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Multiple Settings A Path in the River (1 x 1 Request Thread)


Magic Eight Ball
Good day, everyone.
As some of you may know, my name is @Waarnemen. I also go by @Nugacity or Lyn Lyn on several role playing forums.

I'm taking a break from Discord (which is my normal go-to site for role playing). I would like to break the ice, and get attuned to writing in an RP Forum again. I haven't done it in almost three years, so this is going to be hard.

My Writing Style: Literate - Novella (My writing ranges from 300-500+ words! I love to use descriptive language, flowery fluff, and expansions of the lore. I will usually give three or four paragraphs (with six-ten sentences). As a BARE MINIMUM. )

Preferred Pairings: Female + Female ; Male + Male; or Non Binary + Any Gender

Is OK with: Male + Female (only if I am the male counterpart)

No - Go: Male + Female (Where I am the female)

So, let us take care of a few things first.

1) I am a lesbian female behind the computer.
So if you're expecting me to be a real life male, this is your first indicator to turn back NOW. I do appreciate if there's a relationship that sprouts into a romance in real life. However, note that IRL, I'm a non binary Lesbian. A gal looking for another girl.

2) I role play as ALL GENDERS UNDER THE SUN.
Male, female, non binary, and the in-between. Yup. I play as ALL of them. I am trying to get used to playing as all of these genders, too. If I make a wrong step, please let me know so I can fix it as soon as possible.

3) Yes! We will have LORE!
AND LOTS OF IT! If you ask me to make a world for us, expect a document of lore, key terms, etc. Before you get engaged.

I am particularly interested in steampunk, Western, sci-fi, historical fiction, horror, anime (no fandoms plz), and high fantasy. I will be having some pairing ideas once this takes off!

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