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Multiple Settings A penny for your thoughts


Crimson Angel
Hey there! I will give the warning now that I dont make threads very often and I prefer to partake in PMs. I also use my phone for replying, so I do apologize for any autocorrections that may happen.

Alright so down to the good stuff. I am interested in any kind of fantasy type setting (medieval and modern being most common but I'm willing to try others). I dont often do an average slice of life but Im always willing to hear your idea, it may strike my fancy. I would provide a list of possible pairings but there are too many and I would really like to leave things open. Play what ever kind of character you want from Pixie, to Unicorn and everything in between. I dont tend to do any fandom as I have discovered I enjoy playing original characters and stories.

Okay now for some rules...have fun? Try to keep the story moving. If you get bored feel free to drop the rp. I am not one to pester if my partner doesnt respond back for a bit. I will assume you have lost interest. It happens, its all good. That being said, if you respond two months down the road, Ill try my best to respond back.

Most important, dont be scared to share ideas!! I dont care if your idea is cliche, and idea is better than nothing. So what if the brave knight has to save a princess, it can still be fun. I like to throw in random ideas and do try to mix things up but it gets hard if my partner has nothing to add. I like drama, action, adventure, comedy and with a hint of burning romance. Slaying demons, taming dragons and then clumsily falling down the stairs and slamming into someone attractive. Tis a great cup of tea.

Final note, I play both males and females. I can double, throw in random side characters ect. I would prefer to stick with MxF pairings if romance does happen. I also like to have characters actually bond before declaring their undying love for each other (unless its part of the plot) .

What would I really like? If you have a character/idea, introduction, just PM me. If its an introduction, I will respond and we can go from there. Just jump right into things.

I feel like I have blabbed on enough. I work 5 days a week, responses will most likely be at night. Most likely once a day. 👍👍
Hey there! I’d definitely be interested!! I usually prefer to play a female role seeing as that most of my characters are girls but if you want I could totally double up!
Hey! Definitely in the mood for either a medieval or a Victorian-esque RP rn, I have an idea for a male character and a female character depending on what role you would like to play as :ghostv:
Wow you seem really friendly lol. I got OCs for dayz, but I suck at plots. But I love the fantasy genre!

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