Story A Night in Paris (Raina and Chameleon)

Chameleon watched as the girl left, shrugging and making a mental note to keep an eye out for her - as she seemed much too formal to be simply another student here - as he addressed the door's damage with his eyes. Raina was not going to be happy. His phone began to ring and he pulled it out of his pocket, answering it with a formal tone in case it was his Mother or Uncle, "Hello?" "Jeez Leo, you sound like a banker or something." Chameleon rolled his eyes and sat on his bed, "Hey Rai, what'cha doing? did you get my number?" He could have sworn he didn't give it to her, he could almost imagine Raina nonchalantly shrugging as her voice floated back through the phone to him, "I took it when you were sleeping the other day, just in case I needed to bug you about something, like right now" Chameleon couldn't help but grin at that, "What do you want to bug me about then Rai?" "Well, I'm currently in Paris---" "You're in PARIS?" Raina chuckled on the other end of the line, "Yeah Paris. Might stay here for a couple of days, but I was wondering if you'd come pick me up in a few days time? You can dragon up and fly over can't you?" "Uh, yeah,'d you get to Paris?" "Long story. But you'll come get me when I call right? It's a shame you and Rosie-Posie aren't here, in the city of love, you two would have a hell of a time."

Chameleon fell silent, pain rising in his chest at the thought of Rosa leaving, her back the last thing he saw. "Chameleon?" Raina's voice was surprisingly soft, and Chameleon frowned at this, "Are you alright?" Did she actually care? Was the first thought in his head. Would she be sympathetic if he told her? Or scorn him for it. He finally spoke up, deciding it was worth a try, "Me and Rosa broke up, she left the academy." There was a pause then, that seemed like an eternity to Chameleon. Was she going to laugh? Tell him he deserved it? Or was she going to---"I'm sorry Leo." His eyes widened and he stood up, woh. "Hey, if you don't mind being rebellious and skipping class for a few days, wanna come over to Paris? Sounds like you need a break, and I promise not to kill you." Chameleon frowned now, "Uh, did you just invite me to go to Paris with you?" He could hear the eye roll in Raina's tone, "Yes doofus. Paris would be a lot more fun if I had someone with me who could speak English. Plus, I wanna see what you're like when you're drunk." Chameleon laughed at that, "So you basically want me to come because it will benefit you?" "Of course silly, why else would I ask you?"

Chameleon had a smile on his face as she spoke, he knew she was being kind, it wasn't just because it would help her if he came along. But still. It would be nice to go to Paris. To get away. After a long pause, he sighed, "I'll be there in two hours, where should I meet you." He could picture the smirk on Raina's face as she read him the name of a french sounding cafe and gave him a nice description of the place. "Alright, seeya in a bit." "Yup." The vampire hung up on him and Chameleon rolled his eyes as he shoved some clothes, money and essentials into a bag and headed out. Why the heck was he doing this again?


When Chameleon finally landed in Paris, he headed to the café Rai had described and given him directions to. Why was he doing this again? It was too late to back out now. He rounded the corner and his eyes searched the front of the cafe, finally spotting Rai, she had her black hair loose down her back, curled at the ends, black sunglasses on even though it was evening now, and she was wearing a black flared dress, with stunning black heels.

Chameleon raised an eyebrow at her choice of outfit, "Would it be rude to ask why you're wearing that?" Raina grinned up at the shape shifter, "Nope." She then grabbed his wrist and began to lead him away from the cafe, "We'reee going to Paris's best night club!" Chameleon blinked down at Raina as she tugged him through the streets, "Uh, Rai, you're 17?" Raina waved a dismissal hand, "Pssh Leo, it's Paris, like they're gonna ask me for ID, plus, it's all about the looks, I'll get in easy." She grinned at him and he couldn't help but chuckle, "Someone's a bit vain." "Nuh-uh, not vain, confident." She glanced back to him for a moment before carrying on down the street, he could hear the smirk in her voice as she spoke, "But you Chameleon, might not be able to get in, sheesh, why didn't you put on proper clothes?" Chameleon self-consciously looked down to his outfit of black jeans and a v-neck green top; he thought he looked alright. "Joking Leo, jeez." He looked up to see they had stopped and Rai was smirking at him, he rolled his eyes at her, "Whatever."About half an hour later, Raina and Chameleon were in Paris latest club, having both successfully gotten in, and Raina already had downed enough drinks to make her tipsy, if not drunk - which Chameleon heard is hard for a Vamp - and she was dancing with a whole bunch of guys. Chameleon however, being the loner he was, was sitting at the bar, watching to make sure no guys tried anything. Not that it mattered, Raina would say she's a big girl, she can take care of herself. But Chameleon knew that wasn't the case; especially when she's drunk.

Raina ran over, giggling like a elementary school girl as she sat down beside Chameleon, ordering another drink. Then a different song filled the nightclub, and Raina's eyes lit up, "Come on Leo! This song is the best!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the dance floor as Conor Maynard's song Vegas Girl started to pump through the area. Raina immediately jumped into the middle of the dance floor and some boys cheered, obviously having already danced with her, as the beat ran through them all. She started doing sensual movements, her dancing obviously inspired by what happens underneath the bed sheets, as boys cheered and whooped, some even singing along to the music as Raina become the center of the club's, and the boy's, attention.

"This is for the girl that get down low

The whole club wanna see you go

Ey, shake, shake like you’re famous, girl

Head back, lay it down like a vegas girl

Bass coming down so hard

That little dress breaking every heart

Ey, shake, shake like you’re famous, girl

Head back, lay it down like a vegas girl

Like a vegas girl"

Chameleon found himself grinning at the same time Raina did, as she flicked her head back and let her hair drop down to just above the dance floor, adrenaline running through her with the cheers that even some girls were giving her now. Suddenly Chameleon's hand was grabbed and then he was tugged onto the middle of the dance floor with Raina, real up close as his eyes widened. But the song was still going, and they were encircled by the crowd, no way out. Rai grinned up at him and began to dance with him, so he let go and danced with her, forget everything and everyone as they danced together, Raina grinding her body against his as his hands found themselves on her hips.

Yeah, she was definitely drunk.

Chameleon had somehow found himself carrying Raina back to the hotel she had pre-booked, her heels in her hand as he held her in a princess carry. She had her head rested against his chest and there was a content smile on her face as they walked through the almost pitch black streets, "That was fun." She finally spoke out, and Chameleon rolled his eyes, "Yeah until two guys started a fight over who got to dance with you." Raina chuckled, "You need to stop being so uptight Leo." She murmured thoughtfully, eyes half-closed, "The less you give a damn the happier you will be." Chameleon carried on walking, but fell silent as he looked down at the vampire girl who seemed oh-so-fragile in his arms, "Is that what you do Raina? You don't give a damn about anything and you think that makes you happier?" Raina looked up at him, frowning lightly as he carried on, "You know Raina, pretending you don’t have feelings of anger, sadness, or loneliness can destroy you mentally." Raina looked back down, still silent as he spoke again, "Is that it Raina? It's just an act isn't it? This whole, 'I'm-a-bit*h-nothing-upsets-me' thing, it's not real." Raina could tell, even in her sobering yet still sort of drunk state, that he wasn't asking a question. So she nodded, murmuring lightly as she looked up at him with watery eyes, "I act like I don't care but deep down inside. It hurts. It really hurts Chameleon. But I know the only way to survive is to pretend you don't care." They had paused now, at the hotel entrance, and as they both looked at each other, Chameleon shocked that Raina had finally told him the truth, and Raina confused that someone had finally understood her, someone had finally seen past the fake bit*h image she protected.

Well, it was inevitable that she would lean up, and he would find himself subconsciously leaning down as he placed her on the floor and she stood on her tippy-toes to remain close to his face, and it was practically certain that they would both press their lips together at the same time. A sweet, yet gentle kiss before they both pulled back in shock, Raina sobered up enough to realise what had just happened and Chameleon's head full of so many conflicting thoughts. His parents, what would they do? And Rosa...she'd been gone for a few hours and he was already kissing RAINA?

What the heck had they just done?

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