A question....

Lord Raziere

New Member
a sweater. knitted from the Loom itself, threads of fate knitted into a sweater- what happens? would it be some legendary artifact or something? or what if a loom-weaved scarf? yea what happens clothing is weaved from the Loom itself? and what would happen if you wore them?

I'm curious.
Hmm, the easiest answer is that it would behave not unlike the actual threads when you touch them: You see the thread's owner's fate across time. a fate sweater would probably overload you in addition to being sufficiently warm.
I ran a story once where a altered the Loom a bit and made the Tapestry it weaves more like a printout of the past, present, and immediate future. The further into the future one looked on the Tapestry-in-progress, the more incomplete it was and therefor, harder to discern it's pattern. In this scenario, the Tapestry itself was not integral to the function of the Loom, only to the use of the Loom to study history and predict the future. The threads of the Tapestry, in this case, could be used as something akin to a magic material or rare ingredient, but the consequences would be that the threads removed to use in this way would be unavailable to users of the Loom. It would make a perfect hide-from-fate type artifact, or even allow the user to assume something like a Resplendent Destiny.

Another idea:

In the High First Age, a member of the Eclipse caste lent his Solar ingenuity to the Pattern Spiders themselves, creating new technologies to aid in their ceaseless work. In appreciation for the ingenious design modifications. Ansa Firstborn, progenitor of the Pattern Spiders, offered the Solar two of her offspring to aid him in a task. "Each of these children will perform a task for you and serve you until this task is complete," she told him. Holding to the word of her offer, he set each spider to it's own task. The first was to weave a silken robe for the Solar to wear. When the robe was partly complete, he tasked the second spider to unravel the robe. The spiders both worked tirelessly at their tasks, but neither could work faster than the other, and so the robe always remained partially finished. Without completing their tasks, the spiders remained bound to the bearer of the robe, each required to serve in any way the bearer asks until one of them completes their work.

The Threadbare Robe has passed down through the ages, never finished, yet never unraveled. Anyone attuned to the Robe may call on the services of the two pattern spiders bound to it, but calling too much allows the other spider to gain in its work, thus either completing or destroying the robe and bringing about the end of the spiders' service.

Mechanically, I'd call this a 2 or 3 dot artifact and allow the wearer to order the spiders to weave ascending and descending destinies. The weaving spider can weave ascending destinies and the unraveling spider weaves descending ones. If either spider is called upon more than one time in a given week,the other spider completes its task and is released from service. If that happens, the other spider finishes its task a week later and is released as well, leaving the character with either a nice mundane silk robe, or nothing. Both spiders may be called upon at the same time (weaving one separate destiny of each type), but doing so flaunts the inequitable contract in the face if Ansa Firstborn, and could lead to the wearer earning her personal ire.

Sidereals using the Robe would enjoy half-cost attunement, but should expect extra bureaucratic difficulty when dealing with pattern spiders or Ansa Firstborn.
It might not be possible to just weave clothing out of loom threads. You're actually crafting a powerful artifact, and so what it does falls back on the artifact rules (which is to say it does whatever, but probably with a strong fate theme).

On actually obtaining threads of fate, it's probably impossible to yank live threads off the loom (without serious repercussions for you and others) but the bureaus of humanity and nature keep the threads of no-longer-alive things on file. So in theory you could get your hands on those.

Also: the Threadbare Robe is a fantastic idea.

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