A Place Where You Make The Rules And You Are In Control


New Member
Suprises In Life

Do you have someone in your life that means the world to you? But it seems they dont even notice you?


  • Name:Rain
  • Gender: Female
  • Rain is Scene
  • Age:17
  • Occupation: Musicain

  • Name:Chris
  • Gender:Male
  • Chris is a Guitarist
  • Age:18
  • Occupation:Musicain
Rain: Walking through the park

Chris: Sitting under a tree in the park

Rain: She sees Chris " Hey Chris"

Chris: " Do I know you"

Rain: " Yeah im in your classes in high school"

Chris: " I dont know you freak"

Rain: Runs away crying

Chris: Runs after her

Rain: Stops " Why are you running after me? You never notice me and ive liked you since 6th grade i cant belive you never noticed me i mean nothing to you and you mean everything to me"

Chris: " Im sorry i lied ive noticed you forever and i was just being a jerk i thought the same thing and ive like you for a very long time just too shy to admit. I love you"

Rain: " I love you too"

Chris: Runs to his backpack and comes back " Rain?

Rain:" Yes?"

Chris: Kneels " Will You Marry Me?"

Rain: "OMG Yes Of Course!"

Chris And Rain Hug And Start Kissing:)

^^^ See you never know what could happen:)
I'm sorry, but I couldn't make heads or tails of what this was supposed to be beyond a spontaneous engagement, and between what I'm guessing are highschool students.

Without any setting, or plot, this doesn't make it easy for members to join an rp, in fact, odds are it will turn most people away.

Would you mind elaborating?
I agree with Rid. This made absolutely no sense to me. There is a section here to put your stories if that's what your searching for.
Leave her Alone, its her first day on here okayyyyyyy????? and y do u always comment and agree with everything an RP MOD says Katharine? dont you have something better to do :)
Phenom, it's my job as a moderator to make sure that things are where they belong. There is no offense intended, but I cannot figure out on my own what this is supposed to be, so I am asking for clarification where she is capable of replying. My posts will be removed when the matter is resolved.
The thing is,the staff can't help if they don't know what they're doing. I read that post and was lost almost immediately. Are you trying to make an RP? Is this just a story of some sorts? Information is requiered for us to help properly categorize this thread,and acting indignant over us asking for this information acts counter to this.
LOL, i know legit Nerd and im almost positive she has no idea what you just said due to the largeness and complications of those words you just used xD
I just thought it looked interesting and I was going to see what it was. I was confused and when I saw Rid's post it said pretty much exactly what I was wondering. Yes, I often agree with mods because they usually say what I'm thinking. sorry if that bothers you.

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