Journal a pink-haired megane's diary


pink-haired megane

june 23, 2024
rainy weather

most peers i have are either celebrating their graduation high, taking a break to some faraway beach, or maybe focusing for our board examination. and here i am doing none of those because i feel like shit. just a lil bit background for myself: i am a 22-year old psychology graduate who just got my degree this month. it was supposed to be a happy occasion but fuck, i got diagnosed with anxiety instead. one last shitty thing before i leave uni.

how great!

i feel so numb these past few days due to my beloved pet's death, someone i loved dearly like a son. that helped cat me through thick and thin, especially when i was stressing over the isolation and feeling of loneliness i encountered because my ex-friends treated me like a social pariah which spread through my acquaintances and now i couldnt even face them without having a panic attack.

and my cat helped me with those. he helped me go through college and find a reason for my living because i promised myself to spoil the fuck out of my baby once i get a job. so i fought my fucking depression and anxiety just to finish my degree.

but now my cat is dead and treated like garbage.

the night i learned of his death, i just came home from doing all the government id shit i needed to do for my board exam. when i learned that my parents hid it from me and threw him away in the dumpster? i was fucking livid.

first, i felt anger. then, i felt numb. then, i felt helpless because my baby was gone.

i wish i could have hugged him one last time before sending him off to a proper burial in our backyard instead of him being treated like trash.

i really wanted to cry and mourn and move out from this household. i am of age, but heck i do not have a job because most employers require graduates of psychology to have a license before hiring them. i felt like i lost all motivation to do all of the stuff i had to do like review for my board examination because of this.

rest in peace, my baby. i hope you have a warm laptop to rest on wherever you are. i love you so much.

june 25, 2024
cloudy weather

i'm so tired, but at least i have writing as an outlet. it's so hard to get jobs and working on government documents, but i feel like i am going to combust if i don't get all these feelings out. writing has been a safe haven for me especially when i felt lonely after all the ignoring i had to deal with during my college years. now, i feel like i want to write again to escape the shitty situation i'm in... but my mind is on survival mode trying to put some food on my plate.

it's hard. but i hope i can get by. i'll pick up my pen soon.
july 1, 2024

my mother actually apologized to me today, i feel like a huge thorn was removed from my chest. we're on talking terms now but i still dont wanna return home because everything there reminds me of my cat. its painful but i should not wallow too much, i think i can do this.

i won't die.

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