writer, and that she took her really good world idea and really just shit the bed with it. I adore the Harry Potter universe and have spent a mildly disquieting amount of time studying and taking notes, and I started this thread once upon a time and had it die.

M. Sherlin is an... oddity. He's antisocial, a bit oblivious, enormously eccentric and sometimes seemingly daft to basic social etiquette... but he is brilliant. He has spent his entire life learning magic, how it works, how to break the system, and how to fully optimize it for any possible situation. This is to the detriment of all else, as his social and interactive skills suffered greatly.

He functions as, more or less, a one-man magical special operations team—when he can be tolerated well enough to communicate the information to. Occasionally, he will teach, to try and spread some of his odd tactics and eclectic practices to a group of particularly brilliant witches and wizards on a recommendation-only basis. This story would center around, in its beginning, one such class, where he meets a student that changes the game for him. Where he is ruthlessly efficient, blunt, oblivious to social norms, and aloof, they are tolerant, patient, perceptive, and able to effectively work as his translator and mediator. This partnership allows him to interact with the world in a way that he had never properly learned.

Any Port In a Storm: Pending sale...
Our setting is a late-1600's world, touched by magic. A young noble girl, bound to propriety and form, has spent most of her life in a corset and court, a comfortable life but a boring one. In the last months, though, one of the merchant companies her father had been working with had spent enough time in town for them to become acquainted with the townsfolk, and in particular, the captain of that ship had taken a fancy to her. They had courted for some time, now, in the most proper of ways, but their time spent alone had been rare and brief.

On the morning they were to meet again, though, chaos broke out. The port city of their residence was raided, her manor-home invaded, and the raiders were looking for... her? The grounds broke into chaos as some of the guards were revealed to be inside men, gathering information for this day's operation. What they did not account for, though, is her captain-escort being present that day.

In the fight, the captain steals away with her, but during the confusion of their escape, kills her father alongside the raiding party and traitor guardsmen, and having never met the man there was no way he could have recognized him. Now, he is a killer, she is an orphan, and their collective home is being destroyed looking for her. They escape aboard his ship, but what comes next?

Wheel of Time: In stock!
I want [very]quite[/very] badly to run a role play in the Wheel of Time universe, so much so that "very" has become its own coding for the purposes of expressing this thought. The plot thereof is uncertain as of yet, but the specifics are secondary. I just wanna be a male Channeler dammit.
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Lately I've been missing my Destiny days, back when the game was at its peak and I was spearheading the new discoveries as they came out. I would like write in this world, I think.

The story itself, I've less ideas for. I tend towards gritty and heavy, so no doubt in that vein. Perhaps a place where the Light ebbs, more than it flows, a place detached from causality... We can find the things we want to explore and build them to find.

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