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Fantasy A pirate's tale: character page


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Heyo the minimum of a CS is below but feel free to add what you feel is needed. I've stated a bit about the world on the check but I understand it's not the greatest source of information. Please ask questions in a PM if you want to clarify anything or know something.

Delete the brackets as they are just some little tidbits of info.
I shall post my character and a npc or two when able to
Name: (what you are called)

Race: (human or beastkin)

Age: (18 to 80)

Gender: (male female or other, let's leave it at that.)

Appearance/notable features: (how you look, what people can notice at a glance or two)

You're a: (pirate/patsy/knomage, just a brief description of how you were caught)

Mana: (almost anything is allowed but I may ask you edit slightly or change it completely)

Talents/skills: (write the talent in bold and list the skills associated with it normally,

These are things your character is good at naturally or from practice, When listing a talent you can have three skills relevant to it.
For example "fighting" as a talent has "CQC", "swordsmanship" and "artefacts" as skills. Ask in a PM or use your own judgement but know I might ask You edit or change it)

(for each talent you list have some sort of flaw, if it's "doesn't get along well with others" prepare to not get along well with others on giant island prison. If it's a "drinking problem" prepare to go through withdrawal symptoms etc etc)

Speedam Stats
( You can have 30 points to spread between each,
If you have a 0 anywhere here it is considered a flaw)

Strength 0/10 (how hard you hit and how much you lift)
Perception 0/10 (how good you see hear and pick up on things)
Endurance 0/10 (how long you run and how much pain you can take)
Energy 0/10 (how much mana you use before being drained)
Dexterity 0/10 (skill with weapons)
Agility 0/10 (speed and balance)
Moxie 0/10 (intelligence, character, and a mixture of everything above)
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Name: Tatak Tilic

Race: human

Age: 29

Gender: male

Appearance/notable features:
5ft11 with messy black hair and a thin face, thin everything really. A handsome face which is usually stained with fatigue or curiosity.

You're a: Knomage, hired by the legendary pirate captain one, Rahul Morgan.
Upon finding the courier in possession of the staff Tatak helped lead the men to where the Luna shards were being kept, despite the overwhelming number of pirates causing chaos captain Morgan, Tatak and Morgan's men were either killed or captured during the raid. Knowing Rahul Morgan was dead, Tatak pleaded guilty and gave up all he knew once alone. This did not help get him off the hook as like most captured pirates he to was stripped of anything of worth and packed into a slave ship due to Golatiah.

Mana: Tatak was born with Fire mana. Able to conjure flames and control them in various ways.

Talents /Skills:
-attack magic/Runes, Tatak has studied various forms of mana and runes, he can applies this knowledge to create magic attacks with runes and change his own fire mana in different ways.
-- artefacts, Tatak is adept with using artefacts. (Magic items)
---alchemy/creation. Tatak has helped his mentor many times in construction of magic items and potions.

Tatak is a coward when faced against physical violence, especially when he has no means to defend himself. If for some reason his artefacts or natural mana was to fail then Tatak would crumble and flee.

Speedam Stats

Strength 1/10 (how hard you hit and how much you lift)
Perception 5/10 (how good you see hear and pick up on things)
Endurance 3/10 (how long you run and how much pain you can take)
Energy 10/10 (how much mana you use before being drained)
Dexterity 3/10 (skill with weapons)
Agility 3/10 (speed and balance)
Moxie 5/10 (intelligence, character, and a mixture of everything above)
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Name: Pasqualino

Race: Human

Age: 19

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Mild, Pro-Active, Critical, Philosophical
• Pasqualino is very mild mannered most of the time, mostly because of his sickly constitution and general quietness. He prefers to observe rather to intervene...
• ... Unless it concerns him personally. Pasqualino doesn't act much, but whenever he feels like he needs to he jumps to action in a second. He tends to prefer resolving his problems quickly so that he may go back to his quiet routine.
• Pasqualino tends to get very opinionated very fast. He's quick to criticize and rather sassy when he feels like it, and it's very hard to make him feel different about something when he's set on a specific opinion. Despite his quietness, he makes an extraordinary effort to be noticed and understood.
• Pasqualino is very introspective and studious, and is all about the deep questions about life, souls, the universe and the world.

Appearance/notable features:
A young boy with bright pink triangular-shaped eyes and a generally triagular face, though with a rounder jaw. He has a small nose, narrow lips and olive skin. His hair is dark brown, curly and cut very short. He's quite lithe, with long skinny legs and arms, and everything he wears seems way too big for him. His entire body is scattered with burn scars of various degrees, and his hands shake constantly.

You're a: Patsy
He was found on the former boat of a very feared pirate. He and the crew were arrested and imprisoned, but the captain wasn'there. Despite it, he hasn't resisted arrest... or said anything for that matter.

Mana: Cosmos
- Able to manipulate stars and form small gravitational camps and black holes (i.e. Gardevoir/Kin of the cosmos from Bloodborne)
- Most of his powers consist of laser/small star explosions, but he is able to concentrate his power into more destructive ways
- Using his mana takes a lot out of him, and he is still subject to the effects of his powers, which is why he has learned to avoid using it unless absolutely necessary.

Deep understanding of astrology for the time, very knowledgeable about the night sky
• Able to orientate himself at night, especially while sailing
• Knowledgeable about high/low tides and how the moon's gravitational camp affects them

Selectively mute
- Pasqualino doesn't talk, to anyone, ever. He's able to make sounds, but he just will not speak. That doesn't mean he isn't opinionated though
- Pasqualino's hands shake constantly, especially when he's holding light objects. This makes him very clumsy and unable to do any sort of detail work without difficulty
Weak constitution
- Pasqualino is sickly and weak bodied, whether it is because of his mana or his body isn't known. He gets sick rather easily and doesn't take well to hits of any kind.

Speedam Stats
( You can have 30 points to spread between each,
If you have a 0 anywhere here it is considered a flaw)

Strength 2/10 (how hard you hit and how much you lift)
Perception 8/10 (how good you see hear and pick up on things)
Endurance 2/10 (how long you run and how much pain you can take)
Energy 7/10 (how much mana you use before being drained)
Dexterity 1/10 (skill with weapons)
Agility 4/10 (speed and balance)
Moxie 6/10 (intelligence, character, and a mixture of everything above)

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