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Multiple Settings A New Year, a New Search!


Barely holding on.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Happy New Year, everyone! I got busy over the holidays so kind of neglected RP. As a result I've kind of lost interest in some of them so would really rather start fresh. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible since I tend to get long-winded.

Firstly, some things to know:
-I will not RP off-site. I'll use threads or PM only, but preferably PM as I'm self-conscious about my writing.
-Although I follow a "don't ask, don't tell" policy towards it I'd like for any potential partners to be over 18.
-Romance is not a must for me. In fact, in certain pairings/plots I actually prefer platonic relationships. These I will usually specify if necessary.
-If romance is involved then, unless otherwise specified, I'm only seeking MxF pairings.
-I am ghost friendly. If you lose interest and don't feel the RP can be salvaged then I understand.
-A typical post from me will be about 300+ words minimum. I'd like a partner who can match that. I like story depth and character development.
-If you've read this then please state your favourite flower somewhere in your message when you go to contact me.

The genres I'm currently most interested in are historical and some fandoms.

-Titanic/some other shipwreck(basically the plot of the movie Titanic, but we can reverse roles and things if desired)
-Ancient Rome(I have several pairing ideas for this, some are platonic only.)
-WW II(same as above.)
-WW I(I'd really like to explore the idea of a band of soldiers bonding in the trenches.)
-Cold War(I'm interested in exploring the political intrigue and espionage side of things.)
-Byzantine and/or Ottoman Empire(these are listed together since there's some overlap. I have a few ideas.)
-Medieval Europe(I have a few ideas, but one that's been on my mind lately are the Crusades.)
-French or Russian Revolution(Mostly I want to explore closely linked people, friends or lovers, being torn apart by taking opposite sides.)

-Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra(OCxOC)
-The Hunger Games(OCxOC, likely taking place long before the canon story.)
-The Man in the High Castle(OCxOC)
-The Elder Scrolls(OCxOC, I'm most familiar with the Skyrim lore but we could use any province really.)
-Indiana Jones(I just love the concept of it, but it would be OCxOC.)
-Harry Potter(Any era, but OCxOC.)
-Pokemon(I have a dystopian plot idea for this, OCxOC.)

-Something involving gifted individuals(gifted as in having powers/abilities)
-Time travel(I have a few ideas for this one.)
-Building our own dystopian society and creating a story in it
-Some sort of Middle Eastern inspired high fantasy adventure

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head, but I am open for suggestions. I'm willing to try almost anything at least once. Also, if you're still reading and are interested then do not tell me your favourite flower; tell me your favourite animal instead!

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